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old thread:
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Reposting this bc it’s amazing
Idk why but her belly button just seems deeper than the other csm girls. Something about the way its drawn makes it feel deep.
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Mococo and her sister talks a lot about her belly button being teased, but I barely see any actual action from the artists that it's an awful injustice.
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If what you're talking about is this Lightning x Hope set, here you go.
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wait..............................................that's Hope.....!?
Bro he told you it wasn't a girl
i just thought it was just a troll post or something...now excuse me while I go hang myself.
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The perfect midriff does not exi-
The way I see it, it's great because it's a rare occurrence of a woman perving over a boy's navel. Especially since Lightning has an exposed navel and a navel piercing in clothing which reveals absolutely no other midriff than the exact location of her navel, making it easier to believe she has a fetish.

Then again I love /ss/ but even if I didn't, women perving over navels in a straight context is almost nonexistent outside of this. I think it's a treasure.
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no it isn't its shit because its gay
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>Male and female
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I just wanted to thank the Aokobro from these threads for his service after seeing the travesty that is her FGO design.
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Anybody know what happened to Poopymcmuffin587? Hasn't posted since 2018 unless he made a new account I'm not aware of. I miss that dude.
How do we tell him boys?
I don't know what happened to them either. I'm a newfag, enlighten us please
What happened to damurican his accounts are all down
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Speaking of witch
You're genuinely retarded and her commissions have warped your image of what her actual design really is
He got tired of gooners like you
t.FGOnly tourist
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Fuck off retarded secondary, she showed her navel in the climax of Mahoyo, you'd know that if you actually read it.
>The REAL version and the first one Takeuchi draws is the brown haired one, and even when she's red haired he's just using jeans and her navel is covered
>B-b-but she's not super aoko and doesn't show off her navel like in this one single instance WAAAAAGGHH
You're proving you didn't fucking read it fucking RETARDS
I literally had to check her ascension art because of you and there is nothing wrong with her design, what the fuck is wrong with you people
Calm your tits autistic faggots
I didn't see any of you eunuchs throwing such a tantrum when Ciel and Arcueid got redesigned
Also if we're ever gonna get another Aoko official art where she shows off her belly it's gonna be thanks to the fgo bucks, because as of now Mahoyo is irrelevant
All this type-moon talk made me want to commission one of the girls
Any suggestions?

Neco arc is not allowed because she's too hot, and Aoko sparked an autismo storm, so besides those two any girl is welcome
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Well you can't go wrong with normal Arcueid, she def needs a lil more bellybutton art if you ask me. Ciel too, maybe. Tsukihime babes in general just need more navel stuff.
>Hating on NNS and Hirodi
>Defending soulless EGS censorship
I want these newfags and tourists OUT of my fucking threads and I want them gone NOW.
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Someone redpill, me what are these schizos are on about
Akiha maybe?
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Is it just me or the NA side of the fanbase is the only side that talks more about Mahoyo ? I don't see many japanese people hyping Mahoyo up, even with it been on FGO
It's because Mahoyo got it's first western release back in 2022, japan had it since 2012 so it's old news for them.
>This means the same thing is going to happen to Tsukihime
Guess we'd better enjoy it while we can.
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Also Aokofags are tourist coomers, you can thank Melty Blood for that.
That’s just red ink, right?
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Bitch I read tsukihime and loved Aoko long before I read mahoyo or played Melty.
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Good! He was a brainless autist anyway! Had the nerve to lie about being banned from 4chan too the fucking pussy!
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get filtered fag
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Do you know the artist or website for these? Tried reverse image search and got nothing

Fuck, that artist is a creep with his underage shit
>that artist is a creep
Do not slander my discount shadbase like that
Fuck off DQ. You're always bitching about that guy.
I can't believe how old this image is now, I remember it making my day when it first got posted. How time flies.
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Shut up DQ
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Go beat off to futa/tranny shit, dumb nigger!
I need my saliva coating every inch of her bellybutton.
What do I have to wish for to get that without any loopholes?
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You can try killing yourself, Jew!
>IM goNnA aCCusE you Of bEInG dQ WithOUT ANY EViDEnce

drink bleach, jew
are you actually fucking retarded? you already know why so shut up, fucking mongoloid!
no u
>The samefag is back
So are these threads just doomed to get shitted up every single time?
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Feels like there's never been a worse time to be a navelfag than now
I wouldn't go that far, it's not like we're the only ones who get our threads derailed by drooling attention seeking retards.
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if the jannies do nothing, yea
I'm very grateful to whoever decided that Angel should be /ourgirl/ among the KoF cast.
Fuck off DQ
No, you fuck off Edo
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Fuck off Nui
Fuck off anon
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>captcha: ANDRR
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artist is paragenerous on DA look for BOGIDART on kemono for him also
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Hi actual Nui here, that ain't me and please dont involve me in this bs, Ive got better shit to do lol
This so hot, what’s the source?
Okay Johnny.
Fuck off Johnny.
Nobody wants your shitty traced commission so quit spamming it you mongoloid.
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Who the fuck is Johnny?
HOLY SHIT ITS BEEN SO LONG I FORGOT NUI EXISTED!! WOW that brings me so many memories from back then. Also why is everyone shitting on everyone? this is actually kind of hilarious
They should shut up and post belly buttons!
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It all started with this >>10998342 faggot having his weekly sperg. Pretty much the usual state of this thread.
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>Still some of the best navelfag content to this very day
Based Suzuka

do you like navel piercings
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She's taking that pretty well
Hot as fuck. Please post more pregnant navel play.
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I guess >>11003938 got his wish
Wouldn't be surprised if Edo was lurking here and made that for him...
Nah it was a poll on his page.
Navelchads! I need your help!

There was a recent Saori upload, two pages manga style, wherein she walks in, sensei looks at her midriff, and then the next page is her tied up with vibrators on her nipples and sensei tickling/licking her navel.

I think the author deleted it. Does anyone have it?
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Finally someone who doesnt call me a NavelFag
( ゚д゚)
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YOU FUCKING HERO. THANK YOU! How did you find it? The author deleted it off pixiv right?
Thanks. To be honest, I saved it the last time it was posted here, because I realized with reverse search that the author only posted it on Twitter.
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This is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life.
Fucking troll, go neck yourself
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inb4 that one fag gets mad I linked to Edo's page
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>New Aoko content yet again
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I have no idea who you are and why do you keep getting Aoko in a straitjacket but thank you Aokofag
This is not gay.
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I think there's like three of them actually
Need more spread navel
>would you put your cock inside a belly button if someone offered you their's to fuck?
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The art piece? No. You? Most definitely
A new Hirodi just got translated - Soukai no Heso Kaizoku (Navel Fetish Pirates) pts. 1-4

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New? that's been out there translated for about two months now

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