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60th Anniversary Edition
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Frazer Hines went onto Emmerdale Farm (British TV) a several episodes a week soap from 1968 until he left then Largely disappeared from acting, Patrick Troughton (The Doctor) was in many 60s and 70s British TV too he largely faded from acting too after leaving the role in 1970, as for Wendy Padbury she was every teenagers wet dream at the time, however she also largely faded after the early 70s too.
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It seems like my whole life I've had a thing for Liz.
There they are. They even married irl for a hot sec, if I recall. Or matbe it was along affair, don’t remember. Mary was so hot it was almost a scene stealer.
TomBaker married the *other* Romana, the greasy blonde version, Lalla Ward.
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Doctor Lolwut.
Yeah me too, she had a spin off Sarah Jane adventures about 3 series's with her and K9, she sadly died of cancer recently.
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>Best Who story
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Unironically the least schizo Doctor Who thread on this entire site.
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Really puzzled why Troughton was there with Purves for a second there before realising this must be Blue Peter.
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>she sadly died of cancer recently.
It was well over ten years ago, lad
It's mad how every Doctor Who thread over on /tv/ has been unbearable for the past two years solely due to a single unstoppable shitposter.
I hope that an upsurge in interest for the new episodes will be enough to drown them out, but I'm not holding my breath.
That's one possibility.
The other possibility is that the shitposter continues ruining every thread as much as possible, AND you have usual /tv/ shitposters coming in to moan about the new stuff instead of actually discussing it on top of that.
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These are some great colourisations.
Makes me interested in seeing how the colourised version of The Daleks they're doing for the 23rd turns out.
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That's Deborah Watling as Victoria, not Wendy Padbury
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>tfw this is no longer canon
yes it is, it happened

I have Davros sitting here on my desk. He's still basically a brilliant, shriveled space lich with one gimp finger ready to push a button on his evil Hoveround.

They can try to change what he is or what he will be, but they cannot take away what he was. If they keep trying to do this stupid, disrespectful shit then I'll keep re watching decades of older Doctor Who and refuse to give them my time and money.

Same with every other company or franchise who've decided to shit on their fans and the IPs they're co-opting.

The only real power these sad fucks have is the power we give them.
brother it is tv for children
Best Romana coming through
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Huh, never knew she was a Romana
Big Finish really just does random shit sometimes
Happened like 10 years ago, but they dropped her after Lalla started seething. Back when their casting was on point too, such a waste
"We don't want to associate disability with being evil" LMAO these fuckers are so over. How people can come to such neurotic conclusions is so fucking beyond me. Same with Star Trek and Star Wars, it's all pandering nonsense.

omg its like Martin Landau and Barbara Bain had a baby or sth..
You know the new Dr. Whos being shown America are only on Disney+ now? Can't watch unless you pay. 60 years of this show, and Disney finally gets to shit on it.
They shit all over DT, no surprise.
post more Romana(s)
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always loved her 'girl Doctor' version of 4's outfit
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>disdain for plebs.jpg
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nothing got retconned. the children in need skit was a prequel, and all future appearances will be from after he absorbed the doctor's regeneration energy in S9 to renew his body.
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So what did you all think of those specials then?
Sarah Sutton was sooooo hot back then.
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I think it is a shame William wasn't healthy enough to be on set for The Three Doctors and had to appear on a TV screen and that for The Five Doctors they had to recast.
>>Day 47: These "cybernetic men" still haven't figured out I'm not one of them.
PRESTO! Rock on dudes!
They should bring back this show.
They did. But now Disney got the rights to stream it in America, so unless you subscribe and drink the corporate Kool-Aid, you won't get to see it. They already have three specials from December.
>They did.
Nope. I checked and verified, no new Doctor Who anywhere to be found.
Do a search (duckduckgo or google or whatever) for :
dr who's 60th anniversary disney

Also when you say 'bring back'... what was the latest episode you know of?
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This is all I have to go on - I don't have Dizzy
I remember Peter Capaldi was going to regenerate.

Then there was some weird spinoff with spiders and then some random Timelord being impressed by Rosa Parks apparently not realizing that whole thing was an orchestrated stunt.
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Kek... Burgers are meant to pay now.
Oi, you gotta loicense for that comment? I'll need to check your kitchen too bruv. Cant have you stickin yourself or someone else. Bit sad innit?
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Happy Birthday, Tom!
Can't believe he's fucking 90 now desu
He's immortal!
I don't remember that version of the Cybermen.
That's 'cause they aren't Cybermen. They're generic 'white robots' in "The Mind Robber" episodes.
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Sorry, I was trolling. Have a non/hr/ pic as apology.
Don't fight each other! That's just what the humans want.
nice. Never noticed she had fucking striped socksbefore
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I have way too many Karen Gillian in my hr Who folder....
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Nicola Bryant was the hottest companion with the worst writing
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AI will make the radio dramas into video!
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God he was perfect...
eh, miscast as action karate man
did these two ever share a dick you think?
Oh wow I wish they had gone with that.
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Who was PM, Wilson or Heath?
Watch Old Who. New Who is trash. You aren't missing anything.
That was my original point
I disagree.
"Newest" pushes a perverse version of 'woke', and the stories are messy and preachy, but the 'new' series (to us old-timers) starting with Christopher Eccleston were very good - much improved.
More like Doctor What. Very good episodes along with some very bad ones. Not Who though.
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just found this thread. Hope your hopes weren't too high.

It's a prequel that retcons Genesis of the Daleks.
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>This Doctor was not a BBC series it was a one off film set in San Francisco I don't think it was made by the BBC and Paul McCann was never in a BBC made Doctor Who series himself.>4836448
Ah, what about radio dramas? BBC Radio!

This thread can use some Master.
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big finish 6 and peri are sooo much better
>sooo much better
Prove it with a pic.
We are waiting.
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I'm a Carole Ann man myself.

Nicola did finally get her American accent figured out, just a few decades after leaving doctor who...
her nose looks weird there
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Mary was really something else.
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Where can I get Bigfinish audios for free?
Same exact place where you can get regular audio books for free
It's just a straight on shot. There are better ones, but I couldn't find any high res enough for this board
Thanks for not trying to upscale and then post something bad.
Unfortunately, the rare few cheesecake shots of Classic companions just don't tend to have any high quality versions floating around on the internet.
The Radio Times site is your best bet, but when I went digging around in their photo archives a little bit a while back, it seems they've blocked access to the higher res versions of any even slightly risque photos they have. I got pic related in full resolution from their 10th Anniversary photoshoot page (https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/sci-fi/doctor-who-tenth-anniversary-photoshoots-newsupdate/), but there's also a second photo of Carole Ann Ford there with more skin showing and the site won't let me get a direct image link to the full version of that one.
Tough for /hr/ on most things before like 2010.
Doctor who? I'm not familiar with him...
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This is the future. Learn to love it.
Running away from Doctor New.
"The first two episodes from returning showrunner Russell T Davies premiered globally on BBC One in the UK and Disney+ elsewhere. 'Space Babies,' the first episode, was watched by 2.6 million viewers, while episode number two, titled 'The Devil's Chord,' had an overnight audience of 2.4 million."

From Capaldi's premiere: "[T]he show's ratings in the UK where Doctor Who is essentially a national institution and brings in from 5 to 7 million viewers each week."
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I'm fed up with disliking modern Who. I realised the other day that I haven't unreservedly enjoyed a new episode in about 8 years. The only reason I keep watching because I've been watching since I was a kid. This new series might be my last straw.
Worst part is I can't even talk about this properly anywhere, because places like reddit or twitter are so obviously shit, GallifreyBase is largely a hive of performatively progressive sycophants who adore everything from current year Doctor Who mostly due to politics alone, and then /who/ over on /tv/ has been dominated by some insane mod-empowered spamming schizo shitposter for about four fucking years and I'm sick to death of it. I'm so fucking sick of it.

I'm so tired bros. Let me rest.
I gave up hope after the Rosa Parks episode and am positive I haven't missed a single moment that would have made my life better.
Which is the better new name Doctor Why or Doctor Who Cares?
Who Cares it is then.
A bit of a cheat to post a "Karen Gillian" photo here.
I think I am out.
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