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Post all uncut/phimosis cocks here
my dick used to look just like that. got it circumcised two years ago. I kinda miss it
Any before and after pics?
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If it was a purely cosmetic decision you done fucked up
Kill yourself.
Looks much better cut. To the other posters: Imagine fetishising a medical condition many men suffer with. Disgusting.
I bet he feels bad that he didn't ask your opinion before making a personal medical decision first
It was way better before, you really fucked up, but at last you can only blame yourself for the decision.
See >>2593337
He literally asked for opinions by posting it here
What's your problem, kike?
Feel the need to spread your mental AIDS by mutilating other people's dicks?
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mentally ill
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>Looks much better cut
>Imagine fetishising a medical procedure many men suffer with (circumcision)


Natural is best. Always
Is that yours?
LOL wish mozzies and kikes would just finish each other off and the rest of civilized society could FINALLY be free of their bs
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Wow the foreskin looks very tight anon - does it slip back over your knob end ?
Not my cock but a friend of mines. Pretty sure it doesn't at all and that he's got phimo cause it barely even moves in vids he's sent.
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I'm hoping that stretching and steroid creams will work for me tho I need a good few more cm on my frenulum and I don't think they stretch thaaat far. still would never get fully cut though.
>circumcised two years ago
how has it been since? I have pretty bad Phimosis to the point where I struggle to go out of a winter, but its a pretty price to get it done (around £2.5k)
Try stretching before you consider circumcision
I have tried anon I got a kit to try it as well
I've also tried steroid cream, nothing works
This thread is bait.There is no way people find circumcision (a penis abnormality/condition/disease desirable.)

Circumcision is more effective. Stretching doesn't always work and it isn't permanent.

Your dick looks perfect fuck .
can't you just get the Hole snipped a bit bigger or something then? Circumcision is ugly and makes your dick head look disgusting and dry
>There is no way people find circumcision (a penis abnormality) desirable
i agree but some people are just fucked up
its so pretty, and statuesque
The edges of the hole would be inflexible unstretching scar tissue if you "snipped it a bit bigger" so you'd still have phimosis
In order to remove phimosis by cutting, you have to cut off enough foreskin that the head can freely move in and out so the ring of the cut doesn't just scar up as it heals and trap the head again. That usually means you just have to cut the whole foreskin off or go for an extremely ugly shitty "dorsal slit"
>Circumcision is more effective. Stretching doesn't always work and it isn't permanent.
Makes sense. It's pretty hard to permanently stretch skin unless you get hamplanet fat and stay like that for years. I follow this one femboy on Twitter and he's been talking about stretching and creams for years and it's not visibly doing anything.
I meant phimosis.
there's plenty of guys with very mild phimosis and it's kind of hot.if it's sever it looks gross but when the skin is just noticeably a bit tight it's sezy
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Let's just make this a designated uncut cock thread. I get tired of seeing the weird botcheries on other threads and getting upset.
it wasn't purely cosmetic, my foreskin was very tight, to the point that I couldn't retract it at all, not even when soft. it sometimes hurt when masturbating and I was afraid of it hurting when having sex, that's why I decided to go to the doc. I tried stretching as a teenager but it didn't really work. as an adult the doc kinda pushed me towards circumcision, and I didn't really look up stuff so I just let him do his thing. nowadays I would probably do it differently but hindsight is always better.
thank you, I personally agree with it looking better (especially hard, it looked really weird when hard before), but the sensitivity is definitely different.
I kinda blame my doc for it too but ultimately me I guess haha
Hmmm I mean I have no pain anymore when jerking and stuff, which obviously is a big plus. sensitivity is different, but that's to be expected. honestly, I would only do it if there is no other way, and if it's medically necessary.
>as an adult the doc kinda pushed me towards circumcision, and I didn't really look up stuff so I just let him do his thing

Never trust a circumcised doctor, they don't know what they're talking about.
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I mean idk if he was circumcised or not... usually men are not circumcised here
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not the biggest but i hope some girl out there wants to violently ride it
Muslims also practice circumcision though
Good thing you're on /hm/ showing your cock to men
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fuck, that looks delicious.
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>you MUST have a dried out scarred penis, goy
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Glad you like it
The main thing it takes is persistence and patience. You need to stretch at least once a day and it takes months to see big changes. But it does work.
This guy went from an extreme case of a few mm opening to being able to pull it back while hard. It took a year and a half, but some of that is the learning curve.
Most people fail because they give up, not because it won't work. It's no different than getting an ear gauge.

Circumcision should be a last resort if it is really bothering you.
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That hair tooo... you just know his cock & balls taste real good
I just know this cock tastes amazing.
Something about this guy makes me rock hard. Would love to worship his body and be gagged with his big meat
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IDK, it's some guy from /fit/
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Got from a friends phone while he wasn't in the room
Q: is it easier to fuck without lube with foreskin... it seems like physics would make it easier for the bottom. but maybe not for the top???
let me know
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even with steroid cream, it takes 4–6 weeks of consistency.
if that kind of work isn't up your alley, look into a surgical release like preputioplasty or partial circumcision.
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??? You literally can’t fetishise a natural occurrence with the human body. The entire human body and its variances are literally default and set by nature as determined by birth. To enjoy one of the many parts of this natural spectrum is not a fetish, it is just part of sexuality at default.
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Hot anon - nice knob for sure
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My foreskin became tight when I left a yeast infection from a gloryhole untreated for over a year. :( My penis isnt pretty anymore, and my frenulum is completely ruined and fused to my head.
> a year
not me
thats fucking beautiful, im gonna cry
fucking amazing, I wanna eat them so bad
>I left a yeast infection from a gloryhole untreated for over a year.
Why on earth would you do that, anon?
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What lesson did we learn?
Anon is just conflating a fetish for a kink. And it's not like you can't have a fetish for having sex with (un)cut dicks anyway. This is retarded pedantery.

Besides, male sexuality by default is a man plunging into a woman for procreation. You can't appeal to nature; everybody in this board is very clearly off the natural rails.
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I have a similar problem but I have a skin condition which makes my skin on the tip really tight. Colour of the skin changed and albo it have some white coating. It’s called lichen sclerosus. I tried a lot of things and sadly nothing helps. I don’t wanna do that but I guess I won’t have a choice.
It makes me so horny to see foreskins slowly showing
if you think about it this is the dick how nature intended. these are objectively the perfect proportions
all other dicks are derivatives
the platonic dick
platos dick
Is there a term for that? Unsheathing?

That'd be more of a furry term. Roll back, pull back, or reject would be more generic.
you sure that's lichen sclerosus? doesn't quite look like it. does it itch?
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Just wanting to chime in and offer some hope to the anons with phimosis.

It took until like 25 for my foreskin to stretch out far enough to comfortably pull it over the glans, but during sex the foreskin stays over the head and kind of stretches and glides but never fully retracts. But sex feels great and I have no trouble pleasing my partner or achieving climax. In fact hand stuff feels extra good because stroking the shaft automatically makes the foreskin glide up and down and hug the head.,

Steroid creams accelerate the stretching, but the basic ingredients are patience, moisturization, and gentle stretching.

In picrel, you can see the stretch marks where I got too aggressive with trying to stretch (or just jerked off/fucked too much lol). So don't be hasty.

When I was 18 my dick looked like OP with the pinch of tight skin, and there was barely a tiny window to my glans even if I stretched the skin. I was super duper self-conscious about my tight foreskin for my whole life until I actually started having sex and it turned out it didn't matter at all outside my own anxieties.
I used to mess around with this guy who had phimosis. He told me it hurt really badly to retract it. Eventually I asked him to jack off and forcefully retract it during.. which he did. it was the hottest thing I have ever seen. hearing him whimper from the pain, seeing his cock head choked and blood red from his foreskin, but also seeing him cum from it. definitely gave me a fetish which sucks because there is almost 0 forceful retraction videos out there.
Perfection & I love a moist knob end
Great bushes as well as the uncut cocks
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https://onlyfans.com/dilfjohnson Such a great uncut cock
its so cute
where the fuck is your penis
is that the head or the testicles
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It makes me want to lick
he's holding his testicles. the picture is upside down.
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File deleted.
So hot, I'm ready to pop!
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and he did videos
I want to wrap my lips around it
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Mine mid shot
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i want to slide my tongue under the foreskin.
thank you ;]
This cock looks very dry
Hot cock & hot bush too - yum
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kys faggot
I'm sorry someone cut off a part of your penis when you were a baby.
the bathroom AND your cock looks so much like mine I seriously thought someone somehow posted a picture directly from my phone. holy shit
prove it
more of you FUCKS need to pull it back, the main fuckin benefit to having foreskin is the deliciously pearly and smooth glans. if you have it, FLAUNT IT. I WANT SOME LOLLIPOPS!!
If I had a dick that looked like that and smelled of cheese, I would.
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there you go, no bathroom tho
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What do you think about this cock?
Can you rate 1-10 and Guess The lenght and grith?
you have one of the prettiest cocks i've ever seen in my life.
7" long, 6" circumference? I would also have to see it with the skin forward. Just to be sure
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disgusting, fuck off
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["Also sprach Zarathustra" playing in the background]
Fascinating foreskin, love to play with him
Want to see how he pulls a weird skin like that back over his knob
i love you
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Have some docking:
cutfags are so retarded and mentally ill
stick to your jew thread please, no one wants to know your mutilation sob story
it's amazing how erotic this visual is
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"tattooedhunk" lol that's Francois Sagat. He is not just "tattooed hunk". He is THE tattooed hunk.
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Some uncut dicks touching tips in the video here:
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Best ones ITT so far.
>(((circumcised doctor)))
But what about the cheese? Never trust a body part that creates its own cheese
>But what about the cheese?
wash your penis.
how hard and how long do you have 2 wash it b4 smell go away?
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Fucking hot cock
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wow this foreskin is so long !!!
Loving this thick uncut cock - yummy
Hot Frog
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My foreskin was tight as fuck my whole life and never retracted - to the point that when I started looking at porn I told my friend the big cocks in them must be fake because of the big red thing on the top of them (my friend looked at me like I was fucking retarded which I clearly was).

But never had an issue when it comes to sex. I can retract my foreskin myself if I have a really long edging session and get super turned on, but when inserting into a vagina there’s literally never been an issue. It retracts fully and also does the sliding thing. My wife hates sex that isn’t bareback specifically because she loves the feeling of my foreskin sliding around inside her so much.

I’m slowly coming to terms with ‘allowing’ it to be exposed. For so long, it was so tight and is honestly still quite sensitive when fully retracted that I get paranoid and put the foreskin back over the head. Nowadays I’m not so concerned about paraphimosis (that was always my initial panic when I would pull out of my girlfriends and have a fully retracted foreskin). My head is however still super sensitive so being exposed.
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> she loves the feeling of my foreskin sliding around inside her so much.

I mean yeah who wouldn't. Smart lady
dick with built in pussy
Fuck love this hooded cock & the hairy thighs
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^ cope
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Anyone like them veiny?
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Yep but with a full thick bush
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Love to feel the veiny ones on my tongue
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Feel bad for cut anons.
imagine fetishizing a mutilation
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Stavros Halkias from Cumtown
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I’m cut & im totally pissed my folks had me done. Apparently my foreskin caused issues with me urinating
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It has to feel so bad to jerk off without lube if you're circumcised
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your foreskin looks tight and sore.. 100% would look better cut.
prepare to be dissapointed
Circumcised dicks look dry and scarred. Uncut is always better
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This has to be the weirdest foreskin I've seen
this dude is maxing out his foreskin
I definitely prefer uncircumcised, it looks much better, but some men just need to be circumcised, unfortunately.
I'm glad that most Europeans haven't gone crazy with circumcision like Americans. I hope this terrible practice will remain in the USA.
I agree mate - I was cut in the UK when I was a baby -seems my foreskin interfered with my piss stream hence I was chopped to stop the mess - I'm fuming as I love guys with uncut cocks. Their knob end looks much smoother and moist. A guy with 9" fat uncut cock fucked me last night but I could only take his length. We're going to tey again another time
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my fav uncut/phimosis cock ever actually are these three
not always, the one i pointed out is definitely so and is because of phimosis. this >>2622599 is what a good uncut cock looks like. not phimosed and sore, just smooth and natural. I have seen some gnarly cut cocks tho with huge scar and very dry head. but thats because they don't use or oil or moisturize.

I was cut as a boy and am grateful, otherwise i wouldn't have been able to enjoy sex. Too many weirdos in this thread think circumcision is just some jewish pedo fetish - and then post a pick of their awful phimosed should've-been-cut dick.
go kill yourself, kike.
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you could feed that thing peanuts
I want to peel him like a potato
Imagine thinking you need to amputate the most sensitive part of your penis because of an easily correct condition. Literally it's as easy as stretching exercises.
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Oh my god
What??? No it doesn't. Like, not even at all.
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Goddamn, I would suck that cock clean
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Uncut and locked

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