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Suddenly, the thread is gone, and I'm stunned!
Thanks for creating a new thread
But why did the old thread suddenly disappear?
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He's my GOAT and this one changed my life
limit i assume?
translation when
I'm waiting for no text
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still no text version of this
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Those are some long dicknipples.
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>this one changed my life
when is the translation for his last work? cant wait to bust a nut to this
strange, usually translation of his works fastly done
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Love the way he draws women hate the way he draws men
still no translation
great milf
Damn the threads really went to shit huh
fraid so
still no translation. Why? We waited so long
ugly bastard types, yeah
he became a cuck
been thinking of doing a translation tbqhwy lads
do it pls, i dont know what happened with translators, mosquito man works usually get translated very quickly
The new work look kinda off. Her torso is too short.
i'm too lazy to clean and typeset though
-Possible light on English translation for MM "Aunt" soon?



You can do one page a day. You'll be done in 2 months.
if anyone posts the cleaned version here i'll probably tl and typeset
I bought it myself and it didn't come with a clean version. I think MM is on to translators/his work getting uploaded on English hentai sites.
people actually fap to his disgusting art?
How, there's a lot of artist out there but you choose to fap to this guy's work idgi
not that it's hard to be on to them, the guy just has to open e-hentai
MM usually sells both with words and a clean version. With this newest release, it didn't come with it. Eng translators need a clean version to make it easier for them to typeset English words. Less work.
>people actually fap to his disgusting art?
His milfs really well drawn
Any news regarding translation?
thanks, anon
Anons, what's your favorite OC Milf from his doujins?
OP, where’d you get those textless images? Did you clean them up yourself? Need some for a Mosquito Man style model I’m working on
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Sayuri forever and ever.

Textless version of MM works are available when you buy them or if the uploader share them on sadpanda.
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Sweet, found some on sadpanda, bought some others
God bless anon. Would you mind sharing the hot spring one? There is no textless version on sadpanda.
I just upload it here: https://exhentai.org/g/2752459/97b952cf8a/
>Sayuri forever and ever.
Good choice
hey guys somewhat unrelated question, does anyone know what the hell happened to the MomNTR threads?? they have been constant since i can remember and all of a sudden they are just gone
I wanted to do more collage but his last work (for me) is such a lackluster that i have no motivation
guess we just stopped posting although theres several mom NTR servers on discord if you have a tag. i agree was fun when we had our own thread
Wasn't me who asked, but I'd be interested. Tag is tekkamakimama.
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kemono stopped working at the worst time
My favorites are the ones where it looks like it hurts
Any specific one?
such as?
Something about this makes me laugh a little bit
>Anons, what's your favorite OC Milf from his doujins?
I agree. It seems we have the same taste in this stuff.
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Rare uncensored MM pussy.
we need more of her
Hoping for more milfs from this artist in 2024
nice. all-time favorite.
This whole thread feel like bots posting it's crazy.
We getting content rarely, not much to discuss
And we are not getting a new work from him before the end of 2024 or even 2025 so what's the point.
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>Love the way he draws women hate the way he draws men
Out of curiosity, I decided to see what it would look like if I removed the wrinkles and whitened the teeth of one of his men. It's a shame he doesn't seem to like handsome or even normal looking men. He really draws amazing milfs.
we need more compilation of his art
>shit taste
This art style is gross, and that one is particularly worse.
His last work art style is really getting worse, i think MM peak is past us now
>wife with a Mrs Kyoko strong sense namatame of justice NTR manga
He is laughing at the bad text position
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I'm retarded.
Anyway if we're posting our personal favourite work then mine is this.
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The onsen one is top 3 for me. One of the best for sure. Let's revive this thread, i could talk about MM works for hours. Since it's your favourite work are you more into Akina or Chizuru anon?
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Nice to see another anon with taste here. My favourite of the two moms is Akina, I love married and mature women with a strong personality in general but I especially love her because through out the doujin she's trying so hard to appear almost hotile to the blonde guy yet her brain literally is thinking the opposite about him. This contrast is real hot to me, I appreciate that MM also draws her with strong eyebrows which accentuates her (surface) opposition to the literal fucking in progress. Who is your favourite, anon?
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I think Chizuru have her own charms but i'm also more of a Akina fan too. Design is better, i also like her eyebrows like you said. Her inverted nipples popping out and being so long is hot too. The fact that the whole "cheating trip away from our husbands" is Akina idea is good too. Oh well it's Chizuru who is pushing for going to drink with the young boys flirting with them though. While Chizuru is more like the calm and composed MILF type, Akina is more like the manly and loud MILF type (like Wakako or Atsuko) they make a good duo and it's great.
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Based Akinaenjoyer. I've forgot to mention her breasts in general in my last post but I too think they're amazing and the fact that her nips pop out during sex almost feels like an intentional metaphor, representing the married woman conquering again her femininity after it's been sealed away for so long.
>The fact that the whole "cheating trip away from our husbands" is Akina idea is good too.
I love that part and it's probably why I enjoy this specific work so much. Akina doesn't even sound mean-spirited when she tells the guys that she's basically fine with a good dicking that night because her hubby just can't do his job anymore. She's honest and upfront about it.
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>Akina doesn't even sound mean-spirited when she tells the guys that she's basically fine with a good dicking that night because her hubby just can't do his job anymore. She's honest and upfront about it.
You pointed out one of the many aspect of why i love MM women characters so much. They feel very "japanese" in a way. Cheating and onsen trip are very engrained into japanese culture nowadays and the fact that Chizuru/Akina, but also Sayuri, Misako, Keiko, Yoshie and even Wakako all cheat on their husbands without being mean about it is hot as fuck. They still keep their job as a mother and a wife, make food and love their family while enjoying a good dicking with a young man on the side. It's this "light and casual cheating" mood that you can imagine from a frustrated MILF in her 40's with a sexy body that make MM works so exciting for me. Only Kyoko and Saeko are special cases because it's forced cheating to protect her husband or her son but in the end they fall for the netori guy cock while maintaining their role as wife/mother.
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Yup, MM truly excels at this type of "light netorare" that focuses less on the situation being miserable and more on the woman actually having fun with her new cock.
>They feel very "japanese" in a way. Cheating and onsen trip are very engrained into japanese culture nowadays
It's actually crazy that's a real thing in Japan, I guess life truly imitates art in the most interesting ways. I don't want to verge from 2D but the one case that I read about and surprised me the most was regarding about the mangaka Eiichiro Oda who is the author of One Piece and is currently married to an ex-escort. Due to his tight schedule working on the manga, he barely sees his wife during the month so he's now been letting her have an onsen trip every two weeks since 2018/2019. Alone, obviously.
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Japan is the country of NTR after all. I wasn't aware of Oda's wife casual onsen trip that's pretty funny. One of my favorite NTR work is an eroge called "Netorare Natsuko" and it's a momNTR focus work but instead of being aroused by the despair and the miserable son POV i'm way more into the mom POV and how she have so much for the first time in her life as a woman with her son's bully young cock. Natsuko POV is really close to how a MM woman character would think. If you can read moon or know how to MTL eroge i really recommend you to read it.
Thanks for the reccomendation, I'll make sure to check it out soon. Sadly I forgot the doujin that's in the same vein and I was about to tell you about but the story concerns a single mom running a store alone and she starts a relationship with a brat that keeps visiting her shop because his parents aren't able to stay at home with him.
>Japan is the country of NTR after all. I wasn't aware of Oda's wife casual onsen trip that's pretty funny.
It was news to me too up until like a year ago. Apparently Oda was candid in admitting during an interview that his wife drives up alone to those old bathhouse in the middle of the country where mixed bathing still is permitted and likes to roam around the building without even a towel on.
Can't wait to hear your impressions about it.

I'm thinking of doing a new poll including Atsuko this time, the new MM MILF character, but i want a poll where i can put a picture to every choice like i did before while also limiting the vote to one per person because there was way too much abuse in the last poll where Wakako schyzo voted 80 times for her. One vote per IP/person and with illustration. Anyone know a good poll site for that?
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I'll surely write down a quick review of your recc once I get to actually read it.

By the way I just remembered the doujin I was talking about yesterday.
>Kimottama Kaa-san ga Onna no Kao o Miseru no wa | Gutsy Mother Shows A Woman's Face by Minamida Usuke
You've probably heard about or even read it already but I wanted to bring such a doujin up after all the talking about fun cheating in hentai.
I made a new survey guys. Feel free to vote for your fav MILF but this time it's limited to one vote by IP so please try to not spam or cheat too much like last time. I updated it with Atsuko in it. Just a reminder that Mosquito Man himself watch the poll, i've talked about it with him and he shared the last one so your vote might influence his next work.

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I'm not the schizo you've mentioned before but I think I'll vote for Wakako because I've always loved her design but thought that her doujin was always lacking... something? I'd love for MM to do a redux version of it. Or just a continuation of these last pages where she's going to the beach with the brat.
Wakako is amazing anon, she is in my top 3 even though i'm not fan of /ss/ for MM works and like you said sex is a bit lacking. But the poll is around which MILF you like the most without considering the work so your vote is on point. Like i fucking love Saeko design but her work is one of the weakest MM ever draw. The Wakako schizo just went full retards voting so much that the poll made no sense in the end but Wakako is god-tier. I don't know if you were in the thread were i posted about the mail exchange i had with MM but there is almost 0 chance he will redo any of his old works.
Ah, it's a shame that you don't like Saeko's doujin. I quite enjoy it despite the premise being kinda overdone.
>Cheating and onsen trip are very engrained into japanese culture nowadays
Even now?
Yup, read the replychain anon.
Any chance someone have the textless version of >>7614220 OP? The last one. It's not on sadpanda.
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Share yours anons
Saeko doujin have the same problem as Misako, i just hate group thing where there is only one woman and more than one guy. The onsen one is a special case because it's 2v2 so there is still some one-on-one connection between characters. With Saeko there is 0 interaction between her and them, sex all happen way too quick and the two guys are mostly talking together never really acknowledging Saeko as if she is just a fuck doll and it kill the mood. I like the "protecting her son" premise though but it's not done well this time.
>Saeko doujin have the same problem as Misako, i just hate group thing where there is only one woman and more than one guy.
That'a an understandable criticism of the work, personally I'm fine with 2 on 1 action (with one being the mom) but I can see why 1guy leads to a more intimate relationship with the woman. Especially if we're talking about this type of NTR.
any more similar real cases?
Of a public figure being open about their wife's cheating trips? I can't recall any, Oda's so far been the major example since he's also famous for being a mega pervert in general.
>I can see why 1guy leads to a more intimate relationship with the woman. Especially if we're talking about this type of NTR.
Exactly, that's why any group thing really kill the NTR mood for me. I have the same problem with netori guy who love to share her prey with the whole world. It's not even NTR anymore at this point, he is just whoring out the girl he stole. I feel like the true powerful NTR is only working with intimate relationship between the netori guy and the woman. But to each his own.
>I feel like the true powerful NTR is only working with intimate relationship between the netori guy and the woman
I totally get you on that, I'll also add that it's even more powerful when there's a relationship between the netori guy and the cuck. Granted that a lot of artists just take the easy way out and establish a power dynamic where the husband is submissive but for me it's hotter the rare times when the netori guy is like in debt with the cuck or even his friend. Makes thing much more interesting.
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>it's even more powerful when there's a relationship between the netori guy and the cuck
Indeed, it's even better when the netori guy isn't just a random guy doing nanpa on the woman but i do like that kind of simple NTR too to be honest. Mosquito Man is versatile because he can do both. Of course one of my favorite pairing is the classic "mom x son's friend" which is really my go-to for momNTR and the reason why Yoshie is my top 2. Her chemistry with her son's friend is just too good.
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Mom x Son's Friend is a classic because it might as well be the most realistic Mom Netorare pairing in fiction lol. But yeah I appreciate that in this case, the bull is just... a friend of the son and not like a bully or anything even if he has that delinquent side to him. Reminds me of the recent doujin by Tatsunami Youtoku where the son, his friend and the mom have this exact relationship.
That said, I'd love for MM to explore one of my personal underrated pairings in Mom Netorare which is Bully's Mom x Bullied guy.
based mosquitoman anons keeping this thread alive good quiz and discussion. been a while since i've coom to mosquito GODs works so i'm not particularly familiar with any EXCEPT Yoshie so she gets my vote. if i remember right she says she has already aborted one of the bull's babies so i like that she's willing to go so far for young bull dick and is unapologetic about it. plus the all the dialogue of the bull degrading her calling her a pig or lucky she has his dick makes me diamonds too. good work on the surveys and image collages anons i like looking at them
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>it might as well be the most realistic Mom Netorare pairing in fiction lol.
True. Talking about Tatsunami Youtoku if you like his artstyle you really need to check his LOVEMILF eroge from Autobahn circle. The first title is about the MC fucking his friend's mom that he admired since he was a kid. So many good scenes especially the end with the wedding dress and ring play. The second title is about the MC fucking his aunt and Tatsunami Youtoku draw some god-tier CG for this one.

>That said, I'd love for MM to explore one of my personal underrated pairings in Mom Netorare which is Bully's Mom x Bullied guy.
That might be fun but i don't see it happen. He just prefer to picture the cuck husband/son as weak and clueless dudes in the background.

No you are based anon, thank you for voting. Yoshie is a strong pick. I'm glad you enjoy the survey to be honest i was not sure if NSFW pics were allowed on the survey so i picked the best ones with clothes on. I hope MM take inspiration from the votes again.
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Holy, thanks again for the godlike reccs. ESPECIALLY the Tatsunami Youtoku's CG set, somehow it escaped me and I'm like the biggest fan of their artstyle. Thank you so much!
>He just prefer to picture the cuck husband/son as weak and clueless dudes in the background.
I see what you mean but I guess he can make it work by subverting expectations for once by writing the bully as a weakling that gets to make fun of the MC only because of his rich dad or something. That way there'd also be double the cucking.
Lovemilfs also still not translated sadly
Like all the titles from Autobahn, 90% of god-tier nukige but not even one got translated.
>not even one get translated
that's sad
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I would pay for someone to at least translate Yarimoku nanpa beach which is underrated as fuck. It's very short, there is no narration only dialogue so it's easy to tl. And it's one of the best mom NTR eroge ever. But almost all the catalog of Autobahn is tl worthy to be honest.
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>Yarimoku nanpa beach
Thanks for bringing it up again, totally forgot how hot this is.
I've always wanted a still where the moms held their massive breasts up without covering the eyes.
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I'm bad at this so i can't do it but i know that the CG set have enough ressource for someone to make one. Try /r/ maybe?
I'll probably ask around on /r/ later, thank you. Hell, I could do it myself but I'm too lazy lol.
>I could do it myself but I'm too lazy
I wish i was good with this kind of thing. I like to do collage of Mosquito Man but i'm using Canva so i'm not doing anything. I wanted to do a collage of this undressing scene of Yarimoku but since the CG are not at the same resolution i gave up.
>I wanted to do a collage of this undressing scene of Yarimoku
Based, I swear sometimes the pages where the mom starts to undress in front of the bull are hotter than the ones where they have sex.
>the pages where the mom starts to undress in front of the bull
Are you me? I swear i fapped more to Natsuko undressing for the first time in front of Kazuya, to the strip tease on the beach of Yarimoku and to pic related more than the sex. It might be one of my biggest fetish and why i like mom NTR more than "normal" NTR. Older woman showing her ripe and mature sexy body to a younger man is just too good.
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lol I think that we've been sharing a lot of common preferences regarding our MILF doujinshi in this thread. Personally I love exhibitionism in general so seeing it applied in one of my favourite scenarios ever in hentai is the best.

I have to say though, this might be a controversial opinion but considering that MM likes to play with such a topic I wished that there was more involuntairly stripping in these works like the page related. I get that it might give too much of a rapey vibe but the mom losing her clothes near somebody who isn't supposed to see her naked makes my dick even harder.
I feel like you are the same anon i'm speaking with this past few days and we have a lot of common fetishes. Trying so hard to keep this thread alive.

Exhibitionism is nice yes, you must be happy that MM did a whole "show the milf in skimpy clothes outside" thing with Atsuko.
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>you must be happy that MM did a whole "show the milf in skimpy clothes outside" thing with Atsuko.
I am happy and I wished that there was more of that in the doujin. My dream scenario for MM to draw is having the bull straight up steal the hot mom's clothes so she's forced to come out naked to him. Literally.
Naked? Outside? That must be too much for MM. I feel like the page you posted is a classic in older women NTR genre. You see a lot of examples with the netori guy taking the MILF for a "walk" like a dog outside at night and she is naked under her coat, making her pee in the streets or flashing someone.
>Naked? Outside? That must be too much for MM.
Really? I don't think so. The "brat stealing underwear" is a renown trope in every media featuring perverted characters and MM seems to love that kinda stuff. Like it can happen at the beach in a dressing cabinet.
But you mean going commando without a panty under her skirt? or fully naked? without a panty i can easily imagine but fully naked on the streets is just not really MM style.
I mean both options. And I still fail to see how fully naked in public might be too much for the MILF to handle in MM's style but alas.
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Just my feeling but maybe i'm wrong. I mean pic related is so close to be naked already though.
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This one too.
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They are always so close to be fully naked but the skimpy clothes make it even better for me.
Don't worry, the pages you've posted are good examples of what I mean. I just want MM to take it a step further and make them in a full fledged doujin. The setup is real easy too.
>bull is the son's bratty friend
>they all go together to the beach
>bull sees the hot mon changing
>he steals her bag
>she has no choice other than coming out naked
Anon please request it in F95. Some translators are there
There is no legit translator in F95. Only MTL users.
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I can imagine. Now i want to see a scene where the mom is having sex with the son's friend in a wooden beach hut while the son and husband are waiting for them to come back.
I used to have mom NTR kind of feelings when i was kid going to the beach with my own mom because she was always topless while sunbathing. The trend is kind of dead now though only very old granny are still doing it.
>Now i want to see a scene where the mom is having sex with the son's friend in a wooden beach hut while the son and husband are waiting for them to come back.
Based or even better, they're doing it on a separate beach near the shore.
>I used to have mom NTR kind of feelings when i was kid going to the beach with my own mom because she was always topless while sunbathing.
Man, are you literally me? Okay, my mom didn't always do that but whenever we found a new beach that was more private than the public ones, she too liked to go top off. And it wasn't like her breasts were small or anything... not to mention that as much as clandestine some of the places that we used to go were, there still were groups of not-so-old dudes who would find our spot and come near us for obvious reasons. They thankfully were kinda respectable and mostly minded their business every time but I knew exactly why, for example, one of them would randomly ask my mom what time was it despite having phones and shit.
>she was always topless while sunbathing.
A lot of women in beach do that for some reason. I assume mostly for sunbathing, but
It is!
Mostly at least so they don't have to worry about tanlines on their torso areas when they later go out in the evening.
It depends on the country though, i know that in mine it's still something that happen from time to time and it used to be very normal when i was a kid. But there is some places like the US or Japan where it's a big no-no.

No tanlines from the swimsuit and also the feeling of freedom for busty women. Big boobs compressed too hard by swimsuit can hurt the back or rib cage.
>Big boobs compressed too hard by swimsuit can hurt the back or rib cage.
Yeah that too, first thing that my mom'd always do upon coming back home in the summer was removing her bra.
https://webmshare.com/play/Bemo9 this is the kind of show i used to see when i was a kid. Having to lay down on your belly with your shota cock getting hard as fuck tucking between your swimsuit and the towel/sand was painful though.
Bra is the bane of boobies but i'm glad to live in a world where girls are just going bra less more and more often even outside or at work/school.
I admit there were times where I had to tell my mom that I wanted to go for a swim just for removing my speedo otherwise I'd have jizzed inside them lol.
>Bra is the bane of boobies but i'm glad to live in a world where girls are just going bra less more and more often even outside or at work/school.
The wonders of Feminism, am I right?
>The wonders of Feminism, am I right?
"always look on the bright side of life" right? If feminism can increase the nipples i see in my life i'm all for it.
MM's breasts reveal for his MILFs are so good.
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You are based anon. I need to update this chart with the textless version of the onsen one and with Atsuko but no textless version for her make me lazy. Chart is about the first time we see raw boobs of MM MILFS.
>I need to update this chart with the textless version of the onsen one
Yes, thank you. Keep your time with it, though: I'm not in a hurry.
we need more like this
If you can share me the textless version of Atsuko i will do even more anon, promise.
You mean onsen one? It was shared, no?
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No no the onsen one is Akina and Chizuru and yes it was finally shared by a based anon from this thread and i thank him very much for that. Atsuko is the last one, the new one. Even though it's not very good i wish someone would upload the textless version since the one on sadpanda is text only and MM always put both version in his release.
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I wish Mosquitoman would bring these 4 JK gals back as MILFs this time around. Years have passed and they are now older women living different lives but, they still have that slutty itch they want scratched. So they all meet up in a club for a reunion to reminisce and pick up younger dudes for a night of fun.
When we gonna get Mosquito Man Lora?

Some anon posted this
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Real Life "Yarimoku nanpa beach" and "Onsenyado de Chara-o ni Kuwareta Muchi Muchi Kaa-chan"


New York post: "Bahamas resort where 2 moms say they were drugged, raped by staffers alleges surveillance footage doesn’t match claims"

2 Moms claimed drugged and raped yet the surveillance footage says otherwise..lotsa flirting and willingly going with resort staffers for some fuck..needs an alibi or explanation for their husbands finding out about their infidelity so they cry raped and drugged lmao women.
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One of the best
Can't seem to find the surveillance footage but I honestly think they are 100% lying
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>Yarimoku nanpa beach
too bad the studio stopped releasing anything, I've played a little of that game with machine translation, despite terrible translation it was very good
I wonder if anyone will use Mosquito Man as Artists for Eroge in future
I've always wanted MosquitoMan and NTRman to collab on a Eroge game. MosquitoMan handles art and character direction, NTRman handles story, gameplay and animation.
If he ever does a game it would be orcsoft or pin-points
It seems Mosquito Man did another collab for a sound only porn. He made the art for it.
It's netorase /ss/ with MILF this time and the art look so grotesque, it's been losing its charm since the JK one and even more with Atsuko the last one. For me his peak was way before and he is only tumbling down.
can you post the art ? imho he might be falling into the same trap takeda hiromitsu or ntrman fell into, doing increasingly grotesque stuff for some reason to the point it becomes repulsive. Some kind of transfer from ugly bastard to ugly hag
>imho he might be falling into the same trap takeda hiromitsu or ntrman fell into, doing increasingly grotesque stuff for some reason to the point it becomes repulsive
That's 100% the case for me. At least on the left part it's just too much and not even arousing anymore. But I just feel that his art in general is getting bad. Also I love thicc milf but there is some limit and I don't like how he is drawing them more and more fat (some Atsuko pages were heh...)

what a retarded art style
I think his art evolved from the 1980s semi-realistic anime style to the 1990s more colorful big eyes anime style
the day mosquito man draws some futanari in their art style is the day many loads shall be had
Very good analysis. Although for me, I still can't really feel any positive emotions towards these types of characters, they just feel immoral to me. Like, they don't seem like waifu material.
Damn what happened to mom ntr threads?
Is there still no lora of this artist?
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I made one for Pony, it's pretty strong. I generated this one on Pony Autism model with 0.7 LoRA strength
Wow this one is very accurate and way better than his newer art style. One would think this should be the natural progression of his art style. Can I make a request?

That's amazing!!!

How do I apply this lora? Is it an ai drawing made with webui?
Sure. And yeah, I feel like Mosquitoman's peak is already behind, I didn't even include his latest work on the model training
That's amazing! How can I apply this lora? Do you happen to know how?
It is. Though I made that one with ComfyUI = Text2Img -> Upscaling -> Face Detailer.
In the mega folder I also included a simple example made in A1111 web ui too, you can drag the example in the "PNG Info" tab and "Sent to Txt2Img" to "Copy" my generation parameters
>I generated this one on Pony Autism
based, I'm gonna give it a spin right now
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awesome work anon it work very well
How did you pull out the image? I downloaded webui and tried to create an image, but there was noise and only a gray screen came out..
Cool! Nice gens, glad it worked
Are you using the right checkpoint model? I recommend Pony-based models such as Autism Mix: https://civitai.com/models/288584/autismmix-sdxl
Let me know if it works for you
Wow, it's working now!!!
Thank you!!!!
can you provide some guidance on how to train a lora ? I have a 4090 and want to do some artists like ijiise
You can check /hdg/ for more about LoRA training. I like to use between 100-250 images. It's better to pick images with only 1 subject in (or 1 man with 1 women is fine too). You have to chose images that are "easy to understand" for the AI, if you look at it from afar and you can't make sense of it, then delete it from your dataset.

As for the tools, I can recommend installing kohya-ss (for the training and automatic tagging) and sd-tagtool for batch tag editing.
I use these settings (copied from the Pony rentry "old settings" and adapted): https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff (I haven't tested the "new settings" yet)

D:\kohya_ss\venv\Scripts\accelerate.exe launch --num_cpu_threads_per_process=2 "./sdxl_train_network.py" --network_module=networks.lora --train_data_dir="D:\lora_training\Styles\Mosquitoman\img" --output_dir=D:\lora_training\Styles\Mosquitoman\model --output_name="MosquitomanXL" --pretrained_model_name_or_path="D:\stable-diffusion-webui\models\Stable-diffusion\SDXL\ponyDiffusionV6XL_v6StartWithThisOne.safetensors" --max_train_epochs=3 --train_batch_size=2 --resolution="1024,1024" --save_every_n_epochs=1 --save_last_n_epochs=999 --learning_rate=1 --lr_scheduler=cosine --lr_warmup_steps=0 --network_dim=64 --seed=1055217506 --keep_tokens=0 --gradient_checkpointing --max_data_loader_n_workers=8 --mixed_precision=bf16 --save_precision=bf16 --optimizer_type="prodigy" --optimizer_args "decouple=True" "weight_decay=0.01" "d_coef=0.8" "use_bias_correction=True" "safeguard_warmup=False" "betas=0.9,0.99" --caption_extension=".txt" --prior_loss_weight=1 --enable_bucket --min_bucket_reso=512 --max_bucket_reso=2048 --bucket_reso_steps=256 --xformers --save_model_as=safetensors --cache_latents --cache_latents_to_disk --network_train_unet_only --cache_text_encoder_outputs
I'm poor and can't create that ai creation due to bad computer specifications....

Can you share the drawings you've made?
what the fuck the man actually looks human now instead of some raisin dried out fruit head or something
this doujin is the peak of mm's career
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This is great stuff, it took me a while to figure out how to set it up but now I'm having a ton of fun with it.
For those even dumber than me:
>Use autismmixSDXL_autismmixPony.safetensors as the model
>Import the provided A1111 example, send to txt2img, change the prompt to your liking and leave the negative prompt as is
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Nice, I like to use ComfyUI more because of faster generation (can Upscale and use ADetailer all in less than a minute) although it’s a bit more difficult to navigate.
Here are some of the images I generated using the Mosquitoman style: https://postimg.cc/gallery/V08LDqY

Image related (AI)
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Would you mind sharing your ComfyUI workflow for those images? I have only ever used auto1111, so I don't know the best way to set it up.
Are you the one who posted it in Civitai?
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I wonder if mosquito man gets mad at these? I would buy his content. Where can I buy it?
Maybe, I posted a Mosquitoman LoRA two months ago but it was SD1.5-based, I haven't posted this new version (SD XL) yet (I might post it now, I was just too lazy to do it earlier)
There's an example in the mega folder for Comfy too, you drag the example into the UI and you'll get errors because of missing libraries, you can go to Manager -> Install missing custom nodes -> Select all and Install
No idea what is his opinion on AI art but I already bought some of his works (I'm this anon --> >>7681474 ) before training the LoRA
His recent art looks vastly different. He can be mad or be inspired to continue with the art style that made him famous, the preferred art style by his fans.s
Thank you so much, sir!!!
Thank you so much!!!
I was so sad because I was poor, but thanks to you, I became happy!!
If you make more images, please share them!!!
Can you share a catbox for this one? You managed a very clean cutout for the multiple view and x-ray and I wonder how you managed to do it.
Did you maybe use inpainting? My attempts are chaotic.
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Sure, here you go: https://files.catbox.moe/eqjzpx.png
I took anon's example image above and changed the prompt to
>sex, bedroom, dark hair, doggystyle, horny, ecstasy, pounding hard <lora:MosquitomanXL:0.7>, xray
can i have catbox for this pic?
Just check the mega folder, it has examples with metadata.
> https://mega.nz/folder/sKdUAQ5J#QhzL8bYceu1HPXmk5HEqzw

That particular pic was generated in Comfy: Text2Img->Upscale->Face Detailer
The pic generated in A1111 is more simple (Text2Img)
Wew lads
Nice but looks a bit cooked, are you using default LoRA strength (1.0)? It works best with 0.6 or 0.7
I posted more examples on civitai that you can copy and paste in A1111 https://civitai.com/models/245410?modelVersionId=367992
Cool, yes I was using the full weight. Btw I'm just generating on civitai, I didn't know they allowed on site nsfw generations for free which is amazing
This is awesome!!!

Can't you post a collection of ai paintings?
Sure! I'll upload the best somewhere later, though these are basically done just replicating anon's examples on civitai
>Sure! I'll upload the best somewhere later, though these are basically done just replicating anon's examples on civitai
Thank you!

I'll look for civitai too, but I'll look forward to your upload too!

What a great ai picture!
I'm OP. Do you mind if i post it in next thread?
Sure thing! For more information about how to use it, /hdg/ is a good place to ask.
Also, I officially upload it on civitai too, maybe include that link too https://civitai.com/models/245410?modelVersionId=367992
Thanks, Lora Anon
Mosquito bros are already so hungry for a new work that they're resorting to these unfappable muddled abominations, it's so over...

Hopefully we get a new project that'll take less than a year to make this time around
Mosquitoman's MO are always yearly releases, I don't see it changing now. October 2024 release date.
Tbh I'm also not fond of AI art because they look bland but it's been so long since Mosquito Man released a good work that I feel like even poor AI pics are better than his last releases. I hate how his last one look like and I hated the step daughter setting one. I wish he just go back to good old mom/wife NTR with a young charao doing nanpa on the street or anywhere else. Not incest or young main girl again. But setting is not even the biggest problem I have with MM this past few years. It's his art style, it's getting so bad. In his last work Atsuko is not even thicc anymore she is just fat.
Yes, we are hungry
Gotta admit its not so bad
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Decided to try again. Whitened the teeth, smoothed out a lot wrinkles, made his eyes a bit bigger in the first panel, and darkened his hair in the hopes that it looks better because of it. He draws great milfs but the men are so ugly it hurts.
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I'm with you in regards to wishing he will go back to making the good ol' classic NTR settings instead of the weird incest stuff he delved into these past 2 years.

But in regards to the art - I don't mind the recent minor style shift. But I'm also not someone who got into Mosquito's stuff for the art initially (rather it grew on me), so I wasn't too attached to his previous style anyways.
As for the thiccness being too much...I guess it's subjective. I still like this body type, but if you asked me like 10 years ago I'd probably consider it "fat" too. The line between thick and fat is blurry after all.

I do wish his next project will have him returning to his roots. But even if he doesn't I'll probably just be going through an endless backlog of other artists' doujins I haven't read yet, before I sink to the point where I'm desperate enough to consider AI attempting to mimic Mosquito as proper fap material (so basically never, since there's constantly more stuff coming out than I have time to read it all anyways).
why do their faces look funny?
artstyle i assume
Dead thread
about time
I might be a minority here but I'd honestly love to see him do a story like this. Maybe not on the level of having a rotten fish sticking out of a feeding bowl like that but seeing a mama end up gyaru would be amazing.
It will stay dead up until October/November of this year.
November? why?
Mosquitoman always releases around that time yearly
Yeah, but i'm hoping for faster release
He release 1 or 2 works a year. No point in hoping for faster release or just more release it will not happen. It's his style of work for years now and he seems happy with it.
Made sum mosquito man AI generated works. hope you guys enjoy. I have been making sum more so if you want to check it out


I am a big fan sensei's work. so this will do in the mean time until the next release.
Can't seem them. I guess i have to register but i'm too lazy to. Also you posted a bbc bullshit so it might not be my taste.
I'm sorry to hear that man. I'm darkskin that's why I used it. If you want I could do BWC or SWC. Plus I didn't know you had to sign in to see it. My bad. Plus... the one you saw was actually SBC not BBC .
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I love it how the innocent looking MILF of MM always end up spilling the beans about their slut past. They seem so pure at first but then you realize it's not even the first time they have an affair.
Looking for the textless version of his last work with Atsuko the aunt. Anyone have it? It's not on sadpanda.
His most recent work was purposely released without it to impede amateur scanlations and deter piracy.
Oh. This explains it then
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Best MILF ever, he can never top her. Even more when you see how bad his last milf character is, Atsuko really don't do it for me.
I wouldn't say she is best MILF, but very nice
Who is your best anon?
I think with Atsuko(Eating my Aunt) he experimented with a newer art style, a much more cartoonish one, more colorful but in the end it looked rushed and less refined like his past works. I hope he goes back to his older art style pre-delinquent..eventhough delinquent still retained that original art it's just a shorter comic..
thanks for lora
Meh. One of the worst but to each his own anon.

It's definitely more cartoonish in the design and even the whole story is more lighthearted and less dark than the usual Mosquito works. Pre-delinquent daughter was his peak and i'm glad that i'm not alone thinking like that.
I want to do more collage of MM but i have no idea left
Normal face/slut face juxtaposition, maybe?
Kind of like a before/after thing? Good idea. I don't know if i have enough material for all characters to make it look good but i will try.
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collage of pussy and cock side by side? love how nice the pussies look but the cocks are nasty
Yep. Hot stuff.
make more of this duo
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Hmm i can try but since MM works are heavily pixaled i'm not sure it will looks good. I can try to make a compilation of all the different MILF pussies since there is a few pages of pussy spread in his works but i don't know if it's worth with all the pixels. As for cocks except for blowjob pages it's hard to crop.

Thanks. It's way harder than i thought because the pages resolution are so different from normal to slut face that putting them side by side isn't that great. Pic related.
collage of MM milfs and their assholes? well we look forward to any of your work MManon appreciate your OCs keeping this thread alive!
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I really tried to make a 1920x1080 collage but it was so bad i gave up. Sorry anon. They are in MM release order. So from top to bottom you have :

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Nice one anon. I'm also more fan of Akina than Chizuru.
no problem
Jews won't let us have nice things
threads died. noone reviving them yet
It was spammed by too much BBC propaganda bullshit and irl stuff so i'm glad they died.
If someone revives it then add that no bbc, and irl posting
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It's Mother's Day in Japan
We need a topic of discussion
The blue hair or first image won't load no matter how many times I click or the site went down.
Nice lora
Can you do some Sayuri too anon please?
love this milf duo
we lack that until he release new one
Well we can always talk about older works desu
not much to discuss, Kyoko is the best milf and we just need more of that shit
There is always plenty to discuss but the thread is way too slow and some answers feel like bots
Also Kyoko is nice but she is not even top 3 for me
Everything has already been discussed, I wish some talented writer made fanfics of each comic, extending the stories unofficially..something to hold us off until the next release later this year around October/November.
His art is so epic i wish he would work for a nukige it would be hot as fuck. His art style would freshen up all the samey looking releases.
He worked for small indie audio 18+ project but the art he did for them were not that good desu...
I really wish one day someone commissioned him to work on a full scale eroge too. Like one of my favorite japanese dev who posted on ci-en that he hired an artist for his new game and it turns out to be Odd, unexpected but really cool. What kind of nukige would you like from Mosquito Man?
Hey can you drop the title of the new game which Odd was hired for?? Who's the game dev? Love Odd's work
Sure. Here is the dev DLSite link.

And here is the article where he announced that Odd is drawing for his next release. Still a work in progress by the way, not out yet.
Wow what a surprise, I know that dev too . We mosquitoman fans all have the same tastes lol. Hopefully it's truly a nuke game and not another lame voice ASMR
I think a lot of us have the same fetishes that you can easily find roots inside most of MM works so it's not really surprising anon
The "surprise" was both of us knowing the same lesser known 'dev' and not that we all share the same fetishes that MM works provides, that's a given.
I didnt mean to sound rude btw anon, i'm a dirty ESL
holy fuck thanks for delivering the great news, that is also my favorite dev, and teaming up with odd should mean good things.

On a side note, I wish i could listen to the Audio only work the dev has done, but I'm rpretty sure Audio work doesn't come with subtitles, let alone english ones. If I'm mistaken and you know of a way to consume that content as a english only pleb, let a brother know.

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