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the last "corporate" aesthetic with soul.
Nope, it's bloated and gaudy
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Frutiger Aero chads rise up
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I honestly can't stand the look and feel of frutiger aero. Sure it's nostalgic but it's just too "meaty" is the only way I can describe it. It's like really chunky and too glossy for my tastes. I much prefer dark monochrome minimal boxes, kinda like this site.
It's cool, but honestly it didn't have many good implementations. Most of them felt ugly, inconsistent and absolutely terrible, but some others were godly. Windows Vista and 7 are examples of godly Frutiger Aero, Mac also looked great back then, but some others felt... I don't know how to say it, but they were terrible
Agreed. Windows 7 did have good design I think because it bridged the gap between frutiger aero and the modern minimalist style. I personally think Windows 8.1 had the best design out of all modern versions of Windows besides the legacy 90s ones because it wasn’t so plain and frosty feeling but was still minimal enough. I actually like the design direction windows 11 went apart from the centered taskbar. It’s a mix between classic minimalism and skeuomorphic. It does make it look really basic but I like it.
dude what
person you replied to here, I liked some steps that windows 11 took, yeah, but some others were just a step back, like the higher spacing between files or the big right click menu for the touchscreen users. Frutiger Aero or not, I think that a desktop should be a desktop and should have a proper OS for a mouse cursor, not a touchscreen. That's why I like win7, because it didn't feel so forced. What a great OS, I miss it so much
LMAO, not a single person using the term itt can give any objective definition of "soul" used in this context, let alone state a method for quantifying it.

It's just a buzzword used by wannabe authority/critics too inarticulate or afraid to name whatever element of something they don't personally like, and defend that judgement.
If they did, it would be impossible to hide the fact that it's just a subjective opinion, so they pretend that it's actually someone else's fault.
A good portion of the people blathering about it don't even believe in the concept of "soul" in its original spiritual context, and openly mock people who do.
Frutiger Aero looks like shit. It's too glossy and oversaturated and only looks nice because of pleasant memories of Xbox360 and early 2000s apple products.
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I honestly really like that "flat Frutiger Aero" style if that makes any sense.
It's the opposite for me, I dislike this style but I like the glass and 3D of (properly made) Frutiger Aero
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I really like it.
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I love frutiger aero but only because I grew up with it (20 years old) it's comforting and reminds me of being a kid
if I was any older or younger I don't know if I would feel the same way
Who came up with the term "frutiger aero"? Where did the "frutiger" come from. I swear before last week this was always just known as the aero theme. I smell a forced meme.
It looks kind of like advertisements from the third world.
The "Frutiger" part was named after Adrian Frutiger for some reason
Go back to t*kt*k
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Because a lot of the typography used were sans serif humanist fonts of which Frutiger is one
I hate the name, should've named it "Bubble Aero" or something instead of making it sound like a font variant
The last, until the next one acquires enough age to be retro
In 10 years people born in 2010 are going to be fawning over alegria
idk some anon in another thread called it "fruity aero" which is fitting since all of these "aesthetic" kids are all fags
It's probably one of the better fonts on the old Microsoft systems with personality, to be fair.
I like the ornamental prints and the glossy frames and i really like the fish
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corporate frutiger aero looks ugly, i don't know how anyone could think this looks even passable

that's Y2K, not frutiger aero

most fruitger aero that looks good is closer to y2k than frutiger aero.
>that's Y2K, not frutiger aero
/gd/ version of pic related
>>439363 this
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The iDog Amp'd came out in 2007, though after the Y2K era was replaced by Frutiger Aero
I feel like this was/is really common in Japan?
i mean alegria the flat corporate art style, not algeria, silly
Anyone got any ideas how to design a hero section like this?
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simple as.
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there was an attempt, I'm open to suggestions
Because adrian frutiger was the man who designed the fucking Windows Vista font hes one of the most underrappreciated designers ever
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That style could take a darker and more refined approach, today it's hard to make your gui flashy and over the top like in the Y2K era. Everything was sterilized after the Iphone dropped.
I say soul in the context of graphic design is something that elicits humanistic positive ideas. For example OPs image is associating the freedom of the birds and water with the world wide net, pictured by the globe with a grid. So it makes you think about cyberspace in a positive light, I call that soul because it has a feeling of human touch. But I agree how awful the word is used
how do I live the frutiger aero lifestyle?
Honest question, how old are you? It feels like zoomers are in love with this style of design becuz “aesthetic” but it’s pretty much just slapping around stock images in photoshop and cranking up the saturation
>t. soulless

I wanted to ask OP the same question. I'm 28 and I don't really "feel" this design style. it just looks like cheap ads from 2011 to me.
what typeface did you use for the blue text?
Looks like Apple Garamond italic
It's so fucking antiseptic, it just feels like looking at nothing. Corporate memphis unironically better, don't listen to redditors
I like it when things are glossy. Looks cleaner to me and gives a bit of artificial lighting to an otherwise already lit up box of text on your screen.

these are literally chinky graphics you usually see on chink shit coming out of china. even today.
For some reason /gd/ really doesn't like this one lmao
Compare it to the y2k thread
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>for some reason people don't like this forced meme
Yeah lol I wonder why
y2k's a forced meme too.
Pretty sure both names were coined by the same group
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What's the 2000s robotics utopia aesthetic called?
"Hexatron" is probably the closest that they have
it's fun to look back on, but at the time I associated it with trash. It was the aesthetic of $40 tablets and knockoff iPhones and the download button on a shady file sharing site.

do any of the /gd/ oldfags curse Evan Collins and Froyo Tam for effectively making this board /aesthetics/
Y2K used to mean "anything between 1997 and 2001" before it got hijacked by twitter trannies to mean something else. It was successful in part because 2000s nostalgia was beginning to take off around 2017.
Frutiger Aero is a meaningless word salad as much as it is a forced meme.

there are forgotten corners of chinese wholesale sites that deal in this aesthetic to this day

it's also the defining look of fake ps4/"xbox 720" concept renders
Unironically better looking than the actual PS4, even if it would break during shipment.
you almost imagine how a boomer chink electronics manufacturers designed this on their rusty old desktop which still running on a malware infected windows xp and photoshop CS1 in their dusty offices.
perhaps we need a new name for this variant of aesthetics.

i propose:

that sounds so much better and descriptive than "Frutiger Aero". fuck em who called it that in the first place.
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It feels weird looking back on 2005 and how platformers started to decline and the 7th gen "edgy" reboot style became the norm. Everybody likes to say that everything changed in 2007 or 9/11 but it was actually 2005. Something about the old soul of the Y2K/low poly/Jet set radio era just died that year and it was now the Frutiger Aero/realism/Gears era (which was still fun).
>Frutiger Aero
That term does not exist. Stop making things up.
based retard
I think what spawned this style was a bunch of people discoverd photoshop elements and blending options, layer styles, downloadable brushes and filters.

the Y2K look might have been the same way, the 90s were the first time that the average person got a hold of vector graphics.

imagine working for Adobe and knowing you have the power to shape the next decade of graphic design
Yeah. The average person like myself in my graphic design class in 03. A lot of us were playing around in adobe messing with blending options like bevel emboss or like pic related. There were loads of tutorials online even then for making bubble buttons like this. My brother taught me how to make that and id see it all over the net and early flash sites. Not to mention how with adobe brushes, you can set it up to make random brush splatters with a single stroke. Something you see in a lot of these designs.

My point here now is that to say Frutiger Aero is "corporate", or developed by corporations is disingenuous since it was mostly devolped by a lot of newbies getting their hands on early versions of photoshop for the first time.
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Funny how this reminds me of pic related.
you're absolutely right.
That's what gives it soul, like rococo, Arabesque, or indigenous artwork with colors and patterns all over it. Artwork made during a time of sincerity.
This is nostalgic
as sincere as pepsi-obama-minions socks made in a chinese sweatshop
Only soulless golems have this problem
Being developed by teens in high school tech classes between 2003-2006 that would end up being the lead graphic designers from 07-20014 that started the trend is why this has soul. Theyre the ones that made the xbox360 interface. Vs now, where now all the younger generation of designers are minimilising shit and making non-binary corporate tumblr art that the faggot high school teens developed in 2012 to now.
Photoshop layer style options ruined a generation of design
Something skillfully made with care that is objectively good
>objectively good
>not a single person using the term itt can give any objective definition of "soul" used in this context, let alone state a method for quantifying it
and that's a good thing
if you can't make a definition but only "feel" it, it's safe from AI
pick one
idk about irobot but Meet The Robinsons is just 1950's retro futurism. Look at Walt Disney's Epcot/Tomorrowland concept art it's basically based on that
You seriously need to kill yourself, you fucking peat gavel, end your pathetic existence, nobody will mourn you and nobody will be upset

Kill yourself now

I Robot is arguably one of the last gasps of the y2k look, alongside Mirror's Edge. The robots themselves are ripped straight of Bjork's All Is Full Of Love video, there's an assumption that everything in the future will look like Apple, and Will Smith's fit is probably what he would have worn had he not rejected the lead in The Matrix for the robot spider movie.
be a middle aged man, meaning you lived it a long time ago anon.
a bunch of autistic trannies come up with the names for all these old marketing design trends
stfu 2007 is when the smart phone came out, making internet and internet culture available to everyone and thats what made everything change.
no u, faggot.
>Muh nostalgic things
Youre will suffer here bcs bullying. Go back to 9gag/reddit/nigtok
Good definition
Live in 2002-2003
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Where did the humanist element of frutiger aero come from? Was it

>designers watching technology getting smaller and thinner for 15 years and extrapolating to it becoming invisible and integrated into the environment?
>a rejection of the cold, boxy grey aesthetic of 90s operating systems?
>an attempt to show off 32-bit displays?
>silicon valley selling techno-utopianism as it always has?
>literally just the Windows XP wallpaper?
>literally just the OS X aurora screensaver?
I love it. I just wish current designs looked this artful than to be a boring overly designed Flat-Y2K design mess.
When you're raised on minimalism and nothing else it's not surprising people will obsess over the last thing with actual effort put into it.
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Can't teach soul to zoomers for they were cursed since very early. They don't remember a world where people just enjoyed things unironically, unsupervised and without considering the political consequences.
I have never used this software yet I know exactly how I can interact with it and how each element will behave.
We have lost so much sanity since 2012.
cry more eclipsetranny, you will never be a real graphic designer nor woman
it's called Frutiger Metro if you're wondering
its not actually. a bunch of tranny autists are making up these silly ass phrases.
What do you call it then?
i'd use to make these things and call them "vector graphics collage"
What are your thoughts on using past styles in current design?

I'm in love with the y2k aesthetic but it's a product of its time so it feels wrong to use it nowadays and I also can't really separate if I love the aesthetic itself or simply have a nostalgic connection to it.
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I worry about past styles getting the synthwave treatment. A decade of design trends reduced to a handful of elements that become templates that become cliches because everyone is copying the copies.

'y2k' went through it. A style that spanned British rave culture, Japanese proto-superflat, G3 era Apple and Hype Williams music videos is now just the Powerpuff Girls logo rendered in Planet Kosmos.

That same process is beginning with 'frutiger aero' too, but at least this design era was already indebted to a handful of sources anyways.
Finally someone who gets exactly why aestheticfaggotry is cancer.
I'm actually all for it as long as you actually understand that not all designs follow one specific trend.
Design history is not linear, many trends coexisted at the same time, and in many cases within the same space. You could have a computer with a skeuomorphic UI and a vector collage or cartoon wallpaper and you'd immediately recognize it as something from the mid 2000s even despite the clash between both elements.
It's like music, in the late 90s and early 2000s you had trance, dnb, euro house, breaks, garage, nu-metal and many other different genres that, while very different between themselves, can all be easily recognized as music from the turn of the millennium.
So while I fucking hate forced, half-assed attempts at "revivals" like synthwave or vaporwave, if someone can bring back design trends in a respectful and organic matter that could either fit in perfectly both in the past and the present, or bring back something old while also adding new things to the mix without forcing anything then I completely support it.
>if someone can bring back design trends in a respectful and organic matter

How can I learn design history to make sure I understand past trends fully? I'm thinking of buying a lot of old magazines but I thought I would be able to buy stacks of old magazines for next to nothing but it looks like they are actually getting sold for more than the original price now.
>I'm thinking of buying a lot of old magazines
You don't have to buy them, if you know which ones to get you could probably find them on archive.org or libgen, but occasionally there's people selling them by the lot for cheap on ebay or Facebook marketplace, so you should always be on the lookout if you do want physical copies.
What I do recommend you buy (if you can find them for a good price of course) is old graphic design (and web design) books, a lot of them talk about the whole process of making the designs, and some can actually teach you design history.
Also check old design sites and tutorials, and study old advertisements, websites, and any other type of visual material from the era you want to replicate. As with drawing, observation is your best friend. (By the way if you see an old site that hasn't been saved to archive.is or wayback, make sure to archive that shit so other people will be able to see it in the future)
What do you think will be the next trend? I feel like there will be a reaction to the flat souless designs we have now where everything will go back to being overly done, but at the same time I don't know if corporations would do this since it wouldn't fit the shorter attention span of the next generations
This. It's also the reason old products like dumbphones and digital compact cameras are coming back. The current technology we have is convenient and much better than the ones we had 20 years ago, but at the same time it feels souless and boring. I miss the time when you had to insert physical media and push buttons on devices instead of doing everything by touch. It's one of the reasons why I've been into ham radio lately.
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I've been fucking around with combining Y2K with more modern methods, think it can work if you incorporate enough modern or forward thinking touches
Doubt using straight up Y2K looks will age well tho
I feel like most styles it's better as an aesthetic added on to a more neutral backing. Those 70s dark wood panelling can look really nice when it's not paired with orange shag and shit brown furniture. 60s mod flower power is good when it's not every inch of an outfit or a room. Same with this stuff.
/mu/ here, what do Aerochads think of this song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjrxmNoLAnI
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this screenshot illustrates why I think flat design sucks. everything blends together and it actually strains my eyes to look at it.

do you think this kind of design could make a comeback?
For older gen Z such as myself it's heavy nostalgia. I didn't realise this trend passed until I rediscovered it a few months ago and felt a wave of memories. Personally, I think its the fact that you don't notice styles/trends/motifs pass and move on until you're reminded of them having done so. You could say this happens for anything which is true, but for a lot of people online Frutiger Aero seems to be that thing which we all remember but forgot we knew. Some of the tiktok/youtube stuff is a bit cringe and obnoxious but that's to be expected sadly.
This nigga's angry, but he is correct. I was a graphic designer back in the late 90s/early 2000s and that really was the actual term we would use to search the web for styles to rip off.
>make things in 2005-07 from "photohsop tutorials forum signature geometric collage foliage brushes patterns", hardly anything has "a name"
>now things from 2000s as software and peripherals and utilities and furniture are still fairly common and in use because irl not everything gets thrown out in 2 years unless ur rich
>corporate slop was and still is corporate slop
>deviantart and dafont is still around, so are tutorial sites
>the better 90s videogames have active forums and actively maintained modern source ports and mods and remakes and work even better and nicer than back then, 20 year old games can run on win10 with some dll patch, neighbour's kid is playing gta iii (the dad wanted it and vc with a laptop reinstall)
>free and open source software has practically replaced lots of dogshit proprietary slop
>winamp and fb2k work, torrents download just fine and .isos mount just fine, even dc++ and soulseek and emule (gnutella) are around
>5-15 young kids are riding bikes and playing outside daily
>zoomer: "noo it's super rare retro twongodesignstyle by chinkobinko peoples for chungobongow9klatecapitalismwindowsxpgenxparentsputmeonritalin"
like why does it need to be wrapped in some esotericpseudmeta "nostalgia retrospective" package to be palatable, especially when you are like 15-20, what "nostalgia" can you even have, the product(tm) that you thought of as cool is probably still there

i played dos games in 2001 and it wasn't because of 'nostalgia' but because my parents were poor and it was there and widely available and made things go boom on the screen on some shitbox
I'd argue that Mirror's Edge is post-Y2K. Some sort of urbanist solarpunk? It's not concerned with either the Space Age/Raygun Gothic redux nor the reheated cyberpunk that served as dual aspects of Y2K. In both cases, those aesthetics reflect their character, whereas Mirror's Edge is visually bright and clean and optimistic while being thematically grungy and a little melancholy. It's not concerned with Y2K concerns; it wants you to be planet-bound (even while defying gravity), under the sun, not in a vacuum or a computer. I associate it with whatever label you might put on the umbrella that has movies like Paycheck, The Island, ma~ybe Gattaca (that's pushing it) under it.
I don't have the energy to categorize ME:C right now.
It's already happening, it's combining y2k forms with newer color schemes. Look at high-end interior design, the couches are all biomorphic/aquatic forms surfaced with warm white boucle or Obama-era fashion hues. Neumorphism too, though that seems on its way out just as fast. Web3core was reheated y2k and Bryce renders. Apple's Vision Pro interface seems to be a softer Aero, not even Aqua. So, yeah, it's all swinging back around.
Of which?
just any you got
It's just I've seen, nothing saved. Your search terms are there.
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>What do you think will be the next trend?
they will start adding more shading to current flat design, and maybe embrace the frosted glass look. windows 11 is taking that turn
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K-pop has been all over this modernization of y2k you have going here already.

looks cool none the less good job :3
yes it can. the pendulum is already swinging back with windows 11 being less flat than win10
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>What do you think will be the next trend?
Going back to LONG SHADOWS
Bush began his second term. Nothing fundamentally was going to change. People finally accepted the "reality" of the War on Terror and what that meant for how our culture had changed.
On rereading this I know it seems like I'm contradicting myself. What I mean is that, after 9/11, there was a hope that we'd return to a sense of "normalcy" at some point. Things had suddenly shifted and we'd thought we'd shift back. But we didn't; 2005 came and we had the same president fighting the same war dealing with the same schizo economy. There was a realization that the hopes of the Y2K-era were dead for good, and what appealed to people was the idea that we would cut off that rotted appendage and face the world we'd stumbled into. So
>"Realistic" superhero movies and cinematic deconstruction in general
>The internet is no longer about escape to cyberspace, it's about connection and extending meatspace social life
>Real life is brown
>Cartoons are for losers (but anime is cool)
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>There was a realization that the hopes of the Y2K-era were dead for good
I seem to remember them being back for Obama's first term.
Sorta. I feel like that was a new dream. Y2K was very future-focused, like on the precipice of a Singularity. 9/11 dashed that and brought "realism" to the fore. Obama was, "We are in the future and it's kind of just the present but getting better." You know what's a good contemporaneous property for charting this evolution? Battlestar Galactica.Think of where it starts and where it ends. Obama's first term was very much about taking "reality", vectorizing and color-filling (with more stately shades of the patriotic or urban neon hues of the early 2000s) all of the detail of the skeuomorphism that had dominated, and sticking it out in the brightest sunshine you could find. The difference between Vista and 7 kind of show this, too.
>sdsfsdf hurf durf derf derf
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The look reminds me of the art direction in Shin'en's Wii era games

>Art of Balance


>Jett Rocket


>FAST Racing League

I looove this colorful arcade look from Dreamcast/PS2 era games. Just makes me happy.
the dates are wong

Memphis: 1984-1993
Y2K: 1996-9/11/2001
Frutiger Aero: 2005-2012
Flatshit: 2013-Present
are Y2K and 90s retrofuturism synonymous or are they completely different thing? I always associate Y2K with 90s retrofuturism.

did the 90s even have a retrofuturistic aesthetic like the 20s or 50s or 80s?
>because 2000s nostalgia was beginning to take off around 2017
where? nostalgia still hasn't gone past le 80s vice city hotline miami neon cyberpunk purple synthwave aesthetic.
Nostalgia isn't the same for everyone, you're talking like things happen in linear, uniform manners, it's like saying people have the same taste for everything. The 80s nostalgia has been happening at the same time the 90s and the 2000s nostalgia, you'd find examples of the three happening in modern times since mid 2010's, things like these always happen simultaneously. I just find it weird that we don't see as much as 70s revival of things besides some hipsters finding out about private press albums.
>I just find it weird that we don't see as much as 70s revival of things besides some hipsters finding out about private press albums.
because modern nostalgia is just focused around consooming product and the 70s didn't have the hyper-consumerism of the 80s-00s. Also why people obsess over the 80s-00s when the 50s were the best decade of the 20th century
70s nostalgia was big in the 90s and 00s. There was a 70s fashion revival in the 90s ( Think bell bottoms and platform shoes). Also a lot of Y2K design was inspired by the 70s, and a lot of mid 2000s hip-hop design was inspired by late 70s/Disco aesthetic. The thing is, the 70s revival kinda died after the mid 2000s and never came back. That might be because the 70s were such an eclectic and changeful decade that it was hard to assign one single "look" to them. The 80s that were much more "consistent" when compared to the decades that came before and after them. This is also why I think 2010s nostalgia will be huge in the future, it was such a bland but consistent decade, specially 2013-2019.
Overlap. There was a retro wave and it harmonized with 90s futurism. Remember what came back: tie-dye, smiley faces (so many smiley faces), bell bottoms. Part of the complement/balance to 60s/70s Flower Power was Space Age optimism (which was itself a reconstruction of earlier Space Opera et al. stuff dating back to the turn of the century). Y2K wasn't created out of whole-cloth, but it also wasn't just reheated Boomer optimism; it reconstructed 80s cyberpunk, to an extent, cutting some of the extravagant doomerism and replacing it with a sense of greater things ahead, and very close.
>I just find it weird that we don't see as much as 70s revival
It happened in the 90s. A ton of the songs that define that era sample 70s tracks, Schoolhouse Rock came back briefly, grunge aesthetics was like, "70s autumn color schemes + lots of black", etc.
I dunno, Satan, part of what makes the 70s hard to pin down is that there was a very large diversity push in media at the time (not just integration, but marginalized groups carving out their own spaces) that went away when Reagan was elected. The 2010s are roughly analogous. But then again, so are the 90s (each of them have a Big Black Movie near the end of the era: The Wiz, The Lion King, Black Panther).
the new volkswagen logo looks awful
How do I stop being so nostalgic and look forward? Aesthetics wise everything seemed better in the past. Nothing produced currently makes me feel any excitement. Only stuff that specifically uses vintage designs.
what some old graphics design books i can start with?
While certain kinds Frutiger Aero can look cheap, it was widely used by everyone and it doesn't always look cheap.
RIP Left Eye :(
>ignoring windows phone 7
Flat looked very promising then because it was made by actual designers. Nowadays it's all about copying material ui and setting up your palette, pajeets obviously took this to the extreme
There's nothing wrong that. It's called having taste. If you like what was old that's cool. Don't let anyone try to force into liking something you don't
dont let anyone prevent you from exploring new ideas either. if you feel like having had enough of nostalgia or other melancholia-adjacent emotions, it is alright to experiment with directions that you do not feel convinced about in order to occasionally find what would otherwise have stayed out of sight for you.
life has many dimensions. questioning what you like is one. and so is simply liking what you like.
Ah yes, the classic
>it's 2004 and I must sell this monitor
Omg I forgot I was in 4chan for a minute there anon, that's a pretty good advice. I have nothing to add, just listen to this guy, experiment, create, fail and ultimately succeed. SOUL comes when you actually try to make the best you can.
Jk I'm sorry for being racist and homophobic I just thought it would be funny
>Everyone forgets about the part where you're supposed to hint at UI elements that aren't centered on screen.
It's so annoying. I wish they'd put out a public design guide like Google had. Or maybe they did and I wish it had been more popular.
The corporate art represented in the top left of flat design is some of the most disgusting, despicable trash to ever be called art. Why do the bodily proportions need to be so grotesque? It is repulsive. I unironically believe that whoever is responsible for bringing this style into the corporate mainstream should be severely physically punished.
Nazi germophobe detected.
if you do not believe me look into it before answering to me.

late stage capitalist marketing indeed is repulsive. but I am not dumb enough to buy the connection with broadly applicable art styles.
what these illustrations indicate in part is disgusting. the lifestyle. the lies. the profits. the uncreative repetition - again and again by soulless, corporate money machines.
but the style itself? it is just another goddamn style bro...
not necessarily incorrect, but the style is definitely too unappealing to be as prevalent as it is and the broad reception has only been negative from what i've seen. not that the styles of any era are high quality though; it feels just as soulless as frutiger aero's own sugary sweet corporate fake peppiness
>Nazi germophobe detected.
As far as artstic tastes, not even close. I'm a huge fan of horror sci-fi aesthetic, including body horror and creature design. One of my favorite art aesthetics in recent memory came from a recent game called Scorn, which draws heavily from Geiger and Beksiński, and is brimming with themes of death, suffering, and decay. Yet that art style invokes feelings of fascination and wonder in me, whereas this corporate pseudo-art genuinely looks like it came straight from some bizarro hell dimension, and makes me feel unironic disgust and anger toward those responsible.
that is why I told you to look it up -.-

''Entartete Kunst'' (=degenerate art) is a social phenomenon that appeared in Drittes Reich Germany. The term was meant to describe exactly what you are saying.
'society is clean and elevated. there are certain aesthetic standards depicting heroicism and strength. and art needs to use these in order to be appealing or even worth.'
they tried to lable every kind of 'primitive' art ugly - like that of african tribes. basically everything that doesn't meet their set standards is impure (symbolically: of the devil).

and what psychological notion does this dynamic come from?
germophobia and the praise of cleanliness.
clean blood.
come on you probably heard about the H-man being a germophobe before, no?

these discussions are always the same old shit. about In-group and out-group. not about fucking styles.
be a real human being for once and stop demonizing visually similar depictions instead of having the balls and calling out the assholes with power who hide behind cutesy, colorful images. I am not making you like this illustration style. but you are acting like a stubborn child with uninteresting worldviews.
>stop demonizing visually similar depictions
The only demonizing going on here is you trying to give a college professor lecture about how my tastes are somehow related to the ideals of the third reich. All i said was that the art style is repulsive. I don't think it should be banned or prohibited, although the forced corporate mass propagation of this style actually DOES feel like some mild crime against humanity, far more than my distaste for it does.

But talk about trite, uninteresting worldviews anon. I am so sick to death of contrived hyper-intellectuallized self masturbatory oppression narratives. Tbh it seems like the rest of the world is too, and i hope my perception on this is right. I could not care less about your manufactured insight about my artistic tastes reflecting some evil colonialist influence or whatever (beyond the fact that i find this obviously wrong and ridiculous forced interpretation incredibly irritating). I just think the art style is gross. End of.

>The corporate art represented in the top left of flat design is some of the most disgusting, despicable trash to ever be called art. Why do the bodily proportions need to be so grotesque? It is repulsive. I unironically believe that whoever is responsible for bringing this style into the corporate mainstream should be severely physically punished.

idk but sounds like a snippet from the book I mentioned to me...

I agree. people are sick of right vs left politics talk. but that doesn't validate nor contradict any arguments. it is just a symptom of overexposure. In my last post I was very careful to talk about psychological effects that when appearing in masses leads to shit like Totalitarianism.

the nazis didn't think they are the bad guys. they also just hated what did not belong into their neat little narrative. for reasons of hygiene being morally overemphasized. it wasn't people being political with their intentions, but personal and 'pure'. and still it lead to some of the worst shit humanity is able to keep in short term memory.

I am just saying your very initial, unfiltered reaction depicts the exact same narrow-minded sentiment as that of mid 20th century germany. feel free to think like that. but I do feel free to point it out.


If you actually are better than them and would not fall for a someone using hitler-talk - then congratulations!... you are a decent human being!
if not - don't know how to tell it to you, buddy - then nazi germophobe. sorry.
Really, the one in this conversation that seems brainwashed in this conversation is you, albeit probably from a very different platform than Nazi style propaganda pamphlets. Your appeal to the vague "decent human being," childish "good guy vs bad guy" interpretation of historical events, and oversimplified moral code pulled straight from the sunday morning cartoons of the milliennial generation seem pretty telling. Add to that your over-eagerness to pontificate your freshmen liberal arts lesson in the middle of conversations that can barely be considered tangential to the idea, and it sounds very much like you followed a very similar common propaganda pipeline that many others have. Maybe examine where your own perspectives have been molded from instead of just telling everyone else about theirs.
in that case all of the above is wrong :^)
We know, anon. We know
in that case. would you please explain? because while the reactionary personal allegations aren't difficult to spot, I do not recognize the argumentative baseline except
>It is wrong
It's there in such plain english, that your request can hardly be taken as anything but a typical deconstructionist "ackshually" attempt to simply tire me of the conversation so you can claim a consession. And i'm going to have to grant it to you. I've had this same exact conversation literally dozens if not hundreds of times in my adult life, and i'm bored.

The high level gist is, your tired, forced ideas about overt Nazi representation in parts of modern western culture are just as manufactured, planted, and frankly without merit as the very Nazi propaganda you are referencing. These ideas were almost certainly not arrived at by you directly through any kind of personal philosophical journey of study driven by desire to understand reality, but were placed there inorganically over your life time through various media and academic outlets, and the way you present these ideas using the exact same rhetoric and verbiage as most other people who espouse the same is strong evidence for this. Read it again if you need to but that's all the energy i have left for this.
I mean other people saying it does not automatically result in it being wrong...

if you personally are not in any form a friend of third reich ideas, feel free to simply say it. what is so difficult about that? I told you how all I am able to react to is the text you are handing over. how would it be otherwise?
and this is not even the first moment I am offering this opportunity to you:
>If you actually are better than them and would not fall for a someone using hitler-talk - then congratulations!... you are a decent human being!

what you said earlier is factually very much reminiscent of the period in question.
>makes me feel unironic disgust and anger toward those responsible.
tell me how it is not representative for your personality, or how you do not think it is in any form related to political catastrophe. but how would you disprove my take on what you clearly stated?

not that I expect you to care much at all, or believe me (hey, its me, anon!), or even consider it in any shape or form; but I do have personal relationships with people who lived in the exact time and place in history we are talking about - one still living person having been roughly 8 years old when the war started. And I am not even considering jewish people or other minorities. plain basic normies of the time.
most of them up to this point have opinions that would be considered a lot worse than just ''problematic' in todays public political landscape! much more honest about societal troubles of the time that many would prefer to neglect

I say this not to prove anything, but to claim that I am less of a propaganda pipeline victim than you seem to be thinking. It is part of why I feel inclined to emphasize how honest personal views can still lead to the worst political agendas. nobody thinks they are the problem. just like me!

but hey - anecdotal statements aside - you are allowed to give arguments or tell me how you personally believe that in your case it is simply incorrect.
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So? have you been able to make up your mind on whether you have a tendency for totalitarian thought or not?

well, I made you a little gift - a sort of educational piece. (...you just know how much I'd love to one day be lecturing real students! hehe) - who knows, could be helpful!
It is a raw translation of an original pamphlet (but first and foremost an exploration in design and layout of course! - look at how much I am caring for you! what do you think?).
It struck me that maybe you could make good use of something like it on your journey of *learning how to correctly understand aesthetics and your own personal believes*. - quite the trip, eh?
anyways... fret not! after reading it, you will soon be able to tell, whether what you stated earlier has similarity in nature with what I just provided.
feel free to share any insight you will have had from indulging in this original, that does not even need analysis provided by 'politically biased media outlets', but very much is able to speak for itself.

Therefore I am sure your reading abilities will not be misused by modern propaganda, but give unbiased, original insight. because the last thing I would want to is tiring your poor adult ass with false references for the dozenth if not hundredth of time!
Mit besonders freundlichen Grüßen!

Do you have some form of schizophrenia, or do you have some form of social anxiety that's so extreme you have to go out of your way to defend the work of corporate drones you'll never meet?
maybe! probably! who knows? what does it matter?
ad hominem arguments in a confrontation of nameless entities seem kind of pointless anyways... so there, feel free to assume about me whatever you want!
it doesn't underscore nor contradict any side of the argument kek

I just like the game. exposing inconsistencies, lies and stupidity.
Don't you think it is amusing to see how the other anon wasn't able to bring up even a single argument but say "no u"? I just think that shit is hilarious!

he could easily be saying
>right, what I was expressing is indeed similar with Naziism, but actually I wouldn't ever want a person to be systemically hurt and do reconsider the statement.

but instead he is like
>yeaaaaaaah I am kind of edgy and uneducated enough to sympathize with what has been presented as Naziism to my gay nigger dunning-kruger ass and also I am kinda proud of it. so even for arguments sake I cant even pretend to be finding shit disgusting. - but you calling me out are definitely a propaganda victim and I am so tired!!!!!!1!1!!

poor you! I am tearing up already!

what can I say? so far I am just really enjoying the little game. teabagging faggots on chan simply beats playing vidya.
sure, could be autism, a perversion, or a compensatory hobby of mine.
but how would you know? how could I argue against it? Why should I care?
Imbibe a potion of mood stabilization.

nothing happened. I am just like that, man.
You're just mentally ill?
>but how would you know? how could I argue against it? Why should I care?
troubles reading?
I just wanted to know if it was worth actually asking your opinions or if I should hide your rambling posts.
sure, hide 'em!
if that makes you feel better about yourself...
>saying this while reddit spacing
you calling me out are definitely a propaganda victim and I am so tired!!!!!!1!1!!

better answer than I previously expected. have been making fun of it but kind of works.
huh, he's also ESL
thanks for all the (you)s made it obvious you want them as well
too bad
>we call it the gd board, but actually we hate layout and any other efforts aimed at increasing readability
It's corporate alright, which inherently drains the soul out of it. It's a transitional period where the flamboyance of Y2K is slowly being drained into a market-researched inoffensive frutiger aero until nothing is left by the 2010s.
>I worry about past styles getting the synthwave treatment.
It's just like eurobeat being forever branded as fast car music because of a single anime. That shit drives me nuts.
I prefer beef radio myself.
It's like someone asked the graphic designer to make synthwave into Y2K.
kek, absolutely seething
lol if seething = making fun of
>alone at 4am spending hours collecting this style of wallpaper and XP/Vista themes in 2007 (didn't know it had a name then)
>WindowBlinds dock with giant shiny glass icons
>winamp to play pirated trance, jpop/jrock and rammstein singles as I explore shiny new worlds of aesthetics
>xfire to talk with friends playing ragnarok online and maple story at their peak
>infinite free manga, anime and hentai and no social media
>politics doesn't infest every topic of discussion
>4chan is actually used by outcasts and freaks (before it was normal to be a freak)
I don't like to hate on zoomers, but I do feel bad they didn't get to experience these times. you're overstimulated Caleb! detox from social media and "scrolling"!
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This actually doesn't look too bad. ANYTHING is better than the flat shit though. Personally, I'd love a return to Global Village Coffee House. For the past 30 years, everything has been either ridiculously glossy or cheap-looking. I'd like things to be earthy again.
>Global Village Coffee House
I feel like a lot of people don't appreciate this style as much. It's really great.
This and new age world music are based.
We need a counter-CARI that appropriates CARIfag terms while being focused around uncritical appreciation and cultivation instead of sterile "research" and hurkderping about the politics behind them, desu
>le fruitynigger aero
I hate this image and this term
I am just happy someone is trying to catalog design trends in general.
What's wrong with the image?
I'm not because it's being done by retarded consoomer faggots and spread around by even dumber consoomer faggots
do you have a better alternative? I haven't seen anyone else catalog design styles like this.
Congratulations anon for not being underagedb&! Enjoy your board that is now teeming with zoomer election tourists.
A traveling /v/irgin
>/v/ermin is retarded
Wow! Who could've seen it coming?
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Just realized this thread is 9 months old and that I've visited and downloaded the same images at least 12 times now. Holy shit
you can take the corporate from the soul

but you can never take the soul from the corporate
I wounder what was the generic name it gave it back then?
Its hard to describe, but the vibe I get from this is the same feeling I get when I am watching a movie and the characters are playing a video game, but its a video game that looks nothing like any game that has ever come out. CGI rendered characters on graphics card vibes.
its almost like an essential quality of "soul" or of aesthetic judgement at large is that it is not "quantifiable" or explicitly definable because taste is inborn and learned at a young age, by the time youre an adult you either have it or you dont
and you dont have it
youre a wordcel and you will never know beauty
>zoomer humor
What about the Bill Cosby Show?

That showed people that black white-collar families in the media. How many black centered shows do you know today that are centered around a doctor?
its almost like you're just retarded

>an essential quality of "soul" or of aesthetic judgement at large is that it is not "quantifiable" or explicitly definable

Bullshit, many aesthetic qualities used to judge art and design are both quantifiable AND explicitly defineable like symmetry, balance of positive/negative space, perspective, contrast, repetition and related patterns, etc.

"Soul" just isn't one of them; it's what retards too lazy or scared to make objective aesthetic assessments use so they can flex like they know something, and then be able to dodge any criticism because the word in context means whatever they want it to.

> taste is inborn
also you-
>and learned at a young age
you again-
>by the time youre an adult you either have it or you dont

By the time you are in fifth grade the utter stupidity of saying those mutually exclusive things together should be clearly evident, and make you cringe with embarrassment and STFU.
Let's hope this happens for you.

>youre a wordcel

LOFL, when you can't defend your juvenile "it means what I think it means!" appropriation of an already nebulous term, just double down with more nebulous zoomer jargon intended to disparage literacy itself, the way a dumb fuck who puts the word quantifiable in aspersion quotes would do.
Why is social media pushing both frutiger aero and early 2010s shit in the last few days to literally everyone? Not only aesthetics, people are REALLY pushing a late 00s/early 2010s revival all of a sudden, twitter, tiktok... What the fuck is that all about
>last few days
it's been going on for months and it's because people who were kids in the late 00s/early 10s (i.e. the majority of people online) are able to get annoyingly "old is gold" about things, in the same way millenials did, and gen xers, and boomers, etc
I knew the only person who would be willing to reply me was going to be a fucking nerd... Read the room, faggot
Because it's gemmy.
Because Zoomchads are rising up.
>last few days
This thread is from last year nigger
Probably being pushed because some no-talent youtuber saw this thread and made a vid on it
can you guys recommend some YouTube channels that teaches you how to make this kind of design/video edits?
i hope in the 5 days it's taken to respond to this you've killed yourself
There's this post on the FA subreddit that's probably what you're looking for: https://www.reddit.com/r/FrutigerAero/comments/12zla2l/frutiger_aero_tutorialshow_tosdesign_guides/
and for video edits I guess there's this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FBPwz9ZDHM
that's nice and all but still both Frutiger Aero and Frutiger metro still not good terms and are as vague as something as synthwave
Not untrue, but that's just how aesthetics work, as well as all descriptive words. It's literally the same as how literally doesn't have to mean literally; words only mean what people use them to mean which lends itself to vague overuse.
ture and like one anon said ago on this same tread >>444765
based chinks
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A mixture of zoomers growing up and minimalist flat design being so dominant for so long that Bush era glossy skeumorphism looks fresh in comparison.

also, the practice of cataloguing mass consumer "aesthetics" tvtropes style is fairly recent, and it turns out it's crack for a specific type of autistic kid. the CARI -> aesthetics wiki -> tiktok pipeline is real
That looks like an ad I would immediately click off of
Flat design makes me feel depressed and frutiger aero makes me feel genuinely happy
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happy 1 year to this thread of autists arguing about aesthetic semantics
>It's literally the same as how literally doesn't have to mean literally; words only mean what people use them to mean which lends itself to vague overuse.

Wrong, when "literally" doesn't have to mean literally, then nothing means anything.
If you are twelve years old this might seem like some deep epistemological Truth that lets you say anything and have it be fundamentally "correct", but in the real world words mean things and while they may gain other definitions as time passes, the original meaning remains.

When you insist that a word like "literally" doesn't have to mean what it unequivocally means, then that usage becomes linguistically meaningless. Same goes for any arbitrary application of words with little or no connection to the subject they are claimed to represent or describe...it's just empty babble and nobody is compelled to accept that it means anything other than what it means about the moron using it.
Even when common usage makes it recognizable and people can say "well, you know what I meant" in defense of that usage, it's still just slang or argot or vernacular and still doesn't negate the standard meaning of the word.

>also, the practice of cataloguing mass consumer "aesthetics" tvtropes style is fairly recent

It's pretty obviously tied to the shortened attention spans of modern generations; this type of categorization and cataloging has always existed but on a far longer time scale that took decades if not longer to coalesce into some accepted model, and even then overlaps between aesthetic/artistic eras and movements were/are acknowledged as such.

Now those tiny overlaps and transitional periods and deviations from some "rule" or standard (that is often arbitrary and not even accepted by the artist being pigeonholed) all get their own name and it all happens in nearly real time, or at least the people doing it try to force that to happen.

To me the Dreamcast had it, but the PS2 didn't. Somehow Dreamcast aesthetics were more satisfying, while PS2 was pixely and the worst looking console of its generation.
we all want ad hoc design
Gen z dont
A real shame that despite us living on planet Earth and being the primary inhabitants of it, nothing feels like it was made for us. Everything today feels very alien and sterile, GVCH feels like it was made for humans. Which makes sense since it’s not too far from cave paintings aesthetic wise. God the corporate rape of America was such a bad fucking decision.
Why do you talk like a hippie in an episode of Dragnet from 1967?
Way of being
inb4 troons get their slimy hands onto it
reddit meme
it's too late. I've this trend pop up on my IG feed several times. we have to find the new thing now.
>1 year+ post retention time
holy fuck just how slow is this board?
most boards outside of the reddit brigade are pretty slow even by 2020s internet forum standards. there are threads on /i/, /out/, here, etc that i just like keeping in my thread watcher pretty much year-round for the fun of it
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can album art be frutiger aero?
Supercell (2009)
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there's a reason we moved past that, anon.
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every trend, fashion and epoch is being perceived 'sincere' when it starts.
stop oversimplifying so much at the wrong places.
Let's keep it up another year!
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Yo man I am thinking it would have been more nicer if they revived it in some form.

Right now it just seems too much that they are pushing this kind of design that seems too corporate and flat.

You have proven your point. I am thinking that the best dudes who makes good graphic design like that is AntiX and other Linux Distros like it(with some exceptions idk).
>It's like really chunky and too glossy
Love it but yeah, its like they tried to over extend with the technological limitations of the era and its pretty obvious. Reminds me of the whole "3d" fanatic era with everything in media.
eurobeat was kino fast car music LONG before Initial D existed


part of the reason it was in Initial D at all was because late Italo and early SEB caught on among street racers
wouldn't call it effort. this shit is really kitsch
I love aero so fucking much bros take me back this fucking flat meme has been going on for far too fucking long
this is a quality that only shitlibs fear same with "kitsch" and "sentimental."

Literally liberals loathe joy and happiness.
sorry for the fag response but aero was made for greenwashing, people look at aero and see oh wow look at this super green Irish grass and oceans with a lot of species of fish wow Microsoft cares about the environment
people, the structures they create and this game we are collectively playing is just so incredibly retarded.
i can only imagine having to pump out these hyperbanal ecoshit collage designs.
troons COINED it moron
This, late 90's early 2000s was dogass in every single aspect design wise
The glossiness is just so inherently pleasing to the eye. Especially combined with the refreshing, vibrant blue and green often used in it.
my theory is that the powers that be are pushing the Y2K/Frutiger Aero revival because the 80s "vice city hotline miami neon purple synthwave cyberpunk" aesthetic was coopted by the altright in stuff like fashwave and they want to memory hole it and replace it with Y2K/Frutiger Aero because they see it as a threat.
troons and ex-SomethingAwful millennial furfags with troll remorse (and other Nintendofags) who suddenly found themselves relevant again online due to the Switch's surprise success in early 2017, wiped their old slate clean for the sakes of the sudden influx of newfag turboautists that would inevitably show up - and here we are now.

Also Discord colonising old forum culture, this stuff was usually kept to wikis you had to be a turboautist to even attempt to find, now you just have to join a vaguely adjacent-to-autism server and some cunt will expose every single 13 year old to their aesthetic (which is usually a front for their grooming operation).
this would also explain why a shitload of long dead subcultures that had almost no new members joining them, and YTP shit suddenly came back into the spotlight around the same time i guess
Oh shit this person is an admin on Jul, I always kind of had a conspiracy in mind that a collective of people from there and other AcmlmBoards like Kafuka, RVLution (ded) and Kuribo64, along with a few people from other places, basically run the entire male dominated left wing internet at this point given so many people have some sort of connection to people who had some sort of starting point in these places and then hit it big on Twitter...

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literally me
What do we think of Neubrutalism?
I like it a fair bit. That should be a thread of its own.
that makes me want to buy a prius
Takashi Murakami used a similar aesthetic with his “superflat” style.
The Neighborhood is literally, "Whites and blacks, living together!", the kind of social equality that his being a doctor was supposed to represent. I'd also point to the Fresh Prince remake, Empire, etc.
I like the style even with its cheapness association, but I'm also a little unnerved with the idea of calling it "comfy" when it's basically colorized art deco.
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I’ll forever miss this
Before this thread ends, here are 4544 images in this style, 3585 JPGs and 959 PNGs.
Have a nice week!
cool shit anon, did you make it yourself?
to bad it it has some of reddit garbage
>to bad
are you serious? you just were gifted 4k+ images from some anon and you choose to bitch about some 'reddit' fraction of it?!
>stupid, lazy af mf
A good some of it is just zoomie shit and it feels so fake
you didn't even pay anything for it...
keep it.
make use of it.
or don't.

are you like 12 years old? what do you think how the world works?
God forbid i tell your pack images are dogshit
not even mine. I just point out how much of an insular brat you are...

I am fine with the collection being mediocre and don't care whether you like them or not. won't even download them myself.
they are a random, unparticular gift from someone. as I said: take them or don't... seems easy, no?
Your the one whos acting like brat here man. Getting upset at some who just criticizing it
"criticizing" lmao
>has some of reddit garbage
It still shit none the less
>are you serious? you just were gifted 4k+ images from some anon and you choose to bitch about some 'reddit' fraction of it?!
>don't care whether you like them or not.

either an inhibited memory or a weird sense for what makes a strong argument, have you?
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Starting from 2010 things became the hell we live in today, the left started pushing identity politics from 0 to 100 with their combo: race, LGBT and feminism.

I believe that was the moment millennials who visited niche forums and imageboards but didn't like the "edgy" humor that was present in those places became the so called social justice warriors on Twitter.
That's why if you look up most of those early adopters of woke culture will often have a past in imageboards and forums pre-2009, the normies would only join the agenda later on when those discussion were pushed all over the media and pop culture.
Not even gonna download it for free, you faggot.
why would anybody care about you downloading it?
and as a result: why would anyone care about you talking about downloading or not?

weird logic.
You for one seem to care an awful lot, retard
not as much as you seem to believe. just here to play annoying games with you.
So you are here to be disingenuous then?
alright fuck off
what do you mean? hasnt every word of me been pretty frank?
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Futurama is "frutiger aero" and optimist cyberpunk? wow
I tried that, years ago in the extinction of windows 7 I did not want to go to windows 10 and entered the linux world to escape the flat design and in a time of experimentation I approached the current windows 11 style (KDE default style) and other styles like industrial unreal tournament 1999
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It's sterile but you can't really say it's soulless. It's unabashed toxic optimism from corporate design, clearly unconcerned with being safe or inoffensive. Flat is neither optimistic nor unconcerned with being safe. I think the absence of these traits are what make flat design so soulless and frutiger aero rather curious within itself, as blindingly radiant as it is.
I need /pol/ to leave. This is a happy thread.
>anon is 300 iq for realizing opinions are subjective
you can't quantify the unquantifiable. sometimes it's easier to point to what gives something soul and sometimes it's just that certain je ne sais quoi.
I'm 30 and I'm getting into this aesthetic less out of nostalgia for actual geocities and more in rebellion against how boring and homogenized the current internet is where 95% of it is controlled by like 3 companies that want to make sure it stays a sterilized advertiser-friendly package that only allows creative individuality as long as they can still feed you to the algorithms.
yeah it's kitsch but there is effort put into it even if most people were designing pages with the digital equivalent of crayons.
>They don't remember a world where people just enjoyed things unironically
You have terminal millennialness if you think that, boomer 2.0 syndrome

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