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Another thread for anyone who likes cocks with permanently exposed heads and tight two-tone shafts.
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You're not allowed to hide what was done to you
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adorable little dick. I want it in my mouth
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what's his dick running away from?
like it missed it's turn and is late for work and shit
I mean, still would of course
Messy haphazard cuts like this are so cool imo
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I feel ya. messed around with a guy that had a bit of a bend but nothing really noticible. always wondered if a bendy dick felt better. Can anyone confirm or deny?
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Can't say it felt any better/worse than a straight one

It is a different experience when you encounter one that is really tightly cut though
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>It is a different experience when you encounter one that is really tightly cut though
Like what?
A lot of really nice looking cocks here. Here's mine.

Well most still have some slack along the shaft so a lot of the same practices at uncut are at play

Drum-tight cuts though literally nothing moves when you try to play with

At least in my experience they tend to feel harder as a result and be more veiny like the one I posted
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Nice cock anon

Cut at birth I assume?
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Smooth peen anon, I love it when bros shave
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Can't help but feel like that's been shopped

If not then damn that's a crazy head-shaft ratio
Thank you both - you both have great cocks too! Yes, I was cut at birth.
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Still wild to me even after all these years that all 9 of those guys are circumcised


Nice man. How do you feel about it?


Is not mine btw. This is mine:
I like yours too. Nice head.
How do I feel about having been cut at birth? I'm glad I was. I like my cock the way it is. I have nothing against foreskin - I just grew up without it, and enjoyed it. Plus I like how the head looks this way
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Nice man. Some guys have very strong opinions for/against so

I'm always curious as to how guys cut at birth feel about it
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One of my favorite things about being circumcised is how leathery our glanses are
Uncircumcised boys have super thin delicate membrane on their glans, but ours get tough skin like the soles of our feet
That's hot. I guess I'm just naturally more attracted to cut cocks because that's what mine is, and I like mine. But I have an appreciation for ones with foreskin as well. I just appreciate a good shape and a good head.
I guess I've never really thought about it that way, but I don't disagree with you. What I like more is how the heads are typically more plump and mushroom out more.
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Damn there's nothing left of that frenulum

Many guys know their foreskin was removed.

Very few know their frenulum was taken as well
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Prove it's OC, write "/hm/ cut appreciation" on your glans and take another vid
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I still can't believe that something this beautiful is just the standard form of penis in so much of the world, it's awesome
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Back as far as the nuts
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Thank God for circumcised zoomers
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Those little stretch marks around his scar are neat
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When they cut so much skin off that even when your dick is in -1 inch exercise mode you have 0 roll over the edge of the head
I'm a completely different anon.

Cut at birth, and hate it. Currently restoring.

Completely despise the practice on children who cannot give full informed consent. As for adults, it's your body so go for it, but I still disagree with the practice.
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Lots of guys in here were in your shoes, but are now wearing much stinkier pro-circ shoes that make our toes feel all warm and gooey and good
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I fucking love cut cocks so much
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Isnthis stonetoss?
Someone needs to go back and liberate him from that frenulum remnant
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The gayest part of this pic isn't even the cock, it's the cut-off jean shorts lol
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How common is it for Zoomers to be cut (In the US)

They keep throwing around that the numbers are dropping but every single zoomer cock I see is cut

All the parents of gen alpha I know had their sons cut as well so I’m beginning to think the stats are a lie


For you anon
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Why? Stretched out fremnants are cool
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>How common is it for Zoomers to be cut (In the US)
Hopefully all of them
No wrinkly skin allowed
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Post the highest cuts you got
How do guys even get cocks like this? If there's a specific way then everyone should be cut like this
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He's not hard but you can see how far back the scar is

Personally I think doctors should be trying to cut lower rather than higher - Looks neater
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My daddy cock
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I love Angel's dick. I wish his circ scar was visible on his dildo.
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Definitely looks better gone
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Who is he? Nice cock
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Angel Rivera
Probably about the same as have been circumcised in the past at least if they're white. Things to keep in mind with those stats is they're obtained by tracking guys circumcised as infants before they leave the hospital after birth. It doesn't capture jews, muslims, or any parents that have their kid circed at a clinic rather than the hospital. Immigrants are also less likely to circumcise their kids.
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Yeah from what I’ve seen it’s still like 90%+ in white guys
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Here's a high cut. Wish I found the source, he's got distinct two-toner.
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does anyone know how to desensitize my dick? the idea of my cock being nothing but a dildo is so hot to me
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my favorite thing about being cut is the texture on my glans and how desensitized it is compared to uncut guys. i can be rough with it and stroke it for an hour and still not cum, the only way i can cum quickly is by rubbing the head with something rough, that’s the only time i feel something there
Was he always cut or did he get it done when he started appearing on camera?
but how will you have pleasure then, anon?
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Earliest I can find of him is Helix Studios in 2018 and this was his cock then
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oc :)
this is an excellent punishment cut

boys who abuse their foreskin lose it

wonder what he did to deserve this
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Cut at birth, child genital mutilation should not be common practice, period. If you’re going to get cut, at birth is probably the least traumatic but there are grave issues of consent there that I can’t condone it. Another reason religious zealots have ruined America. Literally think about it, if there was some African country snipping babies’ clits, we would all call that barbaric. We don’t need to mutilate babies for the sake of a Jewish tradition most people don’t even worship or for the sake of sexual fetish. Just wash your fucking dick, smegma isn’t a reason to sexually mutilate your child
>if there was some African country snipping babies’ clits
There is
> we would all call that barbaric
Hmmm I don't see anyone worried about that. The fact that you were unaware is further proof of it
i’m curious, im cut and i still have my frenulum, but im just realizing that most guys who are cut don’t. Does removing the frenulum remove some of the sensitivity/pleasure as well? if this is common practice why do i still have mine lol
i won’t, at least not without some hard work
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>If you’re going to get cut, at birth is probably the least traumatic but there are grave issues of consent there that I can’t condone it.
If you buy into all of the pro-circumcision arguments then doing it at birth seems like the best idea ever. You have no memory of the discomfort of getting it done, you get all of the benefits of it from day one, and you'll never remember anything different so it'll automatically seem like the natural default state. It also seemingly supersedes the consent argument, because if there's a thing that can be done that only has upsides, and there's an optimal time to do it that maximises the upsides, then what possible objection could there reasonably be?
The key problems are though: there's enough disagreement on the potential downsides of circumcision that you can't take for granted that it's all good and have to weigh up the pros and cons, and there's always a chance that the owner of the dick will reach the opposition conclusion. The other is that, even if you could definitively prove that it is better, there's always gonna be some guy who would still want his foreskin anyway, for whatever reason - just the novelty of something extra to play with.
a guy who isn't cut can choose to get it done later on if he really wants it. the reverse is not true. let people decide for themselves
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Remember Michael Hoffman? Born in Russia, adopted by US parents; the first thing they did when they brought him home was take him off to get his dick clamped and given the American trim
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Forever jealous of guys for whom this is perfectly normal
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Guy on the left is super cute. Main problem with cut guys is that you can't cut them again. You have an uncut guy, you can play cut him all you want.
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You can't deny the perfection of something like this
Obviously I knew about the fucking clits, retard. And we do call it barbaric, your point is?
Bypassing the consent of a child is the most egregious of breaches, have you heard the word statutory? I don’t think there are any benefits to circumcision. You do lose thousands of nerve endings and you miss out on natural lubrication, though. Again, wash your dick, smegma isn’t a real reason. There is 0 reason for baby dick mutilation, if you want to cut your own dick as an adult that’s fine, but don’t pretend it’s anything more than a sick fetish, as evidenced by your presence in this thread.
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Cut black dick is on another level
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i want it
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Cut Euro boys
I’d be on my knees for u
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sauce? that is a gorgeous cock

doesn't look cut
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anyone else here just want to really pinch and twist and pull foreskin hard when they see it? ugh I just want to make uncut guys go OUCH
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Flaunt your cut cock in public. The head was intended to be exposed
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cut brit here, ngl its such an ego boost to see this. im bi so had lots of women hate me being cut, its nice to know that a cut man is appreciated.
why do they hate you for being cut? too much friction too less sensitivity?
>cut brit here,
>it's such an ego boost to see this.
>it's nice to know that a cut man is appreciated.
As a fellow Brit I find it such a turn on to find a guy in the UK's who's cut.
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Cut-offs and cut cock

Yeah it’s a fun game finding one
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Something about a nice crisp circ scar
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Keeps you honest. Reminds you what was done to you
why do uncut peckers smell so bad?
Because no matter how much uncut guys like pretend that 99% of guys always properly clean under their foreskin, it's not true. Uncut is fine, but the amount of jerk off videos I see where the guy is just full of cheese is shockingly high. Just don't play pretend, that's all.
I'd love for a nazi Hitler jew boyo to come to power in Europe and forcibly circumcise all those tasty Euromen. Keep their cocks hygienic and mushroom gland on full display for all eternity. Remove the frenulum too and give them that ultra slick ultra smooth skin.
I'm from the North East and I'm considering getting cut - need to convince my partner still, think they'd be pretty shocked and against it
what sort of reactions do you get when you whip it out ?
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the reaction of pure elation knowing it doesn't look and smell like this
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beautiful, but trim, don't shave please
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Why were you cut anon?


Give it time. The Muslims are making steady progress. All of these white European boys converting to Islam will be getting clipped
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The only hoody you're allowed
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I feel like I’ve seen this guy before
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Any low and tight cuts ;)?
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happiness is knowing you don't have to clean out a cheese dick
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Unbelievable. Is it real?
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More like this.

Isn't one of them actually uncut?

Nice scar.
>Isn't one of them actually uncut?
Yeah, the middle one, but it was ruining the photo so I replaced his dick with a clone of the guy's on the right, haha
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Nice, low and tight is the best style.
It's hot to imagine they fixed his cock for him.
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a visual illusion. he's 4'1" and his dick is 4".
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thinking of how my tonsils would be tickled by this absolutely perfect for getting sucked off joystick...
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this twink just got snipped
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same guy
I see zero difference. Who is this?
it's because they're both after pics
source is https://twitter.com/ImFoueteur
Hot bush
Actually the bottom pic seems a bit different- the skin just behind his knob end seems redder / maybe slightly sore?
he had it done a month ago, I guess it's still healing
can't wait to see how it looks hard tho
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OC. My drip tip
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More of my dick
Nice, thanks for sharing
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He has posted hard pics on OF
fuck that's hot, it looks so tight when it's hard
same guy I think, looks so much better snipped
How much cut cock content does he have posted? For $4 I'm tempted to subscribe
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A thick load working its way out of my cut cock
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Damn, image limit hit, am I going to have to make a new one again?
Make it! More!
Love this guy's softy. Being cut looks perfect on him
What a great cock, and that it is cut makes it all the more noble looking.
Yes of course. The good work of celebrating cut cock is never over!
Using big scary words like genital mutilation associates the horrors of some practices with other practices which have no horror connected them. It’s a clever manipulation of language which evokes emotions from things unrelated. The manipulators got away with it now but men are catching on. Cur men have no horror about our dicks. We like them. We love them. And they look great. So stop insulting our awesome cocks and find something else more worthy of your passion.
I imagine you saying this while looking in the mirror every morning.

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