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Low poly/N64/whatever thread. I just gotta see them mid 90s computa titties.
I made these with AI, if it wasn't obvious
What are you using to generate in this style? Is it a specific model or LoRA?
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how can you tell?
New fetish unlocked.

Fucking great, where the hell am I supposed to find more of this?
So? Real artist are slow. We want fast food equjvalent of art, not pretentious libtard gourmet meal.
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i did a little edit to make it feel a bit more vintage idk how well i like it
If anyone wants this slop, they can just generate it for themselves. Why bother sharing it outside of the many AI threads on this board?
I actually enjoy low poly stuff, but I'd rather see the stuff people put creative thought and effort into making. This is just normal porn with a bunch of edges stapled on.
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It's the little things, like the complete lack of *soul*
What game is this from? Looks interesting
also curious to know this
Dude, game?
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They were for some RPG a guy was making before he stopped developing it and repurposed the models for ShitpostEye.
This guy gets it.
The guy did say it was AI.
What do you mean you haven't had it since childhood?
What program do you use?
We definitely need more.
You best get to it then.
you can do it
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Any OoT/MM content?
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How exactly with AI did you make these?

I have some obscure gals I'd love try and make.
extremely good shit
>just another AI thread
fuck off
contribute something then, dickweeds
How hard was that I went to rule34.xxx and searched for "low poly" then downloaded two images that made my dinky go wowa wowa and posted them here. Shut up unless you can do the same, faggots.
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None of the characters I like have their models available to the public, aside from one but her model is too high-poly for this thread.
I 3d and texture on regular basis, give me a character and I well lewdify them.

tf this from
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A character from the same RPG as the two from >>8197517.
Speaking of which, may I request the green one? She a cute.
got any more references?
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do original nintendo 64 malon, a lot of anons desire
>AIfags unironically fap to this garbage
learning 3D modeling is not that hard, retard
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Here you go, my good man. I found a T-pose and the original character concept drawings.
I like Shiek more.
Seconding this
that looks really good
Yeah the creator was a beast at 3D modeling before he disappeared off the face of the earth.
Cartoon Princess Toadstool gotta be the peak design.
How goes the process?
agree to disagree
I admit it’s an acquired taste.
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4AM doodle
Berri from Conker's Bad Fur Day.
That looks pretty good.
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Another one for today
that looks awesome
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Even better
I agree wholeheartedly
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What the hell is SpongeBobHentaiSimulator?
Probably a “who” rather than a “what,” but all google’s showing me is a skyrim sex modder, which doesn’t seem entirely correct, but idk.
Very interesting
Oh sweet summer child
Please educate me
So you gonna make some lewds? No rush, of course.
Google is your friend, anon
what did I find?
i kinda wish there was a fully clothed version of this pic
the concept of all four peaches of different styles coming together like this is awesome, buuut I don't want that restricted to smut only
Me too, man.
Well what did you?
Things that should not be spoken of.
don't let this trend die
We’re trying, man.

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