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bulge bump
bump for bulge
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my favorite subgenre for futanari
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personal fav
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10/10 art form
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Do you guys consider this hot irl too, or just on 2d women?
Lots of Mikoyan pics. Here's one of my favs by him.
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There is no women with dicks irl.
Only dudes with tits.
no-one on this board has ever met a woman IRL
Futa/herms do not exist in rl (by all rights the .005% chance of actual intersex is irrelevant before any sperg chimes in, plus they are usually deformed anyhow), and no matter how much certain retards try to force the idea futas =/= trannies.
So this doesn't exist in rl thus no interest.
Maybe one day though.
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Futanari aren't real, they are an idealized version of a woman with a male set of genitalia.
Trannies are not futanari and will never be attractive.
IRL trannies are such a crapshoot and a lot of people that dont pull it off and many people become ones for dubious at best reasons. The number of ones like Bailey Jay or the occsional cutie are hyper rare and way too many look like Tabitha from New Vegas or Golum in a wig for it to be worth it IRL
autopaizuri is based
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Hey, what are you about to do with that bikini bottom...?
Trannies just look too much like plastic surgery abominations, and the hormones inevitably destroy their dick. It's not really the same as the fantasy.
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Okay but have you retards considered actual women just stuffing their pants with fake cocks to have bulges?
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This can be really hot when it looks realistic and it's not comically oversized so the illusion is maintained, I'm not sure if there's any 2D content or stories that explicitly feature women wearing fake bulges (I guess that's the beauty of this thread in that you can interpret these pictures either way) but I recall seeing a 3D picture once a while back that I could kick myself for not saving now and once I saw a post from a girl talking about how she'd wear a fake bulge in her panties then go outside wearing a skirt so she could flash her bulge at teenage boys from a distance then walk away (probably a LARP though)
Yes. Not having TDS makes life so much better.
>idealized version of a woman
Permutation, not an idealization.
Idealized woman is a pure woman, i.e. just a woman.
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Do you know the artist for that pic? The searches don't return results.

Here's o of my favourite bulge pics by peculiart
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Artist is soolee040995 but they posts futa alts on a different alias https://twitter.com/badasengsu
Wish I wasn't shit at editing, need me a Mirko-like predatory grin on pic rel.
Couldn't get a grin right because Paint3D is a bitch and I'm a noob but I think this lip edit turned out good.
PNG version https://files.catbox.moe/vx1zi5.png
File deleted.
>TFW you noticed a fuck up after posting
Whelp I guess I'm gonna go fix that and maybe see if I can find some mouth templates, better than pic rel
>this hot irl too
No such thing irl. Futa is a fantasy.
Futa isn't real.
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Who is this character
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Damn a lot of people are in denial around here.
Yeah this stuff is good irl too. If a girl has the physical and metaphorical balls to show off bulge in public then good.
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Agree. I would even let she have her way with me desu senpai
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Important question:
>big dick or smol pp
>soft or raging boner
>pointed down as a neat package or up
Packaged girl nuts are cute.
I mean
If by "futa" you mean "relatively passing transgirl with an active cock she doesn't mind using", then, yes, I think it's hot irl, too
>>big dick or smol pp
Small to average
>>soft or raging boner
Both are good, but the best is right as she's getting hard
>>pointed down as a neat package or up
Smol: raging boner and pointed to the sky.
Beeg: soft and going down one of the pant legs.
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>a lot of people are in denial
>in denial
Lol ok champ
imagine being thigh height while they stand in a circle around you

Depends on how fem presenting the person is I guess. some folks like more masc-leaning transwomen, but that's not my jam
That's probably my favorite bulge pic of all time.
If legitimate dickgirls* existed IRL I would be insanely attracted to them, but they don't, so I do not have that opportunity.

*(Literal females, who upon reaching puberty develop their girlish curves naturally, being nearly indistinguishable from other women, but inexplicably have a penis.)
I mean they do technically by freak genetic accident, but they’re like one in a million if not more
there are men with fully functional uteruses and wombs too. it’s just so rare
That actually conform to the ideal? I sort of doubt that, especially my ideal. Despite this being a futa thread I am most interested in newhalfs and that's something that basically never happens to women. And if I'm already asking for miracles I'm looking for someone statuesque, packing at least ten inches and balls to match.
the sad thing about balls irl is they are powered by testosterone. they cannot function without the deep voice and body hair that goes along with it
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Which is exactly why I have absolutely no expectation of a miracle spawning an even somewhat ideal newhalf. Makes me a sad panda.
No. Any actual real life naturally born intersex individual will NOT conform to the fictional ideal.
One set, or even both, of genitals will be under developed. 90% of infertility in at least one if not both. The testosterone and estrogen mix leads to various issues, etc.
Futas, or natural dickgirls or cuntboys won't be a real workable thing for a long time, like 20+ years.
It sucks but such is iur world.
Anyone saying other wise is coping or maliciously spreading transvestite propaganda.
Worse yet, it'll be 20+ years away for the next century.
It's an error, not an actual design.
It's not design, either, though.
Hence why I said an error. Normal baseline humanity is a design.
Such biotech was well realizable within past century, just not for anyone public, or most people.
Cuntboys are not needed because they are an idiotic permutation if they look like men, and are just a redundancy if they look like women.
>Normal baseline humanity is a design.
Human form, much like this reality is too precise to be anything but a design, malfunctions existing doesn't change that.
We are designed too poorly for it to have been done by anything possessing intelligence.


Most animals are able to synthesize ascorbic acid (AA) from glucose in either the kidney or the liver . About 61 million years ago, some mammals and primates, including our human ancestors, lost the ability for this endogenous vitamin C synthesis . This occurred due to the inactivation of L-gulono-lactone oxidase (GLO) gene with the consequence that the last step of the ascorbate synthesis from glucose was blocked. From then on, these species, including some primates, guinea pigs and Indian fruit bats, have been dependent on dietary, daily intake of AA.



No intelligent designer would have made such a blunder. There are countless more examples.
No, we are designed exactly as we are needed to fulfill exactly a vast assembly of artistic and culturo-historical properties necessary to do so, failure modes and entropy (as well as esoteric agent stipulated) deteriorations are either select features or simply conventions that were allowed to stand in accordance with free will to realize oneself.
This entire reality is art, and it's up to life itself to rectify those seeming "blunders" if it will ever be necessary for at all, which it also may at pretty much any time. It doesn't because it's not needed.
>This entire reality is art
DESU, this is about the only bit of that I could put much stock in. Reality can certainly be perceived as art, but I will still deny the existence of an artist because it does not appear to be required. I'd argue we are best described as an emergent property of reality. Given the absolute crazy habitats some extremophiles call home, as well as all the mass extinctions life has weathered, it seem to me that life is, if anything, durable and persistent. Why should it not also be inevitable? I do not have the arrogance to insist I know where life came from, but that origin being an intelligence whose own origin requires explanation seem the least likely I've heard, aside from joke answers.

Anyway... this thread requires more panty lumps.
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Last one for now. I must do something about my growing concern.
A fair point.
That artist is really an indecent one, isn't he? I think he drew some pics of himself too.
I've got a few more of that couple, but not all are on topic. Gotta say I'm definitely jealous of the lad. Are you saying that is the artist self inserting or are there other pics he's put himself in? Gotta admit, I'm guilty, too. The first bit of smut I ever wrote for the internet had an MC whose first name was the same as mine. What an odd coincidence!
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Bulge thread could use some new meat.
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If only I could rest my head in her lap like a pillow and nuzzle my cheek up against her lump.
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That's Makima from Chainsaw Man.
No there aren't.
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>Are you saying that is the artist self inserting
In one case, yes. I think there was a photo link of him on danbooru somewhere.
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Terribly sorry, but I can't quite tell. Are you talking about an entirely different bit of art in which he self inserted or are you saying the boy from those two pics ITT is he? The later is what I thought you were implying, but I feel as though I am mistaken.
This is one of Ron Howard's most ambitious sequels yet
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Ambitious is anyone seeking to tame that bulge.
>No, we are designed exactly as we are needed to fulfill exactly a vast assembly of artistic and culturo-historical properties necessary to do so, failure modes and entropy (as well as esoteric agent stipulated) deteriorations are either select features or simply conventions that were allowed to stand in accordance with free will to realize oneself.
I really hope you are ESL because otherwise this is straight up schizobabble.
That's a badass gundam model, who wouldn't?
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Anyone subscribed to Shima's fanbox? Does he make a lot of futa content or is this one a one-off?
both of these are pure kino
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Sorry, I have almost nothing saved on this computer...
Hello dear friends! I am looking to add Aya Shobon to my budding porn collection. I know he has a Patreon and there is some more recent stuff on his Twitter. However, where can I find his work from before 2016? And are there other imagesets posted somewhere? I'd like to get everything he's ever made, preferably from sites where he posted the content himself. I don't mind paying. Second party sites are fine too, if there is no other way. Any help would be much appreciated. His stuff is very segmented.

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