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>only thing's I enjoy anymore is drinking, driving around for 3 hours at night and finding junk on the side of the road to fix (while doing the former)
Who else knows this feel?
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Just found another lawn tool on the side of the road, a 2 stroke wacker, probably got straight gassed from the feel of the gas. It's late so I only was able to dump a cap full of oil in from the trunk and throw a spark tester on it, strong spark, did get it to fire up twice. First time was a fluke, don't see how it did it since the following 5 minutes I couldn't get it to go.
But if I pulled it, then followed up rapidly again while it was retracting, I managed to get it to start up a few following times.
Would that be indicative of low compression, or the gas being on the edge of not being usable. There wasn't much gas in it, so if it was at a full tank I don't think it would've lived long enough to use that much gas before dying, nor start again afterwards.
I enjoyed drinking and driving until i got arrested
I dont enjoy drinking or driving anymore
Drinking and driving, same as smoking weed and driving, or doing lsd and driving, or any other drug, are all a lot of fun until you kill someone. Luckily I grew up and stopped all that shit without having an accident or getting a DUI.

Actually, my stupidest driving was when I needed sleep. Twice I was in location A, then later on realized I was way too sleepy and decided to pull over, but realized I was already at location B and had apparently driven many miles while sleeping or dozing off, occasionally waking up when I ran off the road and hit noisy gravel.

I don't believe in angels or god or anything, but I have to wonder how I survived the stupid years.
I still do it, but I don't enjoy it; like fucking OP's mother.
god damn I've been hitting craigslist free hard. I've restored a grill, got a gig, picked up another electric mower and passed up on so many deals.

I haven't gotten to driving around rich neighborhoods on garbage day in the wee hours yet but I used to score so much shit that just needed a power wash for reselling when I did.

I could be earning 6 figures but I'm fucking off repairing lawnmowers assholes let sit with gas for $50 a pop. What the fuck is wrong with me?
I meant former as in while driving around late at night I find junk to fix, not drunk driving for 3 hours.
>I could be earning 6 figures but I'm fucking off repairing lawnmowers assholes let sit with gas for $50 a pop. What the fuck is wrong with me?
You can't buy satisfaction with six figures.
You can sure as fuck build and equip a fine workshop with six figures.
Dude I suffer from the same bullshit, I’ll spend $25 in gas, $100 in parts to get an 1800s sewing machine going I got for free

Rather than just buying a new sewing machine for $30 at Walmart and using it until it breaks
Have you tried drunk cycling? It's like drunk driving but with the added natural high of exercise for max euphoria. Plus while drunk your muscles rarely feel tired, any fear of getting hit by a car goes away, and you don't even notice snow and rain. tl;dr: If there is a heaven it's being drunk on a bicycle.
I used to that, almost broke my neck doing a front flip in the neighbors yard taking a shortcut and hitting a massive hole, also fell off in the rain. I had to bike/walk to work for 2 years so any fun I had fucking with bikes is gone.
Turn off the choke.
What is the tier list for gas machines relative to size and resale value? Are mowers worth bothering with due to the extra space they take up? I would think snow blowers would be the highest value.
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I went to circle k for a big pepsi max instead of beer then found a poulan pro and a husky. I managed to lose my second spark tester again somehow after trying to get the lawn tractor running last week. But I just put some fuel in the poulan and managed to get it running. First few pulls it started easy but will have to clean the carb since it was hard to start after the first few times. Husky is a old consumer saw so not going to mess with it until getting the poulan working good since it's a newer one that actually has parts availability.
No one care about your life story
>I could be earning 6 figures
No you wont. Stop telling big lies to try to impress people.
There is none. All you retarded hillbillies and meth head scrapers think everything is worth money. Even if its a doller from your friend to fuck your loose used up girlfriend/wife.
>3 posts within 6 minutes bitching with similarly bad grammar.
Spot the seething city slicker.
Not seething. Just cant stand you rednecks talking about anything. All you fuckers do is stand in a wore out shed drinking your natty light.

>similarly bad grammar
Being a hypocrite about something you do daily on the internet along with everyone else. No one cares.
I agree that's actually worse than drinking and driving

At least with 5 beers you're not falling asleep

Sleepy driving is definitely more dangerous
IT WAS YOU you were the guy that picked up my old wheelbarrow when I dumped it on the side of the road at 11pm. Thanks fren.
Too autistic to keep my union job
Not rarted enough to be on disability
I've been inhabiting this feel for some time
Aren't nigger city slickers the one with bad grammar?

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