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Final Battle Edition

Old Green: >>7860932

Related Stories:

Old OGG:
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There's always a nun who naively believes she can bring the goblins into the light of her god.
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Anyone wanna share rare Spears?
Okay this is weird, but I remember seeing a one page comic thing of Goblin Slayer style gobbos and Juno from Beastars?? Weird mix but I didn't save
With the last defender defeated, nothing stands in the way of the orcs and their prize.

I still love the fact that how nuWoW writers are trying to portray orcs as "marginalized and literal dindus" that but every time you point to this they either delete your comment, or ask mods to straight up ban you
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How would goblins react to seeing this adventurer in their cave?
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trying out Live2D
Very nice! Love your stuff.
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What about a new one?
Does anybody have the complete goblin/orc saber ntrock collection, tha guy for some reason deletes his drawings after some time and the ones that are on e henti are incomplete
Yes thank you!! Been searching forever.
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Probably the same one I have.
An intense desire to gouge out her cave.
What's she from?
How did Dead or Alive characters become so insanely popular with monsters? Are there demons in the games?
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Does Goblin men ganging up on their own goblin women count as /h/, or /d/? It feels vanilla enough to be /d/, especially if the goblin women are consenting, but shortstacks goblin girls seem to be a /d/ thing.

Someone help me out here.
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>Goblin banging goblin and orc banging orc
I'd say that counts as /h/ but I'd assume that it's /OGG/ adjacent. If you don't know, just don't put it
Nice! Never seen this one before.
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Hello there! I, much like you guys, also love green on women so I decided to make a game based on the concept. Yes yes, I'm shilling my game but it's free! Pigman Conquest is a simple coffee-break roguelike where you help Urak, a Pigman, to mate with the lust of his life Porkelina! To do that he will need to go through a tower full of human women, defeating them and fucking as many as he can.

Pigman Conquest is a free ascii game with more updates to come soon. There is also a graphical version in the works, for those who need more stimulus. You are welcome to play my game and read my blog where I post devlogs, rambles, and info on the games I'm developing. Of course if you are feeling extra generous you can also support me on subscribe star which will not only help me make better games but also will give you a nice return.

> hentai-kishi(dot)itch(dot)io
> hentaiknight(dot)blogspot(dot)com
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i really liked thelewdcookie animations
Can a based anon post that one manga panel where the goblin intimidates the girl into stripping and having sex by just looking at her.

Ive seen it aeons ago but cant remember the manga for the life of me.
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they are just quick sketches i made.
They're nice. Thank you for sharing them!
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Do you prefer snuff or no snuff in your orc and goblin materials
Also how do you feel about women being used as makeshift armor/ cover
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Preferably no snuff. I'm actually a sucker for a happy ending, to be honest. Maybe the girl gets away...just a little bit hungrier for cock than before.
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I love me some snuff especially if it's a strong proud warrior woman like Amazon from Goblin Slayer.
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Snuff, Is the correct way to depict the goblin culture and orc society. For them humans are just cattle and a food source. So anything aside of how crude would be the life on being female cattle or breeding sow would be detrimental (at least for me).
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What do you think the goblins would do to her?
What wouldn't they do? They'd probably use every hole at once, and never let up. Not often they get an amazon like her.
none, just sex/rape forever
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>What do you think the goblins would do to her?
She managed to get part of the nest as Goblins tend to do marauder tactics she would be tired out using waves of their brethren then knocked out. When she's unconscious she'll be stripped of all the junk Goblins don't need as armor and accesories (shinies can be kept for themselves as trophies or valuables to trade with other tribes).
>On the nest:
Once she's brought to the nest the eldest of their tribe's nest has the right to fuck her first to its hearts content to produce more goblins to replenish the lost. Once the elder tires out of using her she's thrown to the rest for use.
>3-5 years in the nest
Once she's used and abused and she can't get pregnant anymore then she'll be eaten by the same youngsters she birthed over these years, her viscera remains will be used as poisons for their weapons, her bones as materials for their crude weapons, and at last; her skull be carved to be their elders newest cup.
saved. you have the gift
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What about this tomboy Amazon Knightess? How would they defeat her and what would they do to her?
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Hell fucking yea! Look at how proud this Amazon bitch is too. Thinking of goblins as nothing more than quick gold to make.

Arrogant bitch.

Fun fact: In Goblin Slayer, Amazon women all wear so kinda of "bikini armor" as they call it as part of their religion as they worship the war deity Valkery. She's one of the many gods in the world of Goblin Slayer. The revealing armors the warrior women worshipping her wear is about being proud of their muscular bodies while also putting their faith that she would bless their strength on the battle field for doing so. They're proud to be going to a fight dressed so revealingly.
I would prefer if the author just said he likes girls, than to try to rationalize it with such a forced justification like this. Like based Taro.
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I'm hoping someone draws this eventually.
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Sorry for the delay, irl life is shit and consumes a lot of time.
>What about this tomboy Amazon Knightess? How would they defeat her and what would they do to her?

About knights shit would be far more gruesome, but this time is not goblins, but Orcs to shine.

A Knight group of 14 (10 men and 4 women which 3 of them are nobles that have decided to join just to seek a bit of glory and fame for their houses, the remaining was a daughter of a farmer that sought to improve her life outside of being the offspring of a simple commoner). That day they were tasked into clearing an Orc warband that was close of the kingdom domains, pillaging and abducting the females while the men were slaughtered and defiled as sustenance.

While patrolling a razed village they found a pile of severed heads, all males. Their bodies eaten for quick food as the females were fated a worse end. The knightess only grew restless thinking how can they manage to defead a force that could raze a village of almost a hundred people, then reassuring herself of the strenght of her comrades and the knowledge of her superiors.
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Her naïvety was rewarded while a small group of 30 Orcs found them while they were searching for survivors. As scattered they were the knights were easy pickings for the little orc group as they acted as one. tearing the knights limb by limb and using them as improvised clubs to finish them off.

One of the noble Knightess lunged at one of them only to get her head torn off by one of the orcs using the leg of one of the knigths as a club, in a explosion of gore and blood the other Noble Knightess, terrified she wetted herself gathering the attention of 3 orcs at the same time, they didn't care about her pleas and cries as they tore off her plating easily and raped her. There were screams at first, then moans and last... Silence. She in fear steeled herself and remainded herself that she had to escape. SHE NEEDED TO ESCAPE. (and alert the order to send help. Making that underestimation a fatal mistake). but was too late, one of the orcs (The leader, adorned with a necklace of skulls) found her while he dragged the remaining noble. All bruised by her hair. She clearly unconscious and blodied.

"Ya look tasty" was the last thing she heard, when a loud sound was heard
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Hell yes!

What do you think of Amazon in Obui's dark end version of Goblin Slayer?
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>What do you think of Amazon in Obui's dark end version of Goblin Slayer?
While Obui made her Amazon bad end a loop end. I could add details adding emphasis on her demise. I would need a day or two to brew a grimdark snuff tale.

But a question would linger:
>How do you feel about wargs being used as a plot device and a debauchery asset?
>How do you feel about wargs being used as a plot device and a debauchery asset?
Absolutely yes. It would be a new level of shame and debauchery. It's also versatile because it would be entertaining to see how different types of women would react to such a thing.

Is this going to get a translation?
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Love this. Wanna talk about more Amazons and warrior women getting gobbed? Would love to share more on Discord
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How much can Female Knight take before this bastard is risking her health?
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Come on, you can't call this OGG without posting the diva of gobbed goods that is 女武道家.
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People are so starstruck with Cow Girl's breasts, they missed out another finer and younger breed.
Just look at Fighter's breasts, so ample, so robust, so fleshy.
Years of martial arts training has done her bust body well to be suitable for goblins' breeding material.
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Lucky gobs, they got to have fun with her ample 28J cup tits. Also
>no bra
We know brassiere exists in GS world, CG wears it, so why doesn't Fighter wear one?
Her tits are large enough (fucking 28J Cup, baby) to hinder her agile movements.
No wonder the gobs were so horny towards her, she's so innocent she didn't realize she's titilated those horny green manlets by flaunting her braless bouncing mamaries.
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If she got the gobs so horny just by flaunting her bralless breasts in her covered up body, what did the goblins think of Warrior Priest going into battle with the Troll wearing this? What's she even wearing?

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