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Stop by on the kino trail for something comfy
>No AI
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Been a while since the last tkmiz thread on here, did I miss any?
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It has been quite some time. Is that anon that was asking about Chi-chans jacket still out there?
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Do you have a link to the fields?
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Neighbour potatoes welcome too?
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curious if anyone ever copped link related
always wanted this jacket, but don't want to be walking around with an animu merch on a semi daily basis, plus im concerned on the quality and how it actually looks on people. plus the sizing is a concern, I hear something like a Japanese large is different than like an american large
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>I hear something like a Japanese large is different than like an american large
It definitely is. I haven't ordered this jacket but I have ordered a t-shirt from Japan once and I got an XL since I wear L normally and it's still closer to an M.
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Finally some good tkmiz art again.
thisd be a really good wallpaper
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There was a cool wallpaper of the machine code, but i lost it :(
Im out of the loop, any news on a new tkmiz project?
Is there an updated version of the tkmiz art archive up anywhere? The gdrive one hasn't been updated since 2021.
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I don't believe so.

I don't think it's completely up to date though.
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Delete this.
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>I don't think it's completely up to date though.
I can confirm that the archive download on holedigging.club/archive/ is the most up-to-date version of the archive that currently exists.
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never thought looking at amine images would make me this happy : }
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>the anime aired 7 years ago
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Please don't remind me
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Wait a minute...
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GLT shares a folder with Shimeji Sim. My bad.
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You know once i had a dream that some special version of the manga relased and in it Yuuri died in some accident. Going on Chito went more and more insane untill she started seing Yuuri, she saw her as a halucination but belived she is real. I dont remember the details but im 90% sure she commits suidice when she reaches the top. She also may or may not kill kanazawa and ishii
Grim! Grim!
stop this!
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How many of you have dreams about the girls dying? I don't recall if they said it was a dream, but I remembered a post where one of the girls died from tripping and falling onto rebar. There was another anon in that thread who posted something else similar to that.
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Its just a thing people will think about, its a abandoned heavly industrial city. A falling metal rod coud end someone in a instant
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Should've figured
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This sounds like a not bad doujin idea
Aieee page 10
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literally this but Yuuri
Grim. Im suprised i havent seen this before
true, alot of glt content goes unnoticed. its horrible
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>want to listen in the background while doing something else
>listen to the dub for the first time
Jesus christ, its horrid. How do normies accept this.
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What happened after the last chapter.
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normies like dubs somehow, i hate them only subs
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Just watch it raw. SSR is one of the easiest to understand.
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I know some people really, really hate reading while they watch something (or reading at all). They will force the dub on you if they can.
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I see you have the same strategy to keep the thread alive as i do.
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such a zetsobu life

t. not the guy you talked to
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oh thats cute
a little glt marathon
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Potatoes are cute
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This really turned out AMAZING! I can imagine how difficult it is to draw all of this, it requires a lot of patience
i liked the maps tskumumizu made in the end of some volumes
i wonder how whoud they look up up to scale
omg tsukumizu stream
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you dropped this
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Seeing World as Will and Representation in the manga was super based. Freud is a hack though, Jung is better.
Another one today
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This is fucking awesome! Got the artist?
Anon did you even try to reverse image search? (Hint: the artist comes up directly with saucenao)
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Not sure if this is allowed here.
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What's Chito thinking?
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On the thumbnail that looked like Nuko with a zoomer haircut.
File deleted.
i dont know if theres a better place to discuss this, and i've been contributing a bit to the thread
but this issue has been really nagging at me for a while
basically, is tkmiz past saving at this point?
his works are great, but man, he trannied out bad
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i'm sorry if its a bit off topic
i'll post more girls last tour stuff while i talk
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often think this cursed image would make for a funny shirt

as for the 'miz...who cares? let the master work
thats a good idea lmao

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