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>DLsite page of the DLC with the PV:
>DLsite page of the base game:
>Seismic's twitter
>Seismic's blog

Cool down time. It's been a long and crazy yet rewarding ride over the last nearly TWELVE years. Yes, some of us have been on this ride since August 27, 2011. That was the date Seismic introduced his Liru on his blog. We can remember how it made our hearts skip a beat when we discovered his announcement and the flash and gif of liruspin. Can you really imagine how few things there are in your life that you stay up to date on for twelve years? Well, if you are like me, you have been looking, supporting and even (amateurishly) making Liru and Magipoka content since 2006. But this... this whole experience has been something I never dreamed I would experience. Checking the threads almost daily since the first thread is a privilege I will remember for the rest of my life. Here is the link from his blog.


"The Liru Project" (The name of the original threads) never ends. Liru is eternal and will always be with us. I believe that even after all of our lives have passed, Liru will still be remembered, discussed and content created in her name. The Liru Project goes on.

Forever and ever...
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It's over.
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It's never over.
You only hear the bells.
And there she is, greeting you at the door once more.
She should be outside more. One of my earliest reoccurring dreams with Liru in it is her being my travel/adventure buddy.
Things have always been tough on those fans who didn't just consider her sexually attractive. To many people unfortunately, that is all she will ever be to them.
8 years since canceranon died, eh. My how time passes...
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Never existed.
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Christmas can't come soon enough this year. I want to part with the AC and bring on the comfy blankets and hopefully snow this year.
Is there a patch to make this work without having to screw with the system clock?
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At this point, you really should just be watching the 1080p 60fps release.

I can't believe people still actually play the "game" or use the features like shouting etc.

Whatever happened to that guy who was very competent working with video and was upscaling and improving it? Haven't heard from him since before the DLC.
>watching the 1080p 60fps release
which is where?
Hey I'm not sure why no one has trained one on SVC yet. Maybe because RVC is better because it has TTS, but so-VITS is too chink'd for me.
Anyway heres the cherrypick from a tortoise Liru I made for the voice ai thread

Also, does anyone know why my 4chan ff extension doesn't load the capcha? It only seems to load at all for red boards. I had to open a private window just to post here.
Try looking for MEGA links in the old threads. One was by the guy working with making the video better. Not sure if it is still available anymore. I would upload it, but it's Xbox hueg, there are a couple 1gb releases you can find on eporner etc that are 1080p upscaled but not 60fps and optimized/improved.

Are there any catbox like sites that let you temp upload over 6gb?
I give up. I just can't make a good Liru with online tools/sites like dezgo. What online only systems do you use if you are playing around with creating AI Lirus?
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they're still up and filling my MEGA limit
you can find reups on pornhub and the like tho, since it exceeds the transfer limit
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>transfer limit

I wonder how I was able to get it then. I must have logged in with a free account.

Thanks again. The one I watch for the full moon edition isn't nearly as good as yours was.
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Ai might have its use someday.
Her head is pitch perfect here
Goddamn robots are good not gonna lie
AI season 2 when?
I want to see more pics of Liru being badass.
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Oh shit guys... I'm having a heart attack!
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Elsa Babe made a full sized Liru doll! They took a fans suggestion for making Liru and just released this.
that looks... ehhhh... uncanny valley
I know, I wasn't impressed with sappy face. But she is customizable with a tan, breast size and a bunch of other things.

The small breasts would be closer to this ideal Liru. They took too many liberties from wgwu.

But c'mon... it's not my wildest dream come true but THAT is a doll company's inspiration from Liru. You might even be able to get closer using a different anime head that fits on the 148cm frame and making Lirus actual clothes somehow.

Still, that face is a bit of a let down in all honesty, but I will probably end up still supporting them because Liru...

One step closer to perfect Liru. (Pic related)
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I'm serious about making a Liru doll. I might get the 150cm body though not the 148.
You know, something this size should really be in a torrent.
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Liru best girl now and for always...
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sorry on mobile telephone. the subs were important;.
>Liru being badass
I'll settle for Liru ass
>full sized
Wait .. You mean like person-sized? Cuddleable?
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Yes. Elsa Babe the lovedoll manufacturer made it.
Wow. Uhh. Huh.
Just how degenerate am I? Do they ship her to me in a coffin? How do I keep her ... clean? Do I have to buy clothes for her?
When she gets worn out, how do I dispose of her without accidentally kicking off a murder investigation? If I die in an accident, what would the estate auctioneers think?
So many questions.
>Just how degenerate am I?
>Do they ship her to me in a coffin?
It depends.
>How do I keep her ... clean?
Take baths with her, take cleaning seriously too, these things cost too much to let mold grow in the first six months.
>Do I have to buy clothes for her?
You don't NEED too, but honestly you'd be missing out on half the fun of a full sized doll.
>how do I dispose of her without accidentally kicking off a murder investigation?
Dismantle it to the point it's just a pile of plastic and metal bars, knives may be required, also good luck doing this after spending years married to your dollfu.
>If I die in an accident, what would the estate auctioneers think?
Who the fuck cares lol, you certainly won't since you'll be fucking dead.

Head over to the /ona/ general over in /jp/ if you haven't already, they live to fuck dolls.
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It's not degenerate to want to cuddle Liru though.

You will need to make Liru her normal clothing though.
It certainly is degenerate, the thing is
>Who the fuck cares lol
Do whatever makes you happy, just hide your power level if you're in a situation where it could destroy your life.
OK but the other question is how to move it when you're yet to own a place and family often come around to help move out when rent change. More over if you're going half across the globe in a few years with only 2 suitcase as your entire luggage. Pretty sure there's gonna be some problem if they find a humanoid shape in your suitcase
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You keep them in the container they are shipped with or you get a flight case/trade show case. As for moving with family, it's just a big trunk that is presumably locked. Usually on wheels actually. Use a moving company if you are moving a long way. They aren't too heavy if you are an average man. It's no issue. Do some research in materials and the dolls capabilities and see if she is a good fit for you.
I never thought I would see a full size Liru doll in my lifetime that wasn't a custom job. With people 3D printing figures now and modelers making quality models, I guess it's no longer a stretch to hope for a figure as well since Log House refuses to produce their garage kit again.
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Second full moon of the month coming soon.
Buuuuut i guess i'll wait to see someone else buy it and make it look like liru (haircut/clothes) before thinking of a purchase further
Why did they have to make the dolls face so round and wide?
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Wait... THAT'S ALL? That's like nothing! Are you saying I could get Magipoka season 2 made with just a single million dollars? Who the hell do I get in touch with? Isn't there some proxy I can talk to that can hook me up with someone in the industry? Only 1 million dollars?! Jesus... I thought it would be closer to my net worth.
you could make an OVA right now for like 70k, if you hired remotely and accepted automating some of the jobs, it would be kinda trash for TV standards tho, a certain hentai studio tier. More than enough frames for a VN opening or the like.
If I had 200k in liquid assets, I'd try to make a lookalike OVA. Unfortunately, it's more like 1/5 of that.
The future is indie
Hey everybody,

Planning my trip to Japan coming up in a month and am going to be hitting all the Magipoka hotspots. Would anyone know how to import a Japanese Google Maps mymap to my own Google maps? The share function as you can see on this page with Magipoka locations seems to be not working. Thanks!
Forgot link.

Just print out a big map of entire town and circle all the places, you'll have to ask the locals for directions anyway.
>ask locals
I'll be in a '24 Macan SUV. I'll also have e-sim data for my phone so I should be able to get right to where I am going if I can get it imported into my Google maps. I can probably do it by eye if I get on my computer but it's just going to be a pain. Thanks anyways if anyone knows.
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so you want to be just driving around or your own and not interacting with anyone at all? That's not the Liru spirit
I am considering a motorcycle for part of the journey perhaps in the north. Driving seems to make the most sense. It's fast and direct and you can get to sites/trailheads where the bus and trains don't go. Also, I don't speak Japanese.
Or just take the train like a normal person, and you can actually enjoy the scenery on the way.
>like a normal person
Lol what? I am from the USA. I like having the control of going/stopping where I want, getting lost and discovering places off the beaten path.

I can't do that if I am subject to the trains schedule only along the line and being shuttled only to major places of interest or cities along the trains path. I know supposedly they have a good train system which is great if I was a resident but I am on tour.

I haven't adopted rideshare at all in my life or on travel so that is something I may be limiting myself on. I need to look into that actually because there are some multi day trails that go one way multiple nights that stop at post towns/onsens.

I took trains over in Europe in my youth and I hated not being able to get to certain areas without ALOT of wasted time and effort. I have my little Macan reserved for only two weeks so I may consider doing some type of hybrid trip where I can take the train to the far north and use Hakodate as my hub to rent a motorcycle or car.
Is there a way to instantly unlock all the scenes in FME? I tried the method used in the base game but that doesn't seem to work with the DLC
Driving at all in Japan requires extensive licensing procedures. Classroom time of about two weeks, minimum, is mandatory, as is behind-the-wheel time (or ride-alongs, for mopeds and motorbikes). After that, you have to take a paper test and a road test. Every step in the process involves fees, and then there's a final steep fee for the actual processing and issuing of the license if you do pass the tests.
Oh, and going off-road anywhere other than private property is strictly against the law in Japan, so don't count on that.
No I don't. I have an international driving permit that is still valid. That's all I need. Trust me, that was the first thing I researched loooong ago.

But yes, it's not like an American renting a car in the UK/Europe.
also parking fees are way more expensive than two-way train trips, you'll easily spend your daily rental fee on parking again
I appreciate your input and you are completely right about the disadvantages of having a car in a city where there is quality public transport. As I look at Japan on a map there are plenty of places I just can't get to easily without a car. Thanks, and I will try to get out there and see people as well.
I appreciate Liru!
>still no good videos/webms of the DLC
Why are we still here?
Just to suffer?
They took fan suggestions and made her look horrifying. And her ears aren't nearly fluffy enough.
Yes there is. Back on March 5th someone released an hour long walkthrough with all the scenes. It's very good quality but not as good as the guy here that was working on upscaling the original. It's a gigabyte and still available on the web now. A bunch of individual webm/gifs is dumb and only good as maybe reaction gifs.

I agree it could have been done better. Skin color, tail, maybe some fluffy ears over the silicone. Though it's obviously meant to be Liru and that is something for a relatively obscure older single season anime. I am going to inquire about the skin color and certain mods they did in house for others.
The guy who originally designed Liru is allegedly still alive and worked on an Azure Lane OVA that was released this year.
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this is a porn thread for porn, seismic is the reason why most people still lurk here
fuck off liruautist
Liru is eternal. Praise Liru.
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What did the Twitter artist mean by this?
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CG sports? Eh... I don't see the appeal watching computers play with themselves.
thanks for the poll, I'll be watching again this season!
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I did my part
Blessed Lirus Full Harvest Moon
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Does the ear unclok stuff work in the dlc?
Yes. In-between the two ears.

Anyone else find yourself humming magipoka tunes when riding motorcycle, walking or doing whatever?
uma and aiko's themes sneak into my brain once in awhile
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Damn, there was a Magipoka server all this time?
Anon, we respectfully said years ago we did not want to use that system because of the production of hardcore child pornography, the rape of innocent children and the brainwashing of young teens to castrate themselves and encourage the use of drugs. We are Magipoka fans. We do not groom children for sex and we do not encourage self harm/mutilation and the corruption of young peoples minds.

So you will understand why we have been reluctant to join your cult. Though we never did find a good home where Magipoka fans can congregate, we will not lower our standards and condone heinous and criminal actions of those on your platform.

Please Understand~
You sure they're the brainwashed ones? What a ridiculous post.
nobody gives a fuck how much money you make nobody will continue to give a fuck no matter how many times you find a way to slip it into conversation
Did i miss something?
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He's just some idiot who doesn't think for himself, yet speaks for everyone. Pay him no mind.
get a real girlfriend that will certainly be the closest experience
just search up the gifs if you are such a horny degenerate you can't even click through dialogues
I just use the full 1080p walkthrough. Who the hell wants gif/webm loops?

No, he is right. Overly dramatic, but right. Find something better to use than that shit.
fellas, where the hell is that magic pixel that will unlock all the chapters?
>Go to options
>Click between the ears of the little doggy thing on the left
>You have to click on the very middle but if you aren't precise you can click billions of times
>Their is a little music playing once you click it
>You should have played the game as intended anyway
Well to be fair "game" is a bit big to call.
Could have just been animation and you'd have the same level of gameplay
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Technically it is a game and people have done speedruns of it. What's the current record?
Most anons can't even unlock all the scenes by themselves
I'm already great at that. I was blessed with this from an early age. In nature, I would be the healthiest most prolific alpha male.
I really don't like when artists exaggerate Lirus features.
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We need AI Liru dolls quick!
What's the status of the guy who was upscaling and making 60fps versions of the game?
Good lord that model is so hot
I've been programing AI-ko, the resident f̶e̶d̶ chatbot on the discord
Sad. He seemed like he was a knowledgeable and intelligent guy. Guess you never really know these days.
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Your childish passive aggression is hilarious.
I just wished with your knowledge and expertise on a certain subject you would also be aware using a platform such as that... Supporting it... You could be a genius. Maybe you are, but you fucked up so hard associating yourself with that platform. Sorry dude. I really like you and appreciated the things you did. Happy Hunters Moon everybody.
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I'm not that guy, just a bystander. I think you need to go outside for a bit.
Dude I was outside for like four hours today planting bulbs for spring. I think I am good.
>I was outside for 4 hours
niggers, I, decensor guy, spent 4 days in Mexico doing nothing but relax while getting paid to do so.
I have chosen to spend what I learned over the past 4 years wisely.
Keep on keeping on, king. Ignore those faggots who hate what they don't understand.
Oh right. The majority of discord users/groomers. Lol.
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I bet if I mixed DXM with ketamine I could see something like this in a dark corner of the room if I focused.
Praise Liru.
Why does she only have 4 fingers?
because it's western art and furries do it that way
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Finally some new Japanese art
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what, you dont like the endless supply of lirudraw?
Pretty shit picture but I guess I shouldn't complain.

It's cool there are a few real fans that give their hearts to Liru.
Almost saved up enough
Maybe for Christmas
>It's over.
What is?
Has seismic hinted at or announced any future projects or ideas since the last Liru update dropped?
nope, he made a Felicia model but doesn't have plans about her apparently
I like Liru. Liru is good. Everyone should like Liru.
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Don't save
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A bit explicit.
about the minimum you should be posting on /h/ actually
Nah. Really explicit stuff is demeaning. Usually best to keep it respectful yet erotic.
then fuck off to /e/ or /a/ and stop posting offtopic pics here
this is /h/ bro
Why are Liru fans such assholes.
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It's literally just that guy and the other guy that treats her like a god, the rest of us are chill.
They aren't. The asshole is you as you are not a Liru fan I guess. Why are you here again? As for the "god" Liru posters I am not one of them, but I can tell they have saved these threads on many occasions and I am thankful for that so I can have a place to post new Liru pics I discover. (Which was always welcomed in these threads since day one)
I like Liru.
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>wanting to watch it in 480i/576i
Oh... My bad. I didn't see the ROM. I thought he made a watchable DVD version you could pop into the player to watch with your niece while waiting the Christmas roast to bake.
Uhh... Someone tried to make a Liru doll someone else.

I don't think that's Liru. Hot, though.
Yeah it is. It's Elsa Babes Liru but with weird colored ears and eyes and some other changes.
She looks tiny. Like uncomfortably tiny.
How tall?
160 iirc? But yeah the custom stuff kinda put me off... doesnt look like Liru at all for something "inspired" by
Praise Liru.
she looks plenty like liru
the problem is being loli-sized
Model rip when
Face too round
Liru is wonderful
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Kinda lewd.
One of the things that has hurt my love of Liru to the core is the preference of skiing. It's getting to be that time again. I hate myself so much for being quasi young bur choosing skiing over snowboarding. I'm so sorry Liru. At least we can ride on our motorcycle.

Merry Christmas.
>Merry Christmas.
Is the Christmas version still around somewhere?
>ideally sized boobs
>vaginal liquid
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It seems like she sprung a leak somehow. Should get that fixed.
>>What do you say?
Fucking furries, what else
You wouldn't tell her she is beautiful and that you are overjoyed and happy for her to finally be able to control her transformations and become the werewolf she has always wanted?

My god... Where have all the Liru lovers/fans gone?
Guess people hate Liru now. Oh well more for me to love then.
good paizuri
What is Seismic up to nowadays?
He's done with Liru right? Gave her a send-off one year ago? Is that "what's over"?
but waste of the ring
Merry Christmas everyone. I truly love all of you so much for posting when I couldnt and loving Liru above all else. Not the artist, but see you then.
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Another beautiful year with Liru is right around the corner. You guys ready?
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Who here is going to party hard? 2024 is going to be EVEN BETTER than 2023!
Definitely not me
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This is a thing.
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So who brought her home? What do you think?
I am holding off. The lack of tanned skin, the poor choice of body they decided to use, the face, no tail etc. I don't know if I can move the head to another body or what I am going to do now. I really like their kemono cat and dog girl models though. This one I could probably make to look kinda like Liru.

I'm just... a little disappointed. I haven't given up yet though.
I really like it when artists give Liru huge breasts
>I really like it when artists give Liru huge breasts
But it's not her. WGWY is about as big as they can reasonably get.
This. When I watch wgwu, I gotta really gotta focus and try hard to imagine that character as Liru. It's doable, and it's not just the breast but other things as well including and beyond the physical into personality etc.
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again, retard.

as for personality, it's also the closest any fan project got.
>closest any fan project got
Well it's kinda easy, i don't recall any other project that gave her a personality
Zones was far better at capturing what Liru actually looked like.
Can I play with Liru on a raspberry pi?
>I've been programing AI-ko
Ahahaha. No, you haven't. The programmers were the ones who created the AI. You're just a monkey entering parameters.
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I was making a pun, dumbass. she's an android.
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Correct because it is not Zone's/Zone is.
I see
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Walking with Liru through a park in winter and snuggling in front of a pavilions open fire.
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where is this video? I've looked everywhere that I can think of and still can't find it

Please only the guy who requested it for now or else I will have to re-upload again. If anyone knows of a temp file host that supports over 1gb please let me know.
I could be convinced to put it in my otherwise unused mega.
Oh, are you the guy who made that nice upscaled high fps version?
Nope. But that man is a hero.
try gofile
is there a save file or cheat that let me unlock all cut scenes of this game? fucking blue balling for months now after getting this game and can't see the whole endings.
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If you need me, I'll be in Holodeck 4.
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>specifies the holodeck that usually doesn't go haywire

Probably for the best.
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good reminder that the new nvidia trueHDR and upscaling can work on WGWY videos
Hmm... I just bought a new Neo QLED TV to replace my 1080p one with my HTPC. Having issues getting it calibrated and enabling HDR capability on win 10. Intel Integrated graphics can output 4k at 60hz but HDR is flaky.

I guess I'll just have to wait till I upgrade my computer and just hope and pray HDR someday isn't a shitshow in windows.
nvidia had to push a new update to fix 10bpc SDR -> HDR tonemapping so this only *just* started working for wgwy 60fps recordings, IDK if I pushed that version (I made some clips based on the raw video and used the fp16 outputs from some models to diagnose banding back down to sdr) but I know the upscaled one should work.
autoHDR and how windows handles brightness is still hot garbage (so I doubt running the game to get it would work well), luckily my new oled display has the settings necessary to tell windows what it needs to see to get some nice results.
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This thread is like stepping into a time machine set to 2006. Pretty much nobody knows who Liru is anymore but I still remember when Magipoka was one of the most popular anime posted on /b/ and this gif was posted every day.
>this gif was posted every day
I think I just passed out from nostalgia
Liru clone but for debaucherybros when?
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Yeah, I was considering OLED but I looked at the performance numbers on rtings.com and for the large size I wanted with the discount in price for super bowl/last year's model, the neo qled came pretty damn close. Great black levels and bright as hell. Of course in most respects oled is better. I think I am just gonna say screw it and do a new win 11 build for exclusive use for an HTPC not gaming and make sure I have enough umph to run HDR and maybe even 120hz. Probably not 120hz I'm fine with 60 in HDR but this new tvs panel supports it. Also HDR10+. Kinda wish it had Dolby vision though as they "won". I really wanted a Samsung TV though because my phone and other things easily work with it. Not letting the TV on the internet. It's just a monitor.

Yeah, I have many versions/quality of that gif dating back to the Magipoka Rapidshare Archive. Those were the days my friend.
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>me in the water
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Hapay Valentines Day Liru!
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Happy V alentine's Day!
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Where is everyone?
never forget.
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The spell of an incandescent love is born from nature!
she a cute
Oops is*
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I never thought I'd be on this ride for so long. I guess I've been on the ride since 2006 when I discovered Liru. In a few months will be the 10th anniversary of these threads.

That's literally a decade of checking and contributing to these threads nearly every day with rare exceptions. Nothing in my life outside my family I've ever held onto for so long.

What are we gonna plan to do to celebrate?
I wonder if I can send money to seismic directly...
AI is our only hope to create more WGWY. Soon it will be able to recreate the models, animations and voice.
We should pitch in to get him one of the dolls
Nah, he should just release all the assets since he's decided not to produce anymore. Let fans do funny random things with it or maybe other actual projects. Would be a big honorable thing to do to show how much he wants the community to thrive and would help mend people's issues with him including those who believe he exploited the show for personal profit. Just my 2c.
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merry christmas
all i want is to see liru getting married. it is my only earthly desire.
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I'd be happy to marry her to appease you anon, but I frankly don't know how to do so going forward that isn't the Mitch Biero route.
Does SFM work with the model?
you pinged two of the wrong people
how tf can you do that
also, it's just a fbx in there and some of the vrchat shaders, you're gonna have to rig it up and add back materials
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>nearly ten years on the ride

What are we doing the next ten?
Dying a little.
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Isn't that everyone anon? Chin up! We just need to make the best of it and carry Liru in our hearts with us and share the best and worst of times with her through every step of the journey! *hugs*
I wasn't even alive.
So is she laying on a piece of glass or something?
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When was the last time you had a dream about Liru? What kind of dream?
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Yawn. Where is everybody?
Trying to open a portal to the Netherworld. I'm too far from japan and not neet enought to meet truck-kun
I'm sure there must be a way to open a portal from somewhere else on Earth.
fucking this, someone needs to torrent it so the rest of us can download it.
This game has been out since 2016. We've been following it since 2014. How the hell can anyone NOT have it by now?
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>50% off right now
>site's telling me to register for free coupons that bring it under 5 bucks
Do I just pull the trigger?
Also it says DLC: Full Moon Edition, so does that mean I'd have to buy both versions?
you need both, wont work with the demo or by itself
I see. Still not a bad price.
Just wish I didn't need to make an account
Not yet
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Not ever. Liru is eternal and so is our love for her.
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Season 2 When?
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Watching the eclipse in the area of totality with Liru!
hey mrymex, sazoji, leo, max, etc, i got banned again on discord send me the link, heres one of the latest mrymex Liru ai so he can find me
>pedo/grooming site "discord"
Fuck off with this shit and don't shill it here where the true Liru fans are. Or anywhere for that matter. Keep that cesspool to yourself.
Myrmex is gay.
gay shit that'll be deleted in the next janny pass like lirutard
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A dream came true.
All you namefag discord pieces of shit should fuck off. Stop pissing here, Liru hating fucks.
Keep quiet, Anon. You have no idea who you're talking to.
A discord transvestite namefag pedophile? Fuck off. I don't care if you even have a passing attraction to Liru.
Back to your shithole.
Bold of you to assume I'm one of those kind. Nevertheless, you are mistaken, Anon. And what's wrong with having names anyway? How else can you tell who's who? This website surely has some surreal culture thing going on, and I have a gut feeling that you've been dwelling on this image board for far too long, it's not healthy for the eyes, you know? I wholeheartedly despise seismic's works and I don't like the shithole known as discord either, In fact, I've ban evading on that site for god knows how long. I come here, and the only thing I see on the image board is porn, people like Kat are seriously ruining Liru's image, and so I ask all of you vile, reptilian motherfuckers to pack your bags and leave. We have gathered here to praise Liru, not lewd her. And as for everyone else here who's still sane, know this, I am a big fan of Magipoka, like you all, from the very moment I watched the show I have decided to dedicate my whole life honoring it. I never really bothered posting on 4chan, which is why you've probably never heard of me. But Myrmex knows me well, I know his fat-ass is reading this. He, along with a select few including myself are archiving everything Magipoka related in a nicely organized depository, savoring each and every post so it won't be lost in the sands of time. We often don't get along on a lot of things but that's a story for another time.
>namefagging again
Been here since thread one. Watched the show when the first RealPlayer subbed 60MB file came out. Still archive magipoka content and commission it with my magipoka rapidshare archive. Sent a one inch image of Liru into LEO, done many things with her and in her name over the years. Got plenty of good memories and media of things I've done over the years with Liru all around the world. I am also not happy of how Seismic capitalized on Liru which led to new fans thinking of her as only a hentai slut. Though I will NEVER EVER be a part of any discord community no matter how small and fractured the community is. Back when we were looking for a more permanent home years ago it's sad that we lost some of you to that vile site. Such is life. I'm not changing anything. I will continue to glorify her and share what I want when I see fit. So have fun in your cesspool and get out. In another time, I could have called you friend.
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All Kat was trying to do was get back into the porn/com discord faggot. it's a porn channel related to a porn thread on a porn board. Only major merch/show collectors outside pic related are autistic faggots like (you), MLPfags, or tpsp, who's into thomas the tank engine r34.
Go back to the /d/epths, unless you want to sniff out who's leaking the AI posts to fucking boorus. You can glorify her without being a retard that derails threads.
Where's the drama CD? Where is the prepaid phone card? Do you even doujinshi? You are missing a shitload of official and non official merch. Gb2 your shithole.
>drama CD
>phone card
>futa doujins
I buy content that I can reasonably consume, I dont see anyone else identifying as a casual nudist for their waifu, and I'll keep my garage kits and daki orders to myself tyvm
>casual nudist
Ah, just a discord troll shitting up this thread. Wasn't worth my time. Keep your degenerate discord shit to yourself.
good fuck off, the woods are where I can be free from autists on the internet trying to make others feel bad
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Posting Liru instead of feeding subhuman discord trolls.
Could someone download this video and post it please?


Just put the whole thing in your web browser.
>I just can't make a good Liru with online tools/sites like dezgo. What online only systems do you use if you are playing around with creating AI Lirus?
Anon, currently the most capable AI imagegen model for prooompting hentai is SDXL Pony Diffusion, or derivative merges like autismmix, js2prony etc.
For online only, you can rent an instance with RTX 3070 Ti for peanuts (currently like $0.07 per hour) on services like vast.ai. I reckon you can just drop a docker template for ComfyUI or Forge and it'll be up in minutes, then you download the models you want from there.
Since I can gen everything locally I never used it and I'm not advertising anything, that's what I heard people use, especially for training and LLM inference.
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you know yt-dlp works with those URLs automatically right?
I haven't used that for android, tried putting in the urls in the text file and other online video downloaders to no luck. Thanks though.
Quit shilling your discord.
>Claw marks on her hip
What did they mean by this?
I've been trying to tell them that. Let's let them be. That was last October for Lirus sake.
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Liru has always had what appears to be an appendix scar but we don't know for sure that is the type of scar she has as it is never discussed. Though for humans, it is in the same general area.
the posts are 6 months old
quit being autistic and shiting up the thread with more bullshit
Stop repeating what I just said to him and bringing up pedo discord. Shits done. Let them swim in filth and not shit up this Liru fan thread.
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So happy I only got two weeks left till I go to Japan and pilgrimage to the Magipoka sites. That site with the waypoints better still be up.
Did upscale and 60fps interpolation video anon ever get around to doing the DLC? I only got the 6gb video with the base game + christmas dlc.
I don't know if it was the same guy but yes, there is a really smooth 60fps 1080p walkthrough on rule34video. I am more curious about modern decensoring.
Has anyone here actually been to the Magipoka sites? Some look pretty accessible by rail.
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hikarigaoka has fallen. billions must watch pokaan.
Magipoka recently turned eighteen. If we were back exactly eighteen years ago, we would be waiting for episode four.
Season 2 when?
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and then?
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Four more days till the start of the pilgrimage.
You guys want an SD lora for WGWY Liru?
Tommorow it begins.
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Doujin in the making
r34 forum ai commission teir """forced impreg"""
This girl is pure Coritiba
Hey anon, could you send us the shorter 38 minute one too?
So, this was the model which was ripped from Seismic's world?

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