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Some time ago someone dumped this collection here. I'm going to repost it
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Cool to have these archived but I just realized how stupid FarSide actually is. They're like universally not funny. Why the fuck did we have these for so long :(
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Most comic strips are. I like the ideas behind his stuff though. He was drawing 6 days a week and had to come up with amusing ideas, thoughts or scenarios. He had to reach from everyday experiences in order to keep the deadlines.
>Trying to justify something being shit
I just don't like to approach art critically. Are there Objectively funnier stuff out there? Of course. There's things i do enjoy more than others, obviously. You can use art to delve into someone else's thought process or develop the ideas further and i find Gary Larson's world and creations quite unique and distinctively enough so to make you enter that introspection.
Just giving my 2 pesos
When you're depressed, nothing is funny.
Sorry kid.
>I'm going to repost
Good on ya, OP. Thank you! The quality on these is amazing.

>universally not funny
Here's your (You). Your bait universally sucks.
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>The quality on these is amazing
Its one of the reasons i saved them.
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Low IQ.
They hated him for he spoke the truth.
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Don't tell me people hate Gary Larson now
>It's an old meme, but it checks out.
No. He's saying that Gary Larson is Jesus.

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I just realized he was talking about the anon he was quoting. I'm a big fat retard
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It's actually even funnier than that. Whoever inserted the quote into the Babble was plagiarizing it from Plato's Defense. I feel like this is, itself, sort of a Farside cartoon.

> "And this, O men of Athens, is the truth and the whole truth; I have concealed nothing, I have dissembled nothing. And yet I know that this plainness of speech makes them hate me, and what is their hatred but a proof that I am speaking the truth? - this is the occasion and reason of their slander of me, as you will find out either in this or in any future inquiry."

Socrates, defending himself before the Court of Athens in 399 B.C., immediately prior to them sentencing him to death for two sets of accusations:
• (i) asebeia (impiety) against the pantheon of Athens (by introducing new gods); and
• (ii) corruption of Athenian youth (by teaching them to doubt the status quo).

As recorded by his student, Plato (one of the "corrupted youth" for which Socrates was put to death). Even more ludicrously, Socrates was also accused of being an atheist while simultaneously being charged with introducing and believing in "new gods."

• http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/apology.html
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_of_Socrates
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apology_(Plato)

About 600 or 700 years later, the (well-documented and preserved) quote was re-written as the words of Jesus Himself, and inserted into the Bible in the passage John 8:45.
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So Jesus was Plato all along?
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>Why the fuck did we have these for so long
Looking at these and I don't find them funny, yet I don't hate them. If anything I am indifferent to Gary Larson.
>About 600 or 700 years later, the (well-documented and preserved) quote was re-written as the words of Jesus Himself, and inserted into the Bible in the passage John 8:45.
The "classic" authors, and mainstream history itself were all faked in the past few centuries. The only thing authentic is the Bible. Ignorant hellbound midwits like you are ngmi.
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You know this isn't the first thing i read about this but i need some hard evidence about it.
It wouldn't surprise me, but at this point this is just 9/11 was a holograph
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These are funny
He did like 5,000 cartoons and he was the first one to admit that they weren't all gems. He even made cartoons about it. Bump.
this one's good
this one's good
>this genuinely made boomers shit and piss themselves in hysterical laughter
>le wrong generation goobers ITT literally forcing themselves to laugh and pretend these are funny
Downright bizarre
Faggots suck cocks don't they zoom zoom?
>Looking at these and I don't find them funny,
Put it down to poster's choices. These aren't among those I'd have chosen.
So the next task is to find the mother lode of his works, and pick the good ones.
This post right here would have made a good Farside cartoon.


Keep in mind, the cartoons posted in this thread are a very small selection of extremely hi-res Sunday cartoons. And, frankly, I get it that not all of them are funny, but saying >>4670482
> "They're like universally not funny. "
is vastly too harsh.

First, many of them are quite funny. But, beyond that, Farside was never intended to be funny always. Sometimes it was just intended to weird for the sake of being weird and making your thinking process skip a beat or two. There were a whole slew of such cartoons, such as Bizarro and Red Meat and (the grandfather of them all) The Addams Family.

> tl;dr -- lighten up, people
>touch grass
> learn to laugh
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Most people rejected His message.

They hated AH because He told them the truth.
Since I don't have any Farside /hr/ stuff for the bump, have an "honorary Farside."
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no more brother wars
This are great
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Whoever thought this was going to end well ....
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First of all, thank you OP for making this thread. This is my first time seeing Gary Larson's work so I enjoyed going through them, will definitely keep collecting these.

Secondly, what the fuck is going on in this thread with these retarded non sequitur replies? Is this some esoteric autism that I'm not getting? I tried to follow some discussions: 1) this anon >>4671146 compares the author to Jesus using the famous saying (?) and another anon >>4671294 tries to explain the whole thing but then someone else tries to continue conversation how that quote is a plagiarism from Plato. All in all 10/10 good read (a bit retarded but whatever). 2) This interaction >>4674062 >>4674406 gave me aneurysm, so thanks for that. 3) Then "Υarg υikernes" strolls in, says "They hated AH" (for some reason) and gets replied by complete nonsensical "no more brother wars" (???) and finally we get anon saying "Whoever thought this was going to end well ...." for whatever the fuck reason and here I am trying to analyze and link together these rat king of a retardation.

Now onto more important things:
>So the next task is to find the mother lode of his works, and pick the good ones.
I found bunch of shit by Larson over at libgen so I will post some of the pictures that I found interesting and decide to extract. If you guys want to look for yourself, I strongly advice checking out libgen.lc shadow library (but be cautious, because it might redirect you to other websites that are adware, but the website itself is safe to download from). I will provide links to several books:

Now I will post several cartoons.
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Quite an interesting read anon.
This reply was pretty retarded though, pulled that "faked history" part right out of his ass
It seems to me that you come here on /hr and collect stuff just for the sake of collecting them.

Some anons here have also, in my opinion, misunderstood the purpose of these cartoons. For me they are not supposed to be funny, rather they could also be thought provoking and doubt invoking. There are like koans or haiku (from Eastern Asian poetry) of Western art. This anon >>4670495 put it quite well.
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In one of the files I also found several cartoons in the series of "Wiener dog art" that Gary Larson created which mimic the style several famous artists or that of famous era in art.
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This will be all from me, I just realized that these last few pictures from the "Wiener dog art" series might be a little off topic (although they are still Gary Larson's) but I found it interesting so I thought I would share anyways.

If you guys are interested in posting more pictures of Larson's far side, just go over to libgen and go through all the files if you have time (I myself didn't, that's why I only posted a few). Just close the redirection window and download the file from the website itself, then use calibre e-book viewer to extract pictures from the file itself.

Here are search results on two websites:

Libgen.rs (which is safer than .lc because it doesn't redirect): aHR0cHM6Ly9saWJnZW4ucnMvc2VhcmNoLnBocD9yZXE9R2FyeStsYXJzb24mbGdfdG9waWM9bGliZ2VuJm9wZW49MCZ2aWV3PXNpbXBsZSZyZXM9MjUmcGhyYXNlPTEmY29sdW1uPWRlZg==

and Libgen.lc (it redirects, but the website itself is safe for use and downloads):
I like this one a lot anon, thanks
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I found these legitimately sensible chuckle worthy.

Yeah, I read The Republic a while back and thought 'geez a lot of this reminds me of the bible' then looked up which came first
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yeah, i loved them when i was a kid but these are just really really bad now
i don't get it
He is going to crash because the woman with the big neck arouses him. Normally the crash would be because someone was looking at a woman's ass or tits
yep, neck arousal -- the driver's a vampire
Some of them are pretty funny...others not so. Overall one of the better cartoonists.
cow tools
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The FBI on the hunt for the illusive "white supremacist".
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Thanks all for contributing new stuff. I'm saving them all.
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>Thanks all for contributing
Happy to, OP. Thank you for sharing what you have. The quality is just stunning.

For all the people complaining about Farside ... it's just Dad jokes, FFS.
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Yeah. Hope whoever was scanning them continues and post them. I have 320
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>I have 320
So far.
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I am pretty sure that anon >>4671146 was saying these aren't actually good and other anons hated >>4670482 for saying it.
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>"faked history"
sadly not out of HIS ass. I have several "gems" of the so-called "alternate history" that I could post if not for the fact most of the pics are too small and the topic off-topic for this thread, but this should suffice for example. This comes from an alternate history mueum in Russia. I fucking kid you not.
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>non sequitur replies
The non sequitur of it all is farside bantz. But, yeah, some of that shit upthread is retarded.

I've been thinking a bit about Socrates and Jesus. It finally occurred to me that the whole "hated him for he spoke the truth" meme could in fact have been a direct quote of Jesus. The phrase may have been a well-known meme of the time just because it was made so famous by Socrates. It wasn't plagiarism per se. It was the "social media" of the time period.
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Thanks for keeping the thread alive, anon
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This one actually happened.
I remember at a Vegan Resraurant this big truck eith frozen cadavers was delivering next door and people esting were watching corpse after corpse being hauled into the restaurant next door.
>I pissed myself laughing.
Such is the nature of a society.
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You're a crackpot denying the wonder and texture of God's creation and his plan.
It's not too late to accept Almighty Atheismo as your savior
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I think stupid people like it because it reflects on the kind of difficulty that they experience in life. Smart people can't relate.
Their mouths look soooo fuckable.
Did Larson not know how to draw black people?
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No one in their sane mind likes black people, anon. Why do you think they are always killing each other and black women are the number 1 buyer of blond hair dye?
you realize you are poking fun at a museum promoting fake history by sprouting fake history yourself, right?
This is one of my favourites
Sure thing, kike
Each of us in the Gifted Program in school LOVED the "Midvale School for the Gifted” one.

Our IQs were in excess of 165 per the requirements to get in. How was Building Trades, retard?
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>I think stupid people like it because it reflects on the kind of difficulty that they experience in life.
Exactly as I said.
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Actually made me laugh hard
Nothing has made me prouder to be a life-long lover of Gary Larson's works than to see a bunch of virgin incels from 4chan not 'getting it'.

To be damned by the devil, especially when they are a whiny, milquetoast, impotent hypocritically bitching about not getting their martyr complex fast enough....to be damned by such devils is to be truly blessed.

Thank you for such a fine compliment to the excellent comedy of Mr Larson.
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But .30-06 is a type of round, not a gun, isn't it?
>doesn't spend enough time on /k/
Winchester is the gun (manufacturer, bears don't know shit about models). .30-06 is the cartridge it is chambered for.
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Saw this one the other day
I'd take an Addams Family dump, too.
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Maybe you're too basic of a bitch to appreciate
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Any more?
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I was banned. This place makes everything harder.
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i'm a contrarian, look at me!
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This thread has been absolutely fantastic.
Do you do have the one with a couple looking out of their living room window, and out there are just grand pianos falling from the sky? Something like "I'm glad I'm not out in the field today". Like they cannot grasp the insanity of what is happening, only that it does not seem to affect them at present
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Gary Larson interview on ABC's "20/20" ~ 1987-January-08th `;`
*Low Audio. ~ > Remember to turn your volume Down after watching!
This explains so much about the world.
Genius. On half a dozen levels.
i can't imagine coming up with something entertaining enough to actually DRAW 5 days of the week.
what i wear each day is a mystery
There's no such thing as the fast lane. It's the passing lane. Pass then move the fuck over.
But which one has the blanks? That's the real question here.
I hate when that happens.
fuck off
Thank you for this.
At 13:28 in that video, we see Gary Larson's satanic "artwork" decoration in his house depicting Satan as a snake coiling around the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.
How is that different than normal depictions?
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lol some are pretty good
>But because I tell you the truth, you do not believe me. John 8:45
Calling that a quote of Plato is a huge reach
Most are.
awesome thread
It would be funny if all vampires had long necks and humans evolved to have very short ones.
Laughing OUT LOUD
There was a time this and Calvin & Hobbes and Bloom County were new at the same time.
40 years ago
Ago ~> today nothing
cant u just post a torrent
> Gary Larson knew that "paleolithic art" was all faked.
Just like the rest of official history.
This one was my introduction to the Far Side as a kid.
My dad was a pilot and this was printed on his favorite coffee cup, for whatever reason it really got me as an eight year old so he bought me a collection of the strips.

In retrospect it definitely warped my sense of humor in a bit of an odd way but I wouldn't trade it.
>Yeah, I read The Republic a while back and thought 'geez a lot of this reminds me of the bible' then looked up which came first
Now read the Death of Socrates.
Buy the books.
that's very different from getting it for free
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This is one of my favorites.
I am confused by the FM joke,
His antennas are mighty...

I guess cable tv was enough around that radio made sense. And who would brag to a girl about AM.

Still, it would be anywhere he went, right?

So not exactly cow tools but quite a stretch. Not that a new idea every day is easy for anyone.
zoomers have become such a cancer
absolute fucking sociopaths that can't imagine a world NOT centered around their own social media posts
how does this kind of art even work?
the dot pattern is perfect but the rest of clearly hand drawn, did he rough in the shape, use a printer or something, then draw over it? or is this some kind of layered paper where he scraped the rhino out of the white or something like that?
On the farm.
How are they out in daylight?
I suppose it's just a scan of the drawing that was printed long in the past.
What? It's zipatone and when actually printed it looks different.
Let's be real the mother is at fault here.
Okay I guess I need to find some new scans to add to the thread.
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Proving cows aren't as smart as they think they are.
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Yeah I know some of them are kinda not super funny, but it sounds like his absurdist humor isn't really your thing and that's ok. I think part of why I liked his work was I got exposed to it as a kid. I clearly have nostalgia goggles on, but I hope you find at least some of his work funny. Old cartoons were old, they were different times. Just like how Jim Carrey and "the mask" were a huge hit in the 90s and watching them today, they really did not age well.
>this big truck eith frozen cadavers was delivering next door and people esting were watching corpse after corpse being hauled into the restaurant next door.
Its a joke for the majority stupid American to pacify their workforce.
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And I bet you are so smart with your Minecraft memes and Taylor Swift lyrics.
Does anyone have "George Washington Crossing the Street"?
not in hr
whys he draw the cows so sexy like that
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I don't get it.
Cow got rich selling tools but the wife simply wants to eat grass.
more please
Live damn you
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help me understand these

wypipo in africa?
lacks thumb yet grabs a rod?
tarzan has no money?
I need more help

moving the meter??
meattruck outside a vegetarian café?
there's no "waste" in nature?
giraffes are unflattable?
poker game-homage?
kids into sizeable objects?
making fun of Abby and Brittany?
eating nuts - gay?
virgin as a word is universal?
a mirror-company moving a painting?
reverse ornithology?
???? Dawn of man? Bears in africa? I don't get it at all
artists don't grasp mirror-physics?
people get paid for destruction of property?
hell hasn't there own pizza place?

this one was actually funny but like >>4748778 pointed out it does lack the point with a firing squad-execution (one swat could have a hole in it or idk?)
again, I'm just trying to understand why people think these are funny/contemplatable
Bangher - Leever???
Matisse pipe?
the vamp has underfangs?
cows having highways?
Noses and Derrieres, is that the name of the birds?
humans are to smart to fall for traps?
a fly in the soup?
pillowfight but with men?
light bulb instead of starlight?
medieval knights believing in wonders?
no clue at all, ants impersinating Michel Lotito?
is it drugrelated?
natives has always been redskinned?
teenagers being rebelous?
I don't speak quack so I have no idea if this one is funny
hard to describe how you were robbed by attractive women
birdnest with a window but no door?
why is irrelevant when how has been established?
fool and idiot being synonyms while ship and car ain't?
Few americans know of the founding fathers?
Luke means Look?
a cyclop-cult eyes eachother at dawn?
mocking the neatherthal-were-veggies-theory?
nerds are weeeds?
A frying pan needs to be ironed before using it as a helmet?
can't see the forest cuz of the trees?
eating raw meet when you have an owen?
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I'll help you but not right now.
Failure to avoid death by meat
Humans dump waste in nature revenge
Attack the photographer
Dogs like heads out of window in cars would still do it on work bus
The fact that rocket scientists care about free cardboard boxes at all
Joke about how usually there is one head only so eyes look like one and nose or ears look like the other and now I think I got trolled.

You got the jokes and are lying about being a moron.

My sister owned every Calvin and Hobbes collection and I scanned most of them (without ripping apart the books) in HQ, like, 25 years ago. When we used to have names, avatars and signatures for posting on forums, I always used Calvin and Hobbes strips in rotation for my sigs.

Here's a 4chan C&H image from some time ago.
There have been a few good C&H hr threads.
I think I have posted all I had...
Fuck On
turned off my vpn just to say thanks for posting
Originally daylight did not harm the vampire
They always slept in the day and there was a reason for that.
Let's go as far as we can!
When you are good with a gun you get to do what you want!
Yeah these are so unclever... Why wouldn't boomers just read a book? These are peak dunning kruger material
>You think it's dumb? Well that's a badge of honor to me

nice cope
The best!
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Here's to many more!
It's bad enough that you demand jokes to be explained. But you had to shit up the thread with this mass-reply bullshit.
Unironically take a dirt nap
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I wish there was a way to combine existing into a Far Side version somehow.
You are peak dunning-kruger material, not even understanding what the dunning-kruger effect actually is yet still referencing it.
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Love it.
So how shall we end this thread?
Here's to a legendary thread!

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