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And also nuclear bombs, cause why not
nuke arent real
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hell yeah!
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Castle Bravo device.
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Ivy Mike device.
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So...how much Uranium?

IDK, but there was a bunch of hydrogen impregnated into Lithium (which also 'burns') - It was a Hydrogen bomb
I believe it was equivalent 20 MT of TNT
Castle Bravo was one of US's most powerful tests.
not 1/2 as powerful as CCCP/USSR's Tsar-Bomba, but still incredible.

yes that was the Lithium-7 surprise one.

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legalize nuclear bombs
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LOL - ing...

If that were real -- All those buildings would've been knocked down before the fireball got that big!
can you stop shitting up the thread please.
Yes because the black and white low res blob pics were fucking killing it!
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looks fake as fuck
It was also two and a half times as powerful as they expected because they fucked up the calculations.

It's the brightness that movies and games never seem to get quite right.
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>It was also two and a half times as powerful as they expected because they fucked up the calculations.
Man. Imagine if they had the same fuckup building a Sundial device. There'd be nothing left.
I think the error was theoretical, not computational. The designers of the device didn't fully understand how the isotopes of lithium would contribute to explosion.
The magnificent apotheosis of White rage.
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>sees real, historically relevant images
>can't help but post anime
I think you have a problem
I could use one for home defense, or for dealing with the neighbor's loud dogs
The Atomic Annie, known officially as the M65 Atomic Cannon. At 85 feet long it could fire a six hundred pound, 280 mm shell approximately 20 miles away. Now that's some fucking artillery.

In these pictures, on the 25th of May 1953, this howitzer-style cannon fired a W9 warhead at the U.S. Army's Nevada Test Site. It detonated on impact about seven miles away in the valley. This was the first and only nuclear shell to ever be fired from a cannon in history, as missile-based warheads quickly made the design obsolete. At least 20 were made and seven still survive on display in museums across the U.S.
Otherwise known as "fuck around and find out"
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It is fake. Atomic bombs don't exist. It was a whole psy-op by the US government.

"Oooooo. We created a bomb SO powerful that it can vaporize anyone and poison the land for a gorillion years! That we've only "used" twice. And we did the testing in places were no one ever saw or heard them. And the two cities that the "bombs" were dropped on are now completely fine and re-inhabited. And we've never ever used them ever again; even when we were attacked on our own soil and everyone in the world was okay with us retaliating."
Meds schizo, meds.
>he would use a nuke against goats and sand
Opinion discarded
Give it time. Once all the baby boomers pass away, a guarantee that "there's no such thing as atomic bombs/nuclear energy" will become a popular conspiracy theory.
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By 2030, 95% of the Earths population will be dead.
By 2040, 99% of that which remain will not believe anything prior to 2020 will ever have happened.
Could you elaborate Herr Klaus?
Stay and watch
So I'm among the 5%?
You tell me?
The door that finally opens
With light flooding in
Spilling out on the floor
> firebombed
nukes are fake and effeminate

> antediluvian city block freshly dug out and/or firebombed
"We'll tell everyone a nuke hit it."

> fifty year old trees growing out of "freshly bombed" buildings
> firebombed to make the hoax more realistic
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This does explain all the well poisoning done like space is fake etc.

But hiroshima and nagasaki being firebombed instead of nuked makes sense.
Doesn't mean that nukes aren't real. Or maybe fission bombs don't work, but fusion weapons do so Ivy Mike was real.
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~the door that finally opens~
~with light flooding in~
~spilling out on the floor~
~the core that never was~
~now it will be the bones of what there before~
~every step, every beat, every thought, every breath everything is longing~
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Wow this kid has it figured out, down to the exact percentage point and year
Hey kid, erhm, Nostradamus, what sports teams should I bet on this year? What stocks should I invest in? Where should I build my prep bunker?
Well you're still here and you can predict the future. You would have left if it meant being part of the 5% so yes, yes at this point everyone is telling you
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Very neat thread. Thank you OP.
With Russia testing new nuclear weapons we will soon have some fresh content, stay tuned
Coming to a city...NEAR YOU!
They'd have to be crazier than usual to do an atmospheric test. Even Best Korea won't do that.
pick me!
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Not a nuclear explosion, though explosion related.
It's horrifying what humans are capable of
Y'all got any o' dem exo-atmospheric tests? The ones widda purdy 'jellyfish' created as the plasma from the bomb casing and gadget encounter stratospheric Oxygen?
Now post Detroit after niggers
No, but that sounds cool af
General MacArthur is standing at her left, just out of the frame. The woman is hailing him as the rightful Emperor of Japan.
>And we did the testing in places were no one ever saw or heard them.
This is false. In the early 1950s there was a small atomic tourism fad in the Las Vegas area. See: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/atomic-tourism-nevada/
Also, nuclear explosions can be detected by seismometers, and there's a dedicated network of them specifically for this purpose.
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Here's a cleaner photo of the same device.
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Shortly after this article Khrushchev sent the following response to the people of the United States:
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>> fifty year old trees growing
very clearly dead trees
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I can't understand how someone would become a person like this
crazy how US regime media has been cranking out the same cope for 60 years now
>US regime media

Nice night. Doesn't look so bad there. If it were chilly this probably helped warm it up a little.
Can someone please post some fucking nukes
You seem knowledgeable. What are the vertical vapor trails about? Did the shockwave shoot something off the ground that high into the air?
This is so stupid.
"General, we've exploited the forces that hold the universe together to build an unimaginably destructive bomb. Where should we test it?"

"How about the last untouched vestiges of tropical paradise?"
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It's too much work to scroll through and see what has already been posted.
Not him. They were rockets shot shortly before T-time. The vapor trails they left were useful to see the shockwave moving through the air on film.
If nukes don't exist, how do you explain nuclear power?

Now the question is do we get one by end of next year?
File name should read Hiroshima, not Nagasaki
Is the remaining structure a landmark or you simply know the image?
The Genbaku Dome (its current name) is somewhat of an icon for the Hiroshima bombing, as it was the only building left standing. It was preserved as a memorial and still exists today. The iron dome structure makes it very recognizable. You can see it here also >>4731952
Sorry, should have said "pretty much the only building left standing." A few other concrete framed buildings did survive, though were less iconic.

is real.
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>Genbaku Dome
ty, I went and found this but would be cool to see even better
filename incorrect - that's a titan not a minuteman
Hope the poster updates and corrects.
~~> new Clear Water
by Jesus and company - "we're not just Jews anymore"
Is Godzilla allowed here?
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Operation Hardtack I, detonation of Oak with a predicted yield of 7.5 MT.
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Operation Teapot, detonation of Wasp Prime with a yield of 3.2 KT.
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Operation Dominic, detonation of Swordfish with a yield under 20 KT. USS Agerholm in foreground.
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Operation Redwing, detonation of Apache with a yield of 1.9 MT.
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Operation Tumbler/Snapper, detonation of Dog with a yield of 19 KT.

There are a series of great photos of the very first microseconds of the explosion sequence starting with just the conventional explosives then the start of the chain recaction while the shot cab is still in tack, but its getting more difficult to find them. In the series it shows when the fission chain reaction reall accelerates and becomes a blinding light showing the structure of the cab before its vaporized, but this shitty site will not let me post them "image resolution is too small"
Can perhaps make a quick collage of a few? Would be interesting to see those here. Or some basic upscale
yeah...f-89 scorpion.....the only plane that's 0-2 against UFOs
Commie exposed
Oppenheimer was bland, Nolan dogshit.
Can anyone explain why there are no radiation dots on pictures of Nagasaki and Hiroshima right after the bombs or do those not appear in certain types of media(like film for example)?
That's Cherenkov radiation on the cloud! Nice pic
The bulk of the radiation was released during the explosion ('prompt radiation'). The pix were taken at such a distance that the square law as well as air attenuating the remainder of the radiation. If they had decided to fly into the mushroom cloud, you can be assured that the film would have been dotted all to hell as well as the contaminating the plane and giving the crew members some serious dosage.
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Godzilla Minus One made all of this worthwhile.
Mmmmm, jellyfish.
"Radioactive" substances have an internal lattice molecular structure that captures aether energy and converts it to heat. The heat is used to make steam for electricity generation. Fake nuclear weapons could serve as an excuse to keep aether energy away from commoners, because now all countries ban individual use of "radioactive" substances under a pretense of weapon control. A theoretical nuclear weapon hoax then serves a variety of functions inluding: 1) suppress aether tech by disseminating disinfo about the true nature of radioactivity 2) mutually assured destruction could be just an excuse for no world wars which hides the true reason of all countries being under control of one oligarchy 3) forces individuals to be more dependent on the electrical grid instead of using aether energy as individuals
Another year complete without a real one.
What a waste.

Maybe 2024 will be the year a nuke is detonated in a major modern city. Its only a matter of time.
I was told Putin would.
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Operation Buster/Jangle, detonation of Dog with a yield of 21 KT. Troops in foreground.
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Operation Buster/Jangle, detonation of Easy with a yield of 31 KT.
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Operation Tumbler/Snapper, detonation of Charlie with a yield of 31 KT. Personnel gathered to watch in foreground. First publicly televised test.
Russians lie.
What's causing the smaller pillars of smoke here?
Smoke trails left by sounding rockets. Basically reference markers used to observe the progression of the shock wave.

From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rope_trick_effect

"After a few milliseconds, the energy of the shock front will no longer be great enough to heat the air into incandescence. At that point, the shock front becomes invisible, a process known as "breakaway". This makes the shock wave difficult to diagnose beyond this boundary.

Photographs of nuclear tests often show numerous vertical rope-like lines to one side. These are typically created by small sounding rockets launched a few seconds before the firing, leaving smoke trails. The purpose of these trails is to record the passing of the now invisible shock wave, which causes an obvious visual effect on the smoke by compressing the air into a lens. This is not necessarily related to the rope trick effect in any physical way, but it is possible to confuse the two in some photographs. In the photograph of the Tumbler-Snapper test (at the top of this article), the vertical lines in the lower-right corner are blast line poles not smoke trails."

More info here: https://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Tests/SmokeTrails.html
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brighter than the sun
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Operation Storax, detonation of Sedan with a yield of 104 KT.
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Operation Dominic, detonation of Yukon with a yield of 100 KT. Observers looking onto mushroom cloud from Christmas Island.
>It was a whole psy-op by the US government.
Not them. It's the jews. "You will do whatever we want so that you get the bomb, but we always keep the codes in case that you misbehave."

4.5 metric tons of natural uranium in the tamper

Except they're not fake, they do exist, and you're a fucking smooth-brained clown.

And if you're what our future holds, we're fucking DOOMED.
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Operation Crossroads, detonation of Able with a yield of 23 KT. First picture of atomic shock wave.
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Operation Crossroads, detonation of Baker with a yield of 23 KT. Test fleet is englufed by the blast.
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Hiroshima, detonation of Little Boy with a yield of 15 KT. Plumes of smoke can be seen rising 20,000 feet above Hiroshima, and 10,000 feet all around the the base of the detonation.
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Operation Sandstone, detonation of X-Ray with a yield of 37 KT.
this one is remarkably beautiful >>4805645
Got this for Far Side thread but fun to have it here.
so what is all this then? I mean the photos and the videos and everything, how did they fake it?
>zero punctuation
Brainlet checks out.
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Operation Redwing, detonation of Erie with a yield of 14.9 KT.
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Nagasaki, detonation of Fat Man with a yield of 21 KT. Plume of smoke can be seen rising 60,000 feet above Nagasaki.
Quick interlude.

Dark part of kemono pattern seared into victim's skin - Nagasaki.
Another one, possibly the uncropped version.
Victim in makeshift hospital placed in bank building - Hiroshima. Navy photographer.
Fly covered victims in makeshift hospital placed in bank building - Hiroshima. Navy photographer.
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Interlude over.

Operation Ivy, detonation of Mike with a yield of 10.4 MT.
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Another angle.
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One more of just the fireball.

The lines near the fireball are indeed lightning.
Thanks anon, cool experience. Sad, but interesting.

From what I know the concrete dome they ended up building had no lining underneath, so you now have water leeching into the dome and coming back out with radionuclides.
I want to see what AI video can do with nuke explosions.
>the only plane that's 0-2 against UFOs
You know of any UFOs defeated by Earth planes?
Should be pretty impressive considering the plethora of footage and images you can train it on.
As a tangent to this, the rope trick effect itself is also pretty cool
Checkout 'Project Excalibur', Reagan wanted to put nuclear X-ray death rays in space, only slightly less crazy than it sounds
But only slightly, seeing as all of the EXCALIBUR test shots didn't actually work.
Sounds like Real Genius to me!
"Yeah, I push this button and then the missile launches."
"Why are you here, then?"
"I pick up the phone, they tell me to push the button, and I push the button."
"Thank you for your service!"
Wait a sec... this isn't historically accurate. Where are all the black people that lived in Hiroshima?
smiles in a nuclear wasteland... women have no clue what goes on around them #greetingsfromkazakhstan
>I'm alright
>Nobody worry about me
Take it easy bro. They haven't even made the remake yet.
I love how nukeheads will argue nukes are unquestionably real because they read about them in books, and saw them on tv screens! By the same logic, Santa Claus is also real!
>White rage
Tell me you only ever read headlines without telling me you only ever read headlines.
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I probably should move.
nothing is real
why do they hate the sgc so much?
Not my decision.
Any HR shots of Bluegill Triple Prime?
I wanna see whatever the fuck they knocked out of the sky with that EMP
So the key is to move to Alaska. Got it.
Hard to believe this world
Oddly looks just like a dream i once had
thank all the "leaders" these egotistical terrorists do nothing but doom humanity again and again, the worst rise up then we all fall. this time its going to be no different maybe just more of the worthless absolute cancer will survive underground in bases and bunkers.

however these are the exact kinds of people that need to die. these corrupt rules of fake systems they enforce.
everything people touch they just weaponize taking discovery dreams possibility and just corrupting it into pure evil, looking forward to the day not a single human is left to live.
anon thinking they're dropping major philosophical musings. Read more summerchild and get back to us when you can articulate betterer...
And yet, here you post expecting that people will read this post unquestionably believing your assertion.

Bit ironic there, anon.
>everything people touch they just weaponize
Reminder that everything from roads to the internet are boons of military needs.
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The irony is we will be done in like the Dino by the simplest of things. A fucking rock.
All the people on the space stations will get things fixed quick.
>Compared to war, all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance.
George S Patton
People may not like it but it's a true statement.
Lol. I need to watch that again.
There’s no evidence the United States actually developed or used a nuclear weapon in world war 2. Much more likely they used conventional weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and reframed the attacks as nuclear to intimidate the Soviets. They had already secured the Japanese surrender 4 days before the fire bombing of Hiroshima
The internet has really taken a huge downward turn now that all the retarded faggots can make a post about any retarded thing they can think of. Isn't your retarded mother bringing dinner down soon?
10/10 troll. Well done.
Just want to take note of the fact that this person is complaining about the downward turn of the internet while calling someone slurs (and not countering any arguments), while OP was civil and direct. Sounds like someone is insecure about their lack of historical understanding/education :)

isn't it pretty well accepted that the U.S. didn't actually produce a functional nuke until May 1948?

Scale is wrong too
Compare NukeMap

It's a 3D render though
What do you mean?
This is the conventional wisdom in most historical and scientific circles, but obviously the older generations are slow on the uptake
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the high speed cameras were so quick they captured the start of the conventional explosion, then the beginning of the nuclear fission explosion in elevated shot cab before it was destroyed. There more more photos to the sequence on the interweebs somewhere.
Nah, your just the same person portraying multiple responses to garner sympathy for your use of the oldest known historic research technique-- making it up.
We have them now fast enough that we can capture the actual event of fusion. Damn shame we can't test anymore.
yeah it's not like the large hadron collider has been doing shit like that for over a decade or anything. And you're thinking of fission.
Still no good pics
You mean from the LHC? That is all small particles. Not the stuff for /hr/ pics.
nuclear weaponry is a psyop, dummies.
If you are going to be dumb be fun with it like the people who say birds are not real.
holy shit this guy figured it out, FUCK. this sucks so bad. our huge complicated conspiracy that no one ever come forward to expose has finally been brought to light by something we never could have planned for: some dipshit on the computer
Man, mind blown! Your mind is like a steel trap.

How was junior high today?
Nukes are real. 4chan is a psyop.
Its a troll you all are retard
Would be a shame if this thread got nuked.
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Technically the Sun is a nuclear explosion.
Do you think we've gotten too complacent about nuclear weapons? I feel like people aren't properly fearful of nukes.
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Nukes are fake bullshit, and so was the Cold War, but why the black dot clusters in the northern states? What is there to destroy?
They deny the even were/are. What do you think?
are you dumb? that's where all of the ICBM silos are.
I am going to miss this thread.
>nuclear energy
The solar scam is close to an end.

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