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I got a positive response so here's the first thread for studying Figure Drawing for All It's Worth by Andrew Loomis. Here's a basic schedule for the first chapter, but feel free to ignore it and work at your own pace. A schedule for the rest of the book will be discussed later.
Start by reading the first 32 pages. Don't worry about copying the drawings yet. Pay attention to the basic proportions pages. When you're done, got to page 38.
Pages 38-49: 2 weeks. Take your time learning the mannequin. Try drawing it in various poses.
Pages 50-56: 1 week
Then spend 1 week going back and studying the pages that were skipped.
Don't just copy! Try redrawing Loomis' drawings from memory after your initial copy, and take note of what you got wrong. Apply what you've learned to photo reference and try inventing figures from imagination.
The book:
And here's some refs:

Good luck!
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I ended up being busy today so I only had time to read a couple pages. I plan to power through the rest tomorrow and hopefully start mannequins, but worst case scenario I'll do it on Wednesday when I'll have more free time. I'm looking forward to seeing your drawings!
can we do discord I'm not trans and socially well-adjusted
I'll try and get through the reading part in the next 1-2 days, hoping to post something before Friday.
>can we do discord
>I'm not trans
Pick one
Yeah Loomis is pretty wordy so no need to rush.

>I'm not trans
finally another good draw book/study gen, i'll try to post something later
how do you study a book, im retarded and get overwhelmed by so much words
ignore the words, copy the drawings, draw them from memory without reference, repeat until you get good
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>outs himself as a poltard
>"socially well adjusted"
Yes I can't wait to be drawing and listening to you constantly shift the conversation from drawing towards trannies
based answer.
what about copying the drawing and repeating from memory or without reference will make me get good eventually anon
Don't overthink it the more you try to verbalize it the less you'll learn, you are basically sending good drawings to your long term memory so you develop some sort of "muscle memory" but for your brain
With the power of kindle, word, and copy and paste. All books become audiobooks. Got through most of the reading, will probably give it a few more listens to and from work to really burn it into my head.
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Gay. Repost linku OP
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(first real post)
some memory drawings of pg 39
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me whenever i try to draw the mannikin
Those are some sexy mannikins
I'm sort of confused what it is about asking a question makes you tell me that verbalizing leads to overthinking and less learning.

It sounds like by copying good drawings that I'm building up long term memory and trying to automate a "muscle memory" for good drawing.
kys howie
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starting off simple. I'll do both photo studies and imaginative poses using the funny looking mannikin tomorrow! It was an interesting read so far. I never gave much thought about center of gravity in a figure.
I just tested both links and they're working for me.
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>>It sounds like
when I try to question you and I bring attention to that fact that you're basically telling me not to

>>because verbalizing is "overthinking" and it'll magically make me learn less

when I point that out to you

it makes you want to tell me to kill myself, howie.

I was confused about where your advice was coming from but now I understand thank you anon.

I recommend reading the fourth chapter of "pedogogy of the oppressed" by paulo friere I think it'll help you understand where that comes from.
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i have the same problem anon but I don't think that means I have an answer for you.

I find that being aware of a few things regarding books/learning helps me.
>>a) Books are lumps of paper with stuff printed on them.
>>b) The tour of Oklahoma is not all that there is to see in Oklahoma.
>>c) Ask questions so you know that the person who says "I know Oklahoma" is not confusing the word for the plot of dirt that the word refers to.
>>d) A popular ghost story on every tour bus is the one about "the old masters of Oklahoma."

I don't know if that will help you that's just like, a thing that reduces my stress.

I also like to "start" with the table of contents, the intro, and some skimming over everything else. It starts a process of breaking down the information into manageable chunks for myself. I'll also sort of conjecture about the basic substance of the text. pic related is what that "looks" like and I can confirm that my thoughts are even less tidy than the picture.

anyway that's what I got good luck anon.
Kek, but also nice
>Since all of us are either male for female, and since the figures of the two sexes differ so radically in construction and appearance (a woman in slacks is not a man in pants, even when she has a short haircut)
Ummmmm wtf Loomis that's kind of problematic
Works or GTFO
Made it to page 26. I already have a general understanding of average proportions but I've never really spent much time on them. I might spend a day on these pages before moving on to the mannequins.
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more p38 figures. Will stay in this section for a bit doing different poses, until I can better grasp the proportions.
Good sense of volume, I love your more dynamic ones.
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mostly garbage but a few decent poses here

great work!
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couple memory drawings before work
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Need some advice
Started on page 1 before work, but they are big pages so I didn't get all the way through the page
Keep it up, it will get better
Yeah the book is really dense. I'm still on the proportion pages. I'm not gonna do full-on copies of the charts but I'm probably gonna spend a few hours practicing the measurements with the "quick set-ups" he shows on pages 31 and 32.
Also good job to the anons who have posted so far. I'm hoping to post something by the end of today or tomorrow.
Looks pretty good! The heads seem a bit small and the lower bodies of the 2 left figures are a bit large (though they could be that way in whatever refs you used).
If you want advice about getting "better" advice
When you ask "need advice", add 5-10 words after "advice" or whatever word you use.

>>Need some advice
>>Need some advice for what to change about the figures
>Need some advice for how to get more out of the exercise.
>Need some advice for maintaining proportions for multiple figures

those are just examples the goal is to just be specific with yourself and with others about what you want in the cases of "I want better advice"
>say x
>"ah, it means you meant the opposite of x"

Noone would want to socialize with your post-irony coded zoomerbrains anyway.
Advice on what exactly? If you want general figure advice and not something specific to FDFAW, maybe you'll have better luck in the figure general >>7082485. Or you could stick with us and do the book from the OP.

good stuff. Are you drawing these trad? I might mix it up and do some on paper too
Yea I don't fuck with digital
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Figure men are great for gesture
Sounds like a plan. You must know the book well to make those suggestions
Does anyone know where to find a pdf for Loomis’ I’d Love To Draw?
There was one in the original thread
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same routine, imagination + couple memory copies

sure hope we get more than 2 active anons itt
Sorry anon, I've been getting a little filtered by the proportions pages so I haven't posted yet. I think I might just move on to mannequins today and go back to proportions later.
This one? If so, having trouble finding the post with the pdfs
try anna's archive
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Finally had a bit of time to get started, did memory drawings of the 1st set of 'kins. Definitely struggle making the chest feel like it has volume, and I keep making the hips too small.
Looking real nice, gonna have to try more on my own memory copies to keep up!
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Nice! I'm similarly having some issues with being consistent with the torso and pelvis sizes, which is why I plan to stick around in this part for a bit longer.
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if i dont post this weekend it's cuz im doing frazetta copies
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A man of taste
I have this issue as well, I’d never looked through loomis’s books but the radial plates for the hips is so much better for my than the underwear shape a bunch of people preach.
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More sticks of loomis
Some interesting angles and poses there, quite like the kabedon.
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here is a director's cut of the text. On the intellectual level this is called "pointing"

>Ch.1 Provides a mental framework that can be used to create a material framework to more readily suggest images to your eyes.

>Ch.2 Anatomy "maps." The latin seems pedantic at first if you don't realize that the names are references to location, shape, and function.

>Ch.3 Lighting is a function of where your light source is located, your object geometry relative to the source, and the intensity of the light. Kind of has a "work from the general to the specific" attitude.

>Ch.4 Sighting methods start here or "drawing what you see" now that you've spent however long building a basis.

>Ch.5 Page 92 has some stuff about expression and movement if you're interested. The word "empathy" did not exist at the time so Loomis has like 10 different ways to say the same thing while he looks for the precise words.

>Ch.6 The intent here is to get you into the habit of feeling something in response to your model so you can draw it. This can involve acting out what your model is doing or roleplaying.
>One really cool thing I hadn't paid attention to was that you can notice a differential in the intensity of your felt response depending on where in a range of motion a certain movement is. It's like, take snapshots section-by-section of how you feel when you're having an empathic reaction or whatever impulse.

>Ch.7 Biomechanics section. "Line of balance" is balancing the end of a pencil on your finger but pretend it's a person. It's another way of describing our ability to sense when something will tip over.

>Ch.8 I think it's fair to just call this part "equilibrioception" and "mirror neurons." You can validate your understanding of rhythm from practicing it earlier when he mentioned it on page 24 if you want.

>Ch.9 Continues discussion on gesture, expression, and foreshortening.

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>Ch. 10 Says more on foreshortening and describes the game charades but not literally.

>Ch. 11 More information on heads than hands and feet.

>Ch. 12 Learn how clothes are made and then find another way to figure out the logic of how things fold(there's a particular school of paper-folding that knows all about it).

A few extra things I learned from the text about Loomis as a person:
>Simplifies when he can.
>Loves the human figure, like a lot.
>Always sounds annoyed when he mentions photography.
>Being organized and efficient is important to him.
>Drawing that is accurate to life is important to him.

I also noticed that having a routine cognitive framework kinda relaxes how much thinking one does when it comes to a cognitive approach to realism.

Uh, kind of disappointed by the contents and it's been a long time coming. I'd always though "oh, Loomis has the secret" and now I see very clearly that there really are absolutely no secrets. This turns out to be the only secret.
Secrets are things we don't know. There's no way to know what you don't know. By definition, everything you don't know is a "secret." That's not a secret though, that's just plain ignorance, and for the foreseeable future it is a natural part of the human condition.
Also fundamentals are indeed a meme.

I noticed some people talking about memory. I made one diagram relating some stuff I picked up about how memory works.
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and here's like, a hypothesis at you will regarding the "how do I get good" apparatus.

i'll do some mannikins next time I just really needed to like, tear down the text for myself.
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some more mannikins. This doll really reminds me of the hitokaku ones I did some time ago, so I feel good enough about going forward in the schedule. I'll also bundle more of them together to not spam the thread.
show us some of the copies later!
looking good so far, I like the one guy reaching up.
Um actually, those posts use one piece of information to infer that they are contradicting themselves. So the correct format is:
>>say x
>>say y
>x means the opposite of y
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I finished the first reading part and now today will start my two-weeks figure drawing.
I’ve copied the first diagram today and I will copy the others, but I’ve sort of gotten off-track and tried drawing with perspective in mind. I can’t help it when practicing figures, but I think I might be missing the point of the exercise and will create more problems down the road. Can anyone attest to this?

Thank you for the writeup. It will help me study Loomis.
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try to keep the feet at the same level, you can have the stick figure standing on their toes or have one foot in the air to make the perspective work. do practice perspective with the pelvis and rib cage
great work anon

good start. Keep the lines cleaner. When you realize you messed up, just start a new drawing. redraw and redraw until you feel like you can just cleanly oneshot these with no effort.
do you work trad because i don't think this is good advice. even experts like finch struggle 'one shotting this' just search for lines and erase after.
Is there going to be a Discord for this?
Love the singing man. And it seems the thread picked up this weekends, but i wouldn’t worry about spamming the thread especially during the week.
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yea im fine with moving on to pg 40. also my study went poorly >>7140072
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Finally finished pg38. Probably gonna do 39 and practice with refs before trying the memory pass. Keeping proportions consistent between poses is hard.
Guitar figure is legit
Pretty solid!
Had a busy weekend and couldn't do much, hopefully tomorrow I can carve out some time and finish p38.
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when loomis noted he wanted the reader to copy the head proportions 2-3 times, he meant just the rough idea right? I’m trying to replicate the anatomy and his diagram 1:1 and I suspect he just meant a general study because the anatomy section is way later in the book and i feel like I’m wasting my time trying to get the forms and shapes right when I don’t know what I’m doing

i’m not really even sure why I’m asking when I suspect I know the answer already
He literally says in the text to ignore the anatomical details, that you can just use simple lines and tubes.
The part that matters from that section is ingraining into your brain the proportions. Head, nipples, navel, crotch, 2 heads to knee, 2 heads to bottom. Shoulders a third down the 2nd head, etc.
Also when he says something is X heads wide or long, they mean using the head vertical length, not its width.
But yeah, you won't always be drawing perfectly still figures to get all proportions correct, so again, what matters is developing an intuition for how far apart landmarks are, so you can do some quick measuring on the fly when laying down mannequins in the next section.
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gonna need a full week on these pages, they are tough
Yeah I'm struggling with the mannequins more than I expected. I've done Vilppu before so I can "feel the form", but I've never really put much practice into proportions. The pelvis discs are also a bit of a challenge but I can already see the benefit to using them vs just a box.
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post count is rookie numbers
Where everyone go ;_;
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Sorry for not posting earlier, been a busy week. Wanted to finish the rest of the page before posting, but seeing how slow the general is, might as well post what I got done today.
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i don’t know why i bother with this stupid fucking hobby i couldn’t even keep going a third day
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pretty much sticking to doing imagination poses now. I'm a week in, so I'll stick around and do more of the first part mannikins!
As the other anon said you don't really need to be very detailed nor perfectly accurate in these initial chapters. he lays out a very basic mannikin that you can still use these static proportions just so you have a good baseline for when he goes into more anatomical details or perspective stuff.
those are some nice baseball motions. I'll try and do some sports poses too, they look nice.
don't worry about posting too little or too much, we figured it would be a slow thread. I'm busy doing some other studies so I've actually been going through FDFAW for my warm-ups, so I'm waiting for them to stack a bit before posting.
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Just started the book, here's my copying of the proportion. The intro chat was nice, loomis is based for shitting on woke movement 80 years prior
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looking good
Looks good! They feel very three-dimensional.
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nice. I see your mannikins are already a bit more fleshed out than the first ones too, they look good
Do you guys try to copy Loomis line for line?
When I do my copy pass, yes, aiming for 80% or so accuracy (I overlay his drawing over mine afterwards to check). When doing memory pass, I'm content if the proportions look fine and the "idea" of the pose is captured, I don't care if maybe one of my arms is in a slightly different pose, or if I drew every single line he used for the clavicles or w/e.
>I overlay his drawing over mine afterwards to check
Are you drawing digitally or trad?
if all you do is study the way people say you should, you're signing up to live inside "tutorial hell."

I don't know you anon but something tells me you'll do better if you drop the tutorials and start looking at what makes drawing worthwhile.

It sure as shit isn't "doing things the right way" if the right way isn't "your way."

If I had to "study" before I played dark souls all the time I'd lose my fucking mind.

If I wasn't allowed to just learn as I go and do my own troubleshooting and collecting feedback from whoever-the-fuck, I'd blow my fucking brains out.

What I fucking love about drawing is tuning the fuck out of a boring-ass lecture in class to literally have fun with a pencil. That includes Andrew Fuckface Loomis's ways: I know what fun is and I don't need some old dipshit from 1940 to tell me how to have it.
wrong thread
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Doing Loomis in 2024 when there are so many better newer modern easier to understand methods I wont tell you hahahaha
curious if anyone wants to continue to pg 44 (solid mannikin)? Otherwise I'll spend another half week on pg 41 before continuing. I'd really like to get to the perspective section soon.
I'd say go for it if you feel like you're ready to move on. I've been in a bit of a slump this past week and haven't drawn much so I'm still on page 39.
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Up to you. I don't think we need to be on par when it comes to progressing through the book, but I'm starting to go into the perspective diagrams too.
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just some ref/memory copies
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post 100
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Sorry been busy with other studies. Starting to get the hang of volumes, but still struggle with smooth curvy limbs. Might stay on these pages a while longer before moving on, the detailed mannekin looks intimidating.
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Not particularly close with loomis mannikins, but I was doodling around poses to get a better feel of the overall proportions in other poses.
I think I'll start picking up the pace and going further in if only because lately studying in general has been draining my motivation. I should probably balance it out with more leisure drawing.
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haven't liked anything ive done this week, probably another week of study on these before moving on to pg 46

respect to anyone who gets past the first chapter, i feel like im in /int/ territory rn

always impressed with your stuff!
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Not really happy with how these came out but oh well. Even on an ipad digital still feels weird. Hopefully I won't take as long with the next page.
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i also did this pose from imagination and im happy with it >>7156283
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just messing around today, trying to push acitons
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more experimenting, gotta stop ignoring gesture but its so fucking boring to practice
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Solid forms on all of these, really should catch up
fuck fuck fuck all my figures are stiff, i need to take the gesture pill even though i absolutely loathe doing it.

thanks, desu could easily spend another month just on this feel like I'm finding out all my weaknesses.
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dancing with myself
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doing some practice in the joint arcs of movement, and going a bit over the pages that were skipped before the mannikin

I like how fleshy your mannikins look, specially the legs. mine currently look like dolls so maybe I should try to be less simplistic in them
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time to spend another week on a single page. i hate this fucking chapter
i like how you do those circles in perspective to place the feet, im going to try that tomorrow.
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Wao love the shapes, blog?
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Okay trying to catch up, I had to study for finals and shit when this started but now i have time
drawing a heel striking a ground plane is the hardest thing ive ever drawn and i literally just ripped my loomis book binding out of frustration.

runs over.
jk just not posting tonight or tomorrow, but we will get through this difficult chapter.
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still struggling with perspective
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i used a mirror on the drawing and i think its better now.
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pretty rough still need another week on this page i reckon.
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just messing around today
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I wasn't currently going through Loomis but I just wanted to show solidarity for this thread by doing a copy. Go Loomis.

Verification not required.
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Meant to post these with a bit more frequency.
Having a bit of trouble keeping everything in scale. I end up always making my torsos too big.
Is there a point in reading that if i'm a very early beg?
Will i get anything out of it?
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I noticed my mannikins just naturally started diverging from loomis mannikins if I'm not conscious about it, I hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the butt

drawing a walking figure has been one of the hardest things I've ever faced so far, it's so bad I'm doing runway walk studies to see if I can make it look somewhat natural

I'll be completely honest with you, I don't think loomis in general is the best entry point into drawing... At least to me it offered some interesting insights into figure drawings and construction, but I've already gone through other human figure books. If you're so early you don't even have examples to post, I'd just tell you to go and draw/copy things that interest you to get mileage out. Trying to start through a book such as this is likely to make you frustrated more than anything.
I'll give it a try. I've drawn *a bit*. If it's too much i can just quit whenever. I like that there's a straightforward learning plan in the OP
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yea im just going to have to accept that my walks will suck for a bit. warming up with sketches of runway walks is a good idea though.
its a hard book, but you can probably get something out of straight copies.

grinding imagination poses with perspective is kicking my ass and im a year into drawing.
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better walk
How the fuck did you do that.
That's so good even though i know that's like a /beg/ thing still.
My skill level is just so much lower. I do stickmen and stuff.
How do i get this good?
ive been grinding this shit for a week now, you can see my progress in this thread

funny enough we all started with stick men

>>7135957 (first poses from imagination about a month ago)
Your stickmen still mog mine but its nice to see the process
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Still cant get scale right, outside of a straight on view.
I thought i was starting to see it in scale towards the last few but that's in my head when i red-lined it.
Dont know if i should pause before the next page and keep practicing or do it after the next page.
Try a 10-20 minute gesture session followed by some poses you construct from imagination. On the next page loomis says the action is more important than the proportion with these initial simple figures, it is a framework to also explore movement in the figure.

I think you are missing the forest here.
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going to move onto pg 48 and 49.
Good stuff overall, just try to think more about proportions. In the bottom left and middle, your arms could go down to the figure's knees. Way too much. Study the basic human proportions: half-point is usually around the genitals. Your elbow tends to line up with the end of your rib cage, your hands should reach your balls but not more. Once you have the head size, another head down lines up with the pecs/nipples, and another head down should be somewhere around the navel.

Grind away, my friend, you're on the right path.
condescending shit like this makes me want to quit this board and never post again.
like seriously slit your fucking throat at the very least never post again with your fucking saccharine bullshit and worthless advice.
haha fuck you dude, I was just trying to help but whatever. I post my work all over /ic/ and I love to get comments and advice, shame your fragile little ego can't take it
It was from a month ago you actual fucking retard. Anyway thanks for convincing me to quit this board. Fuck you die
Anyone else struggle with the basic standing poses more than the dynamic ones?
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Man I'm not even sure im looking at a fucking tree. Heres one day of gestures none of these feel right. honestly nothing about what im doing feels right.
My heads not screwed on right, right now,
hahaha holy shit this is so hilarious are you literally a fucking baby lmao

Keep going, anon.
why are fwapcels so fragile? Is it because they know these books are grifts yet delude themselves to copy anyway?
case in point. Absolute state of fwapcels
follow loomis' recommendation and read perspective made easy all the way through, do any of the exercises you can't readily visualize. it goes very quick and that'll get you through proportions as well as improve your scene comp
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well this thread had a good, peaceful run.
i think the portion of the board willing to participate is mostly getting skill filtered rn
bet it'll get more active and people are just like, not confident posting their ugly mannikins kek
>t. not confident posting my ugly mannikins
im thinking of making a study discord, I just think the thread format sucks for this, I'm almost done with chapter one were on the same page rn.
here, post some mannikins for access to general

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>i think the portion of the board willing to participate is mostly getting skill filtered rn
Yea. this is me to a T right now. I'm going to try to get to pg50 by Monday, but hopefully my brain worms dont go into a frenzy again.
it's okay anon, i got filtered by figure placements on page 36 and now i'm drawing bricks to fix my mannikin perspectives. so, you're doing better than me :')
i’ve been chugging along too. every last bit of work that’s been posted so far is awesome. i’m really slow, since rl is being crazy busy on me right now, but working from this book is just so fun.
oh hey what a coincidence i took a break from here and now there’s a general for the same book im studying from right now, maybe i’ll post some of my studies
based post em

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