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/hm/ - Handsome Men

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Homeless, fat, bald, hairy, doesn't matter, just have a big fat daddy dick
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moar dirty old men with a bwc
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I want to be his faggot cocksucker
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no me first
first big dick in the thread

So why are you in this thread?
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he us a hot daddy not ugly old man
my favourite fckn thread
for those who are into homeless
this twitter acc: noiadoemendigo
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Old men aren't that attractive, but they're polite and kind and have nice clean houses that aren't sketchy and they offer you beverages and ask if you're comfortable and they appreciate you and your youthful vitality. So in the end it's better.
Yeah and sometimes they give you $100 as "gas money" so that's kinda nice
If you get real lucky you start getting spoiled. Back in the day Daddy would always be buying me stuff, especially clothes and shoes.
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>handsome men
>ugly man thread
no, make your own board, stop shitting up this one
>old men
>your youthful vitality
from the way you write you seem pretty old yourself so maybe avoid using that unless you're describing yourself
>back in the day
go back to twitter zoom zoom
sauce pls
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oh hey boomer
tell your pedo boomer friends to stop posting their pedo fantasies, or to atleast hide the fact they're unironic pedos
A body that thin, white and smooth looks like an alien
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Fuck I want this daddy!!
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Are there any good sites for hung old bastards roughly fuck twink holes and cum inside them?
30yrs are not twinks
>30yrs are not twinks

Ok and...? I'm looking for older guys fucking younger twink bottoms. preferably college students.
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You shouldn't judge what other people like and don't like. Look I really do feel bad that you got your ass raped by an old man when you were younger, but the solution is not to post again and again about how much you hate ugly old man threads while clearly having a trauma boner. Cmon now.

You need a therapist and some SSRIs not 4chan my mentally damaged friend. You're posting across like three of these threads simultaneously and posting like 12-13 times per thread at all times of the day. If that's not a cry for help and attention I don't know what is. Poor thing. Clearly got a bit of a complex about this. Hope you get the help you need.
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This one looks shopped but I still get hard imagining him casually fuck my throat with his massive old dick while I'm kneeling in front of him.
any porn site
>You're posting across like three of these threads simultaneously and posting like 12-13 times per thread at all times of the day
lol, if that were true then those threads would have more posts ;)
pls learn to math
Please more
Nigga cocks are simply awful
yup. Pure disgusting.
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Meanwhile white daddy cocks are so irresistible
but way smaller and thinner
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big hog
Even better when they have to put on a sleep apnoea mask at night
Such an obvious photoshop
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Does anyone have any archive or just more webms by 'ick on 'eck anon?
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this mf does straight porn and always acts like a fucking perv, why do i like watching his videos
hot, would suck that dick while he plays
>'ick on 'eck
what sort of internet lingo is this?
autistic amerifat lingo
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Can anyone make a superchub thread? I don't visit /hm/ regularly but obese guys make me horny as fuck.
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I wanna marry him for his cock and sperm.
who is this??
his porn name is dirty harry, sadly no solo videos just him fucking young girls
Horse cock ……….nuff said
it should be a crime for a guy hot like that to be straight.
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100% would
you know I'm super lucky to be primarily attracted to "ugly old men" since at a young [adult] age.
Sexually frustrated, easy to please, and dominant on average.
They're so easy to get and i get another pseudo-grandpa as a bonus because i can't legally have sex with my biological grandpa
the legal sex part is a joke btw
Dick on (Steam) Deck
Whats the best place to seduce a grandpa like this? Apps are god awful and I don't dont trust anyone on them. I was thinking of cruising the university pool and locker rooms hoping to maybe flirt with some of them. What are the odds they'd be receptive?
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