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post the cute guys from the Scott Pilgrim series. Can be ship art or solo.
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If only boys were real..
Why? Are you gay or something?
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Desperately so.
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hi sneezy, i know you're here
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I am infatuated.
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question for any gays here but would you actually hook up with someone who's similar to wallace?
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Yes, definitely.
Thing is that despite loving to drink, he's been shown to be legitimately caring, kind towards his friends, honest, funny and is as much of a gamer as Scott (like, literally, Scott tends to play Wallace's vidya) so yeaah, the only issue is actually being able to be THE ONE worth Wallace's love.
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>show makes Todd/Wallace a thing
>everyone’s already dropped it for Scott/Wallace
Surprised desu.
Scott/Wallace has been a thing since forever. Even baited/joked about by BLOM openly and constantly. It's pretty much canon that Wallace is into Scott.
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>dropped it?
where have you been on the web? I see plenty of artist drawing toddace still, especially Korean artists. I'd say it's equally as popular alongside scollace.
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It was never a thing, even in the anime Wallace is for mobile.
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MobilexWallace and ScottxWallace are both valid.. ToddxWallace is just sad but still can be cute.
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That last post felt mean of me...
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God I wish I could be like them one day...
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Mobile x Wallace is the only one thats endgame. Todd x Wallace is pretty funny, but I feel bad for Todd because it's an unrequited love. He could do better than wallace though
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You'll find someone eventually anon, never give up hope!

If you mean ending up with, then yeah I'd have to agree. I think they'd be a lot happier together than Scott with Wallace... But I can still live in the past of Wallace's infatuation.. er.. the present?

...Todd definitely can get someone better for him.
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Accidentally posted in the wrong thread
I still want Neil to get me pregnant
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You understand.
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I want a Neil daki
wallace is just a fucking good person because hes basically written as the opposite of scott who is an asshole that changes to be better
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Thanks for the kind words anon, but I think it's owari da for me when it comes to being with someone together. The most painful thing is to be born retarded and be fully conscious of it and there is nothing you can do to become smarter and witty to appear more appealing. Also I am far from someone you can call "independent". And people like me are not needed.
Yes... Young Neil is literally me fr fr, so here's some pics with him.
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He is so innocent, I feel shameful for having indecent thought about him.
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> question for any gays here
What are you then anon
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I want him to breed me
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Boys cant get pregnant silly
I have the ability to get pregnant as I have a womb
If you dream enough, it may come true
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I know how it is, and I promise you there's people out there who are still going to find love in you. New people will show up in life all the time, and eventually you'll find someone who's going to make this post feel silly in memory.
This comic is BLOM approved as canon
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I saw... So fucking cool
I bet he's real good with his fingers
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>someone who's similar to wallace
He's literally like me
So, yes
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technically a gb but would you Raymone Flowers?
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Does anyone have that image of Wallace and Todd hugging with little text boxes saying S and XL? It was really cute and I accidentally deleted it.

nvm I'm a dumbass
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just occurred to me that Mathew Pattel's name would technically be shortened as Matpat...
no you dont because all women who go on 4chan magically turn into fat disgusting men unless they make a greentext story about themselves
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Scollace has saved my life
>show makes Todd/Wallace a thing
>immediately drop for the lols
>fans decide to stick with the ship that is likely many many years old by now.
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God I fucking WISH it was me hugging Scott or vice versa.
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Aaah... sex in a bathtub with your boyfriend.... this is way too stimulating.
I literally thought you said Matthew Patthew so yeah... thanks for that.
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is sho Scott allowed?
Hell yes
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Honestly, Twitter has been churning out so much content in the past two month I am surprised there aren't many posts at all.
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I love this retard
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2nd season of the anime story
Scott/Wallace is the most boring SP gay ship
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Your fucking boring. Stfu bitch ass retard you are wrong and Scollace is otp. You don't even have any content to offer so your opinion moot to.
Wallace only got with Todd because he was dressed as Scott. That was the joke.
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I wish gay people were real
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They are
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I think you've been on 4chan for too long... if gays actually existed irl then you'd think I would have a bf by now
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I have a boy friend irl and I am less then attractive. Maybe (you) have been on 4chan to long partner.
Does not help you post Toddallace
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Femoid hands typed this. Also Toddallace is the only representation of my people (tall blonde vegan himbos who will never find true love.)
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So... How have you spent your Valentine day, anon?
that's just a theory though
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actually funny and actually cute, that's a great strip
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I love this artist. There is something charming about her art style, it's simple yet coherent and vibrant.
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Cute boys hugging each other in a such way... this is way too erotic.
They are just so hot
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Of course they're undoubtedly hot since they're still young and healthy, but most importantly, they're CUTE! God I wish Scollace was real.
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The anime blew open the subspace highway to an alt universe where it is real and they are living happily ever after in the same 1 room apartment it all started
>since they're still young and healthy
OK, Mr. Medieval quality of life standards
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This was written by a JEW
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Sometimes I envy 00's - early 10's teenagers/young adults from North America specifically. I can't really explain that comfiness when I see boys from that era. I really adore small towns with close neighboring communities which you see in movies and cartoons (obviously as a non-American person), and the idea of being a gay teenager in that time, in that continent and in such setting just elevates some fuzzy nostalgic vibes. I really wanna watch some movie about that topic, it doesn't have to be about "waah being gay in 2007 is suffering", just take a look at pic related and you'll probably understand what I am talking about.
t. European
Not a /cm/ relevant topic since none of the guys there are cure but Clerks got that young adults in a small town vibe to it and I wager it probably even kickstarted that movement in NA pop culture (every film student at that time either did Matrix/Blade or Clerks clones)
same but I grew up IN North America(US) but in a very isolated place and was forcefully isolated from other people by my psycho mom and I would KILL to have a better childhood in a small town where I could socialize with people and shit
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Please don't let the thread dedicated to my favorite homo die
>it doesn't have to be about "waah being gay in 2007 is suffering"
But it was, especially in small towns. You'd be getting bullied at school, your parents would be sad and disappointed in you, and you wouldn't even be able to date until college. I'm still blown away by how much has changed and so quickly, I really envy the gays growing up now
I guess it's really indicative of how like arbitrary and stupid standards for social acceptability are.
It took 30 years and a lot of effort for everyone to figure out that the whole gay thing is like "eh, whatever," and for the normies, it's like nothing ever happened
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I think the show ended at a reasonable point, but I still wish that there was another season coming.
Didn't the ending tease at another season?
Sorry if this is off topic, but doesn't it feel a bit bad to anyone else? Not the acceptance, obviously, but the fact that views on this changed so fast that we see now zoomers act like growing up feeling inadequate and deeply flawed is a sob story. Normies act like it never happened, or like they were always accepting. Yet I still struggle with lots of that shame and guilt I was taught growing up. It's kinda fucked up in a way idk.
No, you're right. I'm also still working through that pain, I only just recently allowed myself to realize/acknowledge that I had had a crush on one of my friends in high school, which was like 15 years ago. There was so much hatred for so long, and suddenly things get a little better and straights start calling us privileged. And I've always tried so hard to be a good ally to trans people, but when I see heterosexual trans calling themselves gay I can't help but feel kind of ticked off. Like the thing that caused us so much suffering beyond our control has now been turned into a cute little costume to make straight zoomers feel special, a costume they can choose to take off any time they feel like it. And that's not even getting into the "cotton ceiling" bullshit that's getting pushed now, it's almost like we're moving in a circle.
Is this couple an ongoing thing and is this anime still going and if so where can I watch?

I don't care about SP unless there's twink romance
Not really;
No, and I believe BLOM has shown disinterest in continuing it;
Here you go:
Sorry bro I'm not 4chan enough to know what to do with those codes
Look up base64decode, go to the first link you see, paste the code into the text field, hit decode, then you should get a magnet link.
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Where is the Wallce to my Scott?
Making Todd get tempted by Wallace's powerbottom aura makes the character so much hotter and more likable because it shows that he's legitimately weak-willed, not just an asshole. (Just like Scott.)
You want to be an oblivious straight twink with a hot and cool gay best friend who is highkey in love with you?
Where is the Scott to my Wallace?
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Someone did not read the comics at all
Right here Wallace
>straights start calling us privileged.
Are you talking about those people who say things like black people are privileged because they can say the N-word and not get cancelled?
If so, then I'd say don't worry about it. Dumb people from privileged groups always get off on finding ways to pretend that the privilege they enjoy doesn't exist, or that they're the ones who are really oppressed.
And if that's not what you're talking about, then have you considered using less Twitter?
>when I see heterosexual trans calling themselves gay I can't help but feel kind of ticked off. Like the thing that caused us so much suffering beyond our control
Why do you think trans people in particular are appropriating aspects of your identity? I mean, if you're talking about something about identity that causes a person much suffering beyond their control, you'd think a trans person would be able to relate.
I think it's less that they're trying to appropriate your experiences (which, I must stress, are likely not alien to trans people, given that nowadays, they experience more hostility in mainstream culture than is currently hurled at cis gay people) and more that the word gay has picked up secondary meanings similar to the umbrella term queer, which they definitely are
>moving in a circle
How? When has it ever been that being gay was a "cute little costume," a safe bet to be appropriated at leisure by people who are so thoroughly used to a state where being gay was never that dangerous? New problems are not the same problems. Bo Derek braids are not segregated education all over again, they're a totally different problem.
If there's anything in society that's trying and potentially able to bring things back to the way they were, I don't think it's trans people, so I'd say save your frustration for the bigger fish out there
>Right here Wallace
Prove it. Same some dumb shit right now.
You want to be a sexy and cool homosexual who is a little bit super in love with your clueless straight best friend?
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When I run I listen to breakcore and think I'm running around at the speed of sound like sonic
I wasn't talking about all trans people, just the heterosexual ones. And yes, their experiences are alien to homosexual experiences, but I don't feel like getting into that right now. Let's just compare it to how the experiences of gay and black people are vastly different, despite both regularly having to deal with prejudice.
>moving in a circle
I was referring to the cotton ceiling movement, which I notice you completely ignored. I have seen with my own eyes homosexuality being called degenerate by trans people, because it is based on biological sex and not pronouns. Gay people getting shamed and told they need therapy to overcome their "genital fetish". It's the same shit we've always heard, except now we're hearing it from both the right AND the left.
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>with my own eyes
Again, get off Twitter, and dni irl with Twitterites.
I have witnessed enough discourse to choke a mule, and I still had to look up "cotton ceiling" on Wikipedia. Your "movement" is a stub with one line, which the mods have marked for "excessive citation." That's why I ignored it, even you kinda ignored it, tacking it to the end of your post. You admittedly didn't even "get into" it. Of course I ignored it. It seemed minor in your post, and further research tells me that it's minor elsewhere.
>because it is based on biological sex and not pronouns
It's based on both.
I'm presuming you're not being a grammar nut and "pronouns" is synecdoche for gender identity.
I don't know if they're the ones who are misunderstanding, or if it's you, but being gay is also an identity, it's not purely based on biological sex. Gay men have their own gendered tendencies and expectations, just as straight women do.

The discourse I've seen tryna cancel gay guys which actually has some heft and spread is based on how, at the end of the day, they're still dudes, which comes with male privilege. Gay guys tend to be the most transphobic of queer communities, they're highly associated with liberalism instead of radicalism, they're idealize bourgeois lifestyles, they're libertines, and the sex-negative attitudes of many of the current generation sees people being horny on main as meaning they're perverts, all that noise.
desu, It's not entirely baseless

Just look at this board

Look around you, at all these homosexuals who come here to celebrate the beauty and eroticism of the male form while deriding other queer identities and women. You can't even talk about queer issues without the chuds butting in to say something dumb with a mouth full of shit. There are too many gays here who constantly betray the community that's protected their right to be who they are in public.
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YES, I know, the great majority of gay guys are not like that. They're normies who watch rpdr and talk about doing various drugs they've never even actually seen. Pride flag in bio, they will defend the community. That's most of the ones I've actually seen.
But, so says Twitter, among queers, the reactionaries and transphobes tend to come from gay guys, so Twitter has to cancel the entire identity because what else do they know how to do?
It's the same-old same-old that we've seen from the left: endless useless purity politics and struggle session praxis.
So if you wanna look at how the left has turned against the gays, look into that, not whatever you were mentioning, because compared to that, this stuff that you're talking about barely has any market share of the discourse. And for that matter, neither of these niche conversations have any mainstream relevance, and not just because the left in practice has no actual mainstream relevance.
Why are you so fixating on the things you hear from an insignificant sector of trans people being idiots in their Twitter echo chamber.

In conclusion: find some grass.

>I wasn't talking about all trans people, just the heterosexual ones
Uh yeah I got that. What about my point made you think this was a necessary connection
*necessary correction
you xirls are making me extremely horny.
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I am glad gay SP content has such high quality, we are truly blessed.
Because of my bullying fetish any instance of Scott being given a noogie is so fucking hot
Based bully enjoyer

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