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anyone has fantasies about their brothers? or actual experiences?
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We grinded against each other completely naked when we were younger, but were caught and told never to do that again. Think I was the one on top. After that it pretty much stopped.
Uh, 9 and 7, I think. Hard to recall.
Neck yourself, pedo
Agreed, it was a dumb thing we did because we were kids and didn't know any better. I've never mentioned it to him since and hope it's either forgotten, or he hopes I've forgotten.
these threads are always going to devolve into pedo shit because incest typically involves either molestation or two minors not knowing any better.
When I was around 14 and my older brother around 17 we used to respond with "suck my dick" when we wanted to tell someone "no". It was also common with my friends too. You know, typical dumb teenager stuff.

When I said "suck my dick" my brother would sometimes answer with "show it then" (as in show your dick) and we'd laugh or something.

One time I was playing something on my computer and he was sitting behind me watching TV in the same room. I don't remember what we were talking about but he told me 'suck my dick' and I copied him and told him 'okay show it then'. I turned around laughing and then I actually saw him with his pants barely above the knee flapping his dick around. We weren't the kind of brothers that see each other naked so it was kinda serious. I got all nervous for a sec and then heard my mom's voice coming from the kitchen so he quickly pulled his pants up.

It didn't happen again.

Another time months after this his bedroom door was ajar and I saw him naked since he had just gotten out of the shower.

We also accidentally kissed once lol but it was more funny than anything. Since we were making a face movement as if we were gonna spit each other (we weren't actually gonna do it, it was just a running joke) and we both turned at the same time, we were close so we kissed and immediately went "ewwwwww". It was gross lol
Probably isn't healthy to go any further than that. This kind of fantasy if made reality would only ruin inter family relationships.
Found my younger brother's fabswingers account a couple years ago - he used a nickname hes known by and i recognized the background as his room lol. Discovered he has a bigger cock but mine looks nicer so i didnt feel so bad
I recorded videos of me sucking myself off and toying my hole when I was younger, and like an idiot saved them to thumb drive. The drive disappeared one day and I don't know who took it, but my brother was in my room the most. Nobody has said anything to me though and that was years ago.
hot af
I personally would love to fuck my brother. I justify it with him being my half-brother that I wasn't raised with (weak excuse) but he is also objectively very attractive. I would consider him a 9 or a 10. He's a crossfit influencer on instagram and he has a super nice crossfit muscle body obviously. He has gorgeous hazel eyes and he's really charming and funny and can get whatever he wants because people just drool over him. When I visited him for his wedding, I heard him fucking his wife and I was so jealous... I smelled his underwear the next morning when he left. I could tell it was dirty so I took a whiff and could smell that amazing cock sweat smell, slightly similar to that cummy smell. If he knew I was into him, he would be disgusted, but I've had very strange almost telepathic eye contact moments with him in which something could have been implied, either that he knows I am attracted to him or something else. Before he knew I was gay, he used to do really gay things to me in a joking manner like kiss my ear or something. I still jerk off to the idea of him fucking me here and there.
my older half brother and i were never close we got in a lot of pretty bad fights in my younger years so i kinda started to despise him. well ff he finds my profile on grindr one day he doesnt even know its me but i send my album and he obviously recognizes my room.i dont know how long after this was but one day he comes in my room apologizing for all the shitty stuff hes done and offers me a bj. i say yes and its kinda shitty but im pleased to know im like twice his size
Always wanted a brother/twin I could mess around with. Sounds hot but they’d obviously have to be my age. I have a brother now - 10 year age diff tho.
I never had any kind of feelings about my brother growing up but I've had erotic dreams about him a few times in the last few years that left me really freaked out. He ended up marrying and having kids with an ex of mine so I think there's some fucked up displaced attachment shit at work.

yeah I agree. I don't actually feel any attraction to my brother, the idea of actually doing something with him grosses me out. He's not conventionally attractive anyway.

Funny thing is I came out as gay and a few months later he came out as bi to me, but I don't think my parents know about him since he's now married to a woman and has kids and everything.

This got me thinking and I remembered he also showed me a dick pic around that time. But only of the head and a ruler next to it, since we were comparing dick sizes. I didn't show him mine because I was too shy.

He also used to tell me how he made his then girlfriends cum. I admit the whole situation was hot but I wasn't attracted to him in particular as I said.

I'm just into other (consenting) adults who are related doing stuff with each other, but not in my own family (except for my dad, I'd do nasty things with that man lol).
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I've had an off-and-on thing going with my brother since our teens.

I was always way more eager and into it than he was. He felt guilty about the whole thing. Partly because I was his little brother, but mostly cause he was insecure about doing gay stuff.

So we'd cycle through these phases where we fooled around for a while. Then he'd feel guilty, say we should stop, and give me the cold shoulder when I tried to start shit with him. But eventually he'd give in again, and we'd be back to square one.

The sex between us peaked when we were in high school. Decreased in frequency when he left for college (since we could only hook up during school breaks). After he moved out on his own it became something that only happened when he was feeling lonely in between girlfriends. Stopped entirely for a while after he got married and I thought that was really the end of it, until his relationship with his wife started going south.
My brother is gross, but my cousin....he bred me for my 1st time lol
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After I came out of the closet, my brother got high with me and confessed that he'd always been a little bicurious too. Then he started hinting about how he wished he wished he could experiment with "someone he trusted" and asking a bunch of pointed questions about my sex life.

I played dumb at first, pretending not to get the hint. I'd been the "experiment" for two different straight friends before, and neither of those had turned out well. So I figured it'd be an even bigger mistake to repeat that with my own brother. But between the pot and the horny conversation and his increasingly blatant hints, I eventually said "fuck it" and gave him what he wanted.

It went surprisingly well. He was a lot less shy and more eager than I thought he'd be. He even wanted to try bottoming, and took it pretty well. And instead of getting post-cum regret and panicking like I expected, instead he thanked me and said it was fun.

We both agreed that it should be a one-time thing, to avoid making things weird. It wasn't though, it became a semi-regular thing for us. Not all the time, just when he's between girlfriends. We've both been pretty chill about it though, and if anything our relationship is better than ever these days, so I guess it turned out okay.
>Gays are the product of sexual abuse? That's just a homophobic myth!
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So you and your bro are still fucking? When's the last time you hooked up with him? Does he always bottom for you? How old were you when this started, and how old are you now?
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>So you and your bro are still fucking? When's the last time you hooked up with him?
Like I said, it mostly only happens when he's between girlfriends. Granted, that's pretty often, since he has shitty taste in women (he likes the hot but crazy ones). Last summer he went through a nasty breakup and came to crash with me for a couple weeks, so we screwed a bunch during that. We also played a bit of grabass when we both were visiting home last Thanksgiving, but decided not to risk more since we didn't have enough privacy.

>Does he always bottom for you?
He's topped me a couple times, but yeah most of the time he's on bottom. He says he prefers it cause it's an experience he can't get with girls.

>How old were you when this started, and how old are you now?
It started when I was 22 and he was 19. We're 28 and 25 now.
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It never crossed the line to "real" sex (no penetration). But I did a lot of borderline stuff with my brother when we were teenagers.

>grew up as a poorfag with a rough home life
>narcissistic single mom with drug problems and a series of abusive boyfriends
>only decent/safe/loving person in my life was my older brother
>he shielded me from a lot of abuse
>we grew up sharing a double bed
>so from a young age we were in the habit cuddling while falling asleep
>always made me feel safe and protected
>he got a bit weird about it when he hit puberty
>but continued letting me cuddle him
>then I hit puberty too and realized why he'd gotten weird
>sharing a bed while being horny and hormonal inevitably caused our cuddling to become less innocent
>at first it was just sleepy grinding and dry-humping
>one day I screwed up the courage to put my hands in his underwear to grab his bare dick
>this led to us sitting up comparing dicks while he gave me an awkward and abbreviated version of The Talk
>he let me explore his body and showed me how to jerk off properly
>after that it became a regular thing for us to jerk off together
>and our late night cuddling often turned into trading handjobs or frotting against each other
>it never crossed the line to penetrative sex though
>I tried to suck his dick a few times
>but he always stopped me saying that was taking it too far
>mouth-to-mouth kissing was also off-limits
>though we would still kiss and suck on each other's neck/shoulders
>closest we ever got to actual sex was when we'd "fuck" each other between the thighs
>we never openly acknowledged any of this messing around
>it was all this mostly-unspoken routine that always happened with the lights off
Explain what you guys would get into together
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It started with us watching porn and jerking off together. This became a routine for us, and soon led to us "helping each other out" and trading handjobs. One day we were going at it, and I was blatantly focused on his cock instead of pretending the watch the uninteresting straight porn. He said something like "you can look at it up close if you want to". I shyly got on my knees in front of him, and once I had it in front of me, it just felt natural to go down on him. He made some token protest like "we shouldn't be doing this," but let it happen anyway.

From that point on I was his cocksucker. He returned the favor every once in a while... but he wasn't nearly as into it as I was, and I usually came in my hand while I was blowing him anyway.

It didn't take long before I started trying to get him to fuck me too. But he was more reluctant about that. Said I was too small and he was worried about hurting me. It took like a year and a half (and a couple of growth spurts for me, so that I was no longer looking like a scrawny kid) before I finally talked him into it.

That was something he never reciprocated on... even though I knew he felt selfish about it, he never let me try to top him in return. I was totally fine with that, I loved getting fucked... but in retrospect, the one-sidedness of our sex was almost certainly a big part of the reason he felt so guilty about the whole thing, he was worried that he was "using" me.
good. need some new fap material.
This is my fetish.
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I wonder how common this is, statistically? It seems like a lot of guys go through a phase in puberty where they experiment with their brothers, but usually "grow out of it" once they get older. Maybe the ones that persist with brocest into adulthood are just less likely to admit to it?
I used to jack and experiment a ton with my brother. It started with us just watching porn together and jacking off in the same room under blankets, then turned into us openly jacking off next to each other with our cocks out which turned into us watching each other jack off while stroking ourselve. Eventually we ended up stroking each other's cocks and making each other cum which of course turned into sucking each other's cocks and either swallowing or taking facials from each other. One day we found a dildo of our moms and would take turns using it on ourselves while the other strokes and watched. Eventually we decided to try fucking each other. I let him go first because his cock was smaller than mine. We used condoms at first then eventually went BB and creampieing each other. The first time wasn't bad for me. He wasn't huge and we used a lot of lube. He fucked me hard and fast and didn't last long. His first time was rougher. Im pretty thick so it stretched him pretty good. He came hard from just me pounding him. We live in different states and my wife gets off on hearing the stories. When he visits we usually either play around for my wife to watch or have a threesome
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My parents fostered a pair of brothers. They were a couple years younger than me, 14 and 15 when they first moved in. I dunno their whole history, but it's clear they'd had a rough and very insecure upbringing. Which they'd compensated for by becoming intensely attached to each other. Not just "aw, brotherly love, how cute"... nah it was way more intense than that.

They still did the typical sibling bickering, but they were also ridiculously affectionate and had zero physical boundaries with each other. Shared all the same interests, spent all their time together, shared clothes, shared a bed... basically acted like a really codependent and needy gay couple.

I was never sure if my parents realized their relationship was sexual as well as emotional. It was obvious to me, but my parents either were either naive about it, or (more likely) they were intentionally overlooking it so that they didn't have to report it to their social worker and have the two of them broken up. Or maybe I just saw more of it because they trusted me and let their guard down more.
OK true story: So I'm around 14 and my bro is 19 and still living at home. I'm horny af and jerking off 3x a day (not much changed lol).

My bro is hot in a straight guy kind of way, macho and cocky, loves walking around the house in just boxers, almost seems to be showing off his semi sometimes.

So every time he comes home from work he goes straight to his room, locks his door and closes his curtains. I realise one day "holy fuck he must be jerking off" and go listen at his door. Can't hear anything so I'm thinking, I'll see if I can see *anything* through the keyhole.

Holy shit, the keyhole shows a huge amount of his bedroom, and on my first try, I see him laying on the bed, work pants around his ankles, and this thiiiiiick cock with a big red mushroom head in his hand.

We jerk off together for around 3 years til he moves out....without him knowing lol.

One day, I watch him jerk off and as usual he cleans it off in his boxers and throws them in his laundry, then he leaves the house right away (he never does this). So, being the slut I am, I go straight to his laundry and there's this, huge load of his cum waiting for me. Reader, it was delicious.
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You should've offered to suck him off. You'd be surprised how many "straight" guys are happy to use a willing boy's mouth or ass as an alternative to jerking off, as long as there's no strings attached and you stay chill about it. They don't even see it as "sex" since they're not attracted to you, it's as if they're using you as a fleshlight.
PSA this is fanfic, do be aware that offering to suck your brother off is obviously guaranteed to result in you (rightly) being expelled from your family & become estranged from them.
Oh i absolutely thought about that lol (and regularly jerk off to the thought), but no way in hell it would happen.
I’m an only child but me and my cousin grew up really close. We’re basically brothers. We started fooling around as kids when we bathed, spent the night, anytime we were alone. Turned in jerking and BJ’s. Then as teens he started letting me hit it.
>tfw no brother and all my male cousins are either ugly incels or 10+ years older than me, married, and live out of town
That just makes it even better
so true bestie so hot tell me more how old are you guys
I still remember it vividly, I was 7 and my brother was 9, and there was also another boy there that was 8, i remember my brother telling us that he was horny and we agreed, my brother said we should try having sex, so went to a spare bedroom and got naked, we played with each others cocks then there I was sucking my brothers cock, I loved the feeling, then sucked the other boys cock too, it was such a rush. I then stood up and put my hands on the wall as they tried to put their cocks in my ass but they did bot succeed. We heard my mom’s car pull up so we got dressed and scrambled to the living room.

My brother and I never talked about that moment again, but the odd time while growing up into our teens we would quickly stroke each other but that was it. We are both in our late 30’s now, I would love to have this experience again with him but have no idea how he react or how to initiate it.
Not my brother but my boyfriend in high school/early college used to suck off his half brother who was the same age. Halfbro wasn't that cute (looked like lankier Michal Cera) so I never tried to get a three way going. Last I heard halfbro har an OF with his twink wife.
Always thought it was kinda hot in theory.
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Where would you all say "the line" is when it comes to whether something counts as outright incest or not?

There's this pair of brothers I've been fuckbuddies with since high school... we've had a lot of threesomes and they have absolutely zero shyness around each other during sex, don't mind incidental touching etc. And I know they regularly jerk off together (or at least used to) and have traded handjobs. But they do seem to have some boundaries, cause I've never seen them put their dicks in each other, nor kiss or put their mouths on each other.
I've never told this story, when i was around 11 and my cousin was 9, we used to hump each other everytime he came over. he didnt really know what it meant and i was in the middle of learning about sex and stuff. we did this for about a year, and it slowly progressed. from humping each other, to licking and kissing while we did it, to eventual pants off, and what was basically frotting. after a while I realised it was wrong, and told him we should never do it again. it was never mentioned again and we are still close nowadays. I'd like to say he doesnt remember, but thats likely unrealistic as at 9, youd remember that sort of thing. I've realized im bisexual now, but I dont really find him attractive. so I would never do this again, but something in me wishes that it wouldve went farther than that, maybe blowjobs or anal. partly because im super horny now and am unable to find any men. feels like a passed up opportunity , yknow?
Fucking hot anon. Any more stories? How's your relationship with him now?
why are twins so lewd?
I had a similar experience, as the younger one (same age diff). What I remember most is the sense of rejection when he cut it off.

I apologize if the text may have errors, I used a translator.

When I was very little my mother suffered an accident and could not take care of me, for that reason almost all my life I lived with my grandparents and occasionally visited my parents and my older brothers.

I was maybe 8 or 9 years old when it all started. My brothers were 13 and 14 years old and were already in the sexual exploration stage while I was not.

It all started when I was going to stay with them and sometimes in the morning we would bathe together. The three of us undressed and played with the water while we bathed, however it was evident that they already had larger and hairier penises while I had not yet developed and there was always a kind of attraction or interest between us at those times.

In those innocent games in the shower it was common for my brothers to have erections so in the form of challenges and games they made me masturbate them and eventually suck their cocks.

After this things continued to progress and they took advantage of the fact that we were often alone at home, so on those occasions they took turns entering my room and having sex with me.

At first it was a little strange and it made me nervous but then it became normal. First the oldest of them all came in, got into my bed next to me, kissed my back, turned me around and started to suck his cock and then turned around to penetrate me and impregnate me. He cleaned himself up and left. A few minutes later my other brother came in, he got into my bed, I started to suck his cock and then he put me in the doggy position and penetrated me and impregnated me.

This was repeated for several years, until they got their girlfriends and I didn't go often.

Years later, now that we are adults, we don't talk about it and we act as if it never happened. However, for the new year of 2022 we were with my brothers having some beers. When it got late and I felt tired I went to my mother's house to sleep and one of my brothers also went with me. It was very strange because when I went to bed he followed me throughout everything. He got into the same bed, I stayed in my boxers and so did he. When we went to bed it didn't take long for him to touch my ass, he grabbed me tightly by the waist and pulled me close to him to rub against his cock. He immediately pulled down my boxers and tried to penetrate me roughly. I could only feel how the head of his penis entered with force and I managed to scream a little. That made him scared and when he knew that my mother was in the other room he stopped, put his penis away and turned around.

Despite that, I wanted to taste his penis and even his semen. There was some curiosity to know how he had changed in these years, but I tried to suck him and he refused, so I stopped too.

That was the last thing that happened between us. Shortly afterward I found out that one of them had also had sex with some cousins my age who lived near us.

I hope you liked it
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How did you feel about that? Did you enjoy it at all, or do you feel like they just took advantage of you? What's your relationship with them both like now, do you resent them for it?
its honestly a bit awkward to think about. but im glad we stopped. because idk what I would do if it had gone on longer, and we were ever caught. especially because i am very close with my aunt/his mom.
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>come out of the closet
>parents are okay with it
>but my older brother's reaction is... weird
>he's always been loudly homophobic, and kind of a bully
>so I expected him to be really hostile and shitty about it
>but instead, his reaction is surprisingly chill
>still makes fun of me for being a fag, ofc
>but in more of a teasing way, not outright mean
>keeps asking me all sorts of intrusive questions about my sex life
>and implying that I'm some kind of cockhungry slut
>basically saying shit to get me embarrassed/flustered, and then making fun of me for my reaction
>this eventually starts getting physical
>with him "jokingly" groping me and teasing me for reacting
>or going shirtless/naked in front of me and implying that I'm perving on him
>in retrospect, it's obvious what was up
>but at the time, I was too confused to recognize the signals he was sending
>until one day he took it further and actually jumped my bones
>and I was so shocked (and so used to putting up with him bullying me) that I just sorta... let it happen
>took a couple hours to sink in that I really just got fucked by my own brother
>things were super awkward between us afterwards
>he avoided talking to me for like a month
>then one night he gets drunk and gives me this big maudlin apology
>rambles about how he's confused about his sexuality, and has been hating himself for having gay urges, etc etc
>and of course now he also felt guilty about what he did to me
>so I end up in the awkward position of trying to cheer him up about the fact that he fucked me
>very weird conversation, but I do feel like we talked out a lot of issues that had been between us for ages
>we both agreed the sex was just a one-time whoopsie, and that it wouldn't happen again
>spoiler: it happened again
tell us about the second time, im curious where this goes
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Yeah, okay. I got lost in the weeds when writing this one out though, since I made the mistake of trying to explain our weird dynamic even though I honestly don't think I understand it myself. So I gotta split it into two posts.

>things go back to normal for a while
>he cuts out the overtly sexual teasing
>but constant banter is a normal part of our relationship
>so now when the jokes get sexual, it often derails into awkwardness as we both remember "oh yeah, you fucked me"
>still, we're getting along okay
>he starts dating this new chick
>don't think he actually likes her that much
>just throwing himself into a relationship to prove to himself that he's still into girls
>and as always, his taste in women is "hot but crazy"
>so they're always having drama and fighting about stupid shit
>lasts for about 6 months before they breakup
>and as usual I do the brotherly thing of getting drunk with him and letting him vent about it
>halfway through the bitch session, he switches from complaining about the girl to venting about his own insecurities
>some repeat of that earlier talk we had, where he talks about his confusion over what he wants sexually
>at one point he says he wishes he was just outright gay like me, so he "didn't have to deal with women playing games"
>and starts making pointed comments about how sometimes he just wants to cum, how it must be so much easier casually hooking up with guys, etc
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>the convo is getting pretty charged and I can see where this is going
>fuck it, I might as well try to take control to keep it from getting crazy
>"jokingly" offer to give him a BJ to cheer him up
>he tries to play it cool at first, like "well if you want to I guess"
>but once I go down on him, he gets really into it, very vocally appreciative
>after I swallow, I'm bracing for his post-cum regret
>but instead he's pretty chill, thanks me and tells me it was awesome
>we resume hanging out with only a bit of awkwardness
>an hour later, he's abruptly like "hey, you didn't get to cum right"
>uh... yeah
>"so do you want me to return the favor, or..."
>never even occurred to me that he'd want to try sucking dick
>but... okay...?
>so I coach him through giving his first BJ
>he tries, but he's fucking awful at it lol
>gives up before I cum because his jaw is too sore
>and then he's like "now I'm horny again, can I fuck you?"
>lol, the whole reason I blew him is cause I thought it'd make things less awkward than if he fucked me again
>but now I'm horny too
>welp. guess I'm getting fucked again.
>it's better than the first time though, since it's not so sudden and rushed
>and afterwards we chat about how yeah this is kinda fucked up, but maybe it doesn't have to be a big deal? let's just be chill about it?
So yeah. It's been a semi-recurring thing between us ever since then. It's not any kind of regular thing though. Usually just happens when he's having girl trouble, or just feeling horny and insecure.
thats super hot ngl, totally jealous
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Pretty hot. When's the last you and your brother hooked up? Does he ever let you fuck him, or are you always the bottom? Do you guys use condoms with each other?
>When's the last you and your brother hooked up?
Last summer. We went on a roadtrip to a music festival together. I wasn't actually expecting it to get sexual, since he had a gf at the time and she was supposed to come too. But she pulled out at the last minute cause they were fighting about something stupid. So yeah.

>Does he ever let you fuck him, or are you always the bottom?
He tried it once, just to see how it felt. He wimped out before I could even get balls deep, lol. Which is fine, I prefer bottoming anyway. He does still like to suck dick sometimes, though.

>Do you guys use condoms with each other?
Nah. I use rubbers with rando hookups, but I'm okay with him going raw.
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The Watt brothers
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Has there been any notable gay twincest actors since the Peters twins? Either amateur or studio porn? I know there's been some tepid borderline stuff where twins are performing together and maybe even touch each other a bit. But as far as I know, the Peters were the last pair were actually willing to fuck each other on camera.

At first I didn't really know what they were doing and I just got a little nervous because I knew it wasn't right and that if any adult noticed it we could have problems. However, I must admit that it was exciting to do that with them, I liked feeling desired by them and sometimes I even played hard to get so they had to beg a little for me. As time passed and I was more aware of what we were doing, I began to enjoy it, I felt good being his sex toy and knowing that every time we were alone I had to wait for two different, young and hot cocks to come for me.

I don't feel that they had taken advantage of it, although that was the case, instead I feel that the three of us enjoyed those moments and learned to know our bodies in sex.

Now our relationship is very normal. They are already parents, each one has a child.

We have never talked about it, although we have talked about sex and things like that but in a heterosexual context. Likewise, the three of us know what happened and we are fine with that.

Beyond what I told you about the time on New Year's that one of them tried to penetrate me, nothing has happened and although I feel good about that, I would also like to try their cocks again one day, this time I would love to taste their semen and have good sex applying everything we have learned in these years.
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Sounds like you've been pretty passive for all this. Does either of your brothers know you're actually okay with how they've treated you, and that you want more? If not, they probably feel guilty about it.
poor woman and kids
I remember I used to wrestle with my cousins way back when and always tried getting a faceful from one of them

Yeah it was a crazy time for me as I was discovering my own sexuality at the time and was a super horny teen.

I'm just glad they weren't blood related. This was an "Aunt" who was married to an uncle but was since divorced so me and these cousins shared no blood
me, my brother and a friend of mine used to experiment a ton when me and said friend were about 9/10. the friend used to come to ours and we spent most of the time in my room which i guess kicked it off. t was mostly just blowing, handjobs frotting from what I can recall. Surprised we didn't get caught because of the amount of time we spent together lmao

The friend moved, no contact with him now
did you ever get to suck their cocks/reciprocate what they did to you or no?
bump bc i want to hear more stories... some of these are so worth jerking off to
this about brothers idiot
does it really matter? quite a few of them have been about cousins tbf
(not from the poster)
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Jacked off on my younger bros feet again tonight and he loved it. Gives me footjobs sometimes too.
Same here, I did the same with my brother but I hope he has forgotten. Pretty much scarred me since we were younger than your and your brother's ages
Got fucked by my half-brother a lot when I was younger.

I didn't grow up with him since my dad didn't technically have any custody (I was the product of an affair). But whenever my mom was having legal/drug/boyfriend trouble I usually wound up crashing in my half-brother's room for a day or week or month at a time.

Whenever that happened, he used me as a cumdump pretty much constantly, whenever we had the privacy for it. I guess you could say he molested me... but honestly my "normal" home life had me so starved for love and affection that I actively enjoyed it and looked forward to staying with him.
my twinkass got bred by a bear of a stepbro after his divorce
More pics
This but instead of "out of town" it's on the other side of the country
They're narcissists. Of course they'd fuck another version of themselves. Just like how you would fuck your clone.
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dunno if it really counts as incest but I used to jerk off with my brother on the regular

sometimes we'd reach over and help tug each other off. but it never went beyond that. I never had the balls to try taking it further.
did you want to take it further
At the time, yeah. I mean, I wasn't exactly attracted to him, but I was a horny teenager. And doing that stuff with him was what made me realize I was gay. I spent more time sneaking peeks over at his cock than I did looking at the porn we were watching together. And I think he knew and enjoyed the attention, but never called me out on it.

But overall I'm glad I didn't have the balls to try anything. It probably would've made things weird between us.
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My little brother semi-forced himself on me and I caved and took his virginity in a hotel room on vacation.

I'll greentext it if anyone wants.
Of course we want the full story lol
Sorry for the late reply. At work. I will now type it all out in my next post....
Alright, here is my story of taking my brother's virginity. I just ask, if you fap and cum to it, tell me in the reply. It is my fetish.

Be me, 18 or 19, bi. On holiday with brothers and parents in Italy. Bro is 17 (legal is native Bongland) and gay. I shall call him James. We are Anglos with Spanish heritage, so dark olive skin. I am thicc and tall, rugby player build. He is a twink. Both dark hair and dark eyes. We share a big bed whilst little bro has a fold out. The first night, we are have some red wine with dinner and are plenty rosy cheeked. James and I get in bed and the little brother is out cold across the room. Very hot night combined with wine and our heads are swimming.

We fool about like lads do, making fart noises and shit. I make that wet fapping noise with my cheeks and pump the underside of the sheets like I am wanking. We both laugh and he gets quiet. After a bit he nervously asks what kind of porn I like. I tell him to knock it off and sleep. He presses me forever so I say "stuff". He tells me that he asks because he took a look at my PC and saw gay porn in the browser. Slightly annoyed but whatever. I told him I am bi but mostly straight. He is out and the family doesn't care.

James wants to know more, like have I done anything. I haven't with men, but I have fucked some girls. He tells me he is a total virgin. James asks if I can show him the kind of porn I have on my phone. I do and he sees some hentai, straight and gay. He moans softly at the picture of sexy Link from zelda. I can sense he is shuffling closer under the guise of getting a look. He says he is nervous to try anything with boys cos he thinks his dick is small. He volunteers to compare them and says it would make him feel better. I am semi hard but I am reluctant. I know where this is going. His hand on my thigh under the thin sheets at this point. I tell him okay if he wants to see my cock. I get it out of my boxers and pull the sheets down.

I am semi stiff and I take my dick out. I am fairly hairy, with a 6.5 inch dick. Uncut. Grower and not a shower. He can see something of the outline in the dark with some light streaming in form the window. But not much. James says "no, you need to be fully hard, I am small until I get hard" so I put it back in my shorts and say "well okay I will just get it up a bit" he tells me that it is okay if I just keep it out, it won't be weird if I just tug it a bit in front of him. After all, it is just to get stiff enough to show him how big I am compared to him. Well it definitely felt weird but I just stayed in my shorts and rubbed the outside till I was up. It didn't take long.

James takes him out and I can tell he is diamonds. He is pointing up and I think that his is a touch longer than mine, albeit a bit skinnier. I tell him "lol you don't have anything to worry about, you are over 6 inches like me, you are fine. Hey, you are probably a bit longer than me". He thinks I am flattering him so he asks to see it for real. I am stiff now so I say okay but make it quick, a side by side and then we are done. If pop it out and he are lay on our backs next to each other with our dicks stood up. James tells me to use my phone torch so he can tell the difference closely.

I don't want to wake the other little brother in the corner of the room, but I angle it and lift my right thigh up to block the glare from the room and shine it on my cock. James sits up and leans in to get a closer look. He lets out an audible moan and reaches out to touch it. I recoil as I am still hesitant. He grabs it to turn it to one side and see how my shaft angles a bit to the left. I can feel his heavy panting breath come out and brush against my dark pubic hair. James angles it back up and I think he is going to put it back. Instead, he pulls down very gently and my foreskin separates. He sees a tiny peek at my head, and he lets out the loudest moan. "ohmygodyes!" and he dives in.
He swallows my whole cock. All the way down. I recoil in shock but he has clearly been planning this as he grabs my waist and pulls me back in and deep throats my dick. He is very good for a virgin. He takes it all the way in and clamps down life his life was at stake. James is moaning like a whore and shaking really bad. He was clearly really nervous about doing this. He starts to pump up and down and really goes for it. My head is swimming worse than ever before. But I like it now and so I put my hand on his head. He goes wild, clearly loving the firm hand. He keeps pumping on my shaft with his hot mouth. But his moans are out of control. He is going to wake the other brother up who is snoring. I had turned the light off luckily but the noise is so bad I can hear tossing and turning over there. So I yank him off and tell him to quieten down or the fun is over.

James pants and gasps but he calms down. I lay him on his back and tell him to relax. I put my finger on his lips and I kiss his nipples for a bit. I surprised myself at how enthusiastic I was even though I meant it when I told him to fuck off and get to sleep. He is bucking under me but quiet. After I lick his nipples a bit, he is really writhing. So I scoot down and I also put my first cock into my mouth. I am surprised it takes like nothing really. Just meat I can't bite. Like a finger or something. I gentle suck on his head for a bit. I am not really a bottom so I am not as enthusiastic as him. He is back to moaning so I tell him that we are going to have to go into the hotel bathroom if he wants to continue this. So we get up and sneak into the little en suite, slide the door quietly shut, and turn on the lights.

James sits down on the toilet with the lid down, and starts wanking his cock, and opens his mouth for my dick. So i stand inside his legs and give him what he wants. He keeps gong at it for what seems like forever. I look down on him and he is moaning and his head is moving like a belly dancer and he is really into it. I can feel it coming, so I tell him that I am ready to cum. He detaches himself from me for a minute and thinks about it. "I don't think I'm ready for that kind of thing yet". So I tell him that's okay, he doesn't have to have any cum in his mouth first time.

So I stand him up and tell him we will give each other a handjob into the toilet. We wrap arms around each others shoulders like a rugby scrum and jerk each other off. It is a weird position to be in and have to semi-frottage to reach each others cocks, so James detaches from me and comes around the back. He nestles his long dick into my ass cheeks and I think he is going to just penetrate me, but he stops short. He reaches around and starts to milk me. He is pumping away whilst rubbing his dick on my cheeks, like hotdogging me or something. I am really excited by this cos it feels like he is going to slip in my ass. So I am the one quivering now. He speeds up and starts to whisper dirty stuff in my ear. He is kissing my neck and nibbling my ear and going at it furiously. And so I arrive.

I shot massive ropes of cum into the toilet and onto the tank and onto the seat. I am shaking at the knees and he is holding on like a pro. I know he was a virgin but at that moment it seemed like he knew what to do. Suddenly the whole thing hit me and I couldn't speak. I muttered something about being light headed and needing to sit down. I stumbled out and collapsed on the bed. Some time after, he followed. I felt bad for not finishing him off, but I felt ashamed . We lay down and didn't say a word.

Fin. Hope someone got off from this. Like I said, tell me if it got you to blow a load.

That made me hard as rock dude. Did you do it more times?
not really, came close but didn't get the opportunity. We had a falling out a year ago over money, I will never speak to him again.
Oh no, what happened?
Nothing to do with the sex. It was years later. Long story but it was over money. No one else speaks to him from my family either.
Damn that really sucks
>Be me, 18 or 19, bi.
stopped reading
How old were you two and how did it start
we were young teens, a year and a half between us, I'm younger. Had a habit of staying up late so we can watch porn when parents went to sleep.
Watching porn turned into jerking off in front of each other.
Then jerking each other off
We both got increasingly horny (all of this happen in a span of a summer)
And then one time I just went for his dick, started sucking and he didn't stop me.
It was glorious. He came fast but pulled out of my mouth. I was such a slut that I licked cum of the floor when he ran to the bathroom to clean himself up
I kept on blowing him regularly, he would always pull out but few times I didn't let him and he would cum in my mouth. I ate his ass a couple of times too.
Then came the big one, he really wanted to fuck me, unknown to him I was hoping this would happen and was already practicing with mom's hairbrush handles.
I sat on his dick, amazing, I started fucking myself against him, it was just too good. He came inside me after a couple of minutes. I loved every second of it.
After a couple of months of this we became more risky and I started blowing him whenever I had a chance. Washing hands before lunch in the bathroom together? I was on my knees.
He would fuck my ass whenever he wanted too, I always kept myself clean for him just for a chance that he would fuck me. One time we were on some family gathering and we got bored, so we went around the house to the back yard and he fucked me against the wall. All our extended family was like 30m away.
But then this got us in trouble when dad caught us, and the summer was over so to speak. I always wanted more of his dick but he wouldn't have it after that. Turns out he isn't gay and all of that was because he was just a horny teen with a very willing hole next too him. He's married now too, two kids.
I on other hand still get my ass blasted regularly, I might be a sex addict too but that's a topic for another time lol
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Do someone know what happened to these french brothers ? Here are some pictures from tumblr a while ago
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So hot the both of them imo
Do someone have more on them ? other pictures ? Any ID ? So curious to see more of those two
Have no idea what the ages were but very very young, none of us knew what masturbation was so maybe around 7, and 9 and 9. It was the backyard of some abandoned house in the neighbourhood and my brother myself and some kid wrapped ourselves up in a big blue tarp and started touching each-other or something. I remember just watching mostly. The second time something happened was just me and my friend so 7 and 9. I was staying at his house for a sleepover and he ended up sucking my (flaccid) dick. Since I was 7 it wouldn’t get hard and he thought sucking meant actually sucking so it kind of hurt. I also then tried to put my flaccid penis in his ass lol. After that he fell asleep and I put his hamster in it’s ball and went downstairs and watched his parents play cod (some zombie game don’t know if it was cod) A third and most hottest story was my cousin came over to stay the night and he was about 3 years older than me so probably 7 and 10. Me and my brother sleep in a bunk bed and I was on bottom, so our cousin was going to sleep on the bottom with me but on the opposite end. Top and tail. We were joking and laughing or some other shit and I think my brother on the top bunk fell asleep. My cousin for some reason dared me to kiss his ass. I don’t remember exactly how but I said yes and he turned around and pulled his pants down and I kissed his ass. He was silent during it so maybe I suggested the idea of pulling his cheeks apart and kissing his butthole lol. Or maybe he did i don’t remember. I did that a few times and then tried turning him around to see his dick and remember it was hard. He was obviously pretending to be asleep at this part though and kept turning around again probably afraid it had went too far and I eventually went to sleep too. One time when we were older he was making fun of me and was like “Remember when you kissed my ass?” But no one including our parents took it seriously and I denied it happened.
Cont I saw him again recently after not seeing each-other since we were kids and it was completely normal. I know we both remember it though and I’m kind of glad since I don’t think either of us would ever bring that up lol
I realized we were actually younger too, more around 5 and 7, it's a weird thing to hope it's been forgotten. I've never even hinted at remembering it.
Does doing stuff with my cousin clung if I’m an only child
i dont really see how adults sharing text about real or fantasy memories is pedo shit
if having sexy memories about things that happened before the age of majority is pedo then everyone is pedo
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To me it’s only hot if it happens after 18 and the horniness of it all makes it consensual.
I only like consensual over 18 stories as I think it’s hotter.
I know those who feel opposite I get how the taboo may make you coom more but for me I get off on like, an adult son in his early to mid 20s having consensual sex with his father during a family vacation and then having it continue at home. Or a father watching his two young adult sons in their 20s jerking off and admiring his two grown children with adult muscular bodies engaging in sexual activity, I prefer that.
And I also don’t think me being sexually attracted to my sons is wrong as it would develop after 18, and I would look at my adult sons in the shower, pool, etc and allow myself to get aroused with no shame and jerk off to there instagrams.
And if they want to explore consensual sexual relations with me or in a threesome that is okay too
When I was like 4 or 5 years old and my brother was like 12 or 13 years old, he babysits me while our parents were working.

At some point he began to asks me to touch his dick and as a child, it seemed very gross to me, but then he started to bargain with me like he would only let me go out to play if I touch his dick for like 1 minute.

I didn't even had an idea of how much were 1 minute, so I accepted. It then evolved to jerk him, and then to suck his cock. It quickly became something that happened everyday for like 1 year or 2.

He didn't penetrate me only because he was afraid of hurt my ass.

He told me not to tell anyone because people would thing we're fags

After this 1 or 2 years he told me we should stop, and never talk about this anymore. I just accepted. I don't know if he thinks I forgot about that, but I not. Obviously.

Sometimes I plan how I should kill him without getting in jail for what he made to me. Sometimes I feel guilty for thinking about that. After all he is my brother and I still love him.

It sucks to be abused at childhood.
Damn that's heavy, can't you forgive him? Its not unheard of for kids to do those things, this thread is proof
I don't know, man. I see him almost everyday and we're get along well. It never happen again in the last 20 years, but once in a while these thoughts comes back to haunt me. Guess I'll carry this to my grave.
sounds like you need his apology so you could move on. Maybe you should talk about it.
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Now that you are adults, I would talk about this with him in a private room, and also for closure I would suck him off one time so you could have that memory at the forefront of your mind for now on.
And perhaps regular oral sessions would rebuilt your bond with him too
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What about sexual relationships that started in the teens, but persisted into adulthood?

Me and my brother are in our 20s and fool around sometimes. He's "straight" and only dates girls, this is basically just something that spontaneously happens when he's single or going through a breakup and needs a place to cum. He's not actually attracted to me (or guys in general), this is basically just a habit we've carried on from our teens, back when he was super horny all the time and I was his outlet for it. If it was for the "inertia" and established pattern of behavior, I don't think it would've ever happened between us as adults.
If it started at eightTEEN then yes.
Because true concent can only happen at 18
WTF do NOT confront him about it, it could potentially ruin your relationship with him and/or your family. You literally need to move on, you were just kids and kids lack inhibitions they just do whatever makes them feel good
Yes, I know. I won't do what the other degenerate suggests. I just told I want to kill the bastard myself and he says I should suck his dick. Prick
I mean, this is what the thread is for. Also once I read an article about victims fantasizing about their abuse
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You are both adults. Be mature. And for closure, you should absolutely suck his dick and potentially do the same to your dad or provide at least a hand job.
I had a "sexual relationship" with my half brother, when we were 11, my father was a jerk, he had "two families", eventually the court forced him to spend time with me as part of the child support agreement, so I went to his house on weekends.

There he lived with his wife and 3 children, two girls, an older one who was never there, a baby and my half brother, I don't know how it happened or who took the initiative, I remember at that age I was already attracted to boys haha but I wasn't sure of anything, we were watching pokemon and out of nowhere we were together touching each other in his bed, we rubbed our bodies and penises, I remember that, we didn't take off our clothes but we pulled down our pants, and we started sucking each other's penis, it felt weird, I saw it as a game, it was "fun", we knew we were doing something wrong because it was our "private parts" so we were very careful haha.

But one day we were discovered, I think they had gone out to buy something but they forgot something and came back immediately, we were on top of each other half naked when my dad came in, then I just remember crying and waiting for my turn to take a bath, he hit us in the hands and back with his belt, I just cried, I was afraid what my mom would say, but she just picked me up, and my dad said "He behaves very bad and I don't want him in this house anymore" he didn't tell her any details.

I never came back, and years later my dad tried to contact me when I went to college, 4 years ago from now, Congratulating me and shit like that, I ignored him, this year I found out from some aunts in my dad's family, that my half brother was on trial because he tried to rob a truck driver, I ended up embracing my bisexuality but I've never told anyone this, it feels weird to write it down.
>I ended up embracing my bisexuality but I've never told anyone this, it feels weird to write it down.

We're here for ya, anon. Hope things are better fo you these days.
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I would continue to ignore your dad. He has one son that’s literally going to be a jailbird and then he has you which I am presuming is a well rounded college student on his way to becoming college educated so of course he’s gonna wanna gravitate towards you and act like you are his star child, and wants to take credit But what about that moment when you were a child and he should’ve been more understanding as you were just 11.
And of course this is just my opinion but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was his other son your half brother that was the one that started all that yet he blamed you and now that his son is an embarrassment and a felon he wants to reconnect with you and take credit because now he wants the world to know he has a college educated son and quietly ignore the embarrassing felon.

I would only consider reconnecting with your dad if you are interested in having a conversation with him about possibly experiencing each other sexually.
If you want to explore jerking off with your dad or giving him a handjob as an attempt to bond with him then that is the only reason why I would reach out to him.
>And I also don’t think me being sexually attracted to my sons is wrong
oh no
I don't really care about greentext stories, are there any good videos? real or larping idc
does anyone know a tg group with legit vids?
Pls add me as well
I'm 22 and recently developed a crush on my 33yo brother. I think about him all the time and it saddens me that I'll never get to kiss, cuddle and love him the way I want to
source on this vid?
ive posted in these threads before, but my brother and i have been blowing each other for years. we are both generally considered attractive so all of my stories sound like tumblr fan fiction but theres no way i would ever provide video of us doing anything to prove it. its very normal for us at this point, instead of jerking off, we just give each other head. we traded head last week because hes been giving me a ride to work. i have plenty of stories but even to me they sound like bullshit
Do tell anon, after all 90% of stories on here are made up … surely
Hi anon, thanks for sharing - can you say who molested you & your brother?
Can I say lmao
It wasn't a relative, it was a neighbor. He was prob 40 and super queeny and obsessed with kids, weird that anyone let us go over there by ourselves in the first place
I have an ex who stalked me online for years and was really bad to me while we were together, and I know he's been on 4chan, and if he saw this he'd probably put the pieces together, so I'm not giving any details.

If he sees this: I've got some shit to say about you too, so try it lmao
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i have a ton of experiences that most of you would find hot, assuming that’s why you’re here. we don’t live together anymore, but whenever he’s staying at my place or I’m at his, something usually happens. we’ve never done anal, but we love to trade head and frot, or just jerk off together. this has been going on for the majority of my life so it’s not awkward for us at all to make a move on the other. when we were younger we shared a room, so anytime we would come out of the shower we would just walk in naked regardless of what the other was doing. we both have thick cocks and twinkish builds so it just makes it more enjoyable. if we have enough space, we love to 69, he usually doesn’t trim but he has big low hanging hairy balls that i slurp while he throats me. this is pretty much the best way I could summarize it, I have many experiences I could go into detail about if want though.
pic is pretty much his body type and the way his cock looks, mine looks similar as well
Tnks anon, love to hear more, like the details like you are both thick and he has big hairy balls that you suck. You both cut I assume
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>we’ve never done anal, but we love to trade head and frot
Do you think that's the reason the two of you have been able to keep it casual for so long? I know a surprising number of guys who have admitted to fooling around with a brother or cousin, and the main thing that determines if it leads to drama/awkwardness seems to be whether they go "all the way". The specifics of what how far they go don't seem to matter, it seems to be more about maintaining any sort of sexual boundary to help maintain intimate distance.
Do you guys make out?
>I know a surprising number of guys who have admitted to fooling around with a brother or cousin
It seems like cousins, for sure, is more likely than most people realize or admit. So many of my friends have fooled around with cousins, straight and gay. When I told some of my gay friends about what my cousin and I did (and still do) they're just like, "Girl, please. We've all blown a cousin." lol
>I know a surprising number of guys who have admitted to fooling around with a brother or cousin, and the main thing that determines if it leads to drama/awkwardness seems to be whether they go "all the way".
This is what I was afraid of with my cousin. He was a couple years older and we shared a room when he moved in (his junior year, my freshman year). He came home drunk from a party one night so I said fuck it and played with his dick and blew him while he was passed out, came too a bit before he cummed, then passed out again. Woke up figured he didn't remember but that night he made fun of me for "being gay and shit" but still let me blow him again, then he couldn't get enough. For a long time it was just me blowing him since he thought it was "gay" to do anything more. We were watching TV one night and finally got him to make out with me while I straddled him and got him super hard. Got him to frot and fuck me between my legs and between my buttcheeks while I laid on my stomach (which I LOVED, omg) and that became our go to for a while. I wanted him to fuck me so bad but had to wait until he wanted to and initiated. He got over the whole "that's gay" thing thank god.
My ex-bf got kicked out of the house by his parents for being gay when he was in high school, and ended up being taken in by his brother who was 10 years older. He'd barely had any sort of relationship with the guy up until that point, but his brother wasted no time in in grooming him and turning him into his personal cumdump.

That's my interpretation, at least. My ex was very defensive of his brother, and spun a much more positive story when he confessed this whole thing to me, claiming that it was all 100% consensual and that he enjoyed it and had no regrets. But I mean... facts are facts, he was inexperienced and vulnerable and his brother clearly took advantage of him and basically treated him like a houseboy.

When he told me about about this, I initially believed him when he claimed it was all in the past and that he and his brother had a more normal relationship. But then he tried to tentatively float the idea of us having a threesome, and combined with other clues... yeah I'm like 95% sure he was cheating on me with the guy. It was a big factor in our breakup. And of course once we did breakup, he left to crash with his brother, and sent me taunting messages implying that they were going at it cause he knew it'd drive me crazy.
Not me (only have 1 sister) but I caught my cousin once jerking off to a facebook pic of his brother (who's 5 years older and a full gymrat, pic was your typical shirtless and sweaty thirst trap) and I always wondered wtf was up with that
Storytime the first time
First time he fucked you*
Wrong tags
Lmao that's just bizzare
you should talk him into letting you fuck him from behind while he moans out his brother's name
Gays truly are all mentally ill degenerates, holy shit
right, because we all know straight people have never done or even thought about doing incest
I mean at least they have the courtesy of coping by saying it is a step sibling and not blood related lol
Jup, I came
I think porn studios may be legally required to do that, even in gay porn it's "step bro" and "step dad"
in porn they have to do that. in random discussion threads on 4chan, they are talking about whether they should kill themselves because they can't stop thinking about raping their little sister
There's no law about it, but I think PayPal and some of the major credit card companies will refuse to do business with a site if it allows full blown incest content

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