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Post anything related to NTS / Swinging. NTR (and NTR endings) belong in the NTR thread like usual. Previous thread >>7681986 (OP)

>Takagi: "Hamaguchi, you can put it in now~"
>Hamaguchi: "Takagi, I'm coming in!"
>Hamaguchi: "Oooooh - Takagi's pussy with which she had a child makes me feel like I'm coming home~
>The usually virtuous Mrs. Nishikata is making such a lewd noise... Nishikata, your wife is fantastic... thanks for sharing!"
>Takagi: "Awwww... Hamaguchi-kun~ Ah... don't say unsettling things when... when you're fucking someone else's wife ah...... ah~"
>Hamaguchi: "I'm sorry, I got carried away~ I'd better focus on fucking Takagi-san..."
>Takagi: "Ahhh! Wait...don't suddenly...speed up ah-----!"
>Hamaguchi: "Uh-oh... Takagis love juice is squirting into my eyes!"
>Takagi: Hamaguchi-kun, you still can't cum? It's true that a woman who has given birth to a child ......"
>Hamaguchi: "No! I feel so strong today, lets keep going! I'm sure I'll be able to cum this time!"
>Takagi: "Yeah...yeah~ I'll try my best too."
>Takagi (internal): But if you don't do something about it, you'll be fucked like a bitch in heat like you were just now. ...... It's pretty cool though.
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sauce is KoK on Pixiv, this is a continuation (p11-p14) from his Takagi swinging story. Next release is probably in 1-2 months
Probably should have nixed NTS from the OP so there's no fuss about it being a branch-off thread. Good job otherwise.
>Takagi: Hamaguchi-kun, you still can't cum? It's true that a woman who has given birth to a child ......"
What's this supposed to imply? That she isn't able to make him cum because she's not tight enough or something?
Enjoy: https://exhentai.org/g/2864322/f6812e096c/
By the way, Kok confirmed he's drawing the perspective of Nishikata and Houjou now, so expect that for the next update.
Based. I was hoping it would lean closer to swinging. Though I am a little disappointed we got so much build up for Takagi and Hamaguchi only for most of the action to happen off-screen. Hopefully that won't be the case for Nishikata and Houjou.
seems like this will drag out for a bit, i hope round 2 after Nishikata and Houjou will be shown longer.
If only KoK would be faster at drawing. Others can probably to this much in 2 days.
Its criminal how little Houjou stuff can be found btw
He won't draw more explicitly because he's afraid the Chinese's porn regulations will find out about it and punish him. That's the reason he nuked all his old content and only started uploading more implicit nsfw stuff. It's not gonna change for the upcoming parts either so don't get your hopes up.
Well shit, that's sad if true. In that case, I hope he really ups the foreplay and mood. Leaning into the atmosphere more heavily would be the best way to make up for the lack of intense visuals.
Finally. Very hot.
China is such a a terrible place to live.
Could anybody suggest some good swinging/partner swap hentai? Tbh I hate cuckolding and it sucks for me to find a promising swinging comic just for it to devolve into 'the new guy's dick is massive and you're pathetic'. I literally just something wholesome 'we just swapped with this couple, and it was great for us both' content, but apparently that's asking too much...
It's pretty difficult to find desu, especially in hentai. Most swinging has at least some form of netorase or impersonal group sex involved, even if they don't have any cheating or netorare. I know this isn't the answer you're looking for, but you might have more luck looking at western comics or WEGs. Standard swinging is more popular in them I think.
its pretty rare
forester does happy nts but its one sided lending
>happy nts
>one sided lending
does this fit the theme? there's no nts tag
not really, its just a random threesome with 1 page of stockholmed nts in the end
nts would begin with relationship and consent from the get go
i see
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"Exchange Practice" is pure fucking kino.
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https://exhentai.org/g/1647129/535b791cda/ I really like this one.
what are the odds we get the new takagi in a week or two ?
0. You're getting Nishikata and Houjou next.
God I hope Takagi exaggerates or really plays up the sex she had to tease Nishikata when they go back to their partners.
Nothing feels better than having slow, gentle sex with your loved one while she whispers all the details of her unfaithful sex in your ears.
especially if the artist shows Nishikata as having an inferior penis or sex performance and now Takagi knows what she's been missing out on
>>7905392 What's the difference between this thread and the normal NTS thread?
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And yet even if Nishikata is worse at sex, Takagi still prefers sex with her hubby cause she loves him.
This one has no retards.
What does that mean?
I don't visit here often and a straight answer is appreciated.
This thread is made by a cuck in denial who thinks his fetish is pure and innocent and with a list of conditions that almost no work in existence meet, so it's even more dead than regular netorase thread.
Aight thanks
You can ignore the schizophrenic NTR faggot. He's still mad the og NTS thread banned NTR endings and thus cries whenever he can. This thread has no conditions like he mentioned, it's just consented cuckolding without NTR faggots.
But then how is it different from the NTS thread?
NTS is per definition consensual.
>NTS is per definition consensual.
Exactly, and a few schizophrenic NTR cucks in that thread promote works that break the consent, finding it unimportant and even irrelevant. All they care about is cheating sex and NTR baiting to the brim. If wife and cuck interactions are more important for you, then this thread is better.
So basically this is the thread for NTS without boundary-pushing and the other one is the everything goes one? Or what do you mean by breaking consent?
Would be cool to have that stuff in the OP
Anything is fine here as long as it's clear it's consensual between wife and hubby. The other thread doesn't find consent important, just a few NTR cucks jerking each other off all the time.
>Or what do you mean by breaking consent?
Breaking of consent means the wife cheats on her hubby for real.
>Takagi still prefers sex with her hubby cause she loves him
sure but the point of NTS is that even with the veil of the physical-emotional exclusivity dichotomy you never 100% know how your wife is reacting. "I might end up falling for him" is almost always considered the ultimate boundary push and I personally think you don't need the preamble that most NTS works do with increasingly depraved kinks, you can just go straight for the punchline. Now Nishikata will always doubt whether or not she's actually doing it to tease the NTS-loving husband or whether she's developed an actual kink for cheating
Tsubame peak gf
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I mean, both can be true at the same time. Takagi loving the teasing she does to her lover while at the same time not denying she enjoys bouncing on much stronger cocks than her hubby's. That's why reaffirmation sex is also the best. After instilling her hubby with lots of cuckangst, she'll confirm her love for him again. Nishikata basically married a smug whore that cheats with consent but is still heads over heel for him.
>artist wife forcefully makes you cum on NTR doujin featuring herself
Hey, anyone has audio in the theme?Something like this:


And part two


Both are by BrittanyBabbles, she's a VA that makes content on reddit, really recommend it. The first one the Bull gets disrespectful and the wife puts him on his place and the second the same wife comes back home and talks with her husband.

I don't necessarily want these exact themes, just swinging/cucking audios where the wife is not a bitch or overly cruel.
Thanks for the recommendations, I love stuff where the wife corrects the bull for being disrespectful. Let me know if you have more content like that, beyond audio works.
I like this kind of stuff
That's definitely an interesting idea for it.
>She doesn't cuck him for real, but makes art of herself cucking him
Not NEARLY enough cuckquean works. Why do nips have shit taste
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It's not about taste, they just create what sells.
And it doesn't sell because nips have shit taste
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The only way to get more of what you want is to invest more. Get to commisioning, wagie.

Can I please get this upper half of this picture, but without the Nigger?
Apologize first.
I'm sorry
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ask and you shall receive
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I see that I am once again called into action, witness true power to make jews seethe
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your skill in mspaint surpasses mine, i humbly submit to your skill MrCleansMagicNigEraser

i honestly wouldnt be surprised if the og pic had no nig but someone blackified it
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refer to >>7969408 i will repeat, stop shitting up the thread with your blacked/bleached bullshit, there are threads for that

pic source: Seisozuma Netorase... 2
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[Metamor (Ryo)] SYG2 -Sell your girlfriend
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[Muripoyo] Papa wa Make Osu
imo recent goat in the genre
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[Kogomedou (Hijiri Kogome)] Homura to Kitanai Oji-san Netorase Takuran Koubi | Rex Gets Cucked by a Filthy Old Man
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[KeinV] Hitozuma no Yokubou Shisen
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[Netorare no Tami] "7-nichikan no Netorase Kiroku" ~Tsuma Shiten~ Dai-3-wa
new upload but the artstyle is horrible
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[Namahamu Sando] Osu ni Ochiru Seiso Hitozuma + Extra | Degeneracy of a Neat Housewife for a Man
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[F.W.ZHolic (FAN)] Takane no Hana e no Kokuhaku Seikouritsu wa Zero no Wake
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[Hi-Per Pinch (clover)] Kyouyuu Kanojo 2nd Haramase Swapping | My Best Friend's Girlfriend 2nd - Impregnation Swap
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[Aramaa] Ijimekko ni Haha o Netorareta Hanashi Dare ka Kikitai? 4
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[Chanbara Kishidan] Osananajimi Kanojo kara no X’mas Present wa Netorare deshita
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[Satsuki Imonet] Oi no ko | My Nephew’s Child
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[Akirerushoujo (Akire)] Onna Kishi Rize wa Koyoi mo Maotoko ni Dakareru 3
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[NT Labo (NT Robo)] Aisai, Doui no Ue, Netorare 7 Tears of Father
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Wife NTR with Lover from kono
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[Shinjiroya (Shinjiro)] Tanesaki Kaori (39), Musume no Kawari ni Doujin AV Debut | Tanesaki Kaori (39) Makes Her Doujin AV Debut in Place of Her Daughter
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[Sakura Garden (Shirosuzu)] Hokomi 0 Yen Gyaku NTR Haishin Gokko Cosplayer 2+1
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[Takatsu] Boku no Kaa-chan to Ore no Mama (COMIC MILF 2023-10 Vol. 74)
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[SOUND MILK (Otochichi)] Fella Mask Fujin - Takahashi Reiko Fujin no Baai
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[ringo (shida)] Tanshou Doutei Papa ga suru Youshi S-tech S-Musume to no Gachikoi Mitsugi Papakatsu
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[KoK] Takagi-san Swinging/NTS Play (Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san)

continuation of OP, good art
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[Sunagawa Tara] Waisetsu Box - Obscene Box
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[Baketsu Purin] Kendō-bu Shushō No Watashi Ga Netorase De Ochiru Wakeganai
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[Kokonjihonpo] Aisuru Tsuma o Hoka no Otoko ni Dakaseta Hanashi
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[Meshikutteneru. (Atage)] Yamenakute wa Ikenai. | I Really Have to Stop This.
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[Haitoku Sensei] Chichioya Kounin! Hasegawa-san Chi no Oyako Kankei
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[Signal Violet (Murasaki Shingou)] Yuruiko NTR Houkoku "Halloween Hen"
nts + loli mix, not a fan but art is good
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[Himitsukessya Usagi (Dancyo)] Ippai Ijimete, Ippai Aishite. 2
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[darezuka] Kaku fuzoku taiken repo-fu manga | Fictional Brothel Experience Report Manga
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[Baketsu Purin] Netorase no Kōkai tte Osoi Mitaiyo?
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[Minazuki Mikka] Netorase Apart ~Toshima no Tsuma desu ga Kami Body o Keep shite orimasu. Gojiyuu ni Otsukai kudasai.~
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[Baketsu Purin] Netorase Koukai, Tonari de Koubi Suru Tsuma o Mite Iru dake no Boku
slenderman art
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[Mama-san Ballet (Amano Kazumi)] Netorarete Netorasete | Netorare, Netorase!
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[Poriuretan] Netorase Iriguchi
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[Labomagi! (Takeda Aranobu)] Netorare Kouhai Kanojo ~Soushuuhen~ | Netorare Junior Girlfriend Compilation
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[Mata no Shita] Rental Chinpo
thats all for now
Thanks for the list. It's so hard to find NTS material. I'll check it out later.
Why are these bleached edit spams not removed just like the blacked shit? MOOOOOODS!
this one was perfect
thanks for reminding me of its existence
One pic is spam but not the 50+ blacked, k rabbi
bleached just doesn't have the same aesthetic impact blacked does. the cock looks more dominant and powerful the darker it is, as it should be dominating its white pussy. white cock looks weak as fuck it may as well be a pussy
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/gif/ has tons of threads that cater to your BBC fetish. Fuck off to /gif/ and don't come back. The mods can join you guys there seeing as they LOVE bbc as much as you two.
God, can all of you terf war retards fuck off? None of us want to hear it.
Tell the blacked/interracial/bbc lovers or whatever to tone it down a notch or to start post handsome black men instead of those muscled faceless losers they keep posting.
What a strange cope.
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He just posted pages 15,16 and 17. Will post the translation in a day or two.
>handsome black men
Are you gay? Nonetheless, I don't wanna see any faces for them, they're just living dildos that exist to pleasure my wife and give her a good fucking, so that after she's done cheating I can lick her sweaty whore body and impregnate her myself.
>I was hoping it would lean closer to swinging
is it not? if he didn't draw nishikata's side, sure, but he is so i don't see how it's not just swinging.
You misread my post. It is closer to swinging/swapping and that makes me happy.
Based, thanks anon. Can you post the raws too?
>hojo enjoying
Damn I was hoping she'd be disappointed and we get something like a 3p with hamaguchi with Nishikata watching and/or caged
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Had to compress, full quality here: https://exhentai.org/g/2901868/1f10f03281/
I spoke with the author and he really loves the canon romance between Takagi and Nishikata. Very unlikely he's going to massively humiliate Nishikata or NTR-bait his relationship.
No I think this is plenty. I hope we get something like hamaguchi being great or teasing nishikata about calling up hamaguchi to get him riled up, or teasing him about secret meetups
Very hot. Thanks for the TL anon!
thank you after the last months pages which were rather tame i diddnt expect this
>Are you gay? No.
>they're just living dildos that exist to pleasure my wife and give her a good fucking
rude way to say you're racist, but ok.
>so that after she's done cheating I can lick her sweaty whore body and impregnate her myself.
Not if thet impregnate her before you do.
Nah, I'd say the same thing for white, yellow, green or purple bulls. I choose black purely for skin contrast.
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Seethe some more
cuckolding is never consented
Coisa de flamenguista
What looks dominant about blsck cocks? Historically speaking those with white cocks dominated those with black cocks more.
Why is cuckolding so popular in sexzil?
GF Swap_ Not Like This....
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I assume this is Netorase ?

Isekai Rakuten Vol. 33

it's on panda I'll post some pages
the premise seems to be the guy owes some gold so the girl has to fight some sex beast in a colosseum for people to watch

she seems to still be with the guy and I assume it implies she doesn't mind doing it again
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>cuck is forced to get cucked
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Final page hoping for translation
hmm some nice tits
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How about some actual swinger hentai in this swinger hentai thread?
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You can have a lot of fun with those, whats the source?
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A Form of Love
[Nanakagi Satoshi]
Of course he’s gay. All the dudes into blacked are gay. They’re specifically wanting their type of guy. That’s literally their whole thing. Then they cope and dance around it.
You're gay as well since you specifically don't want blacked. A straight man doesn't care.
>muh BBC
>muh bwc
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I can respect someone who hates NTR and I can respect someone who hates BLACKED. Hating both is also fine.

But someone who really likes one while hating the other is fucking pathetic.
Let this thread die and merge with the main NTS thread, ty.
>Let this thread die

I am not your gimp, I will do whatever the fuck I want to do!
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this is the less autistic thread.
Gem, thanks for sharing
Who's the artist for that img?
any word from KoK about when the new part is coming?
He called you out for wanting specifically black and you call him out for something he didn’t say. Go figure you’re as retarded as you are gay.
Is there a full picture of that?

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