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Be specific if you request something: post the cover, book's title, artist's name...
Please be patient, board is slow, someone may answer you a week later.
Please search in the thread and links below before asking for something, it may well already be there.

Unencoded links are frequent targets for trolls and bots!

>Thread recap file, updated 10-MAY-2024



>What the hell are these links?
>Are they encoded somehow?
>What the hell do I do with them?
No, they're not info-hashes or magnets; we're encoding the links to keep bots and scripts from recognizing and harvesting/reporting them. You will see a GIF in the first two or three posts that explains what to do. Don't understand some of the terms in the GIF? Google them. Some of the encoded links *may* have multiple layers - like ogres ... or onions! You might have to "peel" them more than once to get to the good part.

>Have you seen them?

... and before some dumbass asks, here's the book from the OP image:

>Xaxaxa Illustrations: 2010-2013
>Last time, on Artbooks (>>7127192):

>Xiao Weichun's Human Anatomy for Artists [English]

>Haruhikp Mikimoto artbooks - mostly watercolour

>Shinofusa Rokurou's Pose no Teiri - Theorem of Poses

>Monochrome Illustration Technique

>Vision - Color and Composition for Film by Hans P. Bacher

>Setteidreams model sheets and gengashuu collection (exhentai) 2022-11-05 (90 files, 1.64 GB)

>The Morpho Series by Michel Lauricella (2014 - 2024).zip (370 MB)

>[tenten] Special training on animation human body structure performance techniques

>[tenten] Special training on animation human body structure performance techniques (English AI translated)

>Street Fighter The Animated Movie Gallery.zip (88 MB)

>Draw It With Me - The Elegant Female Form

>[Yoshida Akihiko] NieR_ Reincarnation (official artwork).zip (21 MB)

>YoRHa No. 2 Type B - DX Edition figure (Flare).zip (57 MB)
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603 KB GIF

>How to Draw Female Fashion

>The Art of Ogre Tactics - Let Us Cling Together

>The Art of Pinup

>An Introduction to Digital Sketching [EPUB]
>デジタルスケッチニュウモン ヒカリトイロデセイカツヲエガク - ゴキンジョ & 長砂ヒロ

>[Bibury Animation Studios] Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo Setteishuu.zip (135 MB)

>Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo Gengashuu.zip (642 MB)

>J.C. Leyendecker by Laurence and Judy Cutler

>Drawn to Life
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Anyone have Okku?
I'm tired of Online Courses Club.
>I'm not the Mikufag but here's a Miku.
Ask in the video course thread.
Rinotuna is the only Coloso artist that have books on /artbook/
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Requesting this book. When I want to buy it, it's out of print and I don't see it anywhere on used book either.
>The Art of J.C. Leyendecker by David Saunders
The reason why I wanted this book so much is because I just only knew that there's a newer book and might contain the mysterious man photo, Charles A. Beach. It might have different essay on Leyendecker as well, which was distasteful for the 2008 book that prefers to elaborate the anus sex instead of the techniques and photos.
thanks based wizard baker
Are there any scans available of Brian Froud's books?
I need kim Jung gi last book (2022) in good quality please. I'm still waiting =)
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>360° Any Angle, Perfect Mastery! Introduction to Manga Character Faces, Hairstyles, and Expressions.zip (53 MB)
could anyone recommend books that focus solely on pencil drawing?
Guptill's drawing and sketching in pencil
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>CG背景スケッチング プロに学ぶ完成までのアプローチ

Requesting the japanese Ponyo artbook, while the English version has scans this doesn't and by the looks of it had art not in the English release
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Requesting the Have a nice death artbook
Fun with a pencil kek
just discovered this old bird from San Fran has scanned the Henry Yan book to her patreon(free viewing) along with a bunch of paid watercolor lessons n shiet. i think this video regarding to the angle and quality is quite decent, idk how we download vids off of patreon(some extensor scripts or whatever ) but I think making a pdf from screenshots off this vid is definitely a feasible idea ?

Very nice find, I ripped the Henry Yan and Nikolai Blokhin videos. I'll see what I can do about extracting the frames for the book if you can't get the PDF.
she's old and hasn't been active in months so I doubt it, plus idk if she even knows to check hidden dm requests, so it's most probably gonna be a no on that.
nikolay book is on anna i think
Anyone have scans of those FF14 books?
Anyone happen to have Daniel Greene's pastel book?
Requesting The Art of Disney's Wish
do we have any of Jeremy Mann's artbooks ?
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Noticed this is missing pages, does anyone know if anything important is missing, or is it just blank pages or something?
As far as disney films go this one is one of the ugliest, god I hope they just fucked it up in post and the concept art is better
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>[Studio Hard Deluxe] Draw with Digital Tools! How to Draw Hair that Expresses Character.zip (55 MB)
could you link me or give any more information? I couldn't find it in OP's links
From last OP
>Tips to make you want to draw
thank you, Anon
nope. Sungmo Heo also has a book and a coloso course.
Yeah that link is really missing a ton the entire book is 162 pages according to bookwalker and you can see a few of the missing pages in the preview.
Yeah damn, it really doesn't make me want to want to draw
Anyone know what book this is from? I see it everywhere and never without a source.
never with a source*
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Looks like this from Date Naoto - Illustration Dismantling New Book
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Here's the cover
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it's a settei from the anime Hill Climb Girl
If you look at it side by side it lines up perfectly with this
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dude i don't give a fuck about the movie's quality i need the artbook for archive reasons
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Sauce of this page?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwyDRqWv72Y For those who hate the JPEG packs, here's how you can merge JPEGS into PDFs for easier consooomption.
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Anyone have picrel? Preferably in English.
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Don't know but the painting is by Haddon H. Sundblom
The "sketch" looks better than the final product >>7163984
>sketch layer looks better than line-art
How do you avoid this?
More variety in line quality. Rendering instead of cell-shading. The sketches are more appealing because of the variety and expressive quality of the lines. I would also add that I personally enjoy the clean and simplified qualities of the "finished" versions, with the exception of the mirrored eyes and perfectly-oriented-directly-at-the-viewer-faces. Bald anime girls are also inherently creepy looking because of their exaggerated skull shape.
not a book im looking for, does anyone have any good line tracing exercise sheets to help with line control?
drawabox first lessons
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looking for this...
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Is there any of the PDFs from Josh Black's gumroad available for download?
Seconding and checked double dubs
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yall got any more of those morpho books?
No, that's literally all of them so far.
Nope, but in case it helps, see this one https://archive.org/details/pastelpainting00spri

It's a bit dated, succincts (less than 50 pages) and worth reading to get a feel for different pastel approaches.

Just found this one while looking for the other: https://archive.org/details/pastelpaintingsi00goup/page/12/mode/2up; no idea if it's good, but it's from a French, which were well-known for pastels, as taught early in the previous book, and also short
>Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga v01 & v02
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>English version of the first volume
I appreciate you so much right now, thanks a ton!
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sup bros, any one got this one ? Alla Prima Companion by Richard Schmid
These are great, is there more?
You can buy the English translation of the book for Kindle or hardcopy on Amazon, or get it on Anna's
>I'm dumber than a monkey
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I'm glad I've managed to get a physical version of alla prima's last version. I'll probably collect a few more later once I can afford it.

If you want to study from him, either buy, or use the ones available online already. There's more than enough in one book to get you busy for months.

Thanks anon!
Seconded, seems neat
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Requesting The Godzilla Art of Kaida Yuji
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Requesting The Art of Inside Out 2
anyone have the new edition of The Practice of Oil Painting and Drawing by Solomon J Solomon ?
how tf do you rip this from Google books

>Hill climber girl settei
Search it up
how to draw (all volumes i could find)
uploaded on pixeldrain pls reupload elsewhere if can

sorry don’t know why that happened so reuploaded

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Now we gotta wait for some anon to translate onegai
Are there any recommended books or tutorial-image-sets for learning how to draw dicks/vag/assholes or am I gonna have to grind that shit blind? /sex/ doesn't have anything in their OP aside from porn boorus, and I'm good on non-instructional reference material.
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I know this will sound stupid, but does anyone know of a guide to draw chubby face characters like this? Or something close enough.
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Does anyone have CLIP STUDIO PAINT EX 公式ガイドブック 改訂3版(2024 edition)?
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Any one had this book?
this is victor cloux's book https://annas-archive.org/md5/52f9064893d1dded3586d1e73f8be2f0 , everyone shills it like crazy for learning digital painting and his art speaks for itself, can any kind anon use that Google lens script or whatever to translate it ? im literally too autistic for this shit
Here you are, anon-kun.
Seconding this
Does anyone knows how to actually translate books pages with DeepL or something like that?
I swear I saw a guide here already but forgot to download.
There was a script posted here last year but it doesn't work anymore. Hopefully it will get an update.

Meanwhile, you can upload images on https://translate.google.com/ but you have to do it one page at a time.
cmere lemme kiss u mmmuuahhh
Good days, kind people.
Coulsbanyone provide with pic rel?
Thank you
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does anyone have inio asano’s crtl+t2 ?
As if you can speak japanese, anon
No no one had that books !
anyone know how to download the hi-res book from archive.org? all the methods suggested from reddit are patched and no longer working. I've tried to DL this:
Baguettefag book bump
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Weird how no one has scanned and shared this artbook entirely.

weird how? Is it weird? what's weird about it? why haven't you done it? Are you weird for not having done it yourself?
Looking for Naruto/Studio Pierrot animation keyframe artbooks, do these even exist?
You can use https://github.com/MiniGlome/Archive.org-Downloader

Looking for IDRAW Comics by Ryan Stegman
Any books that specialize in teaching how to draw interactions between people in drawings?
request as well
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Where can I get some good still life reference?

Have you considered using the shit in your home?
I did; but gathering all the crap, posing it and setting up the lighting for only one picture that I'd be using once just for practice takes waaay too much time that could be better spent just painting.
does anyone have *any* of the Kim Jung Gi books in PDF (or image files, but pdf preffered). I actually have Omphalos already, but I want them on my computer screen for easier study and I don't want to tear them apart to use my scanner.

Also, I want to buy another. Which one should I go for? The early ones have more pages = more drawings, but IDK if the newer ones have cooler stuff. But if I get an old one, maybe I'll get to see his development?
I have 2007, 2011 and 2022
2007 is the best in my opinion because it has lots of smaller sketches and you can see him actually studying subjects and figuring things out
The later books are lots more of the big mural pieces he made at conventions and events, as well as the portraits and things he would draw when signing peoples books
2007 is also way more portable than the huge coffee table later ones
2011 might be the sweet spot between the two types, I don’t know
I meant to say I have 2016, not the 2011 one
That’s the one I’ll be getting next though
based, thank you. I'll probably buy more eventually, I really like his later work too. But as a study aid I'm very interested in what he was doing before he was sketchbook jesus
Are they out?
This +1
Work from life; cameras ruin colors.
thanks anon! it looks to complex for me to use and I hate non-GUI apps.
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she just told me she'll send the pdf later , we might be back
Anyone have the new 21 Draw books?

Mastering Digital Drawing

Illustrator's Guidebook 3
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Should I scan these?
you'd be my hero
>Should I scan these?
If you can do it without damaging your books, it could be worth it. Post it to E-H (before you share it here) and you'd probably earn a pile of Gallery Points, too.
Are there any old books that go into the inking and tone techniques used in old monochrome comics and newspaper strips?
have any japs written book on panelling and storytelling in manga ? also looking for English reccs , can be comics too
Look for at Will Eisner and Scott McCloud's books on the subject. I could swear there were some more good ones, but I had a massive HD loss and lost my plethora of art books.
>"What's he saying?"
Any had this books? is for master color.

オシャレでかわいい!がすぐできる イラスト配色アイデア
anyone got the apex legends artbook?
Wanna draw gayniggers?
Anna’s Archive
Anyone got ケモミミキャラ イラストメイキング (Kemonomimi character illustration making)
by Shugao?
Pretty sure it's already on eh
Has this ever been scanned?
Whoops forgot Pic. Any luck?
It isn't. I looked up Shugao and only got the other books
thanks anon
the download is slow, are there any other copies floating around?
I'm waiting, brother, any update?
Its been 20 hours since your OP and you wont download the copy from annas that you would have already had by now?
Is picrel out?
>any japs written book on panelling and storytelling in manga
I dunno about books but they did write articles about it.
Recently I read a Jap take on the difference between manga and American comics, and they mentioned paneling too.
Basically comics panels are similar to painting while manga panels are similar to movie storyboards, including anime.
>comics panels are similar to painting while manga panels are similar to movie storyboards, including anime.
Comics put emphasis on details while manga put it on flow and speed.
Tezuka was a Disney fanboy and Japs copied Tezuka's manga and anime which is probably why manga is so animated when compared to Americomics.
Manga learns from anime and Disney while cape comics learn from each other and illustrators.
Jack Kirby used to be praised for his dynamic art but not many know that he's an animator on Fleischer studios before he became a comic artist.
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Does anyone have this one?
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will be going to nipland this july, specifically tokyo, kyoto, and osaka
was wondering if there's a store that's full of artbooks, preferably near adachi-ku but you can give me your personal recs
im eyeing picrel at the moment
someone knows from who is this? reverse search returns nothing
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dont be lazy
I don't think there are artbook-only stores outside of stuff like museum shops, but the head kinokuniya store and seikaido store in shinjuku are probably your best bets.
With Kinokuniya you can find if a book is in stock/where in the store it is online too.

Animate in ikebukuro might be good too.
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nta but...
The other anon suggested some good stores but check out BOOKOFF as well for good deals on preowned books.
they are just broken pixiv links, i need the name/account (and i dont speak asian tongues)
another image i think from the same guy
just google the name, they nuked all their socials and only 30 pictures remain on Danbooru
There's a Kinokuniya in Manhattan (ironically, it's across the street from the library!), and - strangely - several in Texas as well.

Weird things happen in this world... when I was in the Manhattan store several years ago, I had a 90-minute conversation with a Japanese fellow about books, manga, art, and Shohei Otani (this was shortly after he started playing for the Angels). I didn't realize it at the time, but Otani's career has really taken off since then.

I swear we did, but all I have is the male one.
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He recently released the PDFs of the female and updated male book the beginning of May on Gumroad. Only the kickstarter backers had those up until now.

damn that ass and pussy on the bottom left
>they nuked all their socials
I hate when artists do this. I like that guy art and I'd follow him on social media but alas.
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>damn that ass and pussy
IKR? I wish I could draw wamen like this but I'm stuck drawing ugly men in Bridgman style.
yeah i want it too, i'd suggest buy-grouping it but this is 4chan
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>Ryo hirata drawing manga people and poses
Why would you want this, the style looks like shit.
why not just send the fucking pdf immediately, why later, she will never send it, trust me. She could not be bothered to do two more fucking clicks?? Tell her to suck a donkey's cock.
thanks anons
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does some anon have this one ?
i need it rn but if there is no other option i would have to buy it :/
> アニメスタジオで教わる背景画の大原則 神技作画シリーズ

Its been years since it was taken down off mega but does anyone have Modeseven777 art archived zipped
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>360度アングル 顔の描き分け 人気イラストレーターによる男女キャラクター別顔モデル集
Requesting this
How do I decode the links? there wasn't a gif in the thread it seems, newbie here
Base64. Keep decoding until you get a working link.
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>there wasn't a gif in the thread it seems
Yes, there was; see >>7162590

>newbie here
One of us! One of us!
Thank you anon!

If you have a epub file for this book I could try to extract the image files in the original square format without the blank space on the top and bottom.

Great share and book nonetheless!
Like this one aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUxsdjA3VEM5bXo=
Introduction to Digital Sketching - Gokinjo
(Unzip if necessary)
I bought it, it's okay
I also ended up buying it, it's pretty good.
Do you or some anon else know of a book that is more focused on drawing interior backgrounds?
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Anyone have the PDF for the Mullet MadJack artbook on hand?
What do y’all think of Kesh Art?
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Anons were looking for this book a couple threads back, I said I'd buy & scan it, so here you go.

what's it about ?
Kamikuro Matsumura teaching his approach to drawing, similar to the first book. The first one is on e-h but I can't find it right now. There's also a third but apparently nobody has it.
The scanning service had an OCR option but it couldn't read the handwriting so I figured fuck it.
Drawings are great to look at regardless
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Put it on e-hentai as well
Thanks anon, I think this guy teaches something that a lot of books don't
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Requesting Syd Mead artbooks or any sci-fi/futuristic stuff.
thanks, king.
I’m waiting…
nobody replies = nobody cares.
This XAXAXA book is kino.

Seconding this, as well as any Moebius
Thanks a bunch, anon. I really liked his first book and wanted more.
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I'm eternally grateful for this anon
can someone please translate this like they did for the first book ?
Bumping this before it disappears.
Much appreciated, anon
What are good Japanese character design books
does anyone have a link to "S Curves: The Art of Shane Glines"? Seemingly nothing on annas, even though there are nook and kindle editions, and the physical runs are crazy pricey and out of print
I wish. You can see ~40 pages here though:
maybe another based anon will get the ebook barnes n noble version and share
Pls bros... will suck cock if needed
It's free on steam dummy. Suck Gabe's cock now
i tried to buy the b&n version but it keeps cancelling my purchase (not a card issue, their listing for it may be bunk or maybe their payment processing is having some kind of issue). i did find an apple books listing (with some reviews, promising) if anyone wants to try that.
i don't have any ios devices to try for that one but here's the link:

https://books.apple com/us/book/s-curves/id562302920
Gotta purchase the base game first. I aint gotta suck his chode yet
Tried vk'ing it and searching thru the archive and got nothing.

The fact that there was a link in the archive tho means some anon had to have downloaded it. Let's hope they haven't hung themselves between the span of 5 yrs
My bad, I have the game and I thought it was just free
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i'm the one who posted >>7181898, i managed to hunt down a working download on bookbaby so here it is for everyone, epub and mobi. lot of people seem to want it so i decided it was worth my $20. just someone please get it up on anna's (or zlib or wherever the source files go) so it's properly archived :)

picrel from about the halfway point to verify
sauce: https://store.bookbaby.com/book/s-curves
mega mirror: folder/MYRFnAZR#SszK5Q9Eg7DDefS-YtP4EQ
Cheers, king. This is a good thread.
Thanks, anon. I don't want to nitpick but the quality seems kinda low. I renamed epub to zip and I'm seeing the individual jpgs
happy to contribute :)
yeah shame about the blurriness as i suspect there was probably only one scan ever done, the metadata is suggesting it's the same files as the apple books version. maybe one day i'll track down a hard copy and pay too much for it and do some high res scans lol
>renamed epub to zip and I'm seeing the individual jpgs
omg blessed i had no idea you could do that with epubs!! much easier to browse the pieces for referencing this way ty
Lol. Do you think you can grab the files?
Im a dumbass, how do you access the mega folder? I tried adding it to the end of mega's address but got 404'd
Seems like it's somewhere inside the game's local folder, do you have a pirated copy installed? Is it not there?

Ask on cs.rin.ru maybe they can help you if that's the case.
Nah, heard the game was mid, so I didn't think it was worth the effort. Also don't want to risk signing up for any piracy sites/downloading pirated software cause I'm a paranoid autist who lacks the funds to get good vpns and antimalware.
tpb is not hard to find and easy to use safely, with a variety of torrenting clients
and if you're not gonna use it much you can just use the free 10gb/month from windscribe (or pay yk like, $4-$5 a month for windscribe or another basic vpn)
Thank (You), Anon!
>properly archived
Thanks, anon. I'll stash these in case your link goes down and somebody else asks for it.
Anyone got the anime private school draw anything fast book.
Thx anon. This ain't your fault but these epub files are a total pain in the ass to open on an ipad ironically. No good apps that allow you to read epub for free, and changing the file format puts the images out of order.
DESU, I doubt the game is popular enough to be on most big piracy places
>I'm a paranoid autist who lacks the funds to get good vpns and antimalware.
20 years on the Internet, DLd tens of thousands of torrents, games, movies, software from whatever shady website I could find it on and never had a virus related problem.
Obviously anecdotal, but it always cracks me up when I hear stuff like this
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yeah ur probably right not worth the effort of typing it in the search bar to check even ;p
don't use that site tho ofc, i would never encourage illegal activities! but it do be there getting seeded now don't it
it is a good idea to use a vpn. i once got a pretty threatening isp letter and have been careful since, they do shut folks' internet off sometimes.
although the one and only thing they ever sent a letter over (out of probably hundreds) was "the truman show" so i think maybe an intern was fucking with me or something. but i still play it safe
i mean this book

if anyone has any of the books mentioned in this video (besides the readily available morpho/loomis/animator survival) I'd be interested.

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Piracy is so gay I woud never do it :}

On a more serious note, the artbook needs the base game to be able to download it. If I seeded one of these, wouldn't it not be in my Steam library, so it wouldn't be recognized?
VPNs are a global corporate Big Brother trap. Your local isp most probably won't have the technical and human resources to keep a surveillance on every single client online activity 24/7/365 in all million devices, apps, services, for each member of the family's client, even the fucking house mascot may be running an app. That's why (((they))) are pushing "VPNs" so aggressively right now. That "independent spread anarchy" needs to be cleared up, centralized, and monitored in detail. Soon enough they will force VPN subscription. The ones with no VPNs will be labeled as criminals. Now they must be in the process of taking isp businesses out of the market, to finally funnel the whole user base into a few VPNs.
someone was saying earlier that the artbook is in a directory in the game files, so i was thinking it'd be in the repacks that way. if it's a separate download from having the game registered to your account though, probably just do need someone to have purchased it.
you could always check g2a or green man gaming or similar sites, if the game has had any heavy sales you may be able to snag a prebought key for way below retail price
this is elaborate schizocope built around the fact that you're too lazy to protect yourself from data leaks
i used to be able to go on that one site and find a public list of everything my IP had torrented from trackers, now it shows zilch. but tell me more how there's no leak anon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Any Japanese or Japanese fanboy has some recommendations for books on Japanese aesthetic? Good websites also welcome

Looking for something with more pictures than words.
>i once got a pretty threatening isp letter
This doesn't happen in my third world shithole.
It will happen if you join a VPN.
It's the same, the VPN will have that same data better archived and with your ID. It will "protect it" for a price, and the "price" will be set by any gov fed agency or global corp mining big data from those VPNs. It's not hard to understand, how would you be more protected? Scattered around a million random internet service providers all over the place, or in ONE single flile/place/data base with all the rest of IDs to be compared, analyzed and measured with one keystroke?
If you are one big guy wanting to mine data from all internet clients in the world what would you need to do that? Infinite ISPs to deal with? Or a few huge VPNs that already did all the work for you? Where would you hide? In a giant forest or in a single lighted warehouse in the middle of a clearing?
I'm not saying that any of us would have any other alternative but to comply with that NWO, but, atleast we should be aware of what they are doing with us.
You're the best anon.
You're the best!!! I'm gonna upload them to Z-lib.
>I'm gonna upload them to Z-lib
Honestly not really considering buying the game, maybe temporarily (like download the game, download the artbook, snag the artbook request a refund) but refunds aren't guaranteed w/ steam
so I'm just hoping some anon can upload it here or on a place like ehentai orz

I'm kinda fucking dipshit when it comes to games since I don't play many and never had the need to look into the game files for anything, so Im lost on if the files for the artbook are just in a folder for the game and are jpgs,pngs, etc. or if they are actually integrated into the game files itself so you can only view it in game
Why do you even want the damn artbook if the game is so shit?
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Being enjoyable to look at =/= being enjoyable to play

Theres a shitload of media I have literally no interest in partaking in but I think look good regardless (like a lot of TRIGGER shit, ROTMNT, Redline, etc).
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This movie is totally worth your time. I swear one of the streaming services had it.
Trigger is my favourite studio precisely because they disregard everything in favor of rule of cool
Not that any of them are inherently bad per se, the stories just aren't to my taste. Im sure they are kino, just not for me.
>Trigger is my favourite studio precisely because they disregard everything in favor of rule of cool
Yeah, and it shows in their designs. Yoh Yoshinari is a artistic god. I'll grab his artbooks any chance I get.
>Yoh Yoshinari is a artistic god. I'll grab his artbooks any chance I get.
Check out Hiroyuki Imaishi if you don't know him already, he's great for similar reasons
redline is perfection.
>uploaded to z-lib
sweet, i was someone would so i wouldn't have to lol. you rock, thanks anon! :)
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Thx for the recc, I'll look up his artbooks

In the meantime, I'll just sit here patiently hoping some generous, chad anon can give me HaND artbook
I'm the one who posted this. Found no leads to this book. Other Shugao books are on EH, but not this one. Found nothing in zlib or other places.
demon post must be honored
Any good background focused artbooks? The current ones I have are "Anime Architecture" and the Your Name.
ghibli art books
cartoon network artbooks
iirc ghost in the shell has a good one
video game art books too, those are saturated with gorgeous concept art that applies the same principles as a bg painting
also just architechture and landscape photography books. i have a few books full of just nature photos and architectural photos/design drawings that are fantastic reference
>>The Art of Ogre Tactics - Let Us Cling Together
Link seems to not work
gofile links don't last very long. Here, try this one:

Only got this one
Thank you, worked!
Any good?
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Basic practical information presented through rough sketches.
i'm dumb and could def use this lol, mind posting dl?
You read the Loomis thread didn't you? An anon rec that video there.
not from that thread specifically it's been recced a few times
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>it's been recced a few times
I'm the one that always rec that video and I've been doing it for months.
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Any scans of this?
anyone have Archives of Studio Ghibli Vol. 2?
Here you go anon, it's the AI translated version posted here a while back. It's a gofile link so it won't be up long

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Humbly requesting this book if anyone has scans of it.

Mind sharing this, anon-kun
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anyone have this?
Thread Bump
Could you please reupload?

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