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never heard of her. but shes so ugly she looks like she could be one of bruce willis daughters
Socialistic scumbag

Isnt this ugly bitch some communist grifter?
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lovely little breasts
I'm not gonna say she's ugly. She's clearly not. But I'm really not seeing the appeal here.
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Don't both her and her costar Anna have an admitted body count in the triple digits?
She's a lesbian. She dated some girl named Adam Friedland for a while.
aristocratic even
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>Simultaneously just okay looking and incredibly attractive
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Yeah, she'll fuck anyone except whoever she's currently dating apparently
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I guess this proves that any ugly cunt can have an army of simp followers. It's just sad honestly.
I can fix her.
Looks like she has a disability
It's called being Belarusian.
oh hey it's adam's ex boyfriend
Delete this at once.
both are trash
>supports Ukraine
so 90% of all slavs aren't slav then. not even Poles support Ukraine openly anymore
how does she do it..
>so 90% of all slavs aren't slav then.
Russians aren't Slavs. They were raped by mongols for 800 years. They're mongol inbreds.

>not even Poles support Ukraine openly anymore
Kek. Poles would kill their own mother if that act would wipe out russians off the face of the eath but nice cope, Tucker Carlson
>lé russia-ukraine
fucking americans
>lé trying to make Putin's invasion and massacres sound reasonable
fucking russians
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Yeah I fucked her
it's like they put Martha Plimpton and Alicia Silverstone next to each other on a hydraulic press and this is the result.
I fucked her six times
Adam had sex with HER?
Is she doing porn yet?
That Ashton Birdie girl is, it would only be fitting for Dasha to be doing it too.
There's at least two videos of her getting fucked out there
Yeah, I actually fucked her six times before you even knew who she was.
>t. not Adam Friedland
>t. Adam Friedland ruining the bit once again
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Thank you for your contribution.
Down please.
Seek help.
>one tit out
...yep ...time to goon...
Dashcam Nebraska
Normal white woman behavior.
why does she look like a bleached Vietnamese prostitute?
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None of these are as high res as I'd like but they're all I've got.
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It’s all just a big joke isn’t it?
Gooning to Dashka's feet right now
This is hot
Would you give it a lick for Dasha?
Need to see her bullied by big titted girls.
She's an art hoe, you monster.
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Happens every episode.
Why should Alex Jones hate or not like this woman?
I don't see anything odd about this.
Anna mogs her completely but Anna would be nothing without Dasha so.
black plz
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Fine, I'll jerk off to Ana too.
Good pic. We need more.
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in her 30s, looking like lolita
>Ernst Jünger - Stahlgewitter
Ernst Jünger was one of the first authors of the Völkischer Beobachter btw
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Peak human physical condition
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She's my slagfu, i want to fuck her so badly
Dashka is for marrying and making cute Aryan babies with, not for fucking
>making cute Aryan babies
>not fucking
wait a minute . . .
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it's called bump, you zoomer trash
hard bump
I love women in gym and dance clothes, bros. More like these?
Actually pretty good taste
Sauceo please
Can someone make one of those fake BLACKED covers with her and/or Anna?
I think he's referring to Wobble Palace.
She gets naked and has simulated sex with some Pajeet actor.
i know her through friends and was shocked when i met her and she was so personable and chill, not judgemental or bitchy at all
she's so beautiful
The perfect child bride
Kill yourself.
You're an angry little scotsman.
No he's serene and giving good advice. Shit dick is requesting an "edit" that takes 2 minutes even if it is your garbage fetish.

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