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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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Previous Thread: >>7102789

Post your current drawing here and give constructive critique to others! Don't take anything personal!
Please make sure your posted image is clear, downsized to around 1000 pixels wide, rotated to the correct orientation, and that any unused space is cropped.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.

>dA /ic/ group :

>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:

>General resources :

>fellowBro's books :

>Figure Drawing Tool:
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free comic book day next week anons, drawing at the local shop for fun
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I thought it would be cool to color stuff with palettes ripped from album covers and god i hate this one, the original is mostly super light and but i feel like if i make the pants any lighter Its gonna blend in too much with the shoes... what do i do artbros :[
>palettes ripped from album covers
sounds fun, might try this later.
Nice sketch bro, would pick up.
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i love you mango mikey. Get a publicist man, get into some magazines. I think you should be very popular.
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Trying to better understand using big/medium/small with more realistically proportionated characters through sketches. How does it work here? Anything I should adjust?
I like it anon, has a really nice flow.
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Timbo ass pallete
Shout out Timbo
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gouache item list on kraft paper
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Still wip.
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Love your style and blocky scott pilgrem like shapes. Post blog or more work please.
Scruffy boy needs his morning coffee look at that frownnnn
Love the colors
thank you!!
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Project 3A keys to drawing,
This is my first time ever drawing a figure as I love to draw still objects as I feel like drawing humans isn't my thing, but I decided to get out of my comfort zone and this went well imo, I expected worse but I really enjoyed this.

I was wondering if you guys can give me a critique of what you can see I did wrong.
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it’s not an amazing drawing but i’m getting back into art and i’m proud of sitting down and doing something
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To be fair, the head pose in the ref is quite tricky. You're doing nothing wrong, on the contrary, you are DOING IT, wich is the only way to DO anything at all.
Start with a grid. Any kinda grid will be good as a start. You need a frame to get the shape and proportions right. That's all. Then you'll have to keep at it, grinding non-stop till things start to click on your head.
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i am having fun
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needs to be rotated
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warm up for the day
don't focus on a sketch of a tree bro, just draw it again. also it seems your doing smooth sketching for a rough and rigid subject with sharp angles.
>is it normal to be this bad?
>I'm on my second day
Yes, anon. Don't worry.
I wouldn't be myself if I didn't recommend Keys to Drawing. It helped me a lot when I started. Give it a try.
I deleted because I noticed that there's a general for beginners but a guy told me to suck it up and said some stuff I don't understand.
I'll check out that Keys to Drawing, I'm currently following "The Art and Science of Drawing - Brent Eviston".
>smooth sketching for a rough and rigid subject with sharp angles.
I don't really know, I think I did both. I started making a bunch of rectangles in order to figure out where to place stuff (helped but as you can see, not much...) and only by the end I started darkening my lines using a smoother movement. During my first draft I tried using straight lines instead of rectangles but I got lost really quick.
I think I should be using lines and treating them as the "middle" of the future trunk but spacing them out gets really hard.
Oh so I have to do these proportional drawings? It's a lesson from KTD and I was ready to move on, but if you reccomend it then I'll do it.

Sorry for late reply btw I had work
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free comic book day request queue was weak this year but still got some decent stuff
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whats up with the google links not working
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Le batub song.

Gave a good chuckle. Like how accurate it looks to the orignal piece while standing out on it's own.
Kino lineart, i suggest focusing on hands doe desu.
>2016 + 8.
Use yandex or duckduckgo. Google has aided out their searches ever since 2015 .
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Did a bit of photobashing to smooth things out.
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I've no idea how to start fixing the basic shape design on this guy while keeping him pretty grounded, any help?
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What about this? Link some sections of the drawing together with similar shapes.
Yeah I guess that could work. Thanks!
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A couple of hours more thrown at this. Now I am stuffing it with cameos from all my works. Just to do it. Up close eyes and far away eyes:how to render them both succinctly and suggest depth, an ongoing challenge. I might try planning out the next one,but I wasn't having any luck with following my own advice, so I plunged in.
Five days remaining to know if I made it or i'm done for good
I'm sincerely terrified at the thought of having to go back wageslaving
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>self imposed deadlines
>thinking this is healthy at all
brother, you have already made yourself a wageslave via imposing wageslave work ethics into your own self vision of self worth.
just draw mate.
do it for you before you can do it for others.
Whoa this is nuts. Really cool!
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I remember years ago /ic/ used to talk about photobashing all the time like if it was some god technique, but I sincerely never understood how and what the hell exactly you do with it
Still pretty sad that I had to mercy kill the first one I saw in my life.
After seeing them fully functional tho, I would fucking never go near one alive. That thing can probably chew one of your feet off or worse
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got a girl
>understood how and what the hell exactly you do with it
I don't know how others use it but like i said i only use it to smooth things out.
I took sections from this woth the lasso tool and put it over my existing drawing then lowered opacity to get a more uniform skin texture.
I could've done something similar with just brushes but this saves up time.
It's just a tool, don't think too much about it. Either use it or don't.
You got it wrong but the reply still holds value. I never had self worth and the worth of my drawing faded away with time. By trying to claw out some "success" out of the only thing I loved so I could shove it in the face of the world i lost all meaning. So I guess I should just start working on myself a bit.
I just wanted to win once man. I wanted to show everyone and myself that it wasn't all for nothing. I should had known better
you can still do that, you can still get that "win" against life. you just have the wrong mindset.
you woke up one day with a jolt motivation and it made you productive, but then it ran out and you were dissapointed it didn't result in immediate success.
You're thinking that what you need to success is motivation + talent, when what you really need is discipline + committment.
the strenght to do it even in days when you don't feel like doing it, and the mental fortitude to recognize you'll fail many times before you succeed and still soldier on anyway.
and i'm obviously not just talking about art here.
this man saying the truth.
>unmotivated and talentless artist with lots of discipline and commitment
Bland and mediocre even at the highest possible skill level
>Talented and motivated artist with no discipline and commitment
Charming, striking and original even when he makes a shitty doodle
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This is the undersketch for a painting.
Does the hand look weird? If so, why?
Should I just erase it and proceed without the hand? Incoming reference photo next for comparison.
>and i'm obviously not just talking about art here
I won't go on with blogging and stuff out of respect, but thanks man. This is the reason I can't leave here. It's the only place left on the Internet where I can doompost and get a reply that make me teary eyed. I'll try to do my best mate, I swear.
Thank you for believing in me, wish you all the best
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wip ?
Imo the hand looks weird because the fingernail is misplaced (one of those cases where you're probably better off not being 100% accurate in copying what you see) and the features and lines are kind of exaggerated, making it look like doesn't belong to the woman
I think you should try redrawing it on a layer on top with cleaner lines and softening the bone structure
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point of diminishing returns
Have you studied mignola, Timm and 50's stuff purposedly or your style is just like that?
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Just a shitpost
oh yes of course. specifically i was trying to channel john paul leon when i added thick lines to hef's suit. he studied alex toth so it goes back to those 50s guys. love mignola, love sergio toppi, love thomas fluharty, love jason latour, love ashley wood. all i do is ape those guys
Every time I hear him being mentioned can't help but have an acid bubble climb my esophagus thinking how hard and fast he got buried and forgotten in my country while shit smearers like Manara and current trend big comics man are held on a pedestal
Anyhow really love your aping man, doing God's will on this forsaken planet
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Out of these head sketches, some in a more advanced stage than others, which ones look the best to you?
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they are all equally bad, go to /beg/
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It's coming along. Stuffed a few more characters into it. And getting a feel for the background.
I've started taking anatomy recommendations since last week.
Glad I asked.
Did my drawing killed the thread?
That's rare.
Well. It's finished.
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Can I get some critique on the basic design elements? Like big medium small, shape design, etc.
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i think this is pretty self explainatory, the style i chose may not be what you were going for but its about being intentional with your design decisions and sticking to a style purposefully rather than doing guesswork, you got a good design overall anyways so this are just tweaks and things to keep in mind, hope it helps.
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Well, that's your problem, I would like to hear from anybody else
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wip, deadly sin guess which one
Somebody else here.
Both are bad.
Try /beg/. Hope this helps.
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Thanks! Tried implementing some of the feed back with some of the ideas I liked originally.
It's in the filename

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lol i'm dumb
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Alien bastards
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The gigachad of /ic/
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Watched Dungeon Meshi recently, sketched the characters from memory
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This was the previous project:another constructed of Whimsy and Artifice. I am both searching for a tshirt design and teaching myself to draw landscapes of dripping eyes for when I hit upon the right one.
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Eat your pea, professor!
A couple threads ago I posted that i was about to give up, but last minute some kind of "meet publishers" con thing came up, and I got a lot of encouragemnt from the people here. In the end I got discarded, but I wanted to thank you guys
I sincerely don't know if I'm going to throw completely the towel or not, but knowing there's still people on this board that genuinely wants to help makes me feel less alone. So thanks guys
not finished yet, need to add background
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Feedback would be appreciated
Make them bigger?
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messed with the colors a bit
tits are way too high, tits are way too round, draw the head, stop chicken scratching and go to /beg/
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Updated and cleaned up
Looks like giant testicles instead of boobs
Do you mind giving a better-faith comment?
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Work in progress.
>huhuhuhu I am EVIL Sonic, the hedgehog. I have killed people and am… INSANE huhuhu
Colors look a tad too muted
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Played a bit of hooky,needed more sleep, but put a dent in it over the week.
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which is the better composition before i commit?
mostly asking about shadows proportions/space occupied in the frame. the rest will all change obviously.
this one is more in line with Sonic X proportions, while >>7175233 is more sonic riders i guess.
Imo the second one works better because the green (a chick?) is better aligned with the rest while in the first one it kind of breaks the line the eyes are following
I could be completely wrong and it's the exact opposite tho
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alright what about 3rd option.
proportions from here >>7175233 with background elements from here>>7175431
you know what here's all 3. i've been looking at it for too long and can no longer decide objectively
Yep the one in le milieu
Cool thanks
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I recently bought a trackpad+stylus from wacom after 5 years of drawing with mouse. I do not own this OC.
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finished a big project, just wanted to share
this was a continuation of a pet project from a while back, drawing some fan cards for a game called Gloom
these are for the Cthulhu Gloom series. drew and painted by hand, which is why they look lumpy
sorry if the pics are a little small, but i didnt want to inundate this thread with a slew of pictures
these look great, somehow has that rustic old-school rpg look nailed down
i like the style, its chunky without feeling like roblox
it made me laugh. you win this time...
nice and crispy linework. my little brother has really gotten into the fallout series
the only thing i can think of with the hand would be the lower two fingers. something about how it looks like its shrinking off into the back..? but if im looking at it right, it might be in part to the flower covering it
i love liches
i know that feeling, its hard to know when its time to put down the pen
i like seeing your schizo stuff on here, its beautiful chaos
i like the caricature, you have a good sense of knowing how to exaggerate the features without making it too cartoony
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thx anon
I love your style- very attractive and expressive shape language.
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Hey, newfag here, what are the rules on saucier stuff ?
Immediate hanging upon first offence
For real ?
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Got into a Half-Life mood today
No but there's a better thread for it.
Check SALT thread in catalog
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I really, REALLY hope that's a self portait
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kek no
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can a poor starving mouse get a single crumb of feedback? u__u
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Love this.
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Drawing when you don't want to is fucking hard
Well at least i shitted out something...
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Why does she have wings sticking out of her head? I realize that it is some anime trope,but what does it signify?
>why head wings
It's morrigan
The head wings come from Go Nagai, anyway. It signifies "demon horns but they're actually bat wings because it's cool"
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Chaos dwarfs finally conquered Lustria uh
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Attack it
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i hate to say this because i know it's not the case, but at first glance this looks like AI
uh that's bad
Its really fucking fresh
I kinda feel like shadow gets overshadowed (heh) by the small characters since they have much more eye catching colors, and the top right angle feels kind of empty unbalancing things a bit
Again i could be wrong and it's actually the exact reverse of what I said

Pretty cool seeing someone doing legit good art of sonic, btw
Yeah no you're right about the composition being off balance, it's the result of me constantly making shit up as i went along, i went through multiple composition attempts (>>7177669 >>7175233) and never found the perfect one for what i was going for.
Just goes to show that how much effort you put into it, careful planning at the very start is the most important step.
I'm still happy with it because i learned tons of new things.
No Shadow-sama.
Thanks to you
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Some pinterest girls I did during my last drawing fit in decembre.
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that's fucking great
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I was gonna print this off and do it traditionally but I kinda like this rough look. Still might need a bit more
Man i don't understand why I can do blocky shadows fine on paper but not on digital
Digital makes you want to go against your instincts with layers and shit. It went badly until I stopped trying to eliminate all traces of the sketch and just drew on top of it like you obviously should.
Huh, gonna try that
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these have a lot of energy and spirit, I like them!
love the vibe of this, really nice looking!
these guys looks so cool! feels very dimensional
Any of you guys ever used Krita? What did you think of it?
in my experience its literally only good for the chrome brush. Fine if you're broke and cant get PS or CSP
Yeah I'm pretty damn broke atm, that's why i asked in the first place
I'll give it a try
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I've been slowly working on this old sketch I made some time ago. I'm starting to be happy with the background, but there's still a lot to do, and most of it will be covered with foreground trees anyway

Love how clean and precise this is
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thoughts? any critique?
Looking good
looks great
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