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/ic/ humour
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Wojaks aren't /ic/ humor. Kill yourself.
/ic/ are some of the least funny people on this website
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I loved that thread, do you have all the pictures?
The joke isn't simply the wojak; the joke is that we see an artist toiling away and looking miserable working on their creation, which happens to be a wojak. This is humorous because a wojak is not something that should require much effort, and yet the lazy looking result is juxtaposed with the obvious work put in.
But this should need to be explained, anyone could understand this with a quick glance, retard.
lmao did this bottom ass nigga find a new gimmick
the perspective on the floating head is so fucked
>inb4 "i-its on purpose r-retard!!"
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>4 images
>11 replies
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>Renaissance Drawing
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>inb4 "i-its on purpose r-retard!!
Unfortunately for you, retard, they predicted this response in the original thread and red-lined themselves.
Now the head is anatomically perfect!
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i need new material. pretty sure I've reposted these images since 2019
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Basedjaks aren't funny
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>The old coomer masters
I kneel
this is ifunny humour
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stop posting this unfunny nigger
I want my 47 seconds back. There’s no joke or punchline or even a moral. Just a whiny fake blogpost
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That's a staging issue
the funniest part is that you know the comments section was full of the wholesome reddit retard thing saying they are doing great.
>fail at art
>turn to AI
every time
kek, the saga develops
lmao hes an 'entrepeneur' who is interested in SaaS.
you first
Blog ?
im not the spastic making the most banal observation in the world. You absolutely have no talent
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Sorry not sorry
> loose my job
yea this never happened
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>holy shit it's literally over (again)
He didn't loose his job, he voluntarily quit. I'd do the same if I was forced to do something as soulless as prompting, unless if I'm terminally broke with no other options.
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can't imagine going into 3d to make assets for mobile shovelware
why not? you could jerk yourself off over how optimised and low poly your meshes are
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Only time I keked lurking /ic/ is this shit
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Are there tablets that you can write in like that?
Wasn't the only way to have a big screen to draw directly was a Wattpad be plugged to your laptop/PC and use clip studio or derivates?

I have a Wattpad and tried to get good at it as I am with my little phone, but there's just no good results.
>Right asscheek noticably larger than the left
>Necks don't work like that
What a beg
it's from a famous art textbook from the 16th century
fucking homosexual kill yourself for having this saved
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woah sir you have a big cock
I love big cocks sir
those are all me btw
>the punchline is porn
This is cute.
I like this.
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There, that's the entire thing.

The punchline ended up being murder, actually.
wojaks are fucking retarded in ever sense of the word
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>wojaks are fucking retarded in ever sense of the word
they're not retarded, but have genuine, demonic energy. Don't know how people can have these things willingly saved on their computers.
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Xe doesn't know...
I wish AI could make good powerpoint presentations so my boss don't always have to come to me to make some sales pitch but fucking hell asking the AI to do anything remotely decent ended up with me spending more time finding the AI bullshitting/hallucinating.
Yeah he's in mobile games industry for a small team. His boss is probably one of those, "only in it for the money, have no idea about the specifics". Currently I'm in engineering, and I'm glad my big boss was in engineering, so he knows about being in the trenches. Unfortunately the sales manager is not, has no idea about being in the trenches, thinks drlling / tapping 6 holes in a fully assembled machine is easy (it's just 6 holes riiight?? Yeah if you don't count the time it takes to remove the parts to gain access to that surface, drill, clean up, tap, make sure the holes are fucking alligned, get out, reassemble the shit)
He's absolutely right.
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Could someone explain to me what's the deal here?
This is how I imagine all the people that draw Goku rn
the board has certain styles they like and certain styles they hate, this one they hate very much
That I, the puke punker, would unpunk this punk-ass sweet-pie-cunty...
Oh alright, I should have known. I've found the best artists and sources here in those "artsyle you hate" threads.
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Get this nazi dogwhistling shit back to /pol/
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Is that bigass stylus some 3rd party stuff?
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I was in my 20s in the 80s,and I was with my girlfriend and we were doing a SoHo party run in Greenwich Village NYC led by her friend the musician, a well traveled native guide to the Arty people.

I dragged along my briefcase full of sketchbooks to break the ice with yet another roomful of strangers by showing my art. And one young lady saw this,and started weeping quietly. She was Born Again, and I moved onto cute bunny stuff.
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says the frogposter
Anyone still have that legendary beg thread of hanma or someone from apiderverse complaining about how his underwear shrunk to the size of a thong?
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someone should make a full screencap of that thread
>just draw
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Fucking epic lmao
Damn, that girl's got her ovary where her rib cage is.
I'm convinved /ic/ is the most humorless board on this website.
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it has its moments
holy shit hahahahahah honest to god this guy should just draw like cartoon animals like this aint bad especially as some furry head thing but god the fucking duck snouts are killing me
apple pencil
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I see em more as the "Simpsons' lips"
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My Magnum /ic/ Opus besides drawing Weeb Hitler from 2021
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>Stacey Calling
>Chad Racer
>Lust Provoking Image
Reminds me of a Kelly Comic
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this is funny because I relate to it
>tfw 100s of “reference” drawon my phone
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Shit this is a masterpiece, I had to something with it. Check the animation version here >>>/f/3508208

Another masterpiece. Fucking great.
only a fool would say that
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>167 hours
>about 16 days of long drawing sessions
This is the exact amount of improvement I'd expect.
severe anterior pelvic tilt
>bandaid on arm
did she like shove her hand in acid?
you don't put on bandaids for fractures or sprain what did she mean by this?
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frank frazetta working on his magnum opus (a racist caricature of a black man fucking a white woman that looks just like his wife)
Maybe it actually was his wife's fetish. They were both into that "self-ref-photo-modeling" kinky shit. Guys do crazy things for women, most of the times, not the other way around...
Nice, looks like a Bridgman head.
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Here is a few goodies from the dawn of time. I knew of Kukla Fran and Ollie,a children's program older than me,and the play on words inspired this.
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>All I see when I close my eyes...
>... Is the vanishing point.
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I want to see an actual full children's book done with this plotline, lol.
>I sold horses
>The automobile made me lose my business
>ngl this feels dystopian
>the impact the car industry had on civilization
i mean....
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>it has its moments

I agree just too few and far between.

>following link is pic related but HQ
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>the essentials
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Isn't the right pic from Scott Robertson's - How to Draw book right? Been going through that recently and holy shit there's a lot to do with perspective. But it's the best thing i've seen to learn about it.
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Doc please nooooooooooo!
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You are a backward degenerate, the one who sold horses sells cars, progress gave new jobs to replace old ones, what will AI give?
if you don't have the imagination to generate several answers, you shouldn't be participating in the discussion
nobody contests many new job types will be created (prompt engineer for a freebie)
paid jobs exist at the periphery of automatizable industry/commerce while it expands. everything that can be done by an automaton is, everything that can't becomes a paid gig for humans
the question is how many positions are created relative to what is destroyed, and how much in other parts of the economy, and so on.
all the "new jobs" you're talking about will also be better done by AI just like how AI is better at proompt "engineering" than humans already
Toonboom when you click L by accident while flipping between frames
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int/ & /beg/ [sic]

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