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ive been really wanting to do art for album covers or something of that nature for like, predominantly gay shit or trans centric stuff (shoegaze, breakcore, other faggy stuff<3) and i have really no clue where to start. i'm just making fake album covers for the moment but posting them to twitter on my very small acct still feels like throwing them to the void. is it just like everyone else and knowing someone? having a pre-existing following and stuff or is there somewhere to look or something to do??? picrel is a wip of a fake album cover im sketching based on disco elysium and a friend's music but nep-nep is not included
>bumping after an hour on a board with year old threads
anyways idk what kind of answer your expecting
how do you make album covers for musicians? probably by knowing musicians to make album covers for
how do you do that? gosh I don't know, talk to musicians maybe?
>>bumping after an hour on a board with year old threads
sorry!!! im a newfag to /gd/. im usually on /lgbt/ or something where threads die in like 10 mins if you dont get a reply
yeah, that’s the answer i was worried i’d get and knew the whole time. i’m sad it’s kinda cliquey!! i wish i knew like, where to find said musicians besides the dreg heaps of twitter and i live sadly in a pretty rural area with no scene. and even if there was a scene, how would i go abt doing it!!! just be like hey can i draw you this seems weird!!! iykwim. im just not quite sure what the first few steps would be and was wondering if there was anyone who was in this field who had some advice, i knew the answer already i’m really sorry for making this dumb thread
One of the nice aspects of GD is that (especially now with digital tools/editing) it's extremely cheap to just make things as if you had already been hired to do so...if you think you are capable of producing visual graphics that a band or other entity might find valuable enough to pay for, just make them and show it to them. Even if they don't use that particular piece you are avertising your skills and willingness to work, and besides being good practice that content is always there and available for other uses if someone you approach asks what else you've got.
Someone taking that kind of initiative can be a very attractive quality in and of itself, especially for people in creative fields like music where there's plenty of established designers and artists who would do the work even for an unknown band, but want tons of money up front to even talk to them. Nothing wrong with that, but a sense of a shared hunger to make things blow up can give a designer a leg up over other support services that make good money whether the project fails or not.


IOW that act of taking a chance to build a relationship can cause others to be more likely to take a chance on you...and FWIW this applies to both similarly unknown bands you might approach this way AND established performers who could hire anyone they wanted to...if you've got nothing going on and want to change that, the worst thing you can do is set your sights too low...rather than assuming only nobodies would talk to you and maybe you can eventually work your way up to real work for real bands, start by approaching the best bands and only work your way down as much as you need to. You'd be shocked at how well your efforts can be received and how people at that level will see your skills and potential (assuming you have some) and help you out, refer you to others, throw you a bone, etc.

Just being someone who *isn't * a go-to designer working in those circles can be a point in your favor for people looking for something fresh and unique.
it's not cliquey per se, kind of depends
I'm really into emo/punk scenes and those have a very diy ethos, I got some early work in my portfolio just by DMing small bands I like on IG and twitter and asking them if they need any tour posters (even one-offs for individual shows), single/ep/album covers, etc
I didn't charge people because I just wanted the experience and portfolio piece, that's something you'd have to weigh for yourself
there's always the fake album game too if you just want to practice
my god that shit is terrible
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im sorry. im really trying my best to branch out and do something that isnt my vent art (picrel) and use other media in my works. the girl was just supposed to be silly and not for the actual thing and the picture in the bottom right was for reference. i just feel like scrapping thw whole thing now im sorry
thank you very much, i will try my best.
This actually has a lot of potential (especially the top image) ; the typesetting needs to be less crowded and more legible and the whole thing could be dialed back a bit to make it more unified and refined and less chicken-scratchy , but its a cool stylistic vibe that would work well for band stuff like posters.
Far better than the other image you posted would suggest.
Maybe you can blow a musician, gaytard. Maybe then they'd let you make some faggy album art for them.
epic own dude, you showed that fag what's what XD
Woah, the devastating one-two punch of "gay" and " tard" in combination...will OP ever recover from this dizzying display of sheer rhetorical power?
Top one is really cool
>i'm really sorry for making this dumb thread
>i just feel like scrapping the whole thing now im sorry
don't scrap it & don't be sorry, it's not a dumb thread, i actually found some info in here really helpful

thank you for this perspective on this matter, that's really encouraging

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