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So hard to find this stuff, surly there's more out there.
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incredible. moar?
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Holy shit
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More please?
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go on
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Love big full milkers
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Love heavy milkers when they look like they are about to burst with drops of milk, anyone with any ANR/ABR stories or experiences?
Trying to convince the other half to induce.
>about to burst
damn, you aren't kidding on those: she needs a pump on those milkers or that milk is going to waste.
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kinda wanna get my wife pregnant again so her tits get engorged again
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They look full and tasty!
Lily is so hot
Wish there was more like this available.
what do you mean? a wet nurse for hire?
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Nar, just content, media and stories of people's experiences, I am trying to convince my wife to let me suck in her tits regularly and hopefully get her producing some sweet milk for me. If she knew I put this up she'd kill me but I just want to be attached to them all the time
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Fat wife
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>I am trying to convince my wife to let me suck in her tits regularly
What do you mean trying? Just buy her a breast pump and tell her, "bitch, use this I want milk." I don't think it actually works, but other anons swear that purely manual stimulation can get women to express.
I got her a pump,l but no joy yet, takes a couple months of pumping and suckling every few hours every day and one you get the milk you got to keep up with the schedule. Thank you covid and lockdown for WFH. She warms upto to the idea then backs away, any tits from someone who has been there or how you came into it?
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any pump success?
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Not yet, still working on convincing her to start the process and get them lactating so she can feed me, i always try and suckle them when ever i get the opportunity too. Pic related.
are you sure you have done the research and a pump is enough? I don't think it is common for women to lactate with only manual stimulation.
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I'd like to think I've done the research and getting a collection together (there's so little out there) but there are so many ways, using hormone controlling tablet to get the ball rolling (usually contraceptive pills) to bring the Prolactin and Progesterone for quickest results and also less work, for natural induction you're looking many pumping and suckling sessions a day in the range of every 4-5 hours day and night for a number of weeks or even weeks.

My problem is just getting her to start the process, although pregnancy is easy again but not for everyone. we are trying but complications which means it could be a long way off before that happens, so my only hope is she can be convinced to start pumping and taking hormone med to speed it up.
U r hilarious . Never stop.
What actress does she most look like? Your a lucky man anon!
Thank you, I'm not really sure who I'd say she looks like, she has some curves, just more to grab.
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That's Gabbie Carter with fake giant brown areolas.
she was preggo
who is this
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woa, superbe !
I’d suck on those bad boys.

That's truly amazing! She is one in a million.
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yea, I'm not sure how it works either. Her right breast isn't just leaking but seems to be pressurized.
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sound reasoning
now those are some milkers i'd wanna be nursed to
lucky fella
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Trying to upload properly this time
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Scoreland has been disappointing lately as far as posting younger girls with huge naturals doing hc. (I'm not into the MILFs).

What are your preferred sites for what I'm looking for?
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I have lots more
Les us see then, they look good.
fucking woah
then post moar!
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Wife Post pardom jugs
Looks like AI
Don't let this thread die!
It's "postpartum."
Damn, I wish I had a dick the size of a can of tennis balls to fuck her with.
Holy hucow, would love to suckle in them, share more
They look like they are about to burst open!
too bad she has tats
I can cope with that, wife has a few, as least there's not across her face, chest and back, love to see her nipples
Love to see them squirt milk, any more of her or sauce?
Kik or what?
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From the thumb I thought she was a quad!
So hot
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nada, ill just post more here.
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Who is she, wife/gf?
Shes amazing.
Dem teefs!
Don't call me Surly!
Tits are clearly not "boys". They are girls.
Thanks for caring, Anon!
Figure it out. Gold mine awaits!
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Glad to see people enjoy my gf's milky tits
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who is this chick? I have seen her stuff before
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This thread is fucking hot.

My friend's gf is currently pregnant. They're having a baby shower in a few weeks even though she's only like 5 or 6 months along.
My friend got into "sharing" in the last few years and has told me that both his current and previous gf were attracted to me and I could have sex with them. I didn't take him up on it the first time because I thought it'd be weird. I went for it with his current gf but we were just sexting when he got cold feet and pulled the plug. I don't see either of them very often because they live a few hours away and I haven't asked if their relationship is still open. But I've been fantasizing about fucking his pregnant gf at the baby shower. Maybe I'd show up early to "help set up" and fuck her in the living room before the guests arrive. I'd take her from behind, squeezing her big swollen tits, trying to coax out some milk, and filling up her pregnant cunt with sperm. Or maybe lay down on the couch and have her bounce on my cock as her tits swayed in front of my face. The thought of her having my jizz pooling up in her panties and running down her thighs while she tries to do baby shower games in front of her friends and family is extremely hot. I've also had the scenario of us being able to sneak away for a few minutes during the shower itself and have a quickie where I'd fill her up again. That one is even less realistic because naturally the pregnant woman is the center of attention at a baby shower, but still a hot idea.

Here's a webm of her to make up for blogposting. This is pre-pregnancy but this is her second child so she already had mommy tits when we were sexting. Sorry for the blurriness, 4chan wouldn't let me post the 360x240 original.
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OC - fucked her in the bath trying to induce labor, heh
You right. I still want to suck them.
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Wow that's awesome, did she send you more vids or photos?
She's amazing! Have any of her sucking cock with her tits out?
Hot slut
I’m glad someone said it
Just some clothed body shots, I'm not gonna take up thread space with those. It was mostly describing what we'd do to each other besides that video.
Feels like your best bet is to just ask her and see what's up if you were already sexting and she was open to it. Probably better to just stay for the shower, stay late to help clean up and then ask. If it gets weird then you don't risk ruining the shower and you can leave right away without making it awkward if needed.
They are amazing, please say you have more to share of them,
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I miss these
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Chilean wife
¡dios mío! more?
Super early photo or did she get them reduced?
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Love that little drop of milk just hanging there, would love to suck on them, you have more?
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Damm, who is she?
My wife
Shes amazing, you use kik, session or anything, would love tonsee some more.
You get to suck on them often?
Sure whats your name on kik?

I love to suck them often
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Yummy, moar?
Please more! Love preggo
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Love my fiancee's feeders... (2 kids)
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Lovely mommy milkers
You up for sharing more on seoming like session?
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60??? They look fine, some more ifnyou have them
That face could curdle milk.
I wanna see her face
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Very nice

Moar, please
Lily ?
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My wife's
Nope! Begins with S
those are absolutely incredible
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Yes they are
more of these lovely nips
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Wife 2
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More of these.
We have a newborn and my wife is breastfeeding. She had a blocked duct and asked me to suck it out. It worked, and all good. (I got pretty hard and jerked off while doing it, new fetish unlocked I guess).

It's blocked again and I can't replicate the technique, any tips or guides? Think I'm sucking too hard.
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Sauce pls
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Does she live in denver
Would drain, need more milky nips.
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Anyone to kik some more?
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Hold on, ladies...to the rescue...
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Dammit...so many of my videos have audio...
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Tryin' to do the Lord's work...
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Last one for now...then I gots ta get to church...I got a sermon to deliver!
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bigboobsalert rounds up all the big boob photos and videos
I can't even imagine titfucking Luna while Kat sprays milk to lube them up. holy god
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Is that where she went?
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good lord, this thread is a gem
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We need more veins to get back on track...
Casual Friday at work
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nice! veined with milk coming out.
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Holy crap, she's amazing!

Thank you for your service!
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My hot Indian wifes, let me know if you all would as well ;)

Feel free to dm on reddit for more and send some hot raceplay stuff as well, we love bwc
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where you based?
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