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Been a while without a thread.

Pastebin: rentryDOTco/249zu

Added stuff from the previous thread but still need to check if Slow Starter applies
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post 3
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i can tell earth is a shithole -
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There is this twitter comic called Policewoman and Lady by the artist osg piko about a policewoman getting into a relationship with a prostitute after saving her from an abusive client and on their fanbox they posted this pic of the prostitute sucking dick and the cation



>This is a picture of Emma when she worked brothel.

>I heard that it is illegal to have a male character in a yuri manga, but I think it's safe to say that Emma is a former brothels cast.

We need more artist like them

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Fucking a lesbian into a toilet bowl.
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Then grab a rope.
the best form of this is when she doesn't want it and actively dislikes it the whole time, but can't stop her body from enjoying it (typically a blackmail or prostitution scenario)

remaining mentally faithful to her partner while her body uncontrollably delights in getting dicked is the best

sadly this seem to be fairly uncommon and is relatively difficult to find (in high quality at least)
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God i love this fetish so much. I'm thinking of writing a fic where a lesbian is forced into being a prostitute until she pays off her debt
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Got some impregnation? Or drunk dykes?
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Hope we can get some Sasakoi this season
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Is there HGP thread? Homo getting pussied?
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Funny you say that since there's someone who loves commissioning the homos and lesbian couples from Umibe no Etranger fucking eachother.
Look up hetero FREE! doujins

There was one about a guy who had hobby of masturbating to speedos and a girl catches him and they have sex, unfortunately forgot to save the name.

One person has mentioned an Asuka x Kaoru doujin

There is also this one sorta
>Keito-kun's And Senpai’s Insane Everyday Life [Oneshot]

if you read the last page.

And as >>7970700 mentioned.
There's a short doujinshi for it.

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This one's so fucked up. Who made this one?
>The fateful two people, the critical period is naturally on the same day, their eggs are eagerly waiting for the rich and hot semen in the womb.
>Two lucky and strong males worked together to breed the two fateful people, allowing them to conceive their own children, and the two girls enjoyed this wonderful time filled with pleasure.
>The girls held their hands tightly and shared the pleasure and happiness with each other.
>"We made a promise together, and we have to have sex together, Hikari."
>"Hmm...ah...Karen...let's enjoy it together...it feels so comfortable..."
God double impregnation makes me so diamonds
I wish there was a tag for it on sad panda or anywhere else
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Could you tell me who the artist is? Image Search isn't coming up with anything, love Anon and Soyo.
> So as the title says they had been dating for 5 years, and everything was going fine till the tragic day her girlfriend started a part time job, then she (the vtuber) got increasingly worried because her gf wouldn't answer the phone, or if they talked the gf would tell her she was "exhausted" and went straight to bed, and this continued for some time until she asked her upfront if anything had happened, the gf told her that a male senpai from work had stoled their pair ring when she took it off to wash her hands, and essentially blackmailed her into becoming friends with benefits (karada tomodachi) if she wanted it back
> He'd say stuff like "I will return it next time" every time they fucked
> Also, the guy had nudes of the girl
> Due to the shock (and age) the vtuber didn't though of going to the police
It starts around 42:00
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If you're fine with A.I.
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This set is finally complete (sans Korisu because the artist doesn't do loli).
Might as well post the one he did of the MahoRevo cast, just in case they haven't been posted yet.
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The reward for the most loyal yurifags at Lieber.
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Long shot but I ask does anyone have the videos by tinmakerezu/Tinmake of the sakura trick series?
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This is what I could find

And some image sets


It sucks that the guy vanished from the internet years ago
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i might be missing some vids but most of it should be here https://mega.nz/folder/UMQAXY6Y#a289IMPQFfKR-ocaUPfPig
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Much thanks
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can't wait
Several of these are new to me, nice. There are a couple on Paheal that aren't in here, as well.
Always wanted to see Yuu involved in one of these. Haruka always got all the attention.
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added them to the mega folder, ty
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Interesting idea
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Nothing like dicking a dyke couple together
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Mahiro counts as a lesbian or he's a straight man?
What the fuck are you Tectone?
Why are you posting here?
fat idiot
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>the lesbian who came onto MC doesn't win
There is NO defense for this.
Honestly super hot. I know people are really into the idea of both girls falling for the same guy, but turning them from lovey dovey to bitchy skanks who hate each other is just perfect.
She's a lesbian as long as she's got a pussy.
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Falin's getting a lot of paizuri art. Pretty based.
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Nanoha is so hot, I wish I could give her my cock
This is really stretching the definition of LGD.
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It's one of the most popular pairings in the show and they're both getting zuri'd, so I'd say it fits.
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Based Mizuno
Yoru no Kurage is yuri now.
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This artist is so fucking based

>As I wrote on Twitter, the story is about Emma returning to work at a brothel and raping Chizuru while reporting to Chizuru about what she has done with male customers.

>So it is properly based on EmaChizu!! Emma also knows that Chizuru is M and is just making fun of her!

>It's a manga that congratulates Chizuru for waking up to NTR and developing a new sexual habit!

>Whether you like NTR or not, I'd be happy if you read it anyway.

>Also, in order to hand manhandle, Emma was asked to cut her nails short. Hygienic...

>I never thought that my first Emachizu erotic manga would be this NTR work.

>The two are already in a relationship and living together.

>Emma secretly returns to the brothel, and while reporting on her play with a customer (middle-aged man), she plays with Chizuru's lower body to plant the NTR habit.

A dyke turning her girlfriend into a cuckquean is so hot
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LGD discord tags?
Check the previous thread.
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It'd probably be overwhelmingly Garterbelt and Mika.
If someone can rip this, 10/10
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Sulemio x Guel LGD in case anyone missed it
it's on kemono, but kinda worthless without translation since the LGD happens offscreen.
I guess I now know why this series hasn't really taken off among yurifags tho lol.
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can anyone translate this SAKURA TRICK LGD picture?
The writing on the left says "Mummy's wife... how disgusting...". The rest is just Kotone crying or saying "help me", and the mummy moaning.
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>[Cross Country. (Kurokan)] Yukarare (Touhou Project) [Digital]

Yukari and Ran are in a relationship in this story.
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I wish she and her girlfriend got dicked more often
I wish they got drawn with sensuak milf bodies.
bigger tits and hips only after they get impregnated.
It's a pity this series never caught on outside of yuri artists, the potential for various scenarios is incredible.
One is a full dyke, the other has only been with men before, both in their late twenties, wombs screaming to be impregnated.
You could have the teacher bring some boys home from school for extra credit, or the cafe doing badly and the owner deciding to collect rent in other ways, or Riko cheating on Miyako cause she misses dick, or introducing a man into the relationship because she wants both.
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some tomoe sets, unfortunately not translated
I'm retarded, who are they?
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Akebi and Erika from Akebi-chan no Sailor Fuku.
A light subtext series at best, so it barely qualifies for this thread.
>A light subtext series at best
Ignoring that you're wrong, that's entirely subjective. This is entirely observer decided fetish.
This is how you tell there are actually some delusional /u/fags in this thread.
Any normal person would realize that this is just middle school girls going through puberty. It's a fleeting thing.
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All the meme tattoos are overkill, this one is more than enough.
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i agree, i just like the lipstick and expressions. here's a quick edit
not going to lie, this thread smells of insecurity for some reason KEK
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>lesbian mother
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From Sakurako's Yuri Rape (not make this up, that's the title). Link below (it's a part of the Futanari Himekishi Ellis, so I only linked the first page of Yuri Rape):


Meant to say "not making this up".
Anything with girls that find men ugly but find their dicks hot? Like, they hate getting kissed or groped by men, but they'll happily slobber all over their knobs if they'll put paperbags over their heads or something?
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i think this is the second one now, since when is suisei gay?
Since Micomet became a staple of her content
not really, its very comon in the idol industry pretending to be gay or lesbian so that the fans don't bother the idols, it's more of a thing so that people don't attack or bother them if they really have a partner, it's sad but that's the reality, even though there are female vtubers who do. They turned out to be really gay or at least bisexual since they are not the majority to tell the truth.
>its very comon in the idol industry pretending to be gay or lesbian
Citation seriously fucking needed.
for the part that they're pretending only? Come on.
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>The creator turned comments off
Must have been some seething
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Same girl?
Probably more in line with /aco/ content, but whatever, the characters are from anime and we don't get animated LGD often.
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tomoe getting some dick
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Has anyone here tried Third Crisis yet?
One day, I want there to be an artist or writer brave enough to make a series where a garden is 'invades' by a man and go the full mile with it.
Just one man? Wouldn't you need several?

What's it about?
I'd say several, but the kind of guy that I'm thinking of would probably make it unrealistically feasible for anyone to do. That being a handsome guy with an actual face and some balls. More than one of that kind of person would likely drive away people and probably get the author killed. But then again, I'm practically imagining Otome game characters as teachers at an all-girls school who are seducing the students. Or a group of boys who are the first male-students enrolled at a yuri academy, and causing a crisis as they go about violating yuri codes and rules with their prescence. Honestly, I think I just want a yumejoshi type game, but with lesbians getting dicked.

Only problem is that my idea likely doesn'y exist anywhere at all.
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Don't think these have been posted here before.
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I look forward to this artist giving in and having the LGD happen on-screen
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>boyfriend introduced her to the brothel
hah, what a cuck
guess she has a type
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Manio was interviewed by Tomoe and seemingly is into some kind of LGD

>"love to see two girls in love and each of them having fun with men"
>"That's not a NTR but an event to make their relationship stronger"

Based Manio
She said she wants to see straight girls turn gay.
She's not into LGD, she's just not a purityfag who thinks men or het are incompatible with yuri. She understands that bisexual sluts are still yuri if they love each other.

like this?
Who is this?
Seems to be Hifumi from New Game.
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They fucked up the censoring on right cunny lol
The conditioning is working
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these are just random vtubers, not even the supposedly gay ones
Next step is "invite your partner to work" day, just to watch.
Wonder if the author is brave enough to do that.
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Hajimete no Gal
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Well, in the latest comic, they go to a public house and get openly leered on by a random kid while they are undressing and he even shows off his erect cock to them. Later that night, Emma fucks Chizuru's brains out while telling her to imagine is the kid fucking her instead.
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I love handsome dykes with really big titties.

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