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“Mayday” edition
Post dudes with boobs or in the process of growing them. Previous threads:
Also, please try to follow the rules this time so this thread doesn’t get shadow-anchored or whatever
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>hey bro, you seen my pants anywhere? we can’t go hang out with the boys If I’m just straight up shirtcockin it.
>Lol, fuck you starin at dude? you gay or something? Starin at your bros curves? I bet you’d nut first second if I showed you my pecs.
>*flop* * bounce* Come on dude, don’t you wanna play with them. Yeah get a big handful, bet you’ve never seen a dude lactate before.
>You’re so easy bro, I can see you rockin a tent in your pants. I bet you’d looove to bust all over my chest. Here, since you wanna be gay so badly.
>*Plap plap plap plap* Fuck yeah, that’s it dude, bust all over your bro you loser. Hmm, you like my big lips too? pfft you’re so weird. lol, watch this, mmmhpp, sluuurrrpp, HNNMMMM.
>Ahh…ahhh…. I knew it dude, busting in your bros mouth? you ain’t beating the allegations my guy lmao.
>Now come on, I gotta find my pants so we can… oh! seems I made a pretty big mess myself lol. guess I couldn’t help it.
>ehhh fuck it dude, they can party without us, come on, let’s go shower off, together.
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how is this shit any different than run of the mill futa? I get they're suppose to be men with tits but most the art shows hyper feminized bodies. there's not much of a difference from typical futa/girldick aside from them being self described boys by the artist, which isn't much
I think busty boys are appealing in the opposite way futas are. Futas are typically depicted as rather masculine, very dominant, almost amazonian. There’s lots of dommy mommy energy to go around, y’know? Whereas busty boys are often depicted as the ideal “soft mommy gf” archetype. Submissive, caring, and very kinky.
I'd figure the appeal of a bustyboy is simply being having a male body with a female attribute, ie "boobs" It doesn't seem appealing if they're just non dommy futas and drawn phenotypically female anyways. there are already soft and submissive futas anyways, just not nearly as popular. a bit of femininity is fine if they're androgynous but the andro part is also lacking.
Incredibly hot Anon

It boils down to "guys with boobs" being more appealing to some people than "girls with dicks".
Even if they are aesthetically identical in some cases, the logical aspect of it is what makes the difference.
Just the mentality and presentation of the character can entirely change the idea and appeal. Submissive futas are hot in their own way, but I'm here for the particular appeal of a dude giving me a titjob and calling me gay.
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if drawn well its the male body proportions like broader shoulders and narrower hips that make them still male witjh tits, just like the opposite is true with futa that makes them female with dicks. for me its a self insert thing.
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Definitely a self insert for me too. Started with a love of turned obsession with boobs, shoving balloons in my shirt, and eventually getting a bra and stuffing it. Just take your average guy and slap a pair of bulbous bouncing boobies on him.
>"I'm here for the particular appeal of a dude giving me a titjob and calling me gay"
My ideal busty boy has a figure like a more masculine Genshin Impact character. Tall, toned, slim, maybe some muscle. Just slap some huge tits on a boy with a body like those and I’m good to go.
File deleted.
For me it's a similar appeal to the brojob, like "hey man, I'm bricked up, lemme smash them titties, no homo"
Futas would have vaginas.
Lustre_AI had been training LORAs that pushed all these buttons, but he can't seem to keep an account anywhere without getting banned.
Is there an archive of his stuff somewhere online?
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Looks like he's gotten a new Pixiv at https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/104458151 and you can find some older stuff by searching for Lustre on the kemono site.
God, I wanna get forced into a bustyboy's rack and made to drown in his tit meat
despite appearances, this is indeed a bustyboy and not a futa. this is some gintama character
The world needs more busty slut boys
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agreed! slutty boob boys make life good
Bustyboys will be an accepted third gender in the next 20 years
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Doesn't need to be a whole third gender, it's still just guys after all.
Even with the huge jugs and slutty clothes.
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you say that but how many vulvas are present in the futa threads....
if anything /d/ and other self proclaimed futa artist just use the word to mean girl with a monster cock slapped onto their crotch. the vulva is either optional or called "full package" when it is added or forgotten altogether. so yeah there is no difference between general futa and this aside from pronouns. Come back to me when they actually look like men with tits
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For me, it's more about the feminization aspect of a normal guy now having deal with this absurdly feminine and voluptuous body. It is "Busty" boys, not just "Tiddy" boys.
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the word "busty" implies it's about the "bust" as in the chest though. I've never seen the word used on woman to imply being chubby or plus sized so why is it suddently changed here? it just makes it meaningless

>See term "busty boys" thrown around
>Infer incorrect meaning of term based on overall voluptuous artwork

The word they're likely looking for us “buxom”, although even that has a contextual focus on the size of the breasts usually.
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Yeah, tits and ass go together like chocolate and peanut butter, so it's a bit hard to find true busty boys without the voluptuousness. Which is good too, but feminization is a step too far.
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I love these.
I like my busty boys voluptuous, but still in like, guy clothing
like if you removed the big titties (and the optional big ass), he would look like an average guy
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There simply isn't enough content of non-crossdressing voluptuous men.
I've been taking hrt for 5 years because of this stupid fetish, my tits still aren't as big as I'd like, but they're c cups now. Nobody gives a fuck, really. At work I tell people I have a hormonal condition, but my friends all know about it.
If you want them bigger, you could try a fat transfer. Worked for one dude I've run across the internet.

His recent size for reference:
No fucking way. Sauce?
nice tits but their face looks like chris chan…. rip
sure that isn't a breastplate? all of his photos are potatomode but it looks too smooth and rubbery
Source: https://www.deviantart.com/bblboy/gallery

Think you need a DA to see all his pics tho
You're def not wrong but fortunately most of his pics cut below the neck lmao
I considered the same thing before. He's had them for at least a decade and his older pics seem legit to me. He said he's been taking hormones for years so idk if that helps makes his skin appear like that.
That's such a life goal if this is true.
Imagine finding a woman who accept the fetish or even is into this, I'd love to end up with a busty wife and being her even bustier husband.
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I really hate that Franktonius made sure to detail that he's wearing a breastplate. Otherwise it'd be a 10/10
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“we do not see it”
>dudes with boobs

This faggot posts trannies.
he must be new
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It's a like a second-skin vest

Dudes with Boobs are contrary to the entire idea of trannies. These are MEN. They like sports, fishing and working on their cars. The fact that they look indistinguishable from women while at the same time holding no doubt to the identity of their sex makes it the most Anti-Troon fetish possible.
I think the boobs being fake makes it hotter, personally.
when I said “we do not see it” in quotes, I meant let’s pretend we do not see it to live in our preferred fantasy
Oh, i'm trying to summon someone with the slightest photoshop skill to edit it away.
you could probably do that shit with mspaint or your phone's photo editor
just ask the edit thread. i’ve had tones of things done
I don't want it that much.
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Remember to milk your cow boys lest they get uncomfortably full.

but this seems to be the only on-topic piece by this artist.
also, does this individual like men?
Link: https://www.deviantart.com/bblboy

Also, I'm 98% sure he does.
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>"Did my water just *huff* break? Are you being ridiculous again. I'm a guy and I-I'm just suffering from a bad ca-a-ase of bloating right now."
>"On an unrelated note could you po-o-ossibly take me to the hospital?"
I need a "Not Gay TM" Busty Boyfriend to breed into a boy mom
>Tsundere Busty Boyfriend to Caring Boymom
A man with tits does not have womanly organs or proportions, depending on who's drawing them. He is fundamentally still a man even with his massive tits. A futa is a woman with a penis.
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It is remarkably difficult to argue this with all these pregnant "busty boys" being posted. It sucks.
it’s not about physical body. it’s about cognition. From their point of view they are male, act male, and see no difference between them and other men, regardless of how absurd they are. even being complete women physically
That couldn't be further from my interpretation of bustyboy content. It's absolutely about the physical manifestation of a male that has been given large breasts (and sometimes butt) by some means like science, magic, or absurd genes. The awkward embarrassment is a big part of it for me, followed by reluctant acceptance. A woman calling herself male is just troony mental illness and thus not a male nor bustyboy.
it is by magical/unnatural means. like reality warp. not literal woman acting male.
There's room for both interpretations. I mean the Ambush thread is a mix of Toned Twinks and Hairy Hyper Muscle with Bimbo heads.
That said, how do you guys like your cocks? Big? Little? Huge? Or straight up Gone, withered away from their overwhelming femininity.
Show tits
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Pretty sure these are just female versions of Link.
With similar certainty, this looks to be a futa.
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Male characters with breasts added is a very niche fetish, and used to be more so. Often you had to grab early panels in a trans gender comic, or otherwise take "close enough" to get anything at all. I'll concede the Brellom pictures are supposed to be female Link, but without seeing the gentiles, I pretend.
Link looks like a girl to begin with, but half the time these threads get futa with angular faces anyways.

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