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Just casually/playfully toying with a cock. Bonus points for big ones and public settings!
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you just know these two are ~~straight~~ and have been trying desperately to fuck each other for years but pretending to be cool about it because they're not gay
Or it's just the setup for an entirely average porno shoot while they are having a smoke "pretending" they aren't being filmed.
Which is exactly what it is, and the whole video has been around for years. Keep your cringe fiction in your head.
fuckin casual bro grab -- looks staged but dam hot
primo thick jock bwc urinal wank

hot thread idea
nice, i recently got a handjob from a guy in public and it felt good, but i didnt finish unfortunately
>fuckin casual bro grab -- looks staged but dam hot
it is 100% definitely staged. it's from an english lads video i think
it's behind the scenes from a porn shoot
Great thread topic OP
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green text?
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LOL busted that fag
Grab this bump
This video hits me in the feels. Been the guy in the grey shirt before I was out lmao
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Reminds me of coach's inspections
Do that to me
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There should be more of these
Erik Rhodes (rip)
I really wish those guys had done more porn
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CMNM, Jamie
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Anybody knows what happened to the bottom in this pic? Went by the name Keith Hunter. Only seen him in two vids, this one and a bukakke vid. Would love to see more of him he’s so my type.

If my gf was that whale, I'd be grabbing the nearest cock, too
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New fetish acquired

The tough of grabbing another guys dick as “lol bros being bros” sounds sensual and lewd to me. Why is that?
Only a Jew could be so cruel. Super cute though, I love his facial expressions and the little looks he gives him. Shame he cut his hair.
Sauce on the vid?
did he piss his pants?
who is the guy with the long hair?
damn he's cute
As a guy who's 95% into women, I'd love to have guy friends that I can be naked around and enjoy it in a bro-ey way. It's clearly lewd and sensual lol, but there's also a playfulness and comfort about it that reminds me of the type of comfy friendships I wish I had. Just guys being dudes, chilling naked and playing with dicks.
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The picture is of better quality.
Same, I want that kind of closeness and openness
I think once the hanging stocks and chains have come out its progressed a bit past "casual"
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fuck, this made me laugh out loud, thanks anon.
God damn, that's nice
what video is this? Who are the actors?
I would have taken the cock from the cadaver and replace it as mine.
i need new friends
unless you have a micropenis or something of the sort, your cock can't possibly be that much different for you to wish that, anon.

Source? I've been wanting to see the full video.
is that zelensky?
The full video is trash they're posh wankers who just talk about rugby and fucking girls the whole time.
>posh wankers
i love britanons
Literally all they do
That studio sucks

What studio was it? do you by chance remember the title?
hot guys but lame
dude same i love that, when everyone's doing a sexy thing together but they're keepin it lowkey and just kinda pretending like everything's normal. not like repressed or whatever but sort of like a big game of chicken or something, like who can act casual while playing video games naked the longest without springing a boner

Thanks, I had not even heard of this site before.

I guess the guy with he beard's name is bryan but the videos are hard to find online.
Dont say God And Word d...soo ofensive to God
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It's not from an English lads video, and I don't *think* it's staged. It's from the amateur-style studio TheFullEnglish, those guys were actually flatmates at the time and that was filmed in their house. Guy in the grey shirt later went to prison for I think assault
What porn did they do?
i mean... they knew they were being filmed, didn't they? and if so, they probably got some kind of direction. so, staged
>went to prison

Just jerk off stuff
Source for the full video?
Under this logic the only kind of video that's not "staged" would be a creep shot
or, you know, at least a video that's not being filmed for a porn studio to sell on the internet
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here's another pic from the same shoot. staged
Yeah you need to learn what words mean. The filming style is "we want to record you talking and wanking" and they don't get much more direction than that, so the male/male interactions—which are rare and happen in maybe 5-6 videos in their catalog— are real even if they know they're being filmed. They're not acting that off a script.
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With face is hotter.
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No piss thread atm, hope you all like this one:
way too fucking hot
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Oh we're gonna need names
Guy is super cute but dem tattoos tho
IML Palmer House Hotel @2006. Thats all I know.
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What is this?
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Too bad the guy looks like Buck Angel
I think it's one of those polyhamorous relationships
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>buck angel, but with a penis
That's even better.
What's his name?
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why are some dudes so defensive when a guy touches their balls
my girlfriends literally bounce eachothers breasts
or maybe that’s just a Catholic school thing
I've seen two grown twin brothers grab and squeeze each others ass and guess they would probably also grab each others balls.
I've crashed out with a mate and done a reach around only for them to go: what??
Jason Ellis
Some straight mates are cool with "show me your cock and I'll show you mine", or to crash out even naked, others get freaked out by the vulnerability of the situation I guess. When it's not coming on to them but getting super intimate as mates.
Also certain dudes who like getting naked / showing off.
The way his dick rest on his balls...

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