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I can't, it's banned on /ic/.
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Would you care to Pyw op?
I have no idea what I'm doing anymore. The good thing is that I do draw every day and I'm slowly improving.
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I just finished this
Someday I'll reach the level I want. Someday
cute akkos
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I don't draw lolis.
Very nice, specially those Akkos
Woaoh! so this is the finished pic? not gonna lie anon, I didn't think for a second that it would come out this good. Congrats!
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Idk why but i always assume anyone who draws like this is at least 30
that looks like tumblr teenager art though. Def drawn by a woman however
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What is this dog woman going to do to me?
She looks hungry. Run, anon!
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Using a whip as a melee weapon...
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I want to rape her
People, especially coomers, would never notice this.
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drawing is my passion
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is that really yours, anon? it's awesome. who is she and what's she doing to the sky?
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Finished this yesterday
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Come on did you even try?
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It’s technically two hooks attached to a cable, but I’m gonna be real and say I didn’t want to draw a chain haha
Ay thank you my friend! Here’s my linktree, you can take your pic on which one to check out since I post on all of them. Though I’ll say I don’t do this specific style all too often, I still bust it out on occasion, like pic rel
Pure kino
I appreciate the "BOOM BABY" Emperor's New Groove Pose.
I haven’t drawn since the start of October so I have no W to P.
good stuff man hope you finish it someday
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Not your work.
good job, learning the real way with paper
kino, good to see some more anons doing aquatic stuff
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post it anyway
I have a futa body pillow with her that I cuddle every night <3

i get the feeling the lighting direction is not completely consistent, but it still communicates what it needs to so its fine
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not happy with this so I'll just post it here
this is great anon, why arent u happy with it?
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I wonder if this will post right side up like in the thumbnail...
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cheer up buttercup, you're at a good level fren
why is she an alien? why is the paper creased? i have so many questions.
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Work in progress, but work nonetheless.
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my bby
>>7159593 cool!
this looks so gooddd!!
Ayy, thank you anons
are u a woman?
ya i am
can i have ur discord?
sure ya it's the same as here, fatalbwnii
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In progress
fucking weird ass autistic creep conversation
i'm just curious on the reasoning fr
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Last shit I did yesterday. As you can see it is fucking crap.
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Halloween kitty in gouache
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do you think i was being creepy like that other anon said?
Based 90s pre-lolitard apocalypse.
More please.
Good fucking work man. Congratulations.
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why do larping zoomies not know to not spread their usernames connected to their face and name like retards? Maybe get better at drawing instead of fishing for attention next time, Des.
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There are creases in the paper because it was poster sized paper and sitting in a box since the mid 80s. And no one is an alien. My cartoons were a bit more cartoopny back then.
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Good stuff anons.
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Not or, but how would you even know?
this is how i imagine you faggots when you decide to argue with me
AAAAHHHH hatch king it's you, you posted in my thread!
blog? really cool
thank you
I recorded the first few hours of me drawing it, thought it'd be cool to post the sped up video but the file was too heavy for 4chinz
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Thanks anon, very nice work on yours as well (great tits).

Thank you anon, it's https://www.twitter.com/kalidibus
feel like she should have a gun
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Hnngh, those lines are so tight. Teach me senpai.
Amazing expression. I love this.
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"get the fuck out of my drive through"
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Lovely stuff. Great things to see :)
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Lots of great drawing in here
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Mostly been sketching stuff and trying different things
My favorite one itt
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my most recent (clip studio paint)
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It's shit but whatever (sorry for nohands pose)
these are cute
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over two years ago
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the average /ic/ poster is a young mal-adjusted girl?
is this why this board is so toxic?
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Do any of you have some advice on how to improve on this image. That way next time I draw I'll have goal to aim for.
sovl levels off the charts
Puee bullshit
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Latest attempt.
you did,I made that edit
Thank you guys!
Ugly Autistic or troon i cant tell from this angle
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Did this one to get a break from my comic
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I've been music video-maxxing so I don't have many recent paintings


I love seeing your paintings, makes me wanna get into oil again but it's so scary lmao

the moai gains are so good

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ok but i cant draw people well
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fuck me this took so long
Weird comment but i knew a girl who used to skinwalk your art style. I guess that means you’re doing something right
based zoomer music enjoyer
Looks like it paid off though.
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i hope i can escape /beg/ hell soon
a bit disproportionate but so cute
supergirl and batgirl!
Thanks anon that's really nice to hear! You should definitely give the oils another shot someday. I don't think there's much to fear with them with some basic precautions.

Oh that's interesting, I'm assuming it's just coincidental cause I'd be surprised if anyone outside of /ic/ has really even seen my stuff.
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you really think so?
so fucking sick, nice job
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I found another hatching one, also I reused a watercolor test sheet for it.
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I made a qwik pen doodle at work
I wanted to draw a ford mustang 2024 with a girl thats about 5 feet 11 inches tall in perspective
The car is (with no mirrors which i forgot to add)
6 foot 6/7 inches wide and
4 foot 7insh tall
And 15 feet, 8 inches ish feet long

Howd i do
I did screw the pooch on the rear tyre
tried my best to see what i can make
You triggered some good ol nostalgia in me with that one.
I rike it
This is super cool
That's some good animation right there.
Good job!
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tranny anatomy and megalencephaly
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What brush(es) are you using, please?
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Working on pic related atm, here's the flat colours for now

Thanks bro! :D
idk what any of that means lol
He meant big forehead (mega- big, lo=??? Encephaly=brain)
Aw fuck I just realized it and see it now, will mitigate next time thanks bro
>hard round brush
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Her upper body looks genuinely detached. Hard to miss desu
Remember that a spine/the torso doesn't bend sideways when looking behind the back; it twists the the torso to allow the neck to have more reach
I can't even blame it on the perspective.

If you want to have her back showing like that, you have to adjust her upper body or it will look weirder the more people look at it and realize it don't look right
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Good catch.
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Der Coomer
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not finished yet, need to add background
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some sketches...
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Bump with doodles still working on other stuff
what brushes do you use anon that is gorgeous
i love how streamlined yet textured it is
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Let's see if it's right side up.
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internet butt artist
really like this
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My most recent piece.
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I never draw, since I started drawing in april last year I have maybe a cumulative 180 hours under my belt
pretty good!
Sometimes it happens to the best of us, but dude u have Skill! You'll make it dude!
really good!
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tshirt mockup scrap from march
>all my shit lately been garb and unfinished cannot ngl
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Latest commission
Ngl was a learning experience
I recommend you stop tracing, you're only hurting your progress
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An old piece, a wip, and a doodle.
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gonna hopefully not fuck it up with the render
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Trying something new
if i do i will get at least two posts bitching about me
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Good progress. Lines are pretty bad, but use longer strokes, doing short lil lines one after the other is chiken scratching at the end of the day. I know you're gonna paint it, and it's probably gonna read well enough, but do try to make them better anyways. Good luck anon
At least people will respond to you instead of being forgotten and cast aside
I like this.
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nice, links?
always nice to see well drawn, planted feet
>people will always think i have a foot fetish for this
I love seeing well-drawn hands and feet
they're a gold mine for cool gesture but everyone just draws them "until they're good enough"
im likely schizophrenic.
usagi doodles
Whats with the diarrhea-shit smears and babies scribble on white canvas? Felt clever hanging that up? Grow up.
Just finished this. What a pain in my backside.

Pen and Marker.
Very impressive!

A nice illusion of volume by your shading in places,a plausible 3D effect.

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