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a thread for the Suzu on her day!
Suzu's suzus~
You guys fucked up the suzu thread in 2 posts
>you can't enjoy things!
/jp/ is like /b/ nowadays, fags are racing to post something that will get people angry or sad.
If you actually like a 2hu you should not be posting her here. This is the state of the board now.
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What this anon said >>46668395
Just report and hide.
On a different note:
Keyser Suzu from the 90s crime thriller "the fantasy suspects"!
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Kosuzu and her friends!
There's only akyuu...
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B-but, Akyuu is a "bit" unhinged, isn't she?
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Kosuzu must be one of the best hus to talk to
I wish I could bring her a book in a strange language! Perhaps she could help decipher inscriptions in extinct languages.
Is she the most wifeable 2hu?
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The Suzu can be a bit unhinged as well...
She's too devoted to her bookstore and books
How could you ever be more interesting than her thousands of books?
She seems like wonderful company.
I really like that checkered pattern on her clothes
Nope, that spot is reserved for Kogasa, Aunn and Shinmy.
Umbrellas, stone dogs and ants will never be better wives than a human woman!
Wake up, Kosuzu!
If I like a 2hu I will post her everywhere I please because she is amazing and everyone else should realize that, but for today I'll post the Suzu.
Comfy Kosuzu.
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Stop liking evil women
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Can you help the Suzu understand what is wrong with this house?
Kosuzu is kinda cute
book renter paizuri
My favorite thing about Kosuzu is how she has her name on her apron. I don't know why, it just makes me smile
I like books as well, I'd want to show he my collection. I think we could be friends.
it's adorable. Makes me wonder if she knitted it there herself and proudly went around the village showing it to everyone she likes.
its my favorite part of her design, makes me think about if she lost track of it at some point and was terrified she'd never get it back
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I love her boots
I love her boobs
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With Kosuzu, I imagine that she did it not long after discovering her ability to read every language. She, like most people, probably immediately started testing it out and wanted to write something in another language immediately, so she learnt her name in english and then sewed it into her apron. There'd be no reason for it to be in english otherwise.
I think the funnier one to me is Nue having her name written on her shoes. Why did she need to do that?
>I think the funnier one to me is Nue having her name written on her shoes

WAIT WHAT? where is this shown? this is on par with mystias hat having her name written on it poorly because she's illiterate.
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I like to imagine that Mamizou's tanuki underlings kept stealing them
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Didn't she have the apron before the start of FS though? Given that she awakened the ability short before the first chapter I think she had it before. Gensokyo closed off in the 1880s, that is enough time for some romanization to have reached it and for the inhabitants to know it. And her power doesn't let her write in every language, it only lets her understand anything written.
Life goes on
I know she can't write in every language, that's why I think she did it. She clearly has a vague grasp of writing english because she did still try and write the reply to the SDM, so what's the first thing anyone tries to learn in a new language? It's usually how to write your own name
>so what's the first thing anyone tries to learn in a new language?
For me, I'm going to learn profanity and racist/xenophobic words first.
That's Sakuya
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I get what you're saying, but I don't think that awareness of the phonetic meaning of the characters is something that comes from reading a foreign language without truly learning it. If someone reads the pronunciation of an Arabic word for you, that's not going to make you capable of writing your name in Arabic. And even then, English phonology is so divorced from writing that I doubt she could write her name if her only introduction to the Latin alphabet was through English. I feel like there's a bigger chance that romaji is known and used throughout the Human Village.
Kosuzu & frens
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She IS cute
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Oh no!?
the cutest character
Silly Suzu, you can't go around arranging the books like this.
The Suzunaan is her private property, so she can dress however she wants while organizing the books.
Need boobzu
I prefer cutesuzu
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Cutesuzu sleep
Kosuzu's pussy....
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for me it's blobsuzu
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Girls are cute when they give up.
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Don't forget her!
I can't see her name
Kosuzu in 1978.
My dad would date her.
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hi son, get out of the Mongolian spyware machine and go help your mother with the GODDAMN books
I love excitedsuzu better
Why are they sitting in the snow?
Maybe their butts are hot?
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don't die, cutesuzu!
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Why is Kosuzu the best 2hu
Because she is the protagonist of the best manga
>best manga
Good one.
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Kosuzu is a hard worker!
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Cute friends!
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Cute lesbians

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