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Anyone tried these Saucony Omni 9 before? How do they compare in comfort and durability to similar New Balance and Asics?
i wont buy anymore sneakers, they are poorly made, the weight of your own body is distributed badly, they don't last long and they cost too much for all the defects they give you not to mention the posture you have, everyone who thinks differently is a certified faggot
Post what you've tried
I had a pair of Sausages Endurance and they barely lasted one summer. Never again
New balance r2000
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Should I use the darker laces from my old pair? They happened to be of the same shade of grey as the sole.
I prefer them with the white laces but they don't look bad at all with the grey ones.
I wear Xero
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Id like to get more thoughts on these. Still deciding
I agree with this statement. I still buy them though and suffer, because for certain fits they look good. >>18119919
NPC (con)zoomer core
How are the comfort of Waffle Ones?
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Are supergas 2750 any good? Just heard of this brand. They're on sale where I live for 25 bucks.
I prefer the white laces.
If you're still deciding over something as minor as the color of a tiny logo, you don't actually want the shoes. Buy something else if you buy anything at all.
I have a pair of Nike Dunk high from early 2010s I barely wore. I don't see them on stock X. Should I just copy the prices on eBay and sell them? I'm looking to sell in person, not online. I just need to make the midsole white again.
>If you're still deciding over something as minor as the color of a tiny logo
left pair is white and right pair is like eggshell. I know its minor. Id probably be happy with either but I have to wait 2 weeks to order cause im moving anyways so thought id get some more opinions.
From the picture at least, it's so imperceptible that it really doesn't matter
skill issue
skill issue would be to ask strangers which color shoes go best with unexhibited clothing
As >>18118676 already alluded to, it doesn't really matter, just pick whatever pair of foot-sloppers you like, enjoy being unfashionable and watching them fall to pieces.
This topic is more suited for /sp/ than /fa/, since sneakers should only be worn during athletic activities. Certain high-quality leather tennis shoes work for casual fits but the garbage you posted is just awful, which is fine and good for you if you like them.
Eggshell is much nicer but you can't unironically wear them anywhere where that's a factor, who cares about subtle differences like that when you're playing sports or exercising?
I hope you're not planning on wearing these outside of such activities, are you?
My gran has worn this shoe model for 20+ years
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I dress like a typical north american male(without much thought).

My girlfriend wear lululemons 99% of the time and considers jeans to be fancy

refer to above
>I dress like a typical north american male(without much thought).
but also to answer your question, yeah id use them for pretty much what I use all my other shoes that arent dress shoes for; gym, hanging out with friends, going to a bar, going out for dinner, doing whatever. Obviously wouldnt wear them to a wedding or formal event but shiiiiet this isnt the fucking 1800s old man a dude be wearing comfortanle footwear. Im not gonna show up to hang out with my friends looking like reviewbrah..
I honestly dont know, this board is a ghost town and 99% of the people in WAYWT threads look like autistic virgins larping like some alt hipster.
There's a very wide range of options between ugly cattle-core sneakers and dressing like reviewbrah, if you accept this possibility and are willing to do some research you'll be ok.
A pair of reasonably priced leather /fa/ sneakers for evening engagements is probably a good place to start, it won't raise eyebrows but adds a bit of polish and will help you look less like a complete dumbass.
Cool story, bro
From there you can look for a pair of casual loafers, only one step above sneakers in formality but you'll look like less of a cunt
>less of a cunt
Get off the internet for a while dude
>tee hee look what I posted, mom
Enjoy your Nikes and gooning
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>Enjoy your Nikes and gooning
Kek you got me. Well played..
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Pay around just under 1/3 extra for a secured pair from an international store

Or try my luck with upcoming raffles where they are hard to get tin my cou try. I could end up spending more than intended if I win a bunch of them. Or completely miss out all together. Then if I miss out I will be forced to probably spend double on retail

I've always wanted these and desu will probably be my last pair and I'm out the sneaker game
I keep getting mixed opinions on this pair fresh or nah ?
Well made USA shoe. State of the art walking shoe.
need some suggestions on sneakers for clinical use, would be nice if it goes along the scrub's wine color
any good method to restore the white color on white sneakers and white soles?
does your workplace not have guidelines for footwear? i doubt anybody here would allow you to wear sneakers in a medical setting
He probably indian
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New shoes. Do any other sneaker heads feel like they’re gonna get shot wearing stuff like this?
behold, the greatest sneaker of all time
i get compliments every time i wear them in public
they also throw light everywhere like a disco ball
Gaudy cringe
meanwhile, in reality, people love them
the gems are also removable if you dont want to niggermaxx for the day
cope and seethe, poorfag
For daily’s, hiking, or showing?
I like how I can see dirt on them
You are literally a consoom bot lmao
Definitely interesting with the celery colorscheme from the Skepta air maxes and the tuneds. Would definitely go with the pink minks over these but not bad.
But the Prada America Cup exist tho?
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How's Adidas sizing (Gazelles and Sambas) compared to Reebok's Club C?
Post white canvas shoes inspo, lets go back to the classics
still studying so I was looking for options that could work in the hospital and as daily uni beaters.
>anybody here
do you work at a health establishment by any chance?
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Not a fan of green sneakers
Definitely go a size up with sambas
Looking for more mature looking white sneakers. I’m not liking the way Chucks look on me.
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It's heckin over. Sold out while I was typing my sizing post.
Nurses love Hoka, Asics, and Brooks.
killshot 2 still on the menu ?
Always. It has never - at least in Europe - been through some dumb hype phase so in that sense they're timeless
What do we think about these in 2024? For some reason they've really stuck in the back of my mind as a versatile and fun shoe but I feel like I might have missed the trend.
>t. 5'7 manlet who wants a shoe for ez summer height gains
clean af, very nice shade of green. Big fan on SNS so tempted
They were a little too big during the J Crew era of the early 2010s here in America. That said it has been long enough thatit's probably fine now. Personally might get some Gazelles or Americanas tho
Over Air Max? What kind of neighborhood to you live in?
i just know this nigga has squatemalan babby feet size 6 ass nigga
i copped they're even better in person
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>that's what you'll exclaim when you see these monstrosities irl
>Jesus Fucking God! Those Things Are Ugly!
>matchy matchy

bruh lmao
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if I saw a short guy wearing these in public I would point at them and laugh. might even record it and give the world a new "WHAT ARE THOOOOSE" meme. and I'm make sure to put the camera right in your face for everyone to see. is that really a risk you want to take?
ugliest shoe ive ever seen
Damn, I shoulda been 5'8, I'll stick with my yeezy pods then
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I love it
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I gotta get both now
yes, those purple ones are cool too but blue is more versatile imo
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What is /fa/s thoughts on these? Based or cringe? I like that they’re chunky without being TOO chunky
you look like a 90s IT worker
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Is 4chan compressing images or is it just my shit phone?
looks like something a shitskin would wear
It's weird. I got a pair of v5 and they fit perfect but the V6 I got in the same size feel a little big.

Nwo I'm reading ppl generay size down on 990s. How come my v5s felt fine?
Hey guys, never really bought a decent pair of shoes in my life or know anything about shoes. I like these but I feel like they would look overkill on my feet. A good buy or are their better alternatives to something similar thanks! :]
these are good
I bought some grey 990v4s on 50% sale like 6 months ago, I still haven't taken them out of the box. Not sure what to do. I love how they look, they just aren't interesting to me and I think after a lifetime of wearing sambas and gazelles, they feel so clunky and look weird with a lot of normie tier outfits.
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>went to margiela by happenstance the other day
>finally tried on their GATs to check my size if i find some on sale
>was the best feeling leather and most comfortable shoe i've worn in my life
>effortlessly effay af
literally can't stop thinking about them now
haven't had grails in a while but i think these are up there now
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just got a pair of these for song and i can say they are very comfortable in spite of being last season's plastic alien poop
Dr waifu wears hokas, idk they have a bunch of crazy colors maybe you could figure something out. All her colleagues wear that, brooks, or ons. It appears the medical profession is completely devoid of any shoe game.
Idk maybe Sauconys?
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These are super comfortable
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should i cop cream or
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I'm looking for alternatives to my black Air Force 1's. I really would like them plain, black, comfy and durable. I hate any noticable logos. Ideally I'd just buy another pair of AF1's but Nike has worsened the quality noticably and my AF1's already look like shit after a year of usage. What do you guys recommend?
>sneakers should only be worn during athletic activities
Even then it should really be a minimal shoe. People run in these gigantic puffy soles and wonder why their knees get fucked up after a few years, it's because our legs weren't designed for high heels
wtf is wrong with adidas. find awesome clean white sneakers. about to buy. last second notice that for some retarded reason the front of the shoe is suede that will turn brown within a couple of weeks.
search more. find all white leather sneaker. RETARDED STRAP FOR 5 YOS.

adidas why you like this.
How many sneakers should I own?
2 low profile sneakers, one in a light color and one in black
1 chunky
1 high top
1 gym
1 running
1 hiking
1 grailed to go with your retarded fits

et wa la the perfect sneaker collection
it comes off
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For me, it’s the Axel Arigato Satellite Runner
I hate all these chunky ass sneakers
I dont like you either
onitsuka tiger gsm
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>if I saw a short guy wearing these in public I would point at them and laugh. might even record it and give the world a new "WHAT ARE THOOOOSE" meme. and I'm make sure to put the camera right in your face for everyone to see. is that really a risk you want to take?
Posting images like that is a sin
built for bbc
Are you high? Doctors and nurses all wear the most comfortable thing possible since they are on their feet all day. When I used to wear boat shoes to the hospital shadowing they were by far the most formal thing anyone there all day had on.
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I wear Keds
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Are 574s supposed to be this unpleasantly snug? I jump around sizes a lot. Wearing 8.5 killshots as my beater. Bought 9s in them. Still feel pretty snug. Not sure if I just need to loosen it up more or they just need to be broken in.
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The most comfortable are barefoot shoes
Air maxes are the perfect sneaker
i ditched my af1 for air max
them purple boys are FIRE
i literally won't buy anything where the company uses AI generated models fuck that shit
White. Cream just looks dirty

Nike MD runner are the closest to heavens gate Decades i've been able to find. unless anyone knows another alternative
Sounds like you'd like to get them.
Who could tell, but being anxious about wearing your new shoes is a thing, for sure.
Sounds kino.
That's a good shade on them.
If they fit your wardrobe. It's a good design.
They're the right kind of chunky.
You get similar quality for less, they are an icon you pay for.
I bet.
I like the cream ones better, they look super smooth.
New Balance 550?

Can you wear picrel in summer, Central European Summer (SoCal Winter)?
>Rhud Cabriolets
>all white
to cop or not to cop?

yes, i like them
Who's copping?
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Yeah, older running shoe designs have a tight toe box to improve stability. If you're just wearing it casually NB makes it in wide and extra wide.
Thursday Premier Low Top
Oliver Cabell Low 1
Lol gaylord shoes, how many professional runners use that shit?
It was definitely designed by a jew. No one else can come up with something this corrupted and abominable.
None of them
Why are Air Jordans so popular in the world of fashion?
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which one?
Top, if you got no problem styling them.
Never liked 90s. The plastic panels feel completely random and the silhouette looks like you're wearing platform heels. The uni gold 1s are much much nicer and easier to style.
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is NB530 durable or should i give it up if i want to wear it almost every day for more than a year?
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They are okay
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they don't have in my size so maybe these
Saucony Jazz are the most comfy shoes on the planet
Yeah, I had a pair about 4 years ago that I got for $30 and I liked them a lot. Have you tried any of their other offerings? I'm the OP by the way, and you're the first person that has somewhat responded to my question
990s confuse me so much. They are simultaneously ugly and cool looking at the same time, I can't tell if I like them or not. I wish they weren't 200 Dollars
Thoughts on Hogan?
Rockos modern life shoes
Because they are beautiful sneakers. I don’t even follow basketball. They just look that good
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I just picked these up. I needed to replace my ultraboosts and I have not found anything more comfortable to stand all day in.
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Thoughts on this XT-6 colorway? I've wanted a pair of XT-6s for awhile, these are on sale, just curious if there's a better colorway or a better shoe out there for a gorpcore look
not a big fila fan but these actually go hard
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>a better shoe out there for a gorpcore look
I love sandals/flipflops and I've considered Suicokes, but these look very interesting. Do you own a pair, can you personally speak to their quality
don't own suicokes but i can safely say that xeros are worth it. comfiest fucking shoes ever
Right on, looks promising. Just want to check a few things, you posted the Z-Trail EV, they a few other models but is that the definite winner? Also there are a lot of reviews from the anti-shoe/grounding crowd, please tell me this isn't that
>Also there are a lot of reviews from the anti-shoe/grounding crowd, please tell me this isn't that
they are barefoot shoes so idk
can't really speak for other models

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