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Threads you would like to see but are too lazy to make
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I would like to see threads on
Dads and Sons
Dudes who fondle themselves in public
Guys with visible boners in public
Dickslips and upshorts
>Dickslips and upshorts
I love dickslips and upshorts but I'm not going to post my collection because every time I start that kind of thread, it gets hijacked by people posting boring dick pics of guys who happen to be wearing shorts or disgusting fat and old people.
>my collection
aw man, now i want to see it...
I'd like a thread of men in rubber/leather getting their ass holes gaped
Or guys who might look disgusting and you'll never know because they won't post their faces.
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AFL leaks, obviously
I don't care as much about that as long the pic is hot and is a real dickslip or upshorts shot, not one that's posed, especially with a boner or a guy with a nasty body. Obviously, hot guys with their face showing is preferable though.
i like the gay stories or confessions threads
inflation or cock pump thread
hd pictures of hands gripping dicks
One time there was a body paint thread... That was cool
What about dudes wearing underwear or swimwear as "regular clothes" in public?
I used to go running in black boxer-brief style swimming trunks and remove my tshirt / singlet.
Also once wore base layer compression shorts and singlet around the shopping mall and to do chores out and about with a stretchy cock ring under.
Same at the gym. Also done the same with thermals type leggings plus cock ring. My cocks pretty small so it was more front and centre bulge than trouser snake
Good thread idea.
Everything else you said was gross.
there you go



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Guys you know IRL
guys you’ve hooked up with
you are both right.... im stuck in being afraid of me posting vids of fuking a couple of my friends in a car park and me fucking in the Abercrombie store changing room i.n Oregon second option is the tears from gagging on cock. the other ome is just getting straight guys to bottom. i hate that i feel like i cant share
Twink rape fantasy
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Twunk thread
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Threesome thread
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decent-looking fit guys with small dick

always get ruined with fakes or ugly/unfit guys
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Parties, festivals, concerts. Basically anywhere where there is music and alcohol
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Source threads.
Which by the way what is the source of this image. I know he's a youtuber and has an onlyfans
I sucked off a guy with a cock like this yesterday, love sucking small dicks, made a lot of noise when he squirted in my mouth
Ah UK yobs for sure
Very hot looking guy, nice blonde hair
Wow true micro dick
I'm not sure anyone notices any extra bulge but sometimes I just like the feeling of wearing a cock ring
Shirtless in public
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Same, i have a thing for dad x son incest. But without pedo stuff and minors, just wholesome non romantical sex between two men who trust each other and preferably above 20 years old. I wish that next time someone decides to create a father x son thread, they do state some rules cus the last one was a mess, i was so happy to see a thread of fathers bottoming cus i was tired of the cliche twinks bottoming for daddies shit, but then all that was there was just stories of people who were groomed on their childhood and "when i was 17, my lovely daddy chocked me nearly to death and raped cus he loves me. I still love him till this day and blah blah blah". Not to mention stories that werent relevant at all, i hate when people bring stepfahter, cousin or brother incest on a thread that is about father x sons. Mainly one who is focused into bottoms dads :/
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