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I hate lions. Overrated motherfuckers don’t deserve their reputation as King of the Beasts or King of the Jungle. They get mogged by so many herbivorous animals and even the lesser carnivores give them tons of shit. END THE LION HYPE.
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Tigers are very cool (imo)
African Wild Dogs absolutely mog them in every way. All lions are good at is killing their own cubs.
African wild dogs lmao they are going extinct. They can chip apart a gnu's asshole with good success rate but can't compete with hyenas lions or even jackals.
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and heres a loin getting in a tigers face
faggiest animal, real king of the jungle is the hippo
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>does absolutely nothing all day but sleep, eat and sometimes fuck
>get immense gains

They regularly fight off competitors for their females. That’s why they just laze around, to conserve energy.
It's the elephant
Lions are awesome. Like something out of mythology that shouldn't exist in our time.
Male lions will join hunts when the pride needs the extra muscle to bring down larger prey like buffalo. Lionesses are more efficient at bringing down smaller, faster prey like zebras and antelope because they're less bulky so the male usually doesn't need to hunt.
They can still be scary as fuck even if they are just laying around.
ungulate hooves clopped this post
I'm a tigerfag but lions really are the chaddest of chads deserving of the title "King". Literally get their women to fuck and do all the work with the occasional display of raw power to remind everyone who's boss.
>protects his pride from rival lions who would kill his cubs and fuck his lionesses
>protects his prides territory from lone lions and rival prides
>hunts with his lionesses regularly
>if he doesn't do his job well, the lionesses in the pride will run him out or kill him
Such is the life of a Chad.
>if he doesn't do his job well, the lionesses in the pride will run him out or kill him
How does this work? Do they have quarterly report meetings where they discuss the lion's hunting and security performance and semen quality?
Yes, they hold a tribunal after sex and if the results are less than satisfactory they jump him then and there, they’re very methodical about it
>uhmmmmmm the cats that could get BTFO the easiest are ascusuaklly...LE BEST!!!!!!!!
really struggling for attention today huh?
Idk how the lionesses decide it, but there are lots and lots of examples of a lioness pride turning on their lion(s) after he's failed to do his job properly
>lost territory
>kill got stolen
>failed to join in hunts
And so on.
tigers>cheetahs>cougars>snow leopards>house cats>whatever else>>>>>lions
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>Local Fagot dose not like big cats
Nigger behavior
Sir, this is a Wendy's
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God, I want a harem.
you won't get gains if you don't eat well and sleep well
This is real muscle, and that is genetic and built through reps.
Bodybuilders muscles are "fake".
This is why the worlds best arm wrestler is a midget with biceps the size of a twig and still beats guys with pumped up roided out blimp arms.
lions pretend they are hurt when a young cub bites them just to encourage them!
Anyone got the picture of a lion in a wheelbarrow? Always makes my day.
I think that shit actually hurts.
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>makes lion hate thread
>it backfires
shit op i dunno what to tell you, even i’m convinced lions are the KING now
Pretty sure he did it just to bump another thread off, itoddler filename.
fuck these bastards
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This post was written by a cheetah
It’s hard being the only lion hater in a world full of liontards.
nooo dont die thread
croc gets blown the fuck out
It's actually hilarious how they've tried to rewrite history and claim tigers are more dominant. Lions are the kings. Honestly if you don't know that, get the fuck off my board.
I love lioness
Marty after he got buck broken by Alex. So Marty, why are you making lion hate threads?
Holy fucking retard, Batman!
A tiger would kick a lion's ass 10/10 times.
cope, tigers mog in both size and aesthetics
>I hate lions
How can you say that when are one of the few animals that oppose the hyena gangs of Africa? Do you have any idea how nasty hyenas are?

>anal attacking butthole specialists
they always, always attack the butthole first in a gang
>cloaca having dirty ass genitalia
their bits are inside of a giant foreskin, both males and females, that's because they are genitalia attackers, all day everyday
>follow predators around, steal their shit
they are straight bitches
Also significantly smarter than lions.
futa is cringe
This. Imagine if they hunted in packs. Would be over.
fake pic
Crazy to think there are felines that predate on equines out there. I got a cat and a horse and it's crazy to think about my cat eating my horse. I recently got back into contact with my ex. Like, I could easily see my dog predating on my horse but never my tiny lil cat. God, I love this world we live in so much. I hope we all get to experience as much as we can of it.
>got back into contact with my ex.
I just thought I'd throw a little blog post in there. I greatly respect my ex. She has a fierce soul. Lions remind me of her.
I understand.
sorry tigbros, go home
Obese joke filled with rage like all lardasses.
Leopard and jaguar are the same.
Are you the same autist retard that gets angry in school when someone said dinosaurs/sharks/wolves are not cool?
Still powerful doe
An "obese joke" who always mogs lions
Felines tend to be really retarded faggots

show me tiger music
men inspired by 'tigers'

many kings called LIONHEART
gtfo tigfags
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*mogs you*
holy brainlet batman
probably it's a simple vote with your feet arrangement
>one lioness is pissed with the male
>she growls at him
>others see this
>if they feel the same, they growl too
>eventually all gang up
>if they don't feel the same they stay quiet and the first lioness backs off
doesn't exactly require a phd in linguistics
>show me tiger music
This may be the exception that proves the rule, but man you left yourself wide open.
>bbububuh jaguar spots are slightly bigger!!..
Same animal. Cope.
they're from different continents you idiot, lions are way closer to leopards genetically speaking than jaguars
>but thing look same!!!
that puts you on the intellectual level of a 2 year old
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Go see an actual lion up close irl and you'll take that back, clawed paws the size of a dinner plate, agile, pack behaviour, heads three times your own with canines as long as a smartphone.
you do not, during mating season female lions will EACH ask for sex up to 10 times a day, if you don't do so, they WILL bite your fucking balls
Why are you only listing upsides if you wanted to convince me out of it
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those chose the lion because it sounds like a goddamn car engine revving its engine
animals are like this. As long as they get enough food they get to their maximum muscle mass or close to it.
Humans are an exception in developing the capacity of shedding lean mass in order to save energy and only get the muscles that we actually use
they really captured the essence of these two in their introductions
you're not fooling anyone with a filename like that
As you can see from this video, Lions are capable of two types of roar. One is usually captured in Zoos, where they use it to inform their position to other prides. The other is the 'get the fuck away from me' roar/growl.
Guess I'm a contrarian. Leopards are my favorite :3
>put 'leopards' into google
>there is now a button where you can hear the sounds it makes!
More like cousin doe
You still can get hypertrophy naturally without equipment, juice or supplements (luv' me dietary supplements though)
Un lion de haut parentage
En passant par un certain pré,
Rencontra bergère à son gré :
Il la demande en mariage.
Le père aurait fort souhaité
Quelque gendre un peu moins terrible.
La donner lui semblait bien dur;
La refuser n'était pas sûr;
Même un refus eût fait possible,
Qu'on eût vu quelque beau matin
Un mariage clandestin ;
Car outre qu'en toute matière
La belle était pour les gens fiers,
Fille se coiffe volontiers
D'amoureux à longue crinière.
Le père donc, ouvertement
N'osant renvoyer notre amant,
Lui dit :" Ma fille est délicate;
Vos griffes la pourront blesser
Quand vous voudrez la caresser.
Permettez donc qu'à chaque patte
On vous les rogne, et pour les dents,
Qu'on vous les lime en même temps.
Vos baisers en seront moins rudes,
Et pour vous plus délicieux ;
Car ma fille y répondra mieux,
Etant sans ces inquiétudes."
Le lion consent à cela,
Tant son âme était aveuglée !
Sans dents ni griffes le voilà,
Comme place démantelée.
On lâcha sur lui quelques chiens :
Il fit fort peu de résistance.

Amour, amour, quand tu nous tiens,
On peut bien dire : " Adieu prudence!"
ta gueule
tres etrange poem
>is on the coat of arms of every other political entity in Europe since the middle ages
>doesn't even inhabit Europe
I mean it did for a while. That’s why they knew of it
No they are not, Jaguars are bulkier and have stronger bites.
>How does this work? Do they have quarterly report meetings where they discuss the lion's hunting and security performance and semen quality?
Female animals have preferences and make decisions regarding males all the time. This isn’t necessarily objective either. A male lion that is biased towards signals that lionesses prefer may not actually be the strongest choice, while the objectively strongest male lion who ever existed may be rejected by lionesses if he signals poorly. Could be as simple as his calls being wrong or infrequent, his mane coloration being too pale or some component of his marking behavior or the scent of his urine smelling off.
gives meaning to the phrase 'cat-like reflexes'
Tigers and leopards are cooler

brb bottle shop
fuck this gay earth
hope one day they change it to an actual lion roar
Cant get the sound effect by itself, but this video has the best sound i've come across. I remember being blown away by this roar and just like how audio equipment cant capture the vibration of your body of a lion roar, which sucks!

gb2 /v/
also hate to break it to you americans, the cry the Eagles make in movies are actually Red Tailed Hawks
Which is confusing because the real thing doesn’t sound that bad
>seagull with a cold
do americans even
ha! I just remembered this

Not American. They *can* sound impressive when they want to I guess I should say
just like this thread, Lions face extinction by 2050
>It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. --Charles Darwin
(Humans --not surprisingly-- are top of the adaptable species)
sorry, King. If only you could have more babies?
there are 6 female lions in that image, have you ever tried zerkin off 60 times in one day? if you wanted to do that in 16 hours you'd have to cum every 16 minutes
page ten bump lel
Size, yes, but can stripes really compete with that glorious mane? >>4731114 Look at that majestic motherfucker.
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lions took the greek pill it seems
They are roughly the same size. Tigers only slightly larger, and only with a few subspecies. Lions are taller whereas Tigers are longer. So its more of an aesthetic tradeoff.
Tigers are very cool.

anon let me tell you something else that might make you drink
Y'know on heraldry, how Lions go upright and strike with both paws? Well they are so weak, that they have to keep one paw on the ground. Whereas Tigers can. I read that somewhere
LGBT propaganda. The greeks punished homosexuality with execution.
they’re on opposite sides of the globe genius.
thanks fellas
I stand corrected
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thread theme
hold my dick
>have you ever tried zerkin off 60 times in one day?
I have tried, yes.
Tiger has a much smaller head compared to the lion. Who bites harder?
>Kararot is a joke! He doesn't even have true pride!!
Vegeta confirmed Lionbro
a male being rejected by all females can't be the 'strongest male', reproductive viability trumps everything else.
He could be stronger
He could be more virile

But female choice isnt rational and they can select for inferiority. Evolution isnt a perfect system. Its actually wrong most of the time.
how would you measure the virility of an unchosen male?
this sounds like incel garbage.
>how would you measure the virility of an unchosen male?
that's the stupid thing about evolution...

you don't. it's a rough guess and if the rough guess correlates with virility maybe it will select for virility, but it also might not even once in the entire history of a species from differentiation to extinction. sexual selection causes extinctions by repeatedly selecting for traits that are totally unrelated to virility. a lot of naturally occurring, totally wild animals have low fertility because they never actually selected for fertility beyond what was sufficient to get one pregnancy in a mating season. instead they were selecting for some dumb shit like vocalizations or mating dances. as soon as the environment changes to make mating and fertilization more difficult, by reducing populations and increasing stressors, they begin having problems breeding above the replacement rate and heading towards extinction.

>it sounds like incel garbage
it should, because incels would have been right if women were animals, but incels were wrong because they applied animal behavior to humans who are notoriously self aware and mate based on criteria other than what their hormones and instincts dictate. nature isn't fair, nature isn't smart, nature actually does really stupid stuff so most species that evolve go extinct. unlike humans. we do cool shit that animals cant dream of, hence all the hot women with objectively ugly but very competent husbands they "shouldnt" be attracted to based on animal instincts alone.
woof, I was right.
Only the gayest that got them frail genes
Every time i go to a restaurant for ribs, I put on my Lion shirt


yea boiii
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You dropped this, king (of the jungle)
I have a wolf shirt like this, probably by the same company.
Very comfortable and looks awesome.
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i admit I am Lionfag who doesn't want this thread to die
Why did it take so long for the actual answer to show up?
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Because it's fucking BS lol
If that were the case every cat would look like picrel.
i loik lyenz
They were the second most widespread mammal on Earth just behind wolves in the plestocene.
umm, can you please enlighten us who this "world's best armwrestler" is?
kill yourselves

A cat is a cat is a cat
I hate ants. Overrated motherfuckers don’t deserve their reputation as apex predator of the insect world. Individual they get mogged by so many other bugs and even mites can give them tons of shit. END THE ANT HYPE.
i think his name is Ligma
>Lions have the highest percentage of muscle in their body of all mammals
So lionesses get the ick?
tigers just seem stronger because most of the muscle is in their arms
compare a wildcat’s muscle mass to a house cat
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Lions have more muscle mass than tigers!
>be carnivore
>Constantly starving to death
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Lions are so fucking cool
Dios mío...Espíritu del Señor. Espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, ángeles, arcángeles y santos del paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor, lléname de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquilas, destrúyelas. Expulsa de mí los maleficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, el luz extinguido, el americano... Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica... destruye al monstruo, a la creatura... Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí ni a ningun ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, el abominación... debe morir... Encadenado por San Miguel arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada, aleja el aberración genetica, al ogro de las Americas... Amén.
Tigers are simply superior to lions, if you think different you're low iq and you're irrelevant to any discussion, cope and seethe.
>tig has bigger brain
>not social
r they le retarded
Lions are superior because they have cool manes, simple as
take David Beckham, an English gentlemen. Not a tiger man but a Lion man. Respectable, not fearful. Muscles can be built, but regal masculinity must be built and earned. To carry yourself like a King, is true power.
mufasa the lioon king only in cinemas
Don't lions that fight each other die within a year 30% of the time or some absurd number like that?
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Think he meant Warwick Davis
out of all, Tanner is my favourite
very unique looking lion
Make lions kill the cubs of other male lions, yes.
Lions don't even live in the Jungle though. It makes 0 sense to call them "King of the Jungle" when their asses don't even live there. Plus Tigers literally have the word "King" in Chinese on there head.
Don’t they tend to wander into the forested areas? It’s still misleading but “King of the Savannah” doesn’t sound as witty I guess
i think because asians prefer the tiger, thier whole race tries to embody the animal. Its in the eyes, its the coldness and in the general shape
>thier whole race tries to embody the animal.
i don’t follow
great thread
prefer tigers?
you are a disgrace
prefer lions?
you are a disgrace
yea but does more muscle mass relate to overall strength? If so, good for the lions
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jaguars are what leopards and literally all other big cats dream of being.
>actual apex predator of the continent
>ergo no natural predators
>not a single possible prey it couldnt take down even if it's a healthy, full size adult
>even other predators fear it like the caiman and anaconda
>actually lives in the jungle and therefore much more fitting to call it the king of the jungle
>biteforce 50% stronger than tigers, more than twice as strong as lions, three times as strong as cheetahs and 5 times as strong as leopards
>can even crack open the shells of the big turtles and crocodilians
>doesnt have to hide its prey from anyone or lug it up a tree and can just eat it out and about
>doesnt have to whine for backup like other predators who couldnt take down similarly sized prey if their life depended on it
>although described as nocturnal, the jaguar is more specifically crepuscular, so peak activity around dawn and dusk, the most dangerous time of day, when all animals are awake and the jaguar has no need to take cheap shots at sleeping foes
>third largest cat after lions and tigers, largest in all of the americas, yet amerifats are scared shitless by cougars and mountain lions
>the spanish ubermensch conquistadors were deathly afraid of the beast from the trees
>its name stems from the indigenous word ‘yaguara’ which means ‘wild beast that overcomes its prey at a bound'
>water enjoyers. great swimmers, even with large prey that they caught in the water
>will prey on over 85 different species for an extremely varied diet, including cows
>will dip tail into water to attract fish for easy pickings -> big brain
>those who live in deep forests have darker fur than those that live in more grassy areas. how cool is that, a changing camo pattern depending on deployment!
>of all big cats, the jaguar is least likely to kill and eat humans unless wounded or cornered -> big brain
>why are black panthers such legendary, fearsome beasts?
to be continued
>...bc they are literal more spooky jaguars
>they bite their prey directly through the back of the skull and inflict a fatal injury on the brain. most other big cats go for the throat and strangulate their prey
>for smaller animals a hard swipe of the paw is enough to kill
>jaguars are casual about when they will mate. there is no particular breeding/mating season. any time of year will do
>though crepuscular, they will hunt day and night, whichever time their prey is active
>will start eating hearts and lungs first like the kings that they are, not the neck or stomach
>mostly docile, solitary animals where even the males rarely fight eachother. straight up big brain move
>if population density is too high, sometimes jaguars will socialize with each other. they will go fishing, swim and play with each other. they dont have the need to hunt with eachother like other animals, they just spend some fun time together and then go do their own thing again. absolute g's among the kings
>considered to be a noisy animal that roars over long distances, but also barks, grunts and coughs bc it just doesnt have to give a shit if it's heard unless it's hunting. jaguars know they're the kings of the jungle and they let everyone know that they are
>all major mesoamerican civilizations prominently featured a jaguar god. they gave many of the deities jaguar-like features to illustrate their power and connection to the revered animal
>mayan kings sought to associate themselves with power and mystique of the jaguar. This included wearing things like jaguar pelts and other parts of the animal to establish their connection to the animal. they even added the word 'jaguar' to their royal names to make themselves seem more powerful. the surname 'Balam' derives from the mayan word for jaguar and is still common in places like guatemala
to be continued
>mayans created an instrument that produced a sound like a jaguar’s growling, the only known stringed instrument produced in the americas before the arrival of europeans
>the mayans revered the power of the jaguar. it became an important part of the divine right to rule, giving a king his power. during the king’s coronation, he would walk under a long hallway decorated with carved statues of jaguars in a procession
>the mayan king named yopaat wanted to demonstrate his greatness and divine right to rule. he vowed to import dozens of jaguars to sacrifice to the gods to show his power and honor his ancestors. researchers believe he failed and needed to import the animals from long distances. the city eventually crumbled
>the maya believed jaguars were sentient beings and were especially close to the gods and the spiritual world. they believed that they could communicate with them and know the will of the gods
>the jaguar was the symbol of the warrior class because of its skill at hunting. aztec emperors went into battle wearing jaguar skins. they wanted to absorb the hunting prowess of these mighty hunters during their battles. they even decided cases on a judgment seat covered in jaguar skin
>the jaguar has had a long presence in the religious rituals of the peoples of mexico and central america. priests and other people dressed in jaguar skins during religious rituals. they believed this helped them absorb the spiritual power of the jaguar. this was believed to help them conquer the spirit world. even today, some traditional dances in mexico involve jaguar skins. these are called the ‘la danza de los tecuanes’ or the dances of the jaguars. this is still a living tradition performed on the mexican day of the dead celebrations
yes, pic related is a motherfucking prey dolphin
to be continued
>jaguar croc
pretty sure that’s a gator
>the people of the mesoamerican jungle believed that the jaguar could help them talk to the dead and that the dead could talk to the living using the jaguar as a medium. thus the jaguar straddled the line between the worlds of the living and the dead, just as the jaguar straddled the line between day and night
>mayans may have kept jaguars as pets. there is evidence that many jaguars had been domesticated for some time. scientists have determined that by doing a radioisotope analysis on the remains of jaguars found in temples. they concluded that many of the animals were consumers of wild foods but many were not
>jaguars are known to stay away from roads and other human environmental features and people alltogether
>but most importantly, when breeding, a pair of jaguars may mate up to 100 times a day. king shit
this post was made by jaguar gang
(giant) kaimans are crocodilians or croc for short.
jaguars are super rare in the usa, while gators are rare outside the usa. and even within the usa you'll find actual crocodiles. according to pic related
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>of all big cats, the jaguar is least likely to kill and eat humans unless wounded or cornered
laughably wrong, picrel
snow leppards arent even defined as big cats, lol
it's me
Neither are cougars. It’s pretty dumb
Where the fuck did this nigger get a dolphin
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It's a jaguar world, dolphins are just livin in it
Good post anon. Ignore the actual incel who replied to you. Is this dynamic prevalent across all mammals with pack behaviour? I always assumed it was mostly the brute strength of the dominant male that secured mating exclusivity but it seems there is a matriarchal competent as well.
Not that anon, but lions are more patriarchal than people realise. If a male lion isnt doing his job properly in the pride, such as not protecting territory and kills, then the lionesses will kick him out. Often quite violently. The size and strength of the male is irrelevant if he's incompetent.
More matriarchal* than people realise my bad.
Only if you use the definition of big cat as whether or not it can roar (which is retarded) and not the definition of big cat as whether or not it is part of Panthera (which is objectively better)
Actually, the fact that the lionesses kick out undesirable males made me realise that it's more matriarchal than I'd previously thought. I didn't know this before and now I'm curious if other mammals exhibit similar dynamics.
Almost certainly. But I guess it doesn't happen very often because if a male is incompetent that usually means he loses his females pretty quickly, so they don't have time to kick his ass.
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>not a single possible prey it couldnt take down even if it's a healthy, full size adult
Except for things like adult black caimans, American crocodiles, etc
>biteforce 50% stronger than tigers, more than twice as strong as lions, three times as strong as cheetahs and 5 times as strong as leopards
This is false. Both lions and tigers have stronger bite forces overall, the jaguar’s is only stronger relative to its body size. Also leopards have a stronger bite than cheetahs
>although described as nocturnal, the jaguar is more specifically crepuscular, so peak activity around dawn and dusk, the most dangerous time of day, when all animals are awake and the jaguar has no need to take cheap shots at sleeping foes
This is true of most cats
Jaguars are certainly cool and impressive animals, but they’re not objectively better than the other big cats
rare amazon river dolphin, hence pink
jaguars are absolute kings, man, that anon is right
and what are the criteria of a cat belonging to panthera? surely way more objective than sheer size and ability to roar. big cats are called big cats because they are big ass fucking cats. if a cat isnt more or less as big as a human, it isnt a big cat
>pic shows young jaguar
okay bro, let's go with /pol/ tier argumentation again
>adult black caimans, American crocodiles
it's rare but it happens as witnessed here:
apparently it's a 20min fight, dunno, dont have netflix
>adult black caimans, American crocodiles
american? breh, there have been reports of jaguars even hunting for and killing orinoco crocodiles. dont have a video of it happening handy, but i also havent found the opposite.
i found the same stats as anon
and i found it seconded even
they arent as long as tigers or orange and they arent as fat as lions or have manes, fair. personally, i go for achievements. growing a mane, being big, orange or fat isnt an achievement. having the entire ecosystem under your thumb is, sth neither the lion nor the tiger can boast with. there are only very few animals that can touch this like the comodo dragon, ice bears, some specific species of crocodiles and orcas (no, the great white cant do shit to giant whales and is actually below the orca in the food chain). maybe you could further add sperm whales and giant squid to this list, but all of this just further adds to the fact how much jaguars punch above their weight class. they have much larger habitats than comodo dragons, they have a much more varied diet than ice bears and they can actually both catch flying prey and prey that is tiny.
and eventhough i think the latter "stats" anon posted were gay, it still adds to the legendary status of the jaguar. everybody in the west knows of the lion's importance in folklore, in mesoamerica that's the jaguar
>and what are the criteria of a cat belonging to panthera
Panthera is a genus anon, any species in Panthera would be a big cat under that definition
>it's rare but it happens as witnessed here
That is a spectacled caiman. Black caimans grow to nearly ten times that size
>breh, there have been reports of jaguars even hunting for and killing orinoco crocodiles
Certainly not large adults. American crocodiles are also larger than Orinoco crocs. Records of Orinocos weighing nearly a tonne are unsubstantiated and few and far between, but American crocodiles approach those sizes much more regularly
>i found the same stats as anon
Never use bite force stats from literallywho pages like that, they will nearly always be inaccurate. Here’s a study where an 83 kg Jaguar had a bite force of 1014 N, while a 186 kg tiger had a bite force of 1525 N and a 294 kg lion had a bite force of 1768 N
>having the entire ecosystem under your thumb is, sth neither the lion nor the tiger can boast with
Neither can jaguars really. Ignoring the largest crocodilians, they will nearly always attempt to avoid giant river otters both on land and in water
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There is no one size fits all definition of "big cat". Ounces are the seventh-largest feline and in the genus Panthera. You don't get much bigger than that.
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>There is no one size fits all definition of "big cat"
Yes there is.

Jaguar, lion, leopard, tiger = big cats
The rest are small cats which sometimes get big.

Anything else is sermo plebeius, like calling spiders bugs and refusing to acknowledge that birds are dinosaurs

Big cats are murder machines inimical to human life.
Small cats can be tamed, and even selectively bred until they are born tame and retarded (very easily, i might add, it often takes a single mutation to make them retarded, and they are already a bit retarded)
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There are an overwhelming number of tamed lions, leopards, tigers, and yes, even jaguars. Luna is literally a leopard and is just as tame as Messi is. If you want to use the "big cats can't be tamed" argument, you'd have to concede that snow leopards are in fact big cats, because there's no one who has successfully tamed one out there.

Snow leopards have the same facial structure as other members of Panthera, and if you can't notice that you're just blind.
get a new insult
>get a new insult
get better data
(better doesnt mean more cherrypicked but more objective)
Good job finding a tree without snow leopards on it, but for the ones that do, they're right next to tigers
Disingenuous cunt
Not the person you’re arguing with schizo there’s more than person in the thread
>Small cats can be tamed, and even selectively bred until they are born tame and retarded
You can theoretically do this with any animal given enough time. Lions and tigers can be tamed just as easily as a mountain lion. Snow leopards are a tiger’s closest relative, they’re big cats
You can’t tell someone to get better data when you’ve posted exactly 0 data
animals are neat, but humans are like gods among mere mortals
I think this is the wrong approach to think about animals, using internet memespeak. Lions, like any other animal, fill a niche in their environment. Just because dumb hairless apes have developed weird culture around them you dislike doesn't mean you have to dislike them
Why would anyone who doesn't live in africa hate lions?
no id say op is a fag. lions are masculine and fags hate masculinity
Zebbers get fucked
He donated his dwaven sperm to the bank, right?
>believing whatever random shit middle schoolers on /pol/ tell you
On a completely and utterly unrelated note, might I recommend the ancient classic "An Ephesian Take" for your reading pleasure?
Lets be real big cats in general are ecologically useless

They contribute nothing that the other predators that already exist dont. If every big cat went extinct the world would be otherwise unchanged.
You from the bulldog thread?
You could say that about those same other predators in reverse then. What makes them special?
Other predators can be useful. Big cats on the other hand are too few and eat too little. They’re essentially mooching off the herds before better animals get to them.

What would happen if every lion died today? Nothing. Hyenas are equally talented hunters.
Every tiger and puma? Nothing. Bears and wolves do a better job.
most other predators take a more active role in the ecosystem or a dual role

big cats are basically a pointless addition that snipes any prey that walks past the wrong bush. if you got rid of other predators ecosystem dynamics would change significantly but big cats have no discernible contribution. they are basically a dollar store bear that doesnt disperse seeds or scavenge as readily. ecosystems dont need them. they can just support them.
wow, is this the new generation of vegans that want to kill all cornivores or is the new generation of college diversity hires who dont understand ecologic niches and ecologic diversity?
1) read the entire subthread about jaguars just above. you think the americas wouldnt notice their apex predator missing? and no, crocs/caimans/aligators arent apex predators bc they dont hunt jaguars, it's the other way around. just because they sometimes kill one with some luck, doesnt mean much at all. elephants and buffalo also kill lions, doesnt mean they hunt them.
>mooching off herds
welcome to the concept of predation
>before better animals get to them
name said better animals
>what would happen if every lion died today? africa would be swamped with large herbivorous animals even more than they already are, doesnt help that humans prefer hunting predators to striped horses and ugly ass wildebeast. only danger to elephants and giraffes has always just been the climate and humans.
>hyenas are equally talented hunters
hyenas are literally closer related to cats than dogs you absolute sperg
>Every tiger and puma? Nothing. Bears and wolves do a better job.
less than 1% of the natural habitat of tigers and bears/wolves overlap. but sure, the desert fox could also replace the mountain lion and the orca could also replace the snow leppard whilst eagles replace ocelots. why not, retard
>most other predators take a more active role in the ecosystem or a dual role
more active than actively hunting? heck, even the passive ass vulture has its place. just stfu and admit you have no clue about how the ecosystem actually works
>dual role
the jaguar keeps the population of close to 100 species in check. what more do you fucking want? do you want it to serve fewer roles so it only does two things like the retarded incel panda who exclusively eats bamboo and rarely procreates and even in those rare cases the fathers often just kill their own cubs as a meme?
>snipes any prey that walks past the wrong bush
welcome to the concept of ambush predation
>no discernible
stfu. YOU cant discern it bc you are severely mentally challenged from when your mother drank vodka during pregnancy but you survived your own birth so then your dad tried to swat you with the bottle, permanently caving in your deformed fucking spazzer ass head. good enough explanation for you?
>dollar store bear
they are just completely different animals altogether
are snakes dollar store spiders?
are birds dollar store sheep?
are ants dollar store ants?
are fish dollar store bugs?
are whales dollar store cattle?
are you a dollar store human and a dollar store high school dropout?
>doesnt disperse seeds
bears cant fly, your point?
>ecosystems dont need them. they can just support them
your mom wasnt needed by the ecosystem either, yet she found a john to reproduce with no matter that he bailed
>Name said better animals
>Hyenas are "close to" cats
All carnivorans are close to each other if you want to turn this into cladistics console wars. The fact is BIG cats in particular (panthera) plus the overgrown small cats (cheetahs/mountain lions) is useless. No one said anything about (natural) small cats. Those are ecological useful mesopredators that hunt small things and become food for big things.
>less than 1% of the natural habitat of tigers and bears/wolves overlap.
Because they all attack each other. If the tigers vanished it would just be wolf and bear habitat, and other than that, the ecosystem would be totally unchanged. Tigers do not have a unique role in it, and they are not the best at it. They are an inferior competitor hence how easily they go extinct.
>the jaguar keeps the population of close to 100 species in check
Literally any other apex predator could do the job better

And most importantly, other apex predators are not as prone to attacking humans. I shoot pumas on sight because of this. Wolves move in, nothing changes. Maybe some rancher complains about wolves but those fucktards are lazy and destroy the ecosystem in the name of their cowboy larp because they don't want to keep the shit cleaned up in a proper feedlot, and dogs kill several hundred times more cattle (99% because the roaming cattle end up walking into other peoples property where the dogs live. this happened to be with a roaming horse and the letter of the law wouldn't let me fight it so i rehomed the dogs in another state and poisoned the guys other 2 horses next time they jumped my fence)

Sorry catfucker, you're going to have to restrain your weird love of these worthless man-eaters to e621 searches.
you sure seem to kill a lot of animals
it’s sounding a bit… unrealistic
Not him but i’ve killed like 200 animals and those are only the vertebrates i knowingly killed on purpose

Real human hours
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The continent of Africa, famously known for having a robust population of wolves and bears.
yes we can paint masterpieces and fly to the moon, but we are just better killers all the same
oh wow so better killers can generally just fly to the moon, huh
fkn sperglord hippie
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>The fact is BIG cats in particular (panthera) plus the overgrown small cats (cheetahs/mountain lions) is useless.
That makes zero sense. They're predators, typically apex predators, and play a role in regulating prey numbers which if left unchecked will strip forests and plains bare and turn them into dust bowls. The fact that they're the top of the food chain is a testament to how successful (when humans aren't actively hunting them for retarded shit like furs or penis-enhancers) they are compared to canids or hyenas.
basedbras btfo
For the last time Murdock, gooks aren't human.
kill them all and drop in any other predator. guess what happens to the whole ecosystem? nothing

what big cats do is they kill other predators slightly better. nothing else.

however… WE are other predators. why keep them around?
Because humans are lazy fatasses and can't be bothered culling anything right and also women vote now for some reason and they always vote to make it illegal for cute fuwwy animaws to be culled like they need to be.
both trve
>went to zoo recently
>wore muh lion shirt
>'come get me lions monkey dance at lions'
>blink slowly at lion brothers
>they blinked back
can we get to 300 posts pls
are you mentally challenged and have special needs like a tax funded dribble cleaner?
>Always attack butt first
is that why their teeth appear gross?
Holy fuck lmao
how do you know
This souds interesting, any studies on that?
Reverse lotus >>
>4chan is weeb site
>that means they like tigers
>japs kill themselves in a suicide forrest
means kill urself
you first
deleted posts (?)
Furs or penis enhancers are no retarded shit.
First, this is a lion hate thread. Second, this is America and everything that can be turned into money must be hunted. Third, whenever a Lion was shot and turned into fur or a penis enhancer, it was self-defense.
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>survive childhood
>get kicked out of the pride
>survive untold years alone in the wild
>finally get a pride of my own after overthrowing another lion's one or entrepreneuring my own with some random lioness
>finally get to rest and enjoy the fruits of my labor
>actually no I still have to engage in deadly duels against other lions trying to overthrow me
>still have to join big hunts because lionesses are too weak
>all the lionesses sexually harass me
>mfw get called lazy
bum p
>this is a lion hate thread
can it also be a video/picture/reaction image thread too ?
>the state of the UK with typical anglo nation multiculturalism
Posts like these never make sense to me. Like, do people really think that human level frame and muscles would be the default for ANIMALS unless they lift weights or something?
I see posts like this on /fit/ all the time, IE "hurr durr how does a gorilla get so jacked eating plants?"
Because it's a fucking gorilla?
because people on /fit/ know what it takes to build human muscles and are asking a legitimate question
>how do gorillas use their herbivorous diet to build muscle while we really can't
"Gorillas build muscle by being gorillas" isnt answering the question and its a totally fair question to have about any animal, basically wondering how their metabolism differs from ours
>because people on /fit/ know what it takes to build human muscles
Something a gorilla, lion, etc, doesn't have to do.
If they really lifted (and no one on /fit/ does) they would know that these animals are literally designed-genetically programmed- to be big and muscular. Just like there is a large genetic component among individual humans that will determine how you look from lifting.
>"Gorillas build muscle by being gorillas" isnt answering the question
Sure it is. Because gorillas are (mostly) herbivores. That means they're genetically designed and adapted for extracting and utilizing the most amount of available nutrients from their plant based diet to maintain their level of musculature. A vegan human does not, compounded by the fact that he will likely be a genetic trash basedboy who sits on his ass all day to begin with.
Their teeth are gross because they can't afford to go to the dentist anon.
How much are lion dentists charging these days? Must be a lot
tree fiddy
They're ugly as shit compared to other big cats

Tigers are so much cooler

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