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post men with pussies that’s all there is to it
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you made the new thread before me, damn. glad the cuntboy army is strong
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which hole does /cuntboy/ like to see get fucked the most?
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whichever he chooses
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So cute
I love it when they want to be fucked in the ass, but their pussy drools greedily while it's happening
Whenever I see the tit removal scars they stop being boys to me and I can no longer self insert, anyone else like this?
If they don't have scars I just imagine they had keyhole top surgery.
I prefer without because I prefer a magical transformation angle over Good Trans Representation™ or whatever, but I really don't care that much desu
What I do hate is that top surgery scars in porn so often look like absolute botch jobs. Hentai plastic surgeons need to go back to med school, I swear
Women who've had mastectomies because of cancer or other urgent health issue don't have those huge, nasty scars.
It's kind of ignorable if the character is decked out in other scars, but usually it takes me out of it. It's not even good for ftm self insert, I prefer to forget that botched surgeries are trendy for some reason
cis girl x c!boy is PEAK
Sexy... I like when they know they won't be cumming from anal but they're so addicted to the feeling that they ask for it anyway and leave their pussy to drool, alone and untouched.
Same here. I want cuntboys, not trans men. The difference being that it's all natural, it's how they naturally are (somehow).
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the porn’s all mostly the same, who seriously has the energy to nitpick this shit? i want to see big muscular men with pussies and i don’t care if they started as women or not, it’s HOT either way
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It truly is. Did a huge dump of those drawings in the last thread
artist anon from the last thread i’m back again

sorry this is pretty boring and not very sexually charged i was testing out new brushes and happened to draw boypussy
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>who seriously has the energy to nitpick this shit?
It's not nitpicking it's noticing the scars, realizing they're women not men and losing the ability to self insert.
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sucks for you champ
You will never be a man
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>anon disagrees with me so he must be a SHE! haha this one’ll really get HER!

you may be retarded… anyway if you’re gonna keep whining at least contribute to the thread, cuntboy or GTFO

Oh my god, literally no one cares that you don't like chest scars. Post porn or shut the fuck up
That really got under your skin, huh?
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i’m tired of arguments on these threads, if you come here to complain instead of contributing obviously people are gonna get sick of you
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anyway, here’s a few more from my folder
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it's always the faggots who don't contribute who make complaints
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im so mad this isnt leon kennedy getting his penis stimmed but the arts good
here take it
Fuck, source?
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corytongari on x
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Meant to reply to you fuck.
Now this one's by udon_tea
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source? need more cuntboy hentai
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The cunt. Anal is fucking boring imo. The only reason I even have this fetish is like cunts and I’m bored of anal but can’t get it up for women.

Tbh you learn not to give a fuck after a while. FTM trannies are the only ones making good cuntboy oral content (which is my whole thing), so it feels shitty to complain about it too much.

What I dislike is when they make the cuntboy clearly built like a woman. But if it’s an actual guy with two scars I’m like whatever
>Tbh you learn not to give a fuck after a while.
FTM hands typed this post
I can't see FTM's as men, and so I can't self insert as them.
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oh my god contribute or leave the thread nobody fucking cares just go and photoshop the scars out if it’s that much of a problem
>nobody fucking cares
>proceeds to reply
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tfw my XX ballsack and XX cock dgaf about scars apparently

desu I think it’s just that I want to fuck them, not be them, so it doesn’t matter

more Labru
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all i have is from rule34 so it’s probably all stuff you’ve already seen

posting the rest anyway though
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thank you for your service
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>tfw my XX ballsack and XX cock
>desu I think it’s just that I want to fuck them, not be them
True, I want to be an actual cuntboy
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>”FTM hands typed this”
>am male

did the joke really fly through your head?
but yeah I get why it being a trans would weird out if you’re inserting as the cuntboy but for me if its a clear male body two scars don’t really matter. people post flat chested women in this thread all the time and that’s a much bigger boner killer for me
>did the joke really fly through your head?
I'm sorry I last gave this thread 1 minute of attention a whole 5 hours ago and just read the latest post to see why I had a red eye
I was assuming you're some genetic cockup instead of it being a joke
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stop responding to non-contributors. you wouldn't try to start a conversation with a cockroach. so don't try to speak to other types of subhumans.
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>you wouldn't try to start a conversation with a cockroach. so don't try to speak to other types of subhumans.
pott, kettle, etc.
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>blurred, big F
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I’m really enjoying the dbz cuntmen, got any mor?
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i can return with some soon
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here you go man
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this and next aren't clearly cuntboy but it's part of a set
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hope you enjoyed anon. i'll see if i can get more later
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make sure to save the full image. not the thumbnail, anon
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ooh thank you for this… I usually just google pairings I like and missed bottom Kaveh w FTM Alhaitham damn…
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in the mood to do some edits this week, any requests? don't post too many so you don't shit up the thread.
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original artist is @KomuvitanD
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Edit as in?
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Remove peepis and bestow pussy. could also masc up some futas or women but thats a bit more effort.
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would this work? could post different images if this is difficult or annoying, i’d like the underwear removed if possible
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also obligatory cuntboy post since i’m requesting something
Artist source? Couldn't find anything
battleguitar on twitter
Thanks friendo
i genuinely can't understand why a cis lesbian like myself would be so into this stuff and femboys, someone make it make sense to me please.
You are attracted to femininity and pussy.
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Tried my best. Chromatic aberration my beloathed.
Sorry if late, just coochie work. And why is it that i can't upload files in incognito?
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thank you holy shit
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Reminds me of when I clocked a "straight" ftm and followed them into the bathroom.

Took a minute to get those boxers off and that clit and tight slit dripping and throbbing. Fucked that tight cunt while they screamed and moaned in my mouth.
I fucked like I was raping them and...anyway.
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You may be a Kinsey 5 instead of a 6, no big deal. I am also a lot more into women then men irl but I find cute femboys and cboys super cute.
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I think most people are at least a little bi, and that truly, 100% straight (or gay) people are a minority
Not that I have any real evidence for that
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>this stuff is fairly common
>can't find male futa to save my fucking life
how is finding art of a male with only female genitalia, no signs of normal male anatomy, harder than finding art of a male with male genitalia and female genitalia as well
You've looking for the wrong stuff. try omegaverse.
I don't even know why, but I've felt aroused to images of men with pussy and tits lately, it's even better when they are unashamed about it, it's kind of like they're saying they like being drilled in the cunt but they're still men anyway so they don't care about it.
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wuthering waves released, boring gameplay but this scar guy has crazy cuntboy potential
the ultimate beard
man in public, girl in bed
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already more
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insane amount of cuntboy art for this game, we will be fed for a long time
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Scar my beloved
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i’ll keep dumping all the art i can find in here, hopefully people keep making it
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this one is my favorite so far
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Droppin a few featuring trans kaveh
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>acquire pussy
>still put dildo in ass
TBF since taking T I get so wet its pretty much like fucking a swimming pool in the front.
hot hot hot
Would be but neither of us can feel anything because its just WET.
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I've given enough ftm all 9 inches of bbc to know this is the truth.
Jesus christ I wish I had know about fucking you guys sooner. But i'm mostly straight and a transman convinced me "Pussy is pussy bro" before practically worshipping my dick then hopping on top and after some struggling and a few orgasms while trying to get settled, he rode my fucking cock like I owed him money and came and came and came and came.

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