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What the fuck is their problem? Servers are constantly down now. I mean, it's always been a shit show, but at least when videos were lagging, you could still download the original. Now, all old videos are just unwatchable.
Please buy premium
It's this
don't use them
Never heard of 'em. What was their selling point?
This is nothing new for them, happened several times already. Basically, they've been playing catch-up on getting reliable servers from the beginning with the site's traffic unexpectedly exploding, and they've also had trouble with server hosts dropping them for the content they host.
It's honestly a lot better now than it used to be.

Unrelated, but iwara probably has one of the most mixed userbases out there, it's kind of impressive seeing how many languages people write their horny comments in on your average upload.
I hope they fix their shit soon since there are two HMVs I want to see but they are broken
>it's kind of impressive seeing how many languages people write their horny comments in on your average upload.
What else is there besides the obvious, japanese chinese english and spanish?
I've also seen portuguese, russian, korean, french, german, italian and irish.
through dick, unity
It's the site where people post naked 3D anime girls dancing.
dick makes the world peaceful
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It's all orchestrated so they have a reason to start pushing for more monetization in the future.
It's over for hentai
You act like they are doing this on purpose and aren't also victims of the ongoing Porn Hunt.
Looking at the state of the world, Richard-san hasn't been very successful...
They've been battling with the servers for years, that would be needlessly long long-con, that's long overdue as lot of creators immigrated to Fantia because of it
What's iwaea
a tyop
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read the announcement retard
every time
Servers cost money, anon.
Its just getting started
So, progress. When the video page opens, you can now play the videos, no problem.

But the video page never opens.

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