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The Classic Pose Edition

ENF = Embarrassed Nude Females
EUF = Embarrassed Undressed Females

Old Thread: >>8165656

Previous ENF Threads Archive: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/ENF/

MEGA Anons Archive of Rookie's Comics: https://mega.nz/folder/qoImkS6L#83rXv2Cu-RNblqUcbbRsdQ

ENF Stories Collection:
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A new ENF thread created on the same day the old expired? bless you OP
Last one got to 300 so why not?
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I was just referring to how it sometimes takes weeks before a new enf one is posted, so seeing another immediately after is much appreciated.
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What's the source of this comic?
Le Guide Junior - Tome 14 - des Copains et des Copines
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Can't believe we finally got to 100 of these
100 threads. How should we celebrate?
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by not filling it up with suggestions probably.
You say that but that was probaby the most interesting these threads have gotten in a while now
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Cute gat butt
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For me it's gotta be "wearing clothes that just barely cover up the exposed crotch"
Post ENF fantasies/scenarios!
ENF Casino
>Expensive hotel with a casino
>If players run out of cash, then can sign over items of clothing for special chips
>Losing a game means the items of clothing get handed in
>Items can be earned back by working off the debt owed by serving as a nude barista, singing or dancing nude on stage in the hotel bar, swimming topless in the mermaid show
Sounds a lot like the old text-based Yakyuken Two 3.0 game, only it has strip games right off the bat and you canĀ“t earn clothes back, but there is a bad ending where "you" en up working naked in the Casino.
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making some story ideas about the enf scenarios chart?
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I love how hairy she is.
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I don't even know if I have all the ENF stuff sp0relord has done because none of his socials have a complete archive...
Ya I noticed when looking for his stuff, I remember he did an enf for GoGo from Big Hero Six, but can't find it
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That one actually is on his pixiv
Her expression is so cute.
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I know at least he's done Shareena from Detention which was only ever posted on /co/. He also drew Hermione from Harry Potter
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That little paunch is the hottest thing ever to see on a standing nude woman
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Why is place so dead? Everyone still just hangs at the Discord?
Not enough new ENF content
Given how the beetlejuice trailer came out, can anyone post some Lydia Enf? I could swear there was tons of It by one specific artist a while ago but now I cannot find It
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artist did her dirty, she has no ass here
She pretty clearly does, it's just squished against the glass
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All of the enf animation from that one episode of "Greatest Party Story Ever"

So porn when?
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probably never if I had to venture a guess
Anyone have character/setting suggestions for this comic?
>Panel 1: In a building, [placeholder for naked female character] goes for her clothes and discovers men in the way
>Panel 2: Naked female creates a cloud of smoke to distract them [smoke bomb?]
>Panel 3: Fire alarm goes off
>Panel 4: [placeholder]
>Panel 5: Naked female forced to streak past firefighters and news crew to avoid discovery
I didn't know about this artist.
Either a female spy like Agent Honeydew or some female vigilante like Batgirl.
Could do Ibuki from Street Fighter
I second Ibuki , it triggered a memory of an old video that I can't seem to find anymore but I luckily saved

It's a nude mod for Ibuki in street fighter 5, and it has realtime rendered cutscenes so she's nude in them too.
One of them starts at 1:54, she's arguing with a friendly female fighter about how they're lost. It's perfect for imagining an ENF scenario about how she ended up naked wondering around, that she's angry about it is perfect because it's how I imagine she'd react without any clothes.
Then two other male fighters encounter them and she's a nice shocked reaction and gets ready to fight them.
They fight, she wins, and at 3:03 the cutscene continues, she throws a smoke bomb - exactly the kind of scenario you want - grabs her friend and streaks past them.

As an aside, naked + being forced to fight so she can't cover is such a nice ENF scenario. One of my favorite parts in that video is at 3:41 when she does her super or ultimate, kicks her opponent up, teleports above her in a cloud of smoke, does a bunch of ninjutsu hand techniques, and then smashes her down. Something about it being such an intense highly skilled technique combined with her being completely naked for anyone to see just makes it awesome to me, like she has to win the fight and modesty has to take a temporary backseat until it's over.
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>someone commissions my favorite artist some filia enf
>it is set in my favorite enf setting
>she just gets fucked by the end
Share and I'll judge
yeah anon this is trash tier enf
there's not even a single panel where she's clothed.
>favorite artist
>draws character extremely off-model
get better taste bro
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she should turn Rotty around
Agreed! Sadly the artist quit making any hardcore porn and is probably too chickenshit of even cunnilingus.
sometimes the commissioner wants off model. though it's a shame, it isn't really enf, but degradation. enf purists dont do all that much commissioning compared to everyone else.
By the way, I remember a picture this character and a story along with it of her naked on a treadmill trying to loose weight, saying that she sold her clothes to get a gym membership, she was embarrassed, not entirely from the nudity, but because she thought she was fat and people where staring. I think the story's on archive of our own, cant find the picture, anyone have it.
Fic is Filia Getting Fit by Indiecent. Don't know who made the pic.
found it on r34, listed under kahix with another skullgirls character, I think a comment said that they got doxed and blackmailed so they quit.

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