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Read the rules, pissant! Post 6 when you start a thread.
Stop calling everyone pissants, you fucking neanderthal
Oh look, another thinly-veiled pedophile thread, not as if we don't already have like 40 of these. This combined with the incessant BBC propagandizing and that boomerschizo trolling every thread (and just farming replies for free because god forbid /hm/ find the self-control to ignore a troll) really has the board at a low point for me, not gonna lie.
I mean I enjoy thinly-veiled pedophile threads as much as the next guy but you're definitely right on /hm/ being at a very low point
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better than all the old crusty boomer threads, there's like 40 of those with very little posters, yet they keep making them
so keep the same energy butthurt boomer
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seeing this makes me wish Germany won ww2 :(
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white boys are the best
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@supacooled on Twitter
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damnn i wanna have my way with him
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from /fit/
Still in high school, nice try teen predator.
so is he atleast 18 or not? In my country, you are in highschool until age 19 lmao
Probably not, according to her twitter, she just started her senior year in April.

Besides, she's a trap/trans in training.
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Who starts an HS year in April? I call bullshit.

(Also that’d still make them legal ^_^)
>an HS
>Also that’d still make them legal

You're so stupid you don't know the proper usage of a and an, so I hardly trust your legal advice on the age of consent.
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>salty boomer seething because his crusty boomer threads are dying
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Abbreviations beginning with ‘H’ require an ‘an’ since we treat the h-sound as a vowel.

(Pic is @dniidwn)
This guy looks like a little boy, i couldn't do this
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linktr ee/milkoed

he's everything
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he's from Ukraine
damn, ukrainians are a more extreme version of russians
if russians are massive fags, ukrainians are even bigger ones
if they're racist, ukrainians are even bigger racists etc etc
what is he? white/asian or hispanic/white?
here’s jilles, twitter is jillesdrak9
hunnydewboy, made some incredible vids but unfortunately makes terrible OF content and constantly lies about what he's into and lies about pics and vids being him...which is dumb considering he's huge already and can prove it. Seems fucked in the head.
don't worry most of them aren't even comparable to this one, most of them aren't cut and always come with some kind of deformity.
all the hot germans probably died in the war...
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still better looking than 90% of shitskins desu
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seems @supacooled was hacked

found the new ac on X:
im crazy for him, so sexy
is he starting an onlyfans?
This guy is doing it for me, whats his @?
Bitch, bitch, bitch while still spending 24/7 wallowing in the very "filth" you're bitching about. Shouldn't you be in church, reverend?
what is his new acc?
bbc threads are the only thing worse browsing here. submit sissy.
I'm blowing my wad straight up that asshole..
Does he need a father figure?

Most of the others look much too young.
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Are you a cringe woman or something
If only americans could stop mutilating them
every twink cock thread huh? doesn't amtter if they're cut or not, all dicks are good looking
oh fuck I’d ride you
Don't kid yourself, white boys like being circumcised and are mostly grateful for it
Not liking circ is a niche opinion that thinks it's a common view because of internet brainrot
Wronggggggg I have been circumcised and I regret the fact my parents did it everyday, I have loss of sensation, can't cum by getting blowjobs or fucking a guy cause there is no sensation at all, I hate my head for looking dry and rough and wish it were nice and smooth
Really? Wow
Never happened to me or any of the other circumcised males I've been in close sexual contact with or discussed the topic with but that sounds like it sucks anon
Yeah, I can not cum at all when they suck me or when I fuck them, there's no stimulation, so they always have to jerk me off or I have to jerk off if I wanna cum.

Which sucks cause I have never been able to just fuck a guy and dump in his butt or mouth, which doesn't seem like a huge thing, but it is to someone else.

I don't mind my cock though, I get lots of compliments, I just wish it were different.

I'm not one to cry about my physical appearance, especially if you can't change it, but this is something I have always struggled with.
What kind of circumcision do you have
Mostly when I hear about cases like this it's always some britanon who got his foreskin chopped off because of infections and they sliced out 95% of the inner lining (how fucking stupid)
I have all my inner lining except maybe the ridged band part and my dick works fine for whatever I want it to, my scar from getting clipped is like in the middle of my penis
Ofc maybe there are some other factors here like you death gripping your dick or washing it with soap or other abrasive chemicals (only use warm water, even hot water is also bad) or just being naturally less sensitive and circ made that worse
Also how much do you use porn and how often do you orgasm?
Your lack of sensitivity could be bc you're just too pornfried to find anything stimulating too. At parts of my nofap journey I conditioned myself to orgasm super easily with very fine stimulation (ironically I came out of those journeys with extreme control over my orgasm and discipline for when it happens, before I couldn't control myself when I felt the tickles coming, I just had to do it) and at points my genitals were so insanely reactive I could bring myself to orgasms without even touching my penis, just by gripping my scrotum in my hand and flexing the pee/stop pee muscle, and the tension on my shaft coming from my ballsack was enough all by itself
If you want to explore intense sensitivity and find out if it's really a circumcision thing or not I highly recommend you go on a nofap journey like I did
I guess frotting cocks is also out for you? It's my favorite way to interact sexually with other males and always has been, I'm really only interested in penetration (not counting oral) when it's with girls
With boys it's all about dick-to-dick action for me
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Not too sure what kind of circumcision I have, I was a kid when they did it, I can post another pic of my cock but it wont make it any clearer cause I feel like it looks like any other cock, but yeah
If that's legit you then congrats on being intensely fuckable
What about my other questions? And yes a close-up picture of your dick would be very useful
You shave so smooth it kinda has me salivating a little ngl
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Hahaha it is, thanks! I do jerk of a lot like 2-4 times a day, no death grip, I hold it softly. And I'm pretty deep into porn fantasies, but this has been a thing since I could remember, even in my teenage years when I would experiment with guys, back when I wouldn't watch porn either but use my fantasy.

This is the best close up I can get, I'm not at home so I can't make a actual close pic of it, so I had to grab this from a vid
Nice cock
Yeeahhh that's called a medium-low cut, prob explains a lot about your sensitivity problems anon. You still have a lot more of the inner (lighter color) skin left than I was expecting though
If you want to do something about the head texture you have options. For real only 5 year olds have a perfectly smooth glans, even uncircumcised men with long wet skins that keep their head nice and slimy all the time still have a fine grainy texture in their head skin. But if you want to get rid of the roughness/dryness/bumpiness you can use something called a retinoid
Skincare thing used for acne and anti-aging, I've heard of other cut guys applying one to their dickhead and literally having the surface peel off in one layer like a blister to reveal softer shinier mucosa surface underneath
Retinoid+a good moisturizer and you could have a very shiny lighter colored tip in a few months or less
Wait, there's an actual fix for it though? I tried putting vaseline or moisturizers on it, my ex had to get circumcised too and he asked the urologist if it was possible to get the smoothness back to which they said no, but I'm willing to give this a shot though! Thank you <3
Yeah they probably don't even know retinoids exist, it's kinda shocking how little crosstalk there is between different schools of medicine
The most powerful one is called tretinoin but it's also quite harsh, maybe too harsh for your dick. There's another one called differin which is newer and a lot less irritating, then there are shop-available ones that are just called retinol, which your skin has to basically convert into tretinoin before it can use it, so it's a lot weaker. You might have to experiment a little before you figure out the one that works for you and doesn't turn your dick into an angry red sausage
I'm not kidding, there are stories about men's cocks shedding like snakes using these substances, no problem and happy jerking
Show us from behind
unfortunately I echo >>2599989 this guys sentiments. I can't cum from blowjobs or penetration. For the longest time I thought I had a disease but it's just because I lost sensitivity there from no foreskin.
>Ofc maybe there are some other factors here like you death gripping your dick or washing it with soap or other abrasive chemicals (only use warm water, even hot water is also bad) or just being naturally less sensitive and circ made that worse
>Also how much do you use porn and how often do you orgasm?
Your first and last point is key anon. My ex is cut and always had a hard time cumming. I got the impression he thought it was because he was circumcised. But he was a chronic porn addict with a gorilla grip so strong it actually made my dick go numb on one occasion.

I'm cut, but I've never had an issue cumming from penetration. And unless your penis was majorly damaged by your circumsicion you should be able to cum at least, no matter how high the cut was. Also if it makes you feel better I've heard some uncut guys can't come from blowjobs either, I think it's a dice roll
what's his new twitter
please post feet :3 you are so hot anon
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why does every twink or zoomer thread revolve around circumcision? fucking autistic retards stay on topic
>no matter how high the cut was
You have it backwards anon, higher cuts are more sensitive and lower cuts are number
Low = scar closer to the edge of the head = the inner lining of the foreskin (most sensitive part) is completely removed
Seconded I kinda want to see them too
The reason is unironically autism
Autists are very obsessive and tend to fixate on things we find shocking and a lot of us get a shock when we realize chopping off foreskin is something that happens around the world on an industrial scale and this develops into a permanent interest
thanks to jews and amerimutt culture you got circumcised
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Shut the fuck up and post more fuckable boys
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my 19 y/o body. Should I just accept my fate as a sissy?
What in the fucking family dollar flea market dollar general swap shop dollar tree big lots super ten dream catcher is going on here?
Bad posture doesn't make you a fem boy you stupid son of a bitch.
But standing on your toes all the time does make you autistic.
Sauce? Would smash for hours
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what did I do to piss u off
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Don't bully him he's cute

Not a sissy but a beautiful fag. 100% my type
Id live to watch myself suck it in that mirror.
what's his new twitter
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come on, he had to have posted there to try and get fucked by some fit guys
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>can't cum from fucking
wtf dude? I am circumcised and I can easily cum from fucking ass
I still don't support the practice of circumcision
it's possible that the circumcision is not the cause. I'm circd and I'm extremely sensitive and prematurely ejaculate all the time. My glans is even pretty keratinized, almost the same as the shaft
fuckkk, sauce plsss!
hewwo :3

never posted before~
wouldn't mind meeting up with various different types~
Atlanta/Savannah, Georgia areas

>Ask me anything <3
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the south really has the best twinks
i unironically hope you all are as prejudiced as niggers claim
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Need someone to rail me so bad
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A hairless twink boy I fucked a little while back.
Another one.
I can help with that
Please post twinks with visible dicks, not dyke-looking ftms. A twink born without a dick ain't a twink.
t. gay ftm
oh don’t be like that, I’m sure you’re really sexy; show us what you got ;)
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tf is a failed twink?
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Only a twink in adolescence then he grew out of it, real twinks stay twinky until late twenties. Either that or he got fat.
well that’s someone in need of a nice pounding, basically begging for it
cute <3
Being a twink past adolescence is cringe
guess ill post here too :)
Beautiful twink boy, I love this. Where’d you meet him?
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Kind of gross
Ignore these
I asked for it haha but "gross" seems a bit harsh
Good, It would be the best thing if you were to cum handsfree on your tummy.
That’s the view I want to have while I fuck you
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I’m going to kill myself because I can’t be a twink
an ideal world would be only twinks
>Who starts a year of HS in April
Irrelevant and moot point
>Still legal
Both me and my brother graduated from HS at 17 because of late Birthdays. Faggot pedo
worth wrapping big strong arms around and cuddling. adorbs.
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Hi 22 m bi curious :)
Kik: johnkkgg352
You're adorable, me and my BBC daddy would love you!
Absolutely repulsive
Fag I found on some porn site
sure jan
>visible stretch mark
why are fags such miserable pieces of shit... how do not want to kys each day with personalities like this?
What did you expect people to respond to a fat guy being posted in a thread for skinny twinks
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Pos Indians in this position
>he was 17 364 days old you sick fuck
got more? you look like all my exes put into one person
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They said thin. Fuck off.
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a cute twink, 10/10 would wrap around my arms and grab ass while kissing
very cute
full body, please
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hot. who's this?
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damn he's hung. Sauce?
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yo! it's aiden - ive been looking for his old of for years. lots of good chastity stuff - anyone got a link? or his contact?
in love. amazing ass and back
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Met him off sniffies. He messaged me, i told him where to meet, and within 30 minutes of him messaging my my cock was all the way in him about to breed him. I don't tend to find as many twink boys off of sniffies as I do grindr, but when I do meet them they are ready to be bred asap. Picrel is another of him.
Sniffies in my area seems like an AIDS speedrun

wear condoms with rando's fellas. It just takes one pos lying hookup to get fucked for life.
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Who's this?
Fuck he’s so hot, you’re lucky. Twinks in my area are ugly as fuck. This boy is perfect. He’s so smooth. Anymore of him?
U have contact info?
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downlow korean dude i sucked cause he didn't find a girl and he was feeling horny
Just goes to show, you can paint a hoof, but it won't give you any kind of anatomical resemblance to a human. She shows zero evidence of health beyond just youth. That's a child. Specifically, a child who does absolutely nothing all day but play with their phone and eat snack cakes that they've hidden under their bed. There's no musculature. There's visible signs of edema (like how the foot looks swollen all over and the toes are red). That's a kid who's gonna have a diagnosis of Type 2 by the age of 25 after gaining 100 pounds in college because her mom isn't there to say she needs to eat healthy.
what the fuck are you talking about you autist
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absolutely cute

this too

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