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Chart the boys you wanna top and the ones you wanna get topped by using this handy chart
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Center-down is the Chaos Hero from SMT I, with the sprite that made me immediately want to nurture and protect him. He's also the one in this chart that most resembles my bf :)

I could have added a dozen or so more characters, but I didn't want tear them apart from their boyfriends >~< (then again, Dedue can fuck off, because Dimitri is MINE!) Katsuya is hotter than his brother anyway XP
Boys is pretty age charged term op
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Forgot about the Fire Emblem husbandos. Thanks for the reminder
Ur welcome anon :3
I bought a Switch just to play FE3H and I was semi-obsessed with Ashe back then (and Hubert, but now I ship him w Bernie). But over the years and a few replays, he kind of faded away for me. Like, yeah, he's cute and adorable, but he doesn't do it for me anymore. His post-timeskip design is also really not as cute as the pre-timeskip one.

I also thought about adding Diamant and/or Alcryst to my chart, since I was obsessed w them at release, but they also kinda faded away. (No, I do not ship them, incest is badd)

Should have added Chrom though, since he was my first major videogame crush, when I was 12. I didn't have the money to buy Awakening at release, so every day I would go to my local library and ask the very patient librarian if "the new Fire Emblem 3DS game had arrived".

Sigurd (my Prince <3) and Ike x Soren are eternal though. Dimitri seems to be heading the same way for me :)
Yeah, post timeskip Ashe was a bit of a disappointment. I think it's the hair. Still love his cute pre-timeskip look tho
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I only have one
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Boy in the center is Marco Zozaya tho
Good taste. I feel like I'm the only one who wants crazy 9S to top me tho.
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I'm a switch but I'd like if Link fucked me in the ass
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Turns out its bottom heavy not sure why it‘s black and white tho
Blushing link is so hot
Will always LMAO at the fact that Dmitri's house is abbreviated as BL
Based taste.
You husband is a shit lol
i disagree.
>coalson poster has shit taste in men
Many such cases!
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Not an exhaustive list, nor granular.
I was busy.
White hair threesome with Gojo and 9S

White hair threesome with Gojo and 9S
More of an Oberon+Gojo+Nines+Kadoc+Kazuha hexagon molecular bond kinda guy myself.
Now I could do this chart but they'd be almost all in the middle left or bottom left so there's not too much point
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I like splatoon manga boys too much
>wants to top Bassy
>wants to get topped by the 2b twink
wtf am i looking at?
I think he's the target demographic for the "shota fucking grown man" comics I came across.
Sebastian is way too smug, and it'd be fun to make him bite the pillow.You gotta remember that as long as you're handing over your soul to him you can get him to do basically anything. If he's getting a soul in return, giving up some ass is the least he could do. Imagine how upset he'd be if you only used spit as lube lol. If I were Ciel, I'd be tapping that every night and letting Mey-rin watch.

9S on the other hand is sweet and cute on the outside but also has a darker side. He's been through alot, and I'd gladly be the fucktoy that he takes his stress out on. Regular 9S definitely belongs more to 2B, but I want psycho late game 9S to rough fuck me. The idea of regular, sweet 9S using me as his bitch to take out the pent up horniness he has around 2B is also appealing.
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No idea about the compass, cant really decide on how to make it. Have Harem instead.
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long hair + androgyny + dominance = "Can I have your number, king?"
I don't want to top or be topped by anyone. Spooning is the best position
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based hetero schizo
Do you have any spots open for friends in your life.
>Kekkai Sensen
>Bottom Kazuma peak cute
>Puyo Puyo
Hoooly based.
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Very nice lineup anon, evil is hot. I love the fact that Orochimaru gets away with everything
i’d post mine but its full of furry guys

>Mfw no 9S topping you like on an oneshota doujin

Also, how would L be as a top? I'm really curious, I've never imagined him lika that
Look up any of the Bound Prince CGs, and you'll get it.
Niice, I love this, 10/10
The accuracy and thought put into this, I wholly agree with the ass essment
Fuck, now I want the man of questionable hygiene to top me...
Need the examples
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As you may guess, I'm really bottombrained and also not very proud of this image
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i am but a humble thirst
Based Ryoga and Kazuma-bottom enjoyer
that guy from ranma is so hot
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i missed a few guys i wanted to add but i dont wanna go back to edit it lol
Based af.
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Yeah, Ryoga is really hot (and cute!). Rumiko Takahashi is always praised for her waifus but I think most of her guys are better than the psychotich girls featured on her stories
imagine Kurapika fucking you while you're chained up
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i want them all to top me equally with maybe gordon freeman and sebastian being a bit more than the rest
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>Volo all the way at the bottom of the y-axis
I love this insane manwhore so much. He better take up Cynthia's spot as the go-to returning character in future games
crazy how everyone is a switch
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I swear, he had better return at least in a future Legends game. He should also be in Pokemon Masters sometime but no guarantee when...
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If they don't give me what I NEED I'll be forced to commit arsonism
I want this man to fuck my ass vigorously
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Volo is hot af. I'd let him dominate me and take my virginity. He's like the combination of Cynthia and Lusamine but as a husbando. He needs to return in future Pokemon games.
Faggot, bet you have prolapsed ass
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I already loved Lusamine so I stood no chance against him. Wish more artists would draw him being appropriately gay though, although all those pics with the girl protagonist are cute
>sebastian mentioned
>W thread
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i like girls better either way .
Im insane
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One time I had a dream about Volo coming out of the game and fucking me so hard that I woke up with the lower half of my body numb and cum all over me. That was a damn good dream.
>choosing the shitty version of Testament where he's fat and indistinguishable from a woman
I am so fucking jealous
t. seething switchshit
im gay
Straggot taste minus Orochimaru and Griffith
literally only females larping as gay men say this, go away
>Marco Zozaya
And you're a straight male larping as a gay man with these moe flat chest dickgirls, go away. That chart actually has a character with tits. Cope and seethe.
>Flat chested futa
you are such a fucking sperg it's ridiculous. I don't like traps either, but I'm so fucking sick of hearing this term whenever anyone on /y/ posts anything that isn't obese or bara.
And I'm so sick of these straggot trapfags pretending to be gay calling non girly shotas "tomboys" or any man with pecs "futa" while posting drawn underaged-looking girls being called boys with a dick/bulge slapped on. It's obvious bait but it's braindead annoying and erasure on traditional men. They only like "boys" if they look like girls. Possibly a tranny chaser and faps to actual women and futas too. Do not validate straggots.
A mexican twink biologist

>underaged-looking girls being called boys with a dick/bulge slapped on
I have some news for you, that means you are gay
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I want you
bottom tier (in the bad sense) and a tranny
low tier straight taste at best.
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To be fair, I prefer Astolfo as a gorgeous man. As for Poison, I fantasize about her being hung enough to give me prostate orgasms.
I want him to top me, dominate my boipussy and eat me so much.
im old, he was my first vidya husbando
Everyone is shitting on you but you’re automatically based for liking Amane
Good to see another BYC (Big YoRHa Cock) enjoyer. Also Sonic is underrated. Murata knows what he's doing drawing him like that.
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the yaoi loser edition
>specter knight
Always thought he was underrated
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this ended up being a bit more crowded than i'd expected.
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Reupped my compass of homosexuality.
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Ummmm marry me?
Here’s one for just Japanese media
I’m sure I’m forgetting a bumch but whatever
i think this has to be the most generic woman taste i've ever seen
congrats on being able to say it anony
OP here. I'm a man
cmon Envy is as bottom as it gets.
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I remember posting on this board just over 10 years ago and haven't been back until now and I seem to remember it basically being fujos and a few gay guys. Is basically everyone here gay now?

I'm not complaining or anything, I'm gay as well.
First board to ever improve in quality over time?
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kek, that's probably true actually. I think part of it is because there's so much more high quality art of cute boys than there used to be. Even if there were more fujos back then, they posted some pretty good stuff to be fair though
Sorry, that's my fault. My pro fag propaganda has proven to be extremely effective. You can thank me for all the cute art
>it's the only improving/better board because blah blah blah
no, it's because men who like cute males are ohjectively superior.
It's true
out of this whole thread, whom do you think has the most generic woman taste?
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I am asexual
Who is the boy with the blond hair at the top right?
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wtf bishounen Astolfo is such a vast improvement
Thank you for showing me this, anon
You dont know len kagamine? What the fuck
i do think most of the people on this board are gay dudes, yeah
...i happen to be a yume
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did this really quick but i had to really think because a lot of the guys i thirst over are real guys
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Honestly same
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IDK what this says about me
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I wonder how many people could correctly psychoanalyze me based on this, thehehe.
>fucking Pip
Fuck yeah, Quattro Bajeena (or any Char incarnation) in the sexy and topping corner!
You're a gentleman and a scholar.
who's the redhead and who's the guy in the upper left?? i like their vibes.
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I've realized my type is pretty boys with long hair and mental illnesses (and also Artorias from Dark Souls). I wonder what that says about me.
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You stole my alter-ego.
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I gravitate towards "cool" characters more than "cute" ones so I changed the cute axis to cool
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an addendum
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U guys feel me on this one??? (Ik this one is kind of small but this isn’t all lol)
Unfathomably based for wanting Shinji to top you.
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Low quality cuz I made it in mspaint in five minutes but meh
All Len lovers are based in my book
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Realistically i would only have ginko, but it's fun to think of more characters
Right side is fine, but I really can't comprehend what people see in the Demon Slayer characters. They are not appealing at all.
What is it about Scaramouche that makes you put him dead center?
2nd guy here, IMO he's really hard to place for me since he's a really complex and contradictory character. He can be equally as dominant and mean, as he can be soft and submissive, at different times depending on the situation. He is often flirty and teasing, but also cute with incredible amounts of gap moe. That's what I love the most about his character and it makes him the perfect center of this chart for me, any other placement would make it feel like an incomplete classification.
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Although realistically, Hisoka, Adachi and Majima would be at the topmost and bottommost simultaneously.
>Wanting to top him
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yyeah i think i'm mentally ill
Good taste anon, we have lots of the same guys in similar placements. Extra based for 3x Scara
Who is the top right one with the red hoodie? He's cute:)
>flat chest dickgirls
Those are called boy anon. Theres not much difference.
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What do you guys think? Intresting that theres no hits in Sexy + bottom or Cute + top.
Lmao boykisser
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Whos the goth boy in the middle with green eyes.
Andrew Graves from TCOAAL.We have a thread on him here
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Shit thread
The threads shit, the boys cute
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skipped a few, missed a few, but good enough
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finally someone has suzya
why are foids like this?
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What makes you think im a girl, im not. But, This is a genuine question because im so confused how you got to that conclusion from my husbando chart i made in 10 minutes.
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based beyond belief
Did you draw these, anon?
If so, very cute and good job
Holy based
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Alright, so I mostly lurk (like I imagine a lot of people do) the fag boards but I have to get this off my chest. I am deeply sexually confused [spoiler]No, I'm not underage. I'm 23. It's been like this for a long time.[/spoiler] but I think I'm gay. A big part of why I've struggled to understand this is because of what the gay community is (I.E disgusting in a lot of ways.)

I'll try to keep this short and not too melodramatic.

Looking here, on /y/, and even /lgbt/, it seems like being a switch is the norm and being exclusively a bottom or top is looked down upon to some degree. "durrhurr if i just wanted a hole i'd fuck a woman" Like, that's not how human sexuality works, you deranged pervert. Is that all a man is to you? I don't want to be a woman. I like being a man. I like being feminine and I like being submissive but only with (or in comparison to) another man.

And there's the big divide between disgusting bara monsters and shota trap nonsense and it's just so baffling that the middle ground seems to be the least popular. Like, the actual stereotypical yaoi look or bishonen.

It seems like the gay community in real life, from what I know, shares more or less the same attitude on switchdom.

In real life, you have the BDSM lunatics, bugchasers, and other freaks. I feel like if I ever went to a gay bar, I'd get something slipped in my drink once they realize how sexually conservative I am.

Online, you have to deal with the flaky and demanding prison gays and the /pol/ closetcases.

And of course with both, you get the long, long line of unrequited crushes. I just want a guy bigger than me to snuggle with. Is that so much? I know this is more of an /lgbt/ thing but that place is a nightmare and this thread kind of brought the topic to the forefront of my mind.

Being a fag is suffering.
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>shota trap nonense
Go away, pest.
Sorry, I don't mean it like that. It's only a problem if that's the only thing you like. Then it kind of baffles me.
Silly anonny, it is known that everyone I don't like is a f*male or a fed.
>A big part of why I've struggled to understand this is because of what the gay community is (I.E disgusting in a lot of ways.)
I can just tell you grew up in a homophobic environment, didn't you? Forget about that shit, and just go talk to actual gay people IRL. No the gay community isn't any more "disgusting" than the straights, have you seen the way they talk about women? The sexual liberation in parades and stuff that you're probably talking about is intentionally subversive as a direct result of faggotry being heavily suppressed by society for years, it's not how most gay people live their lives.
>In real life, you have the BDSM lunatics, bugchasers, and other freaks. I feel like if I ever went to a gay bar, I'd get something slipped in my drink once they realize how sexually conservative I am.
This is also internalized homophobia, stop spending time online listening to what /pol/ idiots have to say about people and literally just go outside. You won't get brownie points with conservatives by being a self-hating fag, ever, you will just remain full of doubts and self loathing like you are now if you don't try to change your way of thinking. Living like that fucking sucks, let me tell you.
>And there's the big divide between disgusting bara monsters and shota trap nonsense and it's just so baffling that the middle ground seems to be the least popular. Like, the actual stereotypical yaoi look or bishonen.
If you like bishounens you can just... like bishounens? What's the issue, there's plenty of content about them too. If you're in a primarily gay space like this, you will see more baras, femboys and shotas because that's the chinese cartoon porn that's drawn by men to appeal to men. Mainstream yaoi with stereotypical bishounens are drawn by women for other women to enjoy, but nothing wrong with guys liking it too.

The sexual position thing... who cares? It doesn't matter to anyone but you and your partner(s).
>I can just tell you grew up in a homophobic environment, didn't you?
Vice versa. Kind of. I got bullied by girls for being smaller than boys and cute when I was little. But past that, everyone was pretty okay with gay people, especially my parents.
>No the gay community isn't any more "disgusting" than the straights
I don't like the promiscuity of modern society in general.
>No the gay community isn't any more "disgusting" than the straights
It just feels like there's nobody for me and that the people I do attract are bad apples.
>This is also internalized homophobia
Go back to twitter.
Internalized homophobia is not a twitter term you fuckwad. Gay people out there off themselves all the time due to not knowing how to deal with self-hate, is that a twitter thing too? I swear /pol/ has rotten people's brains past the point of saving.
>I don't like the promiscuity of modern society in general.
What does that have to do with you? You don't have to have casual sex if you don't want to. Just let other people live their lives, the way you talk in your post comes off as very negative and judgy, this mindset definitely is apparent to other people you interact with even subconsciously. Even if you meet a nice guy who's also not into casual sex and would want to date you, don't you think it might turn him off to hear you imply that "the gay community is disgusting" like that?
>It just feels like there's nobody for me and that the people I do attract are bad apples.
This is not only a you problem, dating is harder nowadays, for gays, straights, anything in between. Gay guys can get casual sex just as easily as women can, but there's the same issue in that finding compatible people for relationships is harder. There's no easy solution for this, you just have to go out there and randomly meet people (work, university, hobbies, even dating apps, etc.) until it happens.
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/pol/nigger emissary will really go to the cute male board to spew his bullshit opinions
>nooo you're an outsider
Kill yourself twitter tranny.
>anyone who disagrees Is a tranny
go to /pol/ you black nigger, twitter is also more your speed nowadays
I got 4 words, one for each of ya.
Twitter, tranny, yourself, kill.
Ok faggot, keep repeating the same words like a bot, that'll make your skin less brown.
>What does that have to do with you?
>This is not only a you problem, dating is harder nowadays, for gays, straights, anything in between. Gay guys can get casual sex just as easily as women can, but there's the same issue in that finding compatible people for relationships is harder.
I'm just saying that it's harder for me to find someone.
>don't you think it might turn him off to hear you imply that "the gay community is disgusting" like that?
Yes, but I'm a very idiosyncratic person and that probably wouldn't be the first weird opinion he'd hear from me.
>There's no easy solution for this
Yes, and that sucks. :(
I didn't think my post would start that and I'm not sure where the other person came from btw.
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Paper cuts, on my dick.

Came from Hell, Michigan, to post boys. Only to find X-trannys and their niggerlicous opinions.
I understand what you're saying, It's hard to find a serious long-lasting relashionship with another gay guy, because a lot of us are completely coomer brained and only want casual sex.
I just realized I messed up the spoiler.
you have INCREDIBLE taste in men, just sayin'. and I definitely understand where you're comin' from.
I'm not reading all that but you have really good taste
I forgot to add this guy. Probably one of my first male (fictional) crushes.

He's a good transition between the absolute goobers and the "take themselves too seriously" section just like Tatsuya is the perfect in-between of sexy and cute (and coincidentally the end of the "take themselves too seriously" section.)

No homo.
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>not topping
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I do not desire any of them as much as I desire my male OC, but still
Just make a new character at this point.
Why do you ftms hate women so much
>Why do you hate women so much
For the same reason as incels.
ftms do hate men though.
All trannies hate everyone including themselves.
Aren't mtfs transbians why would they be on a board for attractive males
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Gay marriage.
Most mtfs are bi
it helps when most of the "males" posted on this board look like flat girls
10 years later and we are still married
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I'm not into them but I don't have a problem with otokonoko or shota desu, cuntboy/shemale are gross though and the retarded westoids never tag their shit properly
Barafag, please.
post your OC, I'm curious
That's not even close to being true
kill yourself annoying disgusting roastie
So you see them all as bottoms but want to be a sub for the ones on the bottom? Based. I'd like to have the full pic of Speed O' Sound Sonic..
I'm a big guy for you
You're so real for wanting to top Douma
oh! shut up.
Sorry, I kinda lied, I'm tall but I don't lift and my average-sized dick barely works
>I'm tall
All that's needed.
...on opposite day.
Who was in the wrong here?
For me, it is? I'd just like a guy slightly taller than me and some other things that could get me reported if someone here is especially spiteful.
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>some other things that could get me reported
>>some other things that could get me reported
(There are literally people petty enough to report you and jannies petty enough to ban you on 4chan if you say you [spoiler]don't find black people attractive.[/spoiler])
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You can.Deus Ex Machina my. Sol BadGuy Anytime !
Man, fucking Strive.
I'll make one of these when I get home Friday, is that okay?
Where is he...?
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It's ok anon, nobody really does.
They're a meme that went to far.
sorry guys, has a busy week, especially this weekend, I'll drop it next Friday I promise. it's gonna be a #hugenuke
Something tells me you spend way too much time Reddit if you think it's wrong that someone doesn't want to conform American glorification of sexual degeneracy.

Yes, you're right that it is a miserable way to live as a self-loathing faggot. Too many men tragically waste their lives that way.
You cannot, however, sincerely tell others without being a hypocrite, that your honest feelings human sexuality is wrong and must conform to mine.

The anon you replied to shared his personal internal conflict, and how off-putting gay culture is to someone born decades after its modern establishment.
You then assumed his background, apologized contemporary pride parades, conjected his feelings, and assumed a negative & judgemental tone. I know not what your previous experiences led you to that conclusion but to me… what he wrote came off a sincere confession, not “internalized homophobia”.

Seriously though… shame relies on the ignominious perception of others upon oneself.
Hereby my aforesaid definition, I find your criticisms of appeasing the social conservatives, followed your imperative to pay homage towards the mainstream LGB[TQ] community to be… unprincipled.
broly is not a choice I expected
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... the nutshack??!
im gay
But he's right there.
>12 days ago
That's pretty much already the full pic.
It's actually official art by Murata himself.

>my average-sized dick barely works
Hnnng... That's one of my fetishes...
Thank u
This dude is dead.
Reading this thread makes me feel like I'm studying the psychology of Uranists and Pooners and their respective differences with the arguments over straggotry.
Kill yourself troublemaker we were all just having a good time
Sasaki ... Based anon
reading this made me feel like I'm having a stroke

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