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When the world needed it most, the thread returned...
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How about this for a twist for the schoolgirl idea?

>Adult woman goes on date with male coworker
>Both reminisce over their childhood and teenage years
>Guy shows off picture of what he looked like
>But when asked, woman panics internally and claims that she 'lost' her pics
>After their date, woman has flashbacks
>We see that even in elementary school, her breasts were huge, far bigger than adults
>Got teased by boys, couldn't fit in school bus doorway, mother's bras too small etc.
>Middle and high school worse
>Swarms of boys infatuated with size, girls all jealous, breasts so large that they needed carts and wheelbarrows to move around, had to update size of clothes for constantly growing
>Worst incident was smothering an entire classroom, including a boy she had a crush on, during a major growth spurt
>Too big for surgery, had to settle with compression tech and a bra that shrinks them down to near flat chested look
>Woman is worried if her real size is revealed, her boyfriend won't like her anymore, while her bra creaks and groans hinting she's still getting bigger
>Man actually has huge breast fetish, but doesn't want to insult his 'flat' girlfriend
>Shenanigans insue

What do you think?
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fund it >:3

also any OCs or real slept on artists from deez threads?
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>any OCs
Several, there's a list of chatbots based on them in a link in the previous thread's OP
>real slept on artists
A few have come and gone but as far as I recall the only ones who have put a name to their work are Sumfira and Coppernicus
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All so embarassingly big!
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made a bot for this OC


>old childhood friend
>was a G-cup at 13
>spent the next 5 years away at an all girls school growing towards the end of the alphabet
>overbearing kuudere
>zero sense of time and place
>paizuri fiend
I would but who would be a good artist for this type of project? All of the ones I had in mind, their comms are closed...
do you have a card for her?
nope, but here are her yodayo defs if you wanna make one

I'm an absolute retard about this AI stuff; would that data work on SpicyChat too or would the syntax be different?
>I'm an absolute retard about this AI stuff
what a coincidence, me too
spicychat probably handles defs differently, but it should work if you just paste things in the right fields
>Left: 14 years old
>Right: 12 years old
you accidentally reversed those, right?
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Where did you get those numbers from?
I made them up and wrote them in the post box.
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Have some portrait sketches of some of these threads' OCs
Been giving some thought to making a small-scale (i.e. I can feasibly finish it on my own) VN. I've got a basic outline for it at least
Amazing work dude
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Thank you thank you I try.
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great stuff sumfira, i saw on your page you were sad abt there not being any new threads, glad to see you're back. Woulda made a new one myself but for some reason my isp is banned from making threads atm.
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Hey sumifra if you're still here can you advise me on how to train a bot for boob related mobility issues? I'm trying to find the right combination of trigger words for stuff like her hating narrow doorways.
I don't really have any specific advice for training... I feel the most important part is what's in the definition. Just keep having conversations with it (and regenerate/rate if those are options) until you have the kind of output you want
Get a good base model and write a good character card
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Is there a version of this where the concern is about cock growth?
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Sounds like something that would fit on the Inconvenient Hypersexuality thread... during the threads where they accept both male and female content. The current one doesn't, unfortunately. I'd save what content you have for the next thread that crops up, or make the thread once the current one archives and allow male content.
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there sure are, but yeah, not the thread for it
Who would put a picture of themself as their own wallpaper? Also, her phone is in the picture; did someone else take it?
Frequent lurker from the inconvenient hypersexuality thread here. Most of the talk on that thread has been about creating a story about a woman immobilized by her breasts, but if you go the author whose writing it’s website there’s plenty of hypercock stuff there too. None involving schoolboys/girls as far as I’m aware, but its still there if you wanna take a peek
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>somebody posted my OC
never thought i'd see the day.
i'm just mad i never got the delivering artist's name, i would've loved to comm from them. here's another of the same character, drawn by another anon
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Drawanon from the first thread
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cute chubby girl
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Does anyone have the panel where the two mom's were jealous of there daughters growth spurts and the mom's started to get larger breasts it's in black and white
sounds like it could refer to a lot of stuff from mura
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Oh wow what a shame, she should invest in some insect repellent or a bug zapper for her room.
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seems like those damn skeeters don't care how much repellant you got
man i hate them
What an oddly specific thing.
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That's what /d/ is for innit
Nice, is she milking to reduce size, or just reduce soreness? or both
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Been a bit over a year since these threads started. Thanks for the good times
Experimenting with a new style?
I guess? Just using airbrush shading with the lineart style I've been using recently
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Looking good, got a twitter or something i can follow you on?
I remember the first thread had a butt growth focused start of a doujin, would anyone have that (or any other butt growth focused?)
The piece in question
Dunno why it's taken me this long to make proper finished full body art of her
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man I don't wanna knock you armpit fetishists but jesus christ her armpit looks inflamed
The point is to make it more pussy-like.
I don't wanna be an armpit purist but it just feels wrong imo, it's like ball-less futa. Shit looks unnatural
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I can agree with that I suppose, but at that point why not just look at a pussy lol
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>Childhood friend wants to make her crush's tits even bigger over time

>Eventually chounyuu girl cannot live without her and wants to marry her while constantly growing from her influence

I want to see this trope more
Oh to be a nerdy girl with rapidly overdeveloping breasts...
but also having low self esteem because popular girls bullied you in class?
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Is this the only page translated into English?
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Would be great if someone could translate. Any translate bros out there?
Here's what the mtl shits out
>Yah... Ahhh....
>Somewhere here? I don't know...
>Where, where?
Much appreciated!
oh i get it. She is searching for her weakspot/gspot
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have you got any more? none of these later sets are available on the usual sites.
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To Think some people have to buy a chest rig for a gopro
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I wonder who could be behind this post
There's a new Motionless part

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>tiktok is good for this
What do you mean by this
Reposting the complete chatbot list
I'm assuming he peruses tiktok for videos of teenage girls with ample bosoms
that's disgusting. where?
I dunno, I wouldn't be caught dead with that shit installed on my cellular device
>thread titled "schoolgirls" on an 18+ anime imageboard
>snowballs into creepy irl pedoshit in less than a year

who could have seen this coming
Yeah, because 2 guys represent everyone
...Although given the thread's speed that's 2 of maybe 5 people present
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For me this topic is kind of overlapping with the Inconvenient Hypersexuality thread so I've been posting there.
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Any of you know some good voices to select for the characters? And are there any archived sessions/player prompts anywhere?
>Any of you know some good voices to select for the characters?
I dunno, the fact that *everything* is voiced is a bit of a dealbreaker for me. Shouldn't be too hard to find one that fits though
>And are there any archived sessions/player prompts anywhere?
Check the archived threads. Unfortunately it seems old shared logs, as in the ones you could link to, have been deleted... Something to do with the change in sites, I'm guessing
I miss the big bras threads on /d/
Then make one
>never going to help a school girl with their milky problems
why live?
Be the change you want to see
Time to bioengineer a highly infectious breast expansion covid variant. Hyuk hyuk.
...that's still not gonna help you get anywhere near a schoolgirl, though
That would make me a pedophile yes.
>implying that you aren't one already
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Could make it into bovid for lactation power.
>...that's still not gonna help you get anywhere near a schoolgirl, though
I just set up a professional milking station near a school, where they could get milked and the milk be destroyed (drank).

Though it would be more fun to turn an anon into a milky school girl and adopt them.
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Ah yes, random milks spurts are a must for one of the common symptoms.
>girl trying to play it off and saying she isn't infected, she just had grow splurt.
>helps others to have similar splurt with intending too
loving the ideas this could be played into
The fuck is a splurt?
>splurt with intending
I'm like 99% sure there's a properly translated/edited version of this image but here's what it says anyway
>(Onomatopoeia for the door being flung open, like woosh or something)
>Something happened!!!
every time her breasts grow a little bit, she sprays out milk you could say "splurt" them out.
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>starting before puberty
When do you think it happens?
Seconding this, not enough *natural* butt growth stuff, always impossible to find.
it's "something came out!!!" that something being milk of course.
This one is pretty subtle and for that it stands out.
Literally the best part desu
Anon many girls nowadays start puberty before 10, mostly because of the shitty food
My bad
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>girl with huge tits attends school, refuses to join swimming classes
>tells coach that if the school can't offer her a swimsuit in her size then she's just going to sit in the bleachers
>underestimates the horney of the swim coach
>coach actually buys sewing machine and personally makes a school swimsuit just for her
>girl frowns when coach gives it to her
>puts on swimsuit and sits on pool edge
>every boy in class keeps peeking at her tits
>narrows her eyes at this bullshit
>you win this round coach
This gave me a thought about a girl on the cheer squad who needs to get a new uniform because of her growing tits. Now I'm wondering how that conversation would go. Said conversation has doubtless happened at some point at some school with some girl.
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who dis?
read the label on her shorts
I mean… if the swimsuit is tailor made to fit… she’s just being a bitch.
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have a sneak peek
dunno when it'll be done
once again delivering the QUALITY
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Okay anon i gotta know the source for this one, google reverse image search and saucenao ain't giving me shit, and the file names implie there's atleast 29 images prior to this
imgops is your friend
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like anon said, it's overline. the naming is just my own organization / timeline of images. you can find all the untranslated works on the usual websites, but an anon from here translated the first 25 images as i posted them in previous threads. i could probably compile all of them into a zip or something if you'd like.
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Took longer than it probably should've but here's the finished piece
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Yes, please, Anon. Overline's a great artist, but I've never seen his stuff translated to English before.
Nice work! Looks fantastic!
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zg6afk(dot)zip on catbox(dot) moe, enjoy!
thanks to the TLanon who translated the images originally, the first 14 images are thanks to him.
i also included another set that isn't TL'd and that i didn't post here since i didn't want to flood the thread. if anyone wants to translate that as well, i would be extremely grateful.
there is also more content with the character but i didn't include it since it's not technically thread related.
How do I type it into the url, because I tried it and it didn't work
i forgot i can just post links here without hassle, my bad
here you are
Is it possible to relive an era with the knowledge of the present, or are we doomed to forever look back at what could have been?
The fuck are you on about?
probably a bot
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>going back to Sumfira's busty world bot again
>premise: you wake up in an alternate reality where all the girls from your school have immense tits
>they constantly lactate too and have to use the school's milking stations regularly
>confess my predicament to my nerdy girl buddy
>nothing about my world makes sense to her
>she asks if we just go without dairy
>explain the cow dairy industry to her
>she's incredulous
>picrel ensues
holy fucking shit
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AI chatbots are good for some quality shit if you make them right.
Can you imagine if Nanashi gave us a full manga/anime featuring this girl instead of Nagatoro? Such a missed opportunity, she would've made for a much more popular and beloved signature character.
Anon you can't keep all that to yourself, drop a log in the name of tits.
Need a link to this bot
soz I rewound, will keep it in mind next time (if you have to know, she got really into the idea of being a cow and gave 30 liters of milk in one go, breaking her previous record twofold)

How are you not getting filtered by character.ai's filter? It filters anything lewd for me.
Fuck this ones peak, sauce?
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avoid penis in vagina, use euphemisms instead of going full-on graphic, keep spicy phrases padded with non-spicy sentences to keep the temp down, reroll/edit and push through half-filtered replies if you gotta
it sucks, but if you can have fun without going full coom mode it can be good
for me the coom bits are just the cherry on top anyways, I usually just talk to girls about their boobs
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can someone remake a list of the chatbots. There were a lot thats not on the og pastebin
Why not just use spicychat? It allows nfsw(expect incest and hard gore). The only thing about it that you need to pay if you want the bot to remember the convesation beyond a certain point

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