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File: RabbitHole-Lize(CuteMMD).png (2.95 MB, 2560x1440)
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Previous Thread: >>2850817

>Guides & Resources
Pastebin: https://rentry.org/MMD4Chan



>Search terms
MMD, mikumikudance, R-18, 紳士の社交場, 紳士向け
MMDモデル配布あり, MMDステージ配布あり , MMDアクセサリ配布あり
MMDモーション配布あり, MMDカメラ配布あり, MMDエフェクト配布あり

Pastebin & Catalog: https://rentry.org/3DCG4Chan
to all the person that answered my sdef bdef question, thank you so much now I can try again rigging an old swimsuit that is so freaking annoying to rig because there is cape part
cmon bros I have asked this for days
what motions is he using?
Here, you had asked this once several days ago. There's a difference.

How to answer your own question:
1. Install the Shazam app or the AHA music extension for Chromium browsers.
2. Identify the track.
3. Google it, along with the names of artists and "mmd motion dl."
4. Check the videos in the output and find the source of this unironically original motion.
looks like a JohnyL motion
The links I gave are from videos made on Genshin modding and not mmd. I'm very curious how.
As for mmd,
Gentleman's Frame: oppai
DeepLens: しめじなめこ
Thanks for the reply from the last thread.

Do you know how to add a frame to the panels with gentleman's frame? I read the readme and it mentioned scaling it with Si, I've seen people giving them a colored border and was wondering if it's also possible in the settings, or just a separate object also parented to the same dummy bone
anyone have this models?
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I guess.
I've never used that effect yet... well, it's not adapted to MikuMikuMoving, now that I've taken a look. There was an adapted version, but the link is dead. I've tried making my own, but it's sorta broken, hiding stuff it shouldn't, and I don't feel like wasting more time on it.
I just rely on the rendering order approach (https://archived.moe/e/thread/2772778/#2775432), using the trusty round hole made in PMXE with simple primitives—a circle-shaped plane with 0.01 opacity and a torus that frames it. It also doesn't require fully copying the code of any shader you want to use with it to make it work within the frame and does not reduce the resolution of the viewport.
Pass help?
says video number,
go to the video and copy the number
anyone have this motion ?

Can someone grab this?
anyone know the pass

ts 7jxsdz2ehung
anyone have this motion ?
Check tstorage. If not, I'll upload it.
Quick question. Did anyone happen to get Kafuji's newest model?
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anyone have this model?
anyone have the video
the one with medaka kurokami in it?

i've looked everywhere for it but it seems REO nuked his old videos off the planet and cant find a place to watch it
Is this not downloadable for anyone else?
Anyone have this model ?
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anyone have this old quappael model?
I think I have it, let me look
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Whats the actual name of this Miku model?
Looks like ab8b api miku.
Did anyone get Poppy by Ren?
the video is no longer available

>kemono down
does anyone know the password for this?
can someone help? stuck with this for a while now
Can anybody help with the pass:


What is this station B BS and how do I find this crap in the future?
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Truly, it's a mystery.
I should note it's in the description of the video though, so you will need to click on the player to get to its page.
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Kantai Collection - Uzuki
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Blue Archive - Yurizono Seia
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Also upcoming model by Jsn,
Does anyone know if there is a tutorial that explains how to convert Unitypackage models to xps? I found this model for free and I want to try converting it.
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how to make the skin look glossy / wet like in the picture
A little help please

poses pack
pee on her

Anyone got her?
good one
is a big file
don't know what material was used in the picture, assuming it's Ray MMD try the skin_marusu gloss/wet/wet+ materials

in general with Ray MMD you increase the "smoothness" values to make it shinier
raycast material albedo
Have either of these been shared yet?
lol plastic skin
damn r kelly be everywhere
yeah why not.
have you seen iwara. just plastic
no pubes, plastic skin... some people just dig that barbie doll look
japanese barbie
The other big file is just thumbnails, useless
ts qi5w0bjq7j3k
have fun
ts j8q1uv6citcc
anyone have this motion ?
DAMN, yes, yes I am retarded. Noted for the rest of my life, since I never click and of the tabs since I can't read ccp..... thank you.
throw water on them
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Anyone has a full version of this?
Does anyone know about this model?

How can I tune the RGBA式おっぱい剛体 breast physics for perkier response?

I can change the mass of some of the rigidbodies but then as soon as I enabled physics they sag instead.

Any guideline how the various numbers work together?
There you go anon, pw is 2859089

I removed the shaders etc, just lef tthe fbx, converted pmx, and textures

ts so3onc52xm75
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They should be perky by default though. Ironically, when I load the sample kappa in MMM, her tits go upward with physics rather than sagging in their default state. I feel like I explained it before, but I can't find it in the archives, so, first things first, there is an English translation of the PMXE ReadMe:
Secondly, here's an explanation from me:
Surely, you remember Newton's second law from school? It works just like that. Less mass, less momentum = milder movement. Lower damping means longer duration of effects from model movement or collision. Repelling forces the body away from any colliding ones, while friction makes it stick. Body sizes below 0.01 radius spheres appear to stop working.
Joints are responsible for scaling the other multiplicator, the acceleration (the bounce figures), as well as for limiting the extent to which rigids in a physical pair can move relative to the joint and each other. Oh, here's a pic from before, a.k.a. that explanation:
Thanks, that much I kind of figured out already, my question was specifically about the RGBA式おっぱい setup, which is apparently too advanced for my little brain...

I liked that setup because it was plug&play and had the breasts in the same state when physics is turned on as the "off" state, which of course makes a lot of other things much easier. But I think the response is more appropriate for D+ cup breasts... however I couldn't figure out a way to, effectively, reduce the mass of the "apparatus" (or increase the spring constant, or basically the natural frequency) without also making it look weird the instant physics is turned on.
Perhaps you would like to make a recording, because I can't tell what's wrong. (Although I suspect you may want to turn off or tone down the sliding.) The author explains his system here:
can someone share Red Velvet Chill Kill motion please?
Can't seem to find it. Or maybe I'm just dumb :/
sorry I don't know how to record in pmxe
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You use screen recording software, such as OBS. Recordings can be converted to vp9 webms without an audio track or uploaded to a file sharing website such as files.catbox.moe.
>Does anyone know if there is a tutorial that explains how to convert Unitypackage models to xps?
how about mmd because i've gotten plenty of these packages off sites like cgtrader and it's like, i don't want someone to do it for me, i want like a guide that says what to do exactly start to end
i feel like everyone just wants us to have to wait for someone to do it and that's if they want to do it for you and that's so volatile
I use a random unitypackage extractor, take the fbx, open it on blender, and export it to pmx using mmd tools, then just fix the textures and shit
Anyone has a full version of this?
Previous link was broken
does anyone have the full version of HyunA - Nabillera? tstorage only has a 1 minute version :(
Whats the best way to make an animation?

I have been trying MMM, but theres so many headaches. IE, legs seem to start spazzing out when i move a center down and some models

Whats the best pipeline? Animate in blender, move to mmd?
Pass please
If you mean videorelated, it's likely caused by bad modeling practices. Namely, not fixing the deformation order of IK bones after moving them above their chain in the list. While PMXE doesn't consider it an error and it works with MMD's IK solver, it is definitely an oversight. Although that can also happen with, say, a mocap motion that combines FK and IK retargeting (like the ones made by mobiusP).
Ademar claims Blender is much easier to animate in, but I don't know.

Have you tried googling the link before asking? (Assuming your government doesn't censor VK links.)
(For reference, the Nico number of the associated distribution video/image is the most common Japanese password.)
Does anyone have MisterPink Edit of YYB Miku?
Anyone have?
Speaking of MisterPink, anyone have his edit of Bismarck from kancolle?
Thank you so very much!
an anyone help me on what the password actually means for this one


saids for this the hint is MY NICO SAIKYO RETTO JOTO NO. WITH SM

sm im assuming is from a nico video from the author but before that im not getting what the author is trying to say.
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"The number of my (best?) 劣等上等 Nico video, including sm."
Since the hint truncates elongated vowels (ou), the advice to type it out would not be very useful here without basic Japanese knowledge, but if you see such strange-looking words, the first thing to do is to try typing it out somewhere like Google Translate with kana input enabled. Maybe some advanced IME software would be able to figure out which word you want though.

How to find it:
0. Try googling the username along with "nicovideo." In this case, you will likely fail to find anything useful for some reason, so this step can be skipped.
1. Go to the user's bowlroll page.
2. Click the Twitter icon by the avatar.
3. Look for any links that could point to his account, starting with the bio. Lit.link is used for link collections, so click there first.
4. Nice, there's his Nico account link. Now click it.
5. It conveniently directs you to his video list, so all you have left is to search for a matching video name and copy its number to the password input field.
6. ???
7. PROFIT!!111
P.S. Although a Google search of the username coupled with the motion/song name will bring you to the result in a single step.

funny thing is i found the niconico ive been trying to see if any of his videos would work been at it all day im really struggling on this one here thought it'd be easy to no avail im just not getting the right video number.
Does any one have any good quality animal d**ks or at least a model that comes with one? I tried searching in google and the only one that fits the criteria are from someone called "Yaoiwolf" in iwara and the d**k models he has seems to be long gone.
Anyone got likeabaka's rin model?
is this the full version?
model has no vag
Anyone has a full body of this?
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Idk what you're doing then.

>i got it i did something silly on my end appreciate the help
Check the archives or tstorage, an older version was shared a few months ago.
simple, concise, I was looking for something like this Thanks bro. I know how to use blender, but it was the first time I saw a model in Unity and I wanted to try converting it, but I don't know the program XD
On the model page you can download the demo_version and compare
Does anyone have this in PMX format?


or only base


pass: KIHW22LLJ8U

unzip: TH98JUG7H7
And Bunny And Swimsuit please? Gentlemen.
sorry I don't have them
One question, does anyone know the name of the author of motions where at the beginning of his videos Sour Rin always appears walking from left to right with a melody like a music box, I can't find his movements that I downloaded and I don't remember his name, I think He publishes his videos on YouTube and bilibili and his downloads are on bowlroll and aplaybox
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迫奈熏 (Ponx).
so i will wait To Anyone to Leak this Owari bunny and swimsuit models.
They are all like that, dlsite does not sell with a vagina.

Maybe some for the majority not
I am truly impressed by your positivity
Good luck .......
No problem bro, I had the same concern but asked around and turns our you don't need to fuck with Unity if you dont give a shit about using the avatars for VRC. So any extractor will just rip everything that is in a unitypackage like it were a zip file, then you just trash what you don't need :)
Can someone help with this password?
I just saw this... https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm7951730
It's ancient, so I doubt it, but would that motion be available anywhere? (Or a similar one...)
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Most of his passwords are solved the same way and consist of three or two parts.

I think you will have some trouble with that when there's no indication it was ever made publicly available. The sole incomplete "child" might be the result of a trace from the video or a private p2p exchange.
As for similar ones, try googling obvious terms, such as "mmd skating motion," "mmd ice motion dl," or their Japanese equivalents ("mmd スケートモーション").
mmdcup original motion ,shared nah
It's pretty impressive, don't you think so?
Should be this/another entry in the blog
OP provided the pmm, not a vmd, the readme says the data is included
I accept blood sacrifices
oh boy, twitter trannies
oh wait now it's x trannies
Does anyone have this?

Does anyone have the full version of ganyu from Tarara Tarako?
Please I'm desperate to have it

holy shit you're awesome, I'll name my firstborn Anon in your honour. How did you even find it?

Also holy shit that's a lot of IK on skater Miku... no wonder.

>captcha mmnh
and I forgot my pic in the excitement
I'm even more impressed that this mediafire is still up after 15 years...
Thank you, it's an honour
Was just lucky, I tried wayback machine on the blog url OP provided and thankfully it was saved, and as other anon said the mediafire file was still up which is nothing short of a miracle
Did anyone got this before ?
ts 4fdn2n2p1sqp
ts jo50foz282im
so i know this is a long shot but does anyone have sm28506243 - 【紳士用MMD】第六回 GUMIがPiNK CATで参拝客を集めてくれました
in decent quality its an ancient gumi vid where she has a butplug cat tail and it falls out mid way through the dance
best i could find was 480p
ts vf4v1gxi98ep
You haven't checked the OP have you?
>"...check the scraper first before asking in the thread."
Does anyone have the latest two cameras for the 000MMD?
Someone was already able to get to work, for me the mmd freezes or closes, I tried using PmmDump but show an error, I tried the oldest available version of the mmd and also freezes.
It works for me, with MMD 9.32 x64. Although after getting prompted for the location of the umpteenth accessory file I gave up and cancelled loading the rest.

But it seems to play perfectly fine, all the way through the end.

Maybe at some point you chose loading the wrong model/accessory file? That could definitely cause crashes.

Basically how he sets those distributions up are in seperate passwords first password will always be from liking the video the second will be on the link he provides on that video description then the last password is on that privatter link on that you just clicked on usually involving a number

pass is まぜんたからふる1200
What would I need to download to do this with my Mmd models?

thanks I'll try again
So did Seismic's Liru model ever get leaked or something? I know it's not a .pmx but even getting a hold of the model in any format could lead to someone converting it into one
This may be lost to time, but does any one have this motion?

blender can open it, yeah
Hole effect

just downloaded unity. unfortunately it can't open the mmd model even though i got several packages downloaded.
these are the models and packages:





model is for mmd

Please accept this offering of Raymoo's virginal blood to honor your superior wisdom.

The distribution source and password for that effect are quite hard to find nowadays, now that the author's Nico and Google accounts are nuked.
check again
You're lucky, if it weren't for MF
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I think you misinterpret, I just posted the link that allows you to learn both the password and where to download the effect.
We would like to have a member of the game development department and would like you to share...!

https://pan.baidu.com/s/1_4aCcTUxMtshThrgCteUMA (pass:n78x)
This post smells Chinese
One hundred percent.
Chinese models are here to stay
ts dl6t1ru8dqsu
Thank you very much!
We now have all the members!
does anyone have the password?

got a link to the .blend file DL?
pass help
tried きょう43737973 but does not work
It was leaked, but you have to re-rig the whole thing.

You're a god, thanks man!
Honestly, I doubt it will be useful, at this point it's easier to remake it from scratch.
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Don't forget to give the bideo a rike, baka gaijin, or you won't learn it's the day after. (Although it's still easy enough to guess, even if unusual.)
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Thanks for the campfire suggestions last thread, any further ideas to make it look even better?
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MeraFireParticle's smoke element (although it doesn't seem to combine with Ray-MMD super well, since the intended black oily smoke from the tank turned into a pathetic campfire-like stream) or SoftSmoke (haven't tried combining it with Raycast yet), plus a more voluminous model (Ctrl+X with face selection, object management > tension movement mode or scaling (dragging the handle center while holding Alt scales along all axes) are good tools for it), maybe with bones to position individual sticks as needed.
Thanks, I tried some smoke effects as well as getting them to work like ray-mmd fog, but couldn't get it to look good... and in case a fire like that shouldn't have a lot of smoke anyway (don't wanna make it look like babby's first campfire), at least in my experience.

So I'll probably be skipping the smoke... but yeah, the fire base itself needs work. I'm trying to get the logs I'm working on to look like embers with ray-mmd emissive properties, but that's harder than I thought it would be.
Can someone help me with the password for this file?


This is the file at this URL

Where did you get the workupload link?
Maybe there is a hint there.
For an ember-like look, I think you could try using different shaders (like HatchingShader?) combined with a fitting sphere map. You can also try increasing material property values such as texture and opacity/alpha beyond 1 (100%) with morphs, although it might be a bug/feature that only works under certain conditions (MMM + GreenerShader + something else?). You can also try Raycast material masks, as suggested in regard to your characters' tan textures by someone else in past threads.
This is the link I created to share files.
also, this file was downloaded from rapidgator and maybe damaged
I should give a like first
Did you get it from a site like ddlshare, haitenjp and the like?
If yes, those are scams, blank files to make you buy premium dl access, or watch their ads.
No idea about the fire, but that flowing water looks awesome, never seen anything like it before. How is it made?

>at least in my experience.
You do a lot of naked camping huh
Oh, I downloaded it at PLG.
It's a site called leech premium
Can someone get this please? I just want a Shun model.
>How is it made?
That was a bit of a happy accident, I set the Ray-mmd water material for it but the ripples were too small. I couldn't easily scale the material itself but I could make the waves larger by scaling the UV. Then I noticed the stage (Gスカ式森の中の川) already had a couple UV morphs for the river. They turned out to make the texture "flow", which then also applied to the Ray-mmd water simulation. Without the stage morph I would never have guessed that!

>You do a lot of naked camping huh
That's a viscous rumour and I resemble that remark.

But actually it's the only reason to go camping with girls. Still, I could never get them to do a dance... so this will have to do.
I think it's a scam
Oh right, it would be wise to give up.
All those sites are scams
Hmm. If so, does anyone already have this model?
I mean the model at this URL.
Why you don't an in-thread search?
Are there model which have a proper breathing animation/rigging/morph/whatever? I.e. where the chest actually expands instead of just trickery with deforming the upper body and hiding the hole in the back...

I want to learn how it's done.
This is the hardcore version of a breathing rig. Or at least it looks like one.
The passive motion is done by bones.
But it's a pain in the ass to replicate it.

The best and easiest way is to make a morph to do it.
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Welcome to the internet, newfriend. Hope you're old enough to be posting here!
How to do a search in your browser (on PC):
0. IMPORTANT: Stay on this webpage!
1. Using your mouse pointer, select a relevant keyword, in this case your link or, for proper searchability, just the important part, RJ01188998. You select by clicking the left mouse button at the start of the keyword and dragging the cursor while holding it down. Once you think you've selected enough to filter out potential irrelevant combinations (such as RJ01156342 or RJ011188429), release the left mouse button.
2. Without any further mouse clicks, locate and press the F button (key) on your keyboard while holding down the Ctrl button, which should be in the bottom left corner of your keyboard, hard to miss.
3. If a search input field with your keyword appears on top of the webpage, congratulations. If it says it found 1/1 hits (matches to your keyword, normally just "1 out of 1"), you don't need to do anything, unless you've selected too specific of a keyword, in which case you must shorten it with Del/Backspace keys after selecting it in the input field and retry. But if it says 1/4 or another number, like it should for you, then press F3 until you see all the hits and read the associated details.

The above may not work depending on your browser, in which case you must google a method that could be used with yours or check the hotkey settings.

Vertex morph to expand the torso + bone morph to move the bones (full upper torso chain + shoulder P bones (or not), a few counteracting degrees) in a group morph to move the torso. Alternatively, weigh the front and back to different bones parented to regular torso bones, then a single bone morph will do. It also makes clothing change easier than copying the vertex morph changes. Could be harder to do with SDEF though.

It doesn't <actually expand> the chest though.
Thank you for your kind attention.
I thought we were talking about the complex structure of this website, but I am relieved to know that it is much simpler than that!
Anyone has a full version of this?
Not that anon, but isn't that link password protected, and possibly from a scam site?
Does anyone have this Bronya-OL by _Alicia(aci)?
ts limn87n555lw
What do you mean by this model?
Thank you
Does anyone have this Karen Ortensia model?
Sorry, it's this model.
What's better, rendering at 4k and downscaling to 2k for iwara's ridiculous filesize limit, or rendering straight at 2k?
Does anyone have kurauchi's idol master MMD models?
You're welcome, anon!

You have a point. Although that file at least offers the chance of cracking it and finding out whether it's indeed invalid.

Unless you distribute the 4k version through alternate means or leave it for your personal enjoyment (provided the video has a sufficient level of detail to justify it or you have a VR viewing set), there's no point in downscaling. Well, that's the business model of many creators I've seen on iwara and Twatter.
Has anyone gotten the G-IDLE - WIFE motion yet? I don't see it on t-storage yet.
actually, setting Si and Tr way way down the MeraFireParticle smoke actually looks pretty good, the only remaining problem is that I can not get it drawn over the water simulation of ray-mmd (the band just above the red circle). Same with the ActiveParticleFire. The river is just a plain texture with the water.fx material, and other material shaders are fine so it's something with the water simulation I guess. Maybe because it still uses material_common.fxsub instead of the 2.0 version like everything else? In any case I just have to be a bit careful with the camera to avoid this situation.
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yeah burn everything
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noooo, I burn
Good find.
It actually does get drawn, but far weaker—in MMM for sure, and I think I kinda see it in your screenshot too. It seems to be caused by Raycast-pertinent transparency conflicts, because Ray-MMD water is just a tiny bit transparent. The same thing is observed with the glass material.
SoftSmoke fails even worse.

The conflict can be "resolved" by changing the following line in Programmable\Water\material_common.fxsub, clearing the effect cache of MMM, and restarting the software (might not need that with MME):
> gbuffer.buffer4.w += material.alpha * MAX_FRACTIONAL_8_BIT;
>> gbuffer.buffer4.w += 1.0;
(For less damage, you can instead change the definition of MAX_FRACTIONAL_8_BIT to (256.0f / 256.0f) at the start of the file.)

However, clearing the cache partially breaks the render for me:
Again, might be a MMM-only issue.
anybody have this model ? https://www.aplaybox.com/details/model/a9XdYetuC42j
Hmm, maybe I didn't do it right, but when I remove the line with "material.alpha" and replace it with yours, the water turns completely invisible and I just see the river bed, while the MAX_FRACTIONAL_8_BIT change has no appreciable effect. Same with keeping both original and new line.

I made a copy of both files and renamed them so I could easily change the material shader to see the difference. And MME has no cache anyway, as soon as I save the file, the effect is reloaded. It might have something to do with how the surface is set up in the model, in mine the river had an alpha of 0.8 with additional alpha in the texture. I tried changing both but couldn't get the fire to show properly. Maybe you would like to try with the same stage? It's https://bowlroll.net/file/122352

Anyway thanks for investigating, but for now I think I'll be able to cope with camera angles.
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These burning embers kinda turned out better than expected. Maybe I don't even need the ActiveParticleFire anymore?
someone has TWICE's motion - The Feels by NatsumiSan
Looks nice! If you want to hide the lightsource ball thing dont forget to uncheck it in main and mateerial tab MME :)
I've turned off the light source... where are you even seeing it?? Only the firelight.x flickering and the embers are there. The (invisible) light sphere used to be floating above where the embers are now (in >>2860699 and >>2860351).
Ah my bad, I thought the glow below the logs was a lightsource sphere, guess it;s just one of the log ends
Does anyone have or know about this stage?

https://bowlroll.net/file/316069 . Did anyone got this motion & cam? please share.
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You can click URL and read description.
Oh, now I see what you mean... yeah that's the log face, it goes a little further into the "white hot" emissive layer than the others. Each of them has two UV morphs to shift the emissive texture, one to scale the emission region and one to shift it. A little excessive maybe but easy enough to add, and makes them all look a little different.
got this motion, why do people use tstorage to share stuff instead of mediafire and similiar website?

and im asking once again does anyone have this model https://www.aplaybox.com/details/model/a9XdYetuC42j
Not public yet. says in description, maybe later
oh shiet, thank you very much.
go to
copy the name 7 characters
plz reupload
I already did it but it returns you to the same place, that's why my question
Reup on tstorage. Everyone uses tstorage because it won't be taken down due to dmca.
good day to be a granblue nigga
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As MME (in my case, at least) maintains the appearance of materials even if you alter the contents until you either reload the .fx file with a changed .fxsub or restart the program (unless there are other means to reset it) if you include .fxsub in the .fx file itself and change it, it does appear to have a cache. (Users\%username%\Appdata\Local\D3DSCache, maybe?) In MMM, you see changes to .fx and .fxm immediately, but the states of all .fxsub files ever loaded are stored in its own cache until you clear it. A rather retarded swap, IMO.
My MMD observations match yours, but it happens regardless of the material I set, including cloth (which I use for things like texture-based fishnets) and body (which also works well for semi-transparent textures, like tattoos). Full opacity changes things, but the water material disappears with it. Just like I said in regard to embers, you can increase it beyond 1 to get a compromise between the default look and visibility against the fire. (Material morph for the river, add opacity +1.2 (it basically goes from 0 to 1 again, and you can also reduce the opacity below zero to get the same effect; just lowering the opacity to 0 doesn't improve the appearance.))

Also, this is what I got in MMM (by merging the .fx file with .fxsub to skip the cache step and redefining the alpha of gbuffer4; the "damage-limiting" option has no effect now):
Can't say I like how it changes.
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Stupid question time: What causes this error? Everything is set up and installed. So what causes this? I'm using 9.32 (64bitOS) for MMD, I have all directx files installed, all dependencies, etc... OS is Windows 11.
Does anyone have a vibrator model that vibrates? You know the ones that have morphs to change vibrating speed, and these depend on hidden bones etc
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It's not stupid if the answer cannot be googled or found in the archives or instruction files.
Does compatibility mode with earlier Windows version, running as admin, or rebooting solve it?
If not, provide dxdiag and list of files in your MMD folder, excluding the UserFile subfolder. I also suggest trying MikuMikuMoving and seeing if it (https://bowlroll.net/file/182016) works there.

Incidentally, I do.
The original MMD version is automatic due to a software bug but lacks the enhancements.
I would try dxdiag or whatever it is on win11, it smells like a driver issue.

Do other effects (that are not ray-mmd) work?
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Here's something strange. It's saying my version of Directx is DirectX 12, but it's also saying that version is disabled. How do I re-enable it?


>does compatibility mode, etc..

Unfortunately, no. My previous laptop had Windows 11, everything installed fine and MMD worked like it was supposed to. Really the only differen with this one was the hard drive was 100gb larger. But everything else is the same from my previous laptop.

pic related is main folder contents and data folder contents. Everything in each folder is fully visible as well. So do let me know if anything is missing.

> I also suggest trying MikuMikuMoving and seeing if it (https://bowlroll.net/file/182016) works there.

I'll happily try this. It's this error with ray that's prevented me from making videos.
Thank you my good sir
Do you mean "DWM DPI Scaling"? It doesn't actually say anything important is disabled. My drivers are a bit older, which might mean something. (Windows updates often break things.) Since you're using a laptop, are you really sure it's 100% the same graphics chip and processor as before?

There are some reports of DirectX-related errors from users with your Windows build online, might be just statistics though.
There are also reports that your processor does not support MMD properly, even if you don't seem to be experiencing or have already resolved this specific issue:

I must note that MMM seems to put much higher load on the graphics card. Since I often get down to 2 FPS in Ray project preview renders with effect display enabled, it will be even more noticeable with what you have and probably result in many hours of rendering time with heavy models and item attachments:
you unlocked the files downloaded?
didn't know there were so many rats already. hopefully one of them does the summer skin
two of them are from the same person, the new one on the right is just an update version of the middle
don't remember where the left one came from
already tried マーガトロイド遣い and アリス遣い that why I asked here
Anyone have this model ?
Now consider searching the exposed part of the hint on that page, big brain. Some more food for thought: in nearly all cases, each circle replaces a single character, similarly to asterisks and other "unpronounceable" symbols in Western censoring tradition.
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>hopefully one of them does the summer skin
i'd go for summer io tbqhdesu
can you just say the password? I even put alice遣い, this one of the few password where I genuinely give up because I don't understand
to add, I don't know what im supposed to look for when they said 7 character when there's 5 circle thing on the password that whats throw me off from the very beginning hence I'm waving the white flag
okay I just try it again and IM FUCKING STUPID
遣い litterally translated to usage in Gtranslate so I though the guy mean Alice usage or something
the password is the title of alice margatroid like how hakurei is a "miko of hakurei shrine" and marissa is a "ordinary magician" or yukari is "Youkai of Boundaries". okay thanks for the hint this is the fourth time I got deceived by hint like this
Anybody got the motion HELLO VENUS - Sticky Sticky?
Anyone have new tarara models?
I need a bit of help figuring out a password.

The password hint is as follows:

My idea was "きょう43737973", that did not work though.


Any help is appreciated, thank you in advance!
How am I supposed to approach making expression to be turned into morphs? My rough idea was to take a list of morphs from some properly made model, then make my equivalents iterating through that list: add a new shape key, move the vertices around to my liking, add the shape key to morph list in MMDTools, move on to the next one. Or am I supposed to add and weight bunch of bones to the face (eyebrows etc) and pose them for each expression, then save the mesh deformations as shape keys? Regards, sadfrog.
bones in the face is the best but it is difficult to move one by one
If you were to weigh the face to bones, you may as well just make bone morphs instead of vertex morphs. But you can't rely on just bone morphs because vertex morphs allow you to modify any vertex, while bone morphs are limited to just "larger scale", more rigid transformations, and you can't scale bones in MMD either. So any morphs that require you to, say, make straight angles (in the case of the "square mouth" morph) or scale geometry like eyes or pupils, are out (although there is a hilarious hack to scale things down: 1. have 2 bones in the same location 2. weigh the mesh 0.5/0.5 to the two bones 3. rotate the bones by the exact same amount in opposite directions, and it will scale the mesh down). You'd have to combine them as group morphs with helper vertex morphs at the very least. However, bone morphs do have the advantage of being not-linearly-interpolated in the case of rotations. Plain vertex morphs move vertices in a straight line between the original and target positions, but bones allow you to rotate around the bone's pivot. You should also consider being limited to 4 vertex groups per vertex outside blender for bones, it can be a difficult limitation with face rigs.
Personally, I think that unless you're making an original model using modeling for subdivision (in which case the geometry you actually work with is sparse enough to time-efficiently be able to fine tune each vertex individually), you're best off making plain vertex morphs manually using proportional editing (blender's term for soft selection), which allows you to grab a vertex and tweak the influence curve + its size, to quickly modify many vertices at once using a handful of actual operations.
>>2860430 has just what you need, anon, please remember it in the future.

Thank you for the tip. Though, I have no idea what to do with the hint.
I do not know how "前の日" in half-width Katakana is supposed to help
with the original password hint of "〇〇〇の言葉プラスsm除く動画番号".

Please have mercy and help me.
I wanted this motion, but the DL link leads to a youtube short with no links. Am I retarded?

yt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REN1eSU5YbU
"DL": https://www.youtube.com/shorts/i_Bv8L_Nb7s
can anyone able to get this off aplay please?

Thank you!
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So the author has changed the kudos message already, wew. This is one of the reasons why I only explain hints instead of spoonfeeding passwords directly.

No, Google/Youtube is. They can't remember your settings, you have to tap many times in each individual video in order to set to your phone's native 1080p resolution to be able to see the details, the search is fucking broken, and their shorts interface is fucking broken shit of a landwhale faggot.

Incidentally, a longer motion was released by the author of a nice tool called ASVCnv a few days ago:
Thanks a lot anon. :33
Oh my god, TDA everywhere
Thanks for the (You)'s
To the point, thanks.
Yeah, I was thinking of something among these lines, except I'd "bake" the expressions as shape keys for vertex morphs for MMD purposes. I don't know, it felt the most flexible but also roundabout way to do it. I saw some models doing something like that, expressions being all vertex morphs yet all the face bones with weights left hidden in the model (for extra freedom if desired, I take it). I just don't know if that's the common approach to face rigging and normally people simply don't export these bones to the pmx file or what.
Cool, thanks a lot, this is extra insightful since I didn't experiment with bone morphs much. Now that you brought it up, I did model the head with subsurf on, but it's not like I can't do some proportional editing within reason.
That, I know for a fact is the case. I always check for that automatically.

I can't say definitively, now that I think about it. I know my last laptop had an iCore7, so the cpu is still the same. But as for video card, I know I had an AMD VRAM, but I can't remember which one as far as specs go.

Though it may very well be that a windows update broke everything. Admittedly, I'm waiting for a couple settlements to pay out, so if nothing else, I can wait and just build a new computer like I did with my last desktop. That way I know what will work, and I can put manjaro on it. From what I've been seeing on development, it's able to run Blender. So I'm just gonna go full blender for everything in relation to video making.
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While not as flexible, bone morphs bloat your model's filesize less (which starts to matter when you constantly tweak it and accumulate gigabytes' worth of backups with low free disk space; not sure if they use less processing power in destination software). They are rare, of course, since people don't normally do advanced face rigging (and they also don't work in Blender and probably other software folks use, like Metasequoia), but I think having at least the upper & lower lip bones along with a lower jaw bone like that of Ademar's Izumi is advantageous for both lewd and gag works.
See Karin Anon's models: https://archived.moe/e/thread/2772778/#2772849.

Beware that you'll have to recreate effects from scratch for Blender if you want to "steal their look" after watching someone's video. Blender cannot into HLSL. Secondly, if MMM is simply poorly optimized (MMD is just slightly better), Blender's rendering speed is a whole abyss behind, so be sure to take that into account if you wish to post something for a special occasion.
MMM is slow when rendering, I would say that it takes the same time as Blender.
MMD is fast, very fast and light, that's why it's still popular
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Dunno, I haven't experienced the horror stories of rendering 1 frame even in 30 seconds. My latest video with mostly pre-baked physics and few lightweight characters took 15 and 20 minutes to render for each half (68 sec, 76 sec), while the previous 203-second one, involving a heavy scene, mocap motion, and 4 more complex dancer models, two baked and two unbaked, took a record 1 hour 43 minutes to render. (1080p 60fps, UTvideo YUV420 BT.709 DMO.)
Is there a way to make water slosh around when animating pool sex?
MMD effects preferrable, I've never used MMM or blender
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MirrorWater for sloshing around (not great, will not necessarily work), WaterParticle_v1_32_64 for splashing (WaterParticleすべる用; at least in MMM, the effect works only when moved itself, but you can attach it to the character's leg or something and copy-paste an up-and-down loop for as long as needed), and maybe some other water-related effects that I haven't worked with from BeamMan (query: ビームマン 水エフェクト) or Soboro. Fluid Simulator is probably better, assuming you can make it work how you need.
Thank you!
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Call me retarded but this have been driving me batshit for a bit.


Been trying to use this stage but I can't get the water to appear. I've gone through the readme and attached the water accessory and adjusted the parameters but i just get a blank texture.
Works on my machine, not counting the skinning issue in MMM. I can only replicate it with the Ctrl+Shift+E combination, which in my case breaks all effects permanently until restarting MMD (the button doesn't work at all, and hitting the combination again does not fix the effects).
By the way, even though there's not much point, you can also map that to the "seabed sand" material or create your own horizontal plane of water above it.
How would I go about creating a plane of water to throw above it? I'm still painfully new to this all. Wouldn't be still be throwing effort at making this work if I could find a similarly nice beach map with a rocky outcrop.
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If you've restarted the software and confirmed it's not what I described, maybe you're missing required software or your hardware is incompatible with MMD/MME. Does the MMEffect log say anything unusual?
>> How
PMX Editor (new file) > PMXView > Edit > Simple Primitive > Plane+ > DIR 90 in the leftmost box (rotates 90 degrees on the X axis, the one your camera is aligned with by default) > Add > close the SP dialog > scale (see >>2860357, all vertices should be selected by default after creating a new primitive) and reshape as needed > edit texture as needed > save as new file.
>> beach map with a rocky outcrop
Beach and Night Sky Stage from the same source (kinda), sm41601209 (sign up/in and like the video), im11271750 (minimal), pl2 beach stage (pic related). Looking at the reference stage again, maybe Batokin Island also qualifies.
anyone have full version
could some kind guy download and share this models please!

Add this to the wishlist! (° o °)

ts cn2mpbec8d8m
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I brought her here
Deleted the PSD file because it was too large
ts wvns21n27gze

does anyone have this motion? the link is down...
So turns out I was retarded and didn't have MMEffect installed. Had to reinstall MMD to get that to work for some reason too. But I can finally see the water now. Thank you for the help in realizing that. I also stole all those maps too.
I had a lot of problems with MME, turns out quite a few 64-bit links of MME out there are actually just renamed x86 instead... and that just silently won't load in 64-bit MMD.
Nice! Thanks
anyone got the motion for the magic bomb dance?
If it's blocked in your region, use a proxy to access the description of https://youtu.be/prYUq9m9vDk, like I had to.

Yeah, that's retarded, alright.
Cute mute.....
Thank you!
here is the 1st one

Has this / or booth variant been shared? Or can someone share this?
does anyone have this model
I'm looking for someone who can help me with this problem... Everytime I add a motion to this base it becomes very glitchy
and unfortunately, after a lot of attempts I still couldn't manage to sucessfully fix all these errors so if some kind anon could help me with this...
Here's the base: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0e6k8z13kp4zdon/Usagi+Tsukino.zip/file
Have you tried normalizing the weights?
I did, and when that didn't work I even tried to solve it by deleting the bone 上半身3 and changing the name of some morphs, but still nothing
It is the original base, bone weight missing
I'm afraid I don't have the original base anymore... Just that one with the hair :(
no problem,hang on a minute
Looks like the links for Suya's model had been nuked. DMCAd the links himself
Alright :)
one bone removed
Thanks! I'll take a look at it rn
fix some issues
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Aside from what you could've easily done yourself after consulting with https://learnmmd.com/http:/learnmmd.com/pmxeditor-pmxinfo-analyzing-optimizing-mmd-models/ ,
the upper body weights were largely missing due to poor weighing technique, that's about it. Also the lower legs clipping through thighs.

I neglected to do this and don't want to reupload the edit for a fourth time, but I heavily recommend disabling local parent rotation inheritance for 上半身3, because it messes with frontal ribs in an ugly way. It's not even used in any other model, AFAIK, so it will definitely cause compatibility issues. I also recommend changing the English naming of and slightly moving the 下半身 bone to make it easily selectable and avoid confusion.
Multiplying morphs without necessity is not a fix, anon. The duplicates of morphs and rigids are only there because of poor merging procedure, no point in having them. Retaining 上半身3 is also not a bad idea for the rare motion that actually uses it:
https://files.catbox.moe/0u9oy2.txt — though I suspect most, if not nearly all, multi-hits are only there because the author was a noob and will disappear if you use the "delete unnecessary frames" function.
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Think I've spent more time trying to learn MMD this week then I have working. God I love WFH. Trying to tackle effects right now and shits mega dense. How do you guys usually handle it? Feels way too easy to get lost in. I've been playing around with rays and It really messes up the water texture i have on my stage making it completely flat and piss colored. Tried following some youtube tutorials which have been helpful but they're mostly geared towards indoor environments.
Thanks Anom, I hadn't seen it.
Handle what?
Are you going to share the motions?
link to pose?
Unless they are no longer publicly available, nope.

model had been nuked. DMCAd, more soldiers are falling
My guess is it wasn't censored properly.
We need more soldiers for the front line
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Think I'm answering my own questions as I go along here. Looks like it's just gonna be a bunch of trial and error to find effects that suit my needs. If I had to rephrase the question it'd be what kind of effects do you guys usually use for outdoor night scenes? I'd like to do a night time beach scene though my current stage isn't making that easy since it has a bright ass cloudy sky that the water derives all its color from.


First crack at making a pose so let me know if I fucked that up on the export somehow. Can't get it to save the facial manipulation settings though I'm not sure if that's intended or not.
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Only MikuMikuMoving can save morphs to pose files & read them. MMD has to do with VMDs.
Pro tip: for greater compatibility, do not use any of these three bones to rotate the body. (The waist mostly due to its absence on many models, otherwise it tends to be in roughly the same location relative to its children, unlike the center and groove, which vary a lot.)

I use Ray-MMM, o_Diffusion, GreenerShader, ToonShader. In the past, I could also use PostMovie改変 Time&Weather in addition to GS.
try setting the material to programmable\water.fx
Does anyone know how I can apply nice armpits to an mmd model? Or like, a model with existing nice pits so I can just do a shoddy overlay + photoshop.
I THINK Quappa's models do. Since some of them have the underarm hair morphs & all. So you might wanna check those out. That's the only suggestion I can give ya.
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Alicia Solid Kai (アリシア・ソリッド改) by YY_works has the best ones I know of due to autistic anatomy replication, lifting the corresponding pec (breast) with both the shoulder and arm bones. The catch is that copying the bone structure limits your upper arm anatomy to SDEF if you have an elbow texture and care about its true orientation. (I was unable to find another solution to properly transition between the anatomy bone set and regular arm bones.)
Tarara Tarako's models also have decent armpits. Izumi Shimizu has alright ones. Surprisingly, a crude one like Usagi from above has decent shoulder weights as well. And yeah, QuappaEL's ones are on par with TararaTarako's.
Is there any way to apply Ray-mmd materials to the Kirakira effect particles? Mainly I want them to use ray-mmd emissive glow instead of the rather pixel-y glow they have normally.
Does anyone have the r18 edit of the model or the motion from this video?


Any and all help is appreciated
Krag's MEGA was taken down because some faggot took issue with shaved pubes. Has anybody downloaded the the no pubes version of his recent video?

anyone got this motion?
https://www.iw ara.tv/video/4i04LONPPwSMAZ/
This one.
Could you upload it somewhere?
Reimu and Sanae
Thank you but I meant the video itself. He had higher quality and different versions on mega.
sorry I only have those
Pretty sure it had very little to do with shaved pubes and much to do with their general youthful appearance combined with the classroom orgy setting.
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Fyi. This is the best time to buy any JP related currency.
Hello there, following the recent closing of ImpulseJP's website (mudspike.rgr.jp), both "zako" and maid fairies have disappeared from the internet (they were exclusuve of that website) and this is such a bummer as they were iconic models featured in countless productions.

So I'm asking if anyone of you still have the following models and if they can share them please:
- zakofairy20131223.zip
- fairymaid20130820.zip

By the way, these models were also included in that old (from 2015 I think) torrent called "Touhou MMD model data":

Problem is that torrent being so old, it's no longer seeded properly (stuck at 27.5% currently). I know it's probably got many outdated and redundant models, but if any of you still has all the data (or at least most or precisely the ones I'm looking for) of this torrent, please seed if you can. Regards
Coincidentally, an unrelated TG channel I follow has made a post about some server that allegedly syncs myriads of torrents through mysterious means, might wanna give it a go:
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btw this is what I'm referring to, anyone know how to make it less pixely?
from mmder to investor, I like it
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You're an idiot, wasting time on stupid shit
check this
thanks, I have no idea how I could've found this on my own
someone please
So I tried looking through previous threads but nothing really answered this... nor are there tutorials, maybe the answer is "no" but here goes:

Is there a way to render straight to h.264 from MMD? The only codecs I can get to show up in MMD (9.32 64bit) is Utvideo which makes gigantic files (hundreds and hundreds of GB), and ffdshow which uses mjpeg... not the greatest quality since like the 90's.
it is possible yes, but!
you are limited, It is an old version mmd
oh so it's a bug in newer MMD that they don't show up?
MMD (32-bit) .
I told you it's limited
I've heard that abandoned version, you can't do much with it
That's why mmder renders large files and then converts them to mp4
someone have this? o or if someone can help me with the password
Not really practical at 4k 60fps, both rendering and transcoding are severely slowed and limited by HDD read/write throughput when the file ends up almost 1 TB large.

Like, have you ever tried copying a 1 TB file on windows? It's like that, only even more painful.

But I can't even load most of my projects in 32bit MMD anymore without running out of memory... too many 4k textures I guess. Hate being limited by flawed technology like this

I wonder if anyone couldn't just hack the UTvideo sources to simply dump the whole thing straight to x264.exe, writing to a separate mp4 to bypass the avi limitations.
I recommend saving to an external drive or NAS server
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I got ffdshow to work on mmdx64 but it changes the lightning
any fix, bros?
is mjpeg -> handbrake truly the best option?
Take that shit to /biz/. Also, you're a fucking retard for buying bitcoin when that shit is about to die. You apparently have no concept of what a dead cat bounce is.
I envy render 4k, that's good
In Blender it's a dream, it takes forever.
I need powerfull pc
What are you complaining about,
I render 8k 60fps
Sorry 8k 90fps
I already tried it in several ways with no solution.
I make 6K VR180 90FPS MMD videos, which means rendering the video 10 times at 6K and then using a program to mask and merge them. NVMe drive is the only way to go when you're working with 600+ GB of uncompressed video for a single 3.5 minute video. And no, I'm not exaggerating.
Oh my god" this is out of control
Might be a color range problem
the best option is utvideo because it's lossless
>NVMe drive is the only way to go
I thought about it but I'm scared about wearing it out right away since each render is like a complete write cycle for the drive (and I do tons of failed/faulty renders)
I though 4k was the max for MMD, at least I get errors any time I try bigger even though my card can do well over 8k resolution
on my 10 year old potato it takes 12 hrs in MMD too... but I can just let it run overnight
sometime I wonder does people even notice the different between 2k with 4k let alone 4k with 8k
wdyt? also how long is that to process 3 minute video im curious
to add to my question HOW BIG IS THE FILE???? last time I tried to render with UT video for 1920x1080 for 3 minute video its take around 7 giga of AVI file holy shit
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Does anyone know how to fix this error? I've been using MMD for years now without problems, last rendered a video 2 weeks ago. Now after this error popped up adding the Skybox I tried updating my graphic card's driver but it didn't help
Can anyone get this motion "Parasite" from Nikisa-san?
hey that fixed a bunch of other minor glitches I had, why is this not in like every ray-mmd introduction ever,
Yeah you don't need a modern pc.
mmd is for the people by the people.

but if you have a good machine, it helps a lot
haha I feel you, I used to have a really powerful PC
but then 10 years went by and more important things came up
at least now I have time for MMD
Every time I try to render in mmd it crashes. I've noticed that it always happens when the avi file is around 32GB.
Anyone know how to fix it? I've tried UTvideo, and different motion, but always dies at 32GB.
try the xvid codec on mmd32bit, the filesizes are pretty small
Do not render with audio enabled, added later, after it is rendered, if you enable audio there is a limit on how big the .avi file can be.

Anyone got her yet?
Maybe it's a sign your card is failing.
Captcha: MKWVNG. Remember to not microwave your graphics card. You should only be microwaving your drives if the cops come bussin'.

anyone have the password for the new Radral? my computer is stupid and doesn't translate so I can't really read shit
It says it's for his followers who have previously made works with this knife-ear abomination of human form. You prove it by posting an unshortened link to such work of yours to get added on the privatter list that allows you to see the password.
if it makes you feel better, the dl count right now is pretty low, and the model is at ver 0.9, so maybe he's just handing a test version.
figures. I've been working on something with a past version of Radral, but haven't had the motivation to finish it. Though I'm one of them gross nasty insectbois (not the dancing with a butterfly kind, those guys are lame), so I dunno if he'd appreciate it enough to let me into the club anyway
radral is an quadruple amputee elf, i don't think the author would have some kind of moral highground to complain
32GB is likely a filesystem limitation, how is your drive formatted? Do you have any other files there that are bigger than 32GB?

Is that a windows thing? On linux (with wine) I've had it generate 800 GB avi's with the audio enabled, no problem.
You mean, quadruple-amputee egg-laying scat-friendly goreable elf. And no. He doesn't.
So anyone has downloaded it before it was removed?
just found this randomly defintely a normal game
no thanks too sus.exe
If it hasn't been removed in 4 years and virustotal doesn't raise an alarm, it likely is. People do upload all kinds of stuff on bowlroll.
The link is also googleable. It really is just a crappy demo.
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any clue about new ruynore's Radral elf release?

scroll up
anyone have this models?
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Does any of you know if it is mmd or blender?
The shadows are well detailed, it doesn't look like mmd
it's certainly MMD with a toon shader, probably heavily customized if not completely custom
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What effect is this?
could just be an emissive overlay texture, can't really tell without seeing it in action
The video won't load for me, when Sparkle walks pawprints appear below her feet
Looking at the screenshot, I bet it's two identical 2D texture materials weighed to movable bones, with alpha-controlling morphs.
says blender, you can do a lot of things in blender
all old iwara videos are not accessible
>what kind of effects do you guys usually use for outdoor night scenes?
I'm still a newb and only did one video with an outdoor night scene (https://www.iwara.tv/video/D21W9ePnf107eM/), but aside from the fire and the fireflies I decided to not add any effects. (Well besides the ones that come with ray-mmd, like bloom, as well as SvDof).

Personally I think it's better to first decide how you want a scene to look, and then set up the lighting and find the right effects to support that. Rather than just adding effects for the sake of adding effects, like it seems most people do. Which in the end usually turns into autoluminous overload and detracts from the model and stage in my opinion.
More like an MMD thing and I don't know what you are doing but 800GB for a single file?, that's just too much, I barely hit that size with multiple 4k RGB encoded files and it is around 40 minutes of videos
ts zu7uhzxawr9k
anyone can help with this one?

No. You are the IDIOT.
This thread is for what? mmd, you stupid.
I even linked my previous messege to the nuked model messege which has the common booth price 5k jpy and if converted now, will be 32usd.
Unlike, before, highest peak price was 5k jpy to 150usd.
Stupid fucker this is not a financial advise to invest on any crypto. Fucking clown.
utvideo yuv420, 4 minutes at 4k/60fps

The only way I get smaller sizes is with lossy mjpeg.
Is there a "UV copy" plugin for pmxe, like the weight copy plugin? Or some other way to transfer the skin UV to a clothing layer I put on top?
The answer is yes, it is called
damn, I can't into Blender yet

I think then I'll export the original vertices, copy the UV to bones 3/4 weight, use the weight transfer, and then copy it back to UV. What could go wrong?!
Let me know how it went
surprisingly, almost exactly as planned (in the second try, first try the automatic weight renormalization fucked it up, second try I set weight=uv/4 so the sum would never exceed 0.5)

the rest I can adjust in UV Editor, so I'm happy with it
Previously all the UV were 0, so RayMMD was (I think) dividing by zero and making these weird moiree patches (left), but now it looks good.
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Tried searching around but for life of me couldn't find download link for these bicute bunny costumes anymore, specifically fluffier one. Pretty sure one used to exist in the past but probably someone here might have saved one?
Yeah, looks good not perfect but is acceptable
anyone got the new tararas?
Unsmoothed vertex normals are the real cause of such artifacts, altough texture distortion can also happen if you have overstretched UVs, but it typically looks way different.
Normals were fine, but literally every single vertex had the same identical UV value, I only didn't notice because the texture was a flat color too. And since the RayMMD bump map is scaled by UV, obviously this wouldn't work without a UV gradient.
>More like an MMD thing
can't be an MMD thing if it works fine in MMD with wine but not in windows
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That looks really great and actually raises another question of mine. How do you keep the water looking good? I find that as soon as I load ray.x it removes it's ability to reflect the skybox and takes the color of the sand. I've tried playing around with WaterLightController_v5 and can change the color that way but it doesn't get to the heart of the issue which is getting it to reflect again.

Damn, I loved the waist bone. Made bending over easy. Though I'm starting to notice discrepancies now when I shift over from Tarara's models. Tried the Fredina girls and they don't even move an inch when I load a pose.
For the water I use the water material under "programmable", although then it loses its own texture. It reflects the light sources, not sure about the skybox (didn't use a custom one in my video). And it's only controllable by scaling or moving the texture/UV as far as I can tell so far.

Transparency in Ray-mmd is really a can of worms though and I had lots of trouble with other semi-transparent effects in front of the water (>>2860699).
oh also, ray.x must always be the first effect, and its skybox the first model (set it in background->accessories and background->model draw order)
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Think I might be retarded. Just finally figured out where programmable water is though it doesn't seem to be doing anything. I'm applying it to my water accessory through Materialmap. Also curious but is the map you're using built specifically for night time scenes? The map I grabbed was a day scene that I'm trying to force into night. Water looks normal when its sunny.


Did you mean accessories edit or model draw order or both? I'm fiddling with both and can't see any noticeable changes when moving shit around.
you have to apply water.fx to the *water itself*, i.e. the stage material, in MME go to the material tab and if you haven't already done so, right-click the stage model and "subset extract", that allows you to set a material shader for each individual material, the selection of which is like the first trick to ray-mmd (the second is getting the lighting setup right)
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Did some subset fuckery with character models but didn't realize it was also a stage thing. Also not sure if I'm still mucking things up since it doesn't seem to have an effect. Toggling the main object after applying to the subset doesn't seem to do anything either.
do it on the beach stage instead, if you click the check mark to the left and the water doesn't disappear, you're on the wrong material
or wait, I thought the water was part of the beach (it normally is), if you had to add it later then forget what I said
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The water is a separate accessory from the actual stage. The only tab in MME that unchecking the box makes it disappear is in main. Tried applying programmable to both the subset and object and all it did was make it disappear again. Funny enough applying it to the actual stage made the water look normal but it made every other texture look like water so that won't work.
well subset-extract the stage then and find the right material
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I can get back to trying out effects and maybe even finally try out animating this weekend if I can get it pretty looking today. Any chance I can add you somewhere if I ever need some help again? Maybe even share a final product if I actually get there.
I'll be in this thread for the foreseeable future, along with far more competent people. Otherwise I'm on iwara but that's not really convenient for chatting.
Aye aye, well I made an account and dropped a follow. I'll probably be back here sooner rather than later.
Alright everyone, show off your moral compass please.

Would it be terribly disrespectful to have a naked girl show off her privates and dance to a song about death and mourning (Saihate)? And would that answer change if she starts out wearing black?
its all ching chong speak anyways so not like anyone would understand. so do it.
actually, never mind... I thought I had found a motion for it but turns out it's just head and eyes... should've tried it out before asking, sorry for letting you down
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I even prepared her a black dress already
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I'm waiting for the sexy clothes
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I like black
you can, yes... yes.... tell me you can?
if you have a model download for that I'd like to try
That looks great! Could I please know how did you fix it? Preferrably explained in a retard-proof way, I'm pretty shit at editing :(
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I would say yes. Regardless of the color of clothing.
No, I don't think I can explain in an easy way, it involved multiple export-to-csv, open in librecalc, calculate things based on other things, save-as-csv and reimport cycles that I don't think I can even reproduce completely.

The foolproof way would be to learn blender and create a UV map there. Rather than me abusing a plugin for something it was never meant to do.
That's fair lol, I've been learning blender bit by bit so that's something I'll be sure to look into!
Is there any good Iwara video downloader? I can't seem to play any video in it. It just says that the media could not be loaded.
Are any of Yokechi's models floating around? Aside from his owari gal, this one for example
Seems like that was the issue. Thank you.
Not best quality, but I just use a screen recorder
>It just says that the media could not be loaded.
... it literally has a download button for the video, why the fuck would you screen record, dumbass
Actually turns out I can't really do it this way, because the thighhigh mesh has no seam, which is also (probably) why the weight transfer hack kind of failed.

Without the seam at least one region always has to look distorted. I don't think there's an easy way to add a seam in pmxe, so looks like I'm learning blender after all... (I guess it was inevitable)
Yeah, you're on the right track
mmd needs a pillar like blender
pmx can't do everything
This is how it works, model created (blender), fix details (pmx) and render (mmd)
Does anyone here use sdpbr? If you do, do you know if any raymmd materials work with it?
South Dakota Public Broadcasting?
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While I do heavily recommend learning the basics of Blender applicable to PMX modeling, PMXView > face select > Edit (E) > Face (F) > Truncate Separate Vertex (K) / Seperate [sic] Shared Vertex (V) > then prying them apart in UV editor (if necessary) will also do the job just fine. Beware that these functions split off every single face you've selected, so you might wanna merge unnecessary splits back with select vertices > Edit (E) > Vertex (V) > Join Vertex (Near) > OK to avoid bloating the model or incomplete selections (particularly when using Ctrl+X) in the future.
Oh, that sucks. Just when I found some old iwara videos to fap to. I hope it gets fixed soon.
Ngon's Oppai Fukkireta motion is old and really popular, yet I can't find any downloads for it. Am I retarded?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xijzVnNV6gM does anyone knew where to get the model?
can someone get me this model https://www.aplaybox.com/details/model/adgUoWnFm4qY
i just google "tstorege Fukkireta" and got it, Here the link:

ts zq9nur63oero
instructions on blender please
Regarding UV mapping/seams or something else? The former is googleable.
One of us is a retard, I'm 99% sure there hasn't been a download button on iwara for months
Don't just look at the oppai
anyone know the password? its the aphrodite motion
4 Motions

anyone have this model?
Need pass

The password is the release date of Volume 6 of the All-Out Flag-chan light novel. Hint: It is three numbers.
Thank you anon
ts gp0a8uk3tc09
>Need pass
>The password is the release date of Volume 6 of the All-Out Flag-chan light novel. Hint: It is three numbers.
>release date May 24, 2024
there's a lot of ways to format that into a string of text anon. give a better hint please
Wait, you replied to the wrong person or are bullshitting right? Aphrodite has nothing to do with that light novel, and you just replied with the same thing again to something that does fit with that. >>2863390
That's awesome, thank you
Okie Dokie
Does anyone have the password?
>One of us is a retard
Sorry you had to learn it this way.
>I'm 99% sure there hasn't been a download button on iwara for months
Yeah, I heard they call him Professor Google.
stop talking like a dork to a dork
stop talking like a dork
the passwords are all おれはばかがいじん
Does anyone know what happened to nikisasan? Her Patreon is gone
She doesn't seem to mention the reasons anywhere public.
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Mine doesn't have it for some reason.
funfact, the password is 525 for some reason

ts txlx8wooc1yx
If anyone can share these 2 please:

Need account
anyone have this ᗰEI model?
is " TDA"
Could someone please post again?

A lot of motions make the model's legs vibrate back and forth, even when the player is paused in MikuMikuMoving. Is it something about the height of the model vs what the motion is designed for? Or is it something to do with inverse kinematics, like the IK loop factor which I've seen talked about but can see no way to change in MMM. Should I switch to MMD?
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Okay, it appears now but it's still having an error.
Was anyone able to snag any of these motions before the sale period ended
anybody know where i can find the model for the 2 men on the side (not the futa)

Can anyone share Yoasobi - Idol - アイドル motion by Natsumisan please?
Does anyone have Parasite?

yeah that server has been down for a while, read the announcement
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Anyone have this one?

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To expand, that happens because MMM is less tolerant to modeling errors than MMD, which also prevents the famed MMDエンジン from working anywhere but in MMD. Also, the IK loop factor is set up in PMXE, I don't know how you're changing it in MMD. Still, while it's not the best setting, it's best kept at loop 40/angle 114,5916 for compatibility reasons.

Google it, retard. The password is included right there in the brackets of the excerpt of a VK link.

Sin Sack 2018 with a customized veiny benis :DDD, likely grafted from Ryu S1 or other Sin Sack/male bases. However, the vein pattern differs from the models I have.
Begging someone for the password for this:

There's a bunch of this one actually on tstorage. HSR's firefly by Alicia, but they ALL have passwords and I can't for the life of me figure it out. I would love some assistance.
>because some faggot took issue with shaved pubes
pubefags out of control, just like footfags
they need to be sliced by a horizontal guillotine propelled by a car
clearly it was the guy who objected to Sanae being depicted as the slut she is
If you mean the guy who got pissed because of n*il p*lish, come fucking on, I have better things to do than report folks merely for having shit taste.
Wait... Someone got mad over nail polish? Do tell. I actually wanna hear this shit.
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Any one have Black Rock Shooter Model From PGR? by: 战双帕弥什/1010浣
>n*il p*lish
the fuck? why would you write nail polish like that
Because I decided so. Problem, officer?

Shit's disgusting, simple as.
yeah there is, twittertrannie
Stay mad, little lad.
you mean l*d lmao
whoops i mean lm*o
I guess I finally learned something about Blender after all. When will this end?!
That you're a faggot over nail polish... lmao
>Problem, officer?
yeah, with nail polish
oh wait that's you kek
I like dicks.
does anyone know where I can get one with physics and a soft to hard slider?
Have you tried Dick's Sporting Goods
I tried there, but I only found assholes and decent sale on camping gear.
it's not a slider and you have to animate the penis bones, but I found one on tstorage a few weeks back

now, call me if you find one with working foreskin instead
Seems like It's in a QQ group number is: 583061341 and password for group is 阿呆蛙周边

I don't have QQ account myself hope someone can take it after this
Just make one, it's as easy as making a single vertex morph to cover the glans and maybe spicing it up with no more than four movable bones if you want control.
anyone have this model?
Anyone have this model or password?

I've tried the password in the picture for several times but it doesn't work
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Does anyone have this particular MME effect? I think it's an old aura effect but the ones I've seen (like the AuraParticle one) doesn't look like this one in the picture and the DLs that I found isn't available anymore.
Never mind. I found it.
>Regarding UV mapping/seams
actually I have a specific question about this:

Some clothes consist of a mesh with different materials, and so necessarily have a "built in" seam between them. Blender unwraps those to different UV coordinates, which creates a discontinuity at the material boundary in Ray-MMD bump maps.

Is there a way to tell blender "there is a seam here but don't use it", and make UV maps continuous across multiple materials?

(Besides merging the materials and near-vertices before importing to blender, unwrapping, and then manually separating the materials as I've done so far.)
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Can't tell, haven't experienced any such "unwanted creations" or shifts ever with Blender 3.1 and cannot replicate it. It also does not appear to recognize pre-made seams as anything other than mesh borders.
If you want bump map continuity, change the texture & mapping to achieve UV continuity, find a UV mapping that maintains bump map continuity if it's a tiled pattern (by overlaying the normal map of your chosen material over the texture and realigning the UV) and then reposition the corresponding parts of the texture based on the UV map, or, maybe, change the material settings to make it work for you somehow (refer to https://github.com/ray-cast/ray-mmd/wiki/Materials).

Probably has something to do with its being a limited-time thing.

Hint "The zip password is the character's race name in three full-width katakana characters."

Ive tried エルフ, as that's what the creator has referred to the character as, but it didn't work

Any other ideas?
I'm pretty sure that's the password, but zip files with non-UTF8 passwords are tricky to decompress. You'll have to try another method to extract the files.
enable IME for Japanese language anyway:

I Use BandiZip to extract files, first setting the "code page" to Japanese.
thanks for the help bros
Anyone know what the password is for this


keeps saying something of your choice as the pass but its not working on my end I've tried various ways in katakana
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What it's actually asking from you is "[the distributed character's] favorite thing (in 3 katakana letters)" (added after the video's number). Surely, you know what it is if you want to download her model? After all, she makes this dish into a really big deal. If you don't know how to spell it in Japanese, use Google Translate.
shitty nu-ciel
Does anyone have that motion? The original was taken down apparently
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kek in what universe does it make sense to keep the lewd parts with lewd morphs but chop off the arms
Oppai are important
New Thread:

did you check if they're just hidden because they'd normally be covered by clothes?

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