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>you do skincare? Lol that’s kinda gay dude
How do you respond without sounding mad? Pic not related
narcissism is a feminine trait and always will be
>yeah i'm gay and i suck cocks and eat cum.
actually I look way worse in the mirror than in photos or to other people
I have to avoid looking too long or I'll start wanting to shave my head, grow/shave a beard, etc.
everything starts to look wrong and gay after about 15 seconds
Use moisteriser everyday, especially after shaving.
>t-takes one to know one!
>sucks his dick
Did you guys know Cillian Murphy is 5’7? I was surprised.
Narcissism is literally named after a dude you dumbass
Is skincare a scam? All the skincare influencer I see literally just look their age, they don't look any younger and have this weird oily glow to them that just looks off
I noticed whenever I look in the mirror I automatically squint and do stupid model face and in my head in like “I look pretty good” but in real life my relaxed face looks nothing like that. I’ve tried holding the mirror face in public but it feels silly.
>you do skincare? Lol that’s kinda gay dude
>How do you respond without sounding mad?
Do they pay my bills? no? Then who fucking cares?
silly op. it's fine to make the first move on girls who look at you like they like what they see. it's always been fine
I’ve fucked dudes it’s no big deal
Retarded and wrong image. Women won't make moves on you sponteneously unless you are 9/10+ or they watch you being socially successful.
Yeah, a fictional one
The thoughts of rough ogres do not concern me.
This is kinda true but it's also about whether you look friendly and approachable. If you're a good looking guy but look moody and intimidating women won't make the first move.
correct most girls do not approach first. They will want a handsome guy to approach them especially if they are intimidating by the dudes looks
Your brain tricks your eyes into blurring out your massive forehead etc. Also you should use 2 mirrors at the same time to fully grasp the severity of the situation, in my case gay alien bald skull with no jaw
>Gay people?
>On MY fashion board?
I don't believe it
>doesn't know greek stories were based off of real people.
do your dimensional merge reps.
this made me want to kill myself
that may be the point. this website is another front of a multi front war. for whatever reason tech literate nerds have many enemies. foreign and domestic
>women will make the first move on guys they like
Yeah, I've been hit on by fatties, too. If you're not dating or married to a woman out of your league, you're a failure.
what does it mean if I keep getting hit in by hot men and ugly women
Reminder that you should be gaslighting normies, always pretend like you put very low effort into your looks.

>yea perhaps bro haha I've got this lotion bottle that my mom got me like 10 years ago, when I feel mega dry I slap some of it on if I remember
Well, if you think the men hitting on you are hot, I'd have to say you're probably homosexual.
If you get hit by gays, it means you are actually somewhat attractive and women wont make the first move because they think you are out of their league
>>you do skincare? Lol that’s kinda gay dude
>How do you respond without sounding mad?

I've had similar comments by a bitch at work.
I say that my dermatologist prescribed me this skincare and that my complexion is related to my mixed background. I tell them that their comments are both medically intrusive and racist and that i will make sure that it will be sanctioned.
That ugly middle age bitch was put in her place quickly.
How important is a cleanser?
true, and skincare is an expression of narcissism and inferiority complex
The lighter the complexion of your skin the more important it is for you to wear sunscreen when you are outside. This is definitely not a meme. Using some moisturizer can help too, but I don't think you need to use it everyday. If you use moisturizer too frequently you run the risk that your body adjusts and stops producing it's own natural oils in sufficient quantities similar to what happens to the lips of people who use lip balm too much.
>herp derp doing anything to improve yourself or take care of yourself is a sign of narcissism
anon you need to be at least 18 to post here
idk, most girls I've been with have said I looked kinda scary at first. You just gotta talk to them. And besides, they like that intimidating look most of the time
yes, a man cursed for his feminine behavior.
You are a tard for informing other men you use skincare in the first place.
A black guy followed me from the train station and said he loved eating ass and sucking toes. Does that mean I'm not an uggo? Was 13% body fat when that happened.
narcissism is a personality disorder and is not restricted to only women
we do
all ive noticed is a typical bar soap will make my skin dry. But not all bar soap? in my totally retarded opinion ive never seen a difference. Heck when i simply wiped my face every day with a cloth and water my skin looked great lol. but supposedly your skin has a "moisture barrier" and you dont want to like scrub it away or something. Seems like the favourite cleaners are like cetaphil or something really clinical and plain
>women will make the first move
Stopped reading there. Most women are emotionally retarded and will never make the first move unless you count giggling and flirting
>Woman make the first move on guys they like
lol how to spot the shutin that never goes outside its the oppesite of what you are typing
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what do ((they)) gain by demoralising us?
this is not true, that being said I've only ever gotten approached in bars, never randomly off the street
>seething at being called gay reports them to Hr like a fag
she might have been on to something you fucking loser, cant handle the bants
the jews? idk probably some false sense of being above the rest while knowing full well that nobody fucking likes them and that there was a reason or plenty of reasons that one painter wanted them all dead. just like gypsies and any other leech
if you're waiting for women to approach you - you have internalized a female mindset. you will never make it unless you adopt a masculine mindset and express it as a masculine behaviour.

ie. approaching women if you like them and making a move.
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