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Thread for hardcore mechabare or robo-ryona. 2nd edition
Post and discuss mechabare that feels abusive or cruel and destructive treatment of robots.
Stories, edits and manips are welcome.

Last thread:

For mechabare that feels tamer you can use the main robot thread:
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fuck the sexbot duck until exploded
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I'm the guy who drew this last thread. to answer that one anon, my requests are still open :)
Ok, my request would also be a vtuber-related one too. Azki from hololive as a robot malfunctioning while singing and she isn't aware that she is breaking, and maybe have her in underwear or bikini
Maybe. I would rather do some destruction, any ideas on working that in there? I guess I could do a picture where she is glitching and an alt where shes more "falling apart"?
By all means, add onto this.
You can make her damaged while she's still singing
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Would you be fine with drawing Shimakaze from kancolle after taking heavy damage?
Ah, this one. Sure thing
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Good stuff. Always liked the idea of shipgirls being actually robots.
The ruined skin in her face is really good.
Honey so underrated
Not to sound impatient, but does this mean the Azki idea is a no-go then?
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Yes. I apologize but I don't really get that much out of malfunction, it can be cute though.
Can the idea be changed to Azki being very damaged while she continues to sing like she's unaware or doesn't care?
badass image
how do you feel about destroyed robots being discarded or thrown into the trash?
A very recent artist on pixiv is dedicated drawing mechabare stuff on Blue Archive girls
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Pretty nice. I made this cop-bot picture last thread so it activates my almonds, to see something so pretty and elegant destroyed and disposed of.
Would fuck her ass, right there without assembling her body back
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could you do a heavily damaged Fio Germi being connected to a computer and being reprogrammed by the enemy?
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Roboheart from Omori pls
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give it up anon. ur azki mechabare aint happening
robot girls who love being broken are pure wife material
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This one look good for blowjob and then she malfunctions
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If you think about it, vtubers are like robots being controlled remotely
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I cannot wait to have a robot korone and fuck her until she explodes
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Finish her!
With some bot-breaking seggs
Imagine the sex
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>>10950447 (me)
forgot the pic
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found another vtuber manip
>gets forcefully pinned down on the bed
>tries to complete programmed activities
>unable to move and execute rountine
>desyncs and starts to malfunction
>gets literally fucked so hard
>gets so cummed inside
>cum spills to her circuits
>malfunctions between thinking that she is streaming to having an orgasm
>tfw you will never have a malfunctioning vtuber robot as your sexy cumdump slave
why even live?
Maybe in the future that will be a thing.
I can see this happening first then ending up with the Lulu (the vtuber on the pic) robot being broken like >>10947902
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mechabare + rape
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Now we're talking.
Good shit
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>fucking her damaged chassis while she alternates between squirming in vain and blurting out error messages
>muffling the error messages by shoving your cock down her synthetic throat
>reprogramming her to obey your commands but she remains fully aware of what you're doing to her
>cumming on her circuits while she begs you not to
>hearing her servo motors whine in resistance
>switching her on and off while you have fun with her
>switching between different personality modes
>ripping out her components one by one
>watching her go from a top of the line machine to a broken, barely functional pile of metal, plastic, and silicon
>fucking her so hard you can hear loose parts rattling inside
>discarding her afterwards like the broken toy she is

so many sexy options
So good, but you should link the higher quality version: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117460775
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A little something I made
Hololive decided to stream a fighting tournament, but the bots got a little too rowdy
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>the bots got a little too rowdy
Not rowdy enough. There should at least one of them in pieces.
That aside, nice work. Would like to see more of these in the future.
Can you post a version without the HUD stuff?
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Robot chun li?
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>Find a disregarded mass produced warbot in a junkyard
>Turn them on disengage their jaw servos so that her mouth remains open
>The war bot not being able to comprehend anything outside of warfare just stares at you in confusion as you use her as a blowjob machine
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I love how you can see a star on one of her eyes and her arm is moving really quickly. Really shows her malfunctioning while still putting on a facade of a normal girl
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New Getter Robo has a substantial amount of male cyborg guro art in this vein, for any interested bifags.

I've seen a lot of art of bisected Hayato with his mechanical guts dangling from his torso.

Old mecha anime had lots of mechabare
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Now go and write me some malfunction themed eroticas. The good writers at fembotwiki either have completely stop writing or their new stories fell off
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>robot botan
Anon, I think someone in Hololive's staff likes you. Look at 1:13 to 1:19 of this
I wanna fuck that vtubot
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>rain entering those exposed areas
Imagine the malfunction
clang clang
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We need more Hayato mechabare
I wonder if there's any good Kikaider or Kamen Rider stuff out there.
So far I've only come across two pieces of Jiro mechabare
Found one of Ichiro
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Yugioh 5ds has some nice robros
4kids censored the Placido mechabare scene though which is really retarded
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Sucks that this artist made their Bruno mechabare art private
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Michiru mechabare from New Getter episode 9
First time i see this. Cool find
what a bogus thread. I feel like this fetish could be really hot if it was done right.
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And what is "done right" in your eyes?
Any non-hentai manga series that prominently features this content?
Do you guys prefer pure mechanical parts or added fluids like oil/ random android "milk"?
I prefer either of the two. The former if the goal is to have the robot girl appear mostly human, so the appearance only matters. The latter if the goal is to basically have a sex-capable robot.
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Battle Angel Alita
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Its cute that she's still tries.
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Which one of you did the /a/ drawthread request?
What request?
This is cool, who is she?
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Android 18 defeated in combat.
Was going to write a story to go along with it but I got lazy
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Looks like the rest of her body is about to get fucked hard while it twitches and slowly runs out of power
Is that electronic brain from a thunder_emperor drawing?
>have a combat fembot hacked and in captivity
>"Let me go, you meatsack bastard! I'm not your fucking sex toy!"
>good point
>tear open her head and yank out her brain
>leave her conscious the entire time, she only shuts down when she's forcibly removed
>shove it into an empty fuckbot body
>boot her back up, let her see the new her
>she is now literally your fucking sex toy
>enjoy her despair as she realizes this objective fact.
Link please, I don’t browse that shithole anymore.

>it gets worse
>take the fuckbot's brain and put it in the combat unit's body
>despair turns to horror as her own body walks over and starts fondling her boobs
This guy gets it.
Naturally the fuckbot's totally down with being one. One kind of sick bastard would program a robot to hate their job? So she's submissive and loyal and all-to-eager to help torment and train her new sister. The former war machine can only watch in terror as "she" readily and willingly sucks and fucks. Literally, she still can't control her body.

It doesn't help that her former body's new occupant doesn't have any existential issues with this at all.
>"Hmmm? What are you talking about, Sis? Of course I'm just a sex toy! What else would I ever be?"
Said with "her" voice, produced from "her" vocalizer, accented with a sensual rock of "her" hips, words and mannerisms she'd never use herself, every one of them twisting the knife further...
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What's the best moment to fuck a fembot?
Before malfunction? During malfunction? Or post malfunction?
Definitely before. Bonus points if the fucking causes the malfunction. Just make sure you take care of her afterward.
All of the above
imo while she malfunctions
robutts just look so damn fucking hot during malfunctions so not fucking her during that would be a waste. I don't give a fuck about realism and it being dangerous.
That's the right answer
Fuck her so hard she malfunctions, then keep fucking her as she malfunctions, once her body deactivates and is still twitching keep fucking her
Repair her after that and do it again once you wanna fuck her again
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During malfunction
That series really gives me a hard time. You'll get these hot AF moments of robot anime girls getting damaged, being flooded with errors, malfunctioning, etc., then Meowth, Patrick and random ass characters from different cartoons and animes start appearing and taking the most screen time. There had been countless times when I had to crop out the random characters just to get off on the robot stuff.
Yeah at first you laugh due to how absurd it is but then it just becomes autism that gets in the way of the good mechabare content and you realize how unfunny it is past the initial "so random!' element.
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Now she can suck your dick from a greater distance.
I wonder what happened to this anon. They just disappeared.
Wanna fuck her broken body so much
still here. Just don't feel like continuing. I do stuff in other threads to. Drew a milf miku not too long ago.
my most recent mechabare thoughts were of like
a mechanical assassin woman breaking the neck of a guard
but the guard is a fembot to and shes just fine. so she blows away the assassin with a big ol shotgun
I've seen this done as a gag before in some other comic. If you guys are interested I wouldn't mind drawing it out.
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I'm guessing that the requests here were a bit overwhelming? Regardless, it is nice to know. To be honest, for two weeks, I was looking if at least one of the requests was going to be fulfilled.
>If you guys are interested I wouldn't mind drawing it out.
That sounds like a neat idea. Would like to see that
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Here's the moneyshot
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God damn two robot lesbians fucking each other with panels exposed. Too bad the artist only drew two of this comic and I don't understand a kick of Japanese to request more. Also futa warning for this specific work
Is this oc?
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As in original character? Original content? I don't know, I just fap
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Fucking a fembot so hard even her ass overheats.
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This request. Sopmod from GFL destroyed.
Not as brutal as it could have been but still very appreciated.
I once saw some hentai pics or a doujin years ago about a guy who bought a sex robot doll and tried to jailbreak her and install some 3rd party femdom software in her. She goes haywire and turns into the most ruthless dominatrix imaginable. I wish I could find it again. It was like 5 years ago. Anybody got an idea of what it was?
Would be cool to make her have blood and guts as well since she’s supposed to be a cyborg, the mix would be hot as fuck.
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Rekt, good shit.
Imagine stabbing Asuna's back with the screwdriver and see her go haywire as she glitchily smiles, laughs and moans
perfect time for lovemaking
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Badass and hot!
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About time someone posted Dorothy
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Thoughts on Lob's newest work? I honestly was tired of his robot in name only recent previous works so I'm glad there are real mechabare this time
Got any pics of this?
Honestly? Dogshit. Don't care for some taiwanese guy's faggot twink bot getting mechabare'd.
what series
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He then dismantled the robot to sell its part and then use the head to masturbate
Conflicted since I'm happy for mechabare but I only like robot girls
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The Secret of Classmates by this pixiv artist
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Inverted nipples almost
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It was fine, I'm glad to see more robot boys but I don't feel strongly about this one.
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Good ol' body's art. He has been doing this for decades.
I really love on how in Body's stories, it takes a small damage for the robot girls to start destroying themselves since they convert the damage into pleasure and they would want it so much they continually break themselves while in the middle of orgasm.
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Now use the tiny one as an extra small onahole lol
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Terminator reference.
I always liked that model of terminator
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He’s got a lot more of that stuff on his pixiv
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What will you do to her?
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Anyone knows the source of this old manga?
>be girl at uni
>I got a new dormmate recently and she's really weird
>sometimes she'll randomly stop whatever she's doing for a few seconds and then carry on like nothing happened
>she stutters, but not like a normal stutter, more like a CD skipping
>never seen her use the shower either
>come back to dorm room one day and finally understand why roommate is so weird
>see her slumped on the floor next to a step stool and a shelf that used to be mounted on the wall but apperantly came tumbling to the floor with her
>her neck is broken with her head hanging to the side, with exposed wires underneath her ripped skin
>her limbs twitch periodically while she repeats "critical system failure...restarting" over and over again
>now it all makes sense, she's a robot
>for some reason, I can't seem to look away
>seeing her in that condition is...hot
>seeing her reduced to nothing more than a broken toy
>can't explain why, but it makes me unbelievably horny
>sit next to malfunctioning roommate and slide my pants down
>start flicking the bean
>I know it's fucked up but I can't seem to stop myself
>unbutton my shirt and start playing with one of my breasts
>start squeezing it hard
>squeeze it harder until...
>wait wtf
>it came off
>why didn't that hurt?
>actually now that I think about it, why did that feel good?
>look down and see my boob in my hand with a bunch of cabling connecting it to my chest
>wait, I'm a-a-a-a-a-

>PATCH NOTE: "3.38 - Removed a bug causing 'inappropriate behavior' when viewing damaged units"
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Sauce on these? Google search can't find it
Blowjob wall

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