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This lady sitting across the bar just bought a drink for you and is giving you this look. What will you do?
unironically what are you supposed to do in this situations or in any similar situation where a girl shows interest in you
eyes are really important, please learn to draw them. this looks like a child with crayola drew her eyes
Well first, understand that if a woman buys you a drink, she will expect sex at the end of the night. No, it doesn't matter if you just met her, or if you're uncomfortable moving so fast, you drank the drink, don't be an ungrateful tease.
Back in the days: just go with it regardless of whether or not I have a significant other/bitch at home/broad I have been with longer than 2 weeks etc. Present day: Buy her a drink/thank her for the one she bought and tell her I am just here to drink and if she really needs it I will help her windowshop cats.
Sometimes it does. Sometimes it does not. Depends.
Drink the drink. If it tastes funny, it's probably just your nerves, don't worry. And if you begin to feel drowsy, don't fret. Usually bars and clubs have safety features, and someone will carry you to somewhere safe where you can sleep. So just relax and enjoy your drink, OK?
And that is another thing. After the roofie media frenzy back when it became an excuse. Not that it doesn't happen once in a blue moon but in the ensuing stupidity bitches would get drunk as fuck, hang all over dudes, strip, talk whore talk, fuck a dude, fuck a room of dudes whatever and then be like I WAS DRUGGED. I MUST HAVE BEEN DRUGGED! I WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!11. Because you know getting shitfaced bv itself doesn't lower inhibitions.
Be offended, I'm not poor!!

Do I look like I need fucking charity?!
Buy her one as well because, as his anon said >>46854124, my pride wouldn't allow that.

Maybe after that I would talk to her, abd considering this is Renko, It would probably involve physics or mysticism
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Anon calm down, this is a thread about getting dateraped by Renko, not complaining about whatever real world stuff goes on
What if being dateraped by Renko becomes real world stuff?
God I wish...
tell her she reminds you of your favorite touhou and when she asks you what that is, start talking about the series and its lore.
I scare her off with autistic levels of military history, like the use of the Snider-enfield during the anglo-ethiopian war.
If she stays, she could put twenty pills of viagra in that drink, she can do whatever she wants with me.
True, if a woman can sit through my autistic monologues, she has won the right to rape me.
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Anon, if she listened to me explaining the difference between paratrooper FAL's and their ground counterpart, she could take my kidneys for all I care.
You know Renko is something of an autist herself right
Starting speaking for 5h hours straight about the lore of Warhammer 40000.
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What topic would be so nerdy and autistic that even Renko would get weirded out talking about it?
Niche videogame tech. I'm sure I could weird out even renko by bringing up the countless different variations of railcoining that ultrakill players have bothered to name.
The minimum amount of knowledge needed to play SS13 and not completely suck ass and die as soon as something bad happens
I don't want to rape you or take your kidney anon, but really, what is the difference?
I feel like you'd start and then she'd excitedly start talking back
Renko just strikes me as a retro video game player (so roughly our time now)
Well there goes that plan. If it does turn out that Renko has the same taste in vidya that I do I'd let her have her way with me.
if you started stammering she'd probably ask if you're having a source engine audio bug
I've not found a single person not weirded out by my extensive knowledge on animal butchering. So probably that.
Tell her "lady you are looking good tonight!" then just walk away with the drink
Yeah I still got it
Well I'm glad you asked:
Going from the (late) ground model to the para, ignoring some minor differences like "inch pattern" FAL's that are more or less the same but with a handful of alterations for Commonwealth service that don't really matter at the end of the day, the barrel is cut down quite a bit, basically to the end of the forefurniture, and the bolt carrier was modified to allow the recoil spring to be moved inside it, allowing the removal of the fixed stock that houses the spring and it's tube on the ground version and allowing it to be made foldable.
I'm pretty sure the bolt carriers aren't interchangeable to any degree, the modifications made aren't that important to know about in terms of how it operates, but it's very important to the actual fitting. The bolt itself might be, but that's just because I'm not aware of any modifications made to it specifically.
The top cover also had to be reinforced to retain the recoil spring IIRC

As an aside, the FAL and AK both have very thin sheetmetal top covers that forbid slapping some picatinny rail on the first surface you see and mounting optics on it. Both of them were made well before that kind of thing was around, much less common, and it's more of a coincidence than anything that the M-4 and M-16 just happened to be perfectly suitable for that kidn of thing to be done without significantly modifying the fundamental structure of the weapon.
If you see optics on an AK, FAL, or any other kind of open-top receiver longarm, it should be mounted to a rail on the side of the receiver, or sometimes on the front/rear trunnion if it happens to be suitable. Replacement top covers are totally unsuitable for anything you want to aim with, since they're often just held in place loosely as they simply were not envisaged being anything but a barrer between your fingers and moving parts that could hurt them.
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You might have driven one woman off, anon, but it seems someone else overheard your butchery discussion...
You wouldn't weird her out, you'd bore her. I bet she already knows most of this stuff
I think we have a winner.
I'd start talking about pheasants. They are such an obscure yet oblivious topic that I am sure she would be caught off guard.
Impressive anon.
1000 space pardons.
Honestly probably most conspiracy theories
wheres yukari
That might have the opposite effect, if the conspiracies are interesting enough she woun't rape you because she'll fall in love with you.
Why does she look like the kind of person whose gf is hunting for a third?
I wouldn't be against a cute GPS GF
Why UTC is abomination and should be replaced by TAI.
I have no idea what you are talking about
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Is this a Renko thread?
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It is
Every thread is a Renko thread if you are dedicated enough.
punch her in the dick
Buddhist sermons. Not the philosophical stuff, real Theravada proselytizing for her to give up her sinful ways and join the sangha
Sorry, the yandere thread pioneered the best way a Renko/Maribel relationship would work, and it's not a harem
Renko wouldn't really rape you, right? Haha, right?
Nothing really compares with that kind of time traveling romance
*glass her*
My favorite thing about Renko is, without a doubt, her hat. It's probably my favorite hat in all of Touhou and it looks better on her than on Sumireko.
In fact, I love it so much that I wrote this poem about it

In summers and in winters too
In dark nights be they filled with dread
In every place traversed by you
Your hat remains upon your head

That broad black brimmer that was worn
By many that have come before
Through dreams and fairy lands was donned
And on your head sees them once more

Adorned with it's pretty white band
Upon your bright head remains sat
So for all time , in every land
Light is the head that wears the hat
Sadhu sadhu
I do not understand why the Hifuu girls have become so popular lately. I understand there was a new album release but it wasn't so strong the last few albums. Not that I'm complaining since Renko is my second favorite 2hu
It's not that hard to repel women anon, and I can get more autistic than she can handle
Long story short is that in the last yanhu thread people came to the conclusion that being in a yandere-esque relationship with Merry or Renko would be a lot more interesting than with most other touhous. See >>46815412
But Renko is also, ahem, "hunting for a third" as seen by her graciously offering a completely safe drink to a handsome guy... Are they both looking? Did they agree to it? What if they both end up with the same man? This seems confusing...
Down all the available alcohol and you'll know what you must do next Anon.
You know she found it on one of her trips, right?
Legend has it it's real owner is still looking for it to this very day...
Poor Yuki, Sumireko scamed her so hard, she ceased to exist. That hat is more powerful than it seems.
Of course it is, hats are the lynchpin of every 2hu's life
That's why the most powerful ones don't wear them, so you know to fear them more than the others!
Now write one about Renko, not that she is jealous of her hat or anything, but I think she will be very moved by it.
Honestly as long as you don't look or seem like an unwashed turboautist you can talk about close to fucking anything to women. I used to get approached by a girl while I'd study programming in a library.
Would Renko really be the kind to apreciate some poem? That's something I would expect more from Merry.
I keep coming back to this thread just to look at this picture...she looks so beatiful here...feeling a bit jealous she is fated for another anon...
I did write it in the end, it was surprisingly hard and I think Renko deserved better, but this is the best I could come up with.

Your eyes so beautiful and strange
Show you the workings of this world
In how the moon and stars arrange
Revealing time and space unblurred

With your bright mind none can compare
Or with your will for immortality
And the pure beauty of your stare
Hides the clockwork of reality

I'll meet you on some fated day
Yet in the future you persist
Until that hour I dream away
Of you, most lovely physicist
Some anon already wrote one for Merry, now the two are again even.
>she is fated for another anon...
who's that lucky guy?
The guy who rolled Renko twice in two separate yanhu threads. It's like 0.0062% chance. It's fate.
Nice dub dubs
Is she actually Sumi's descendent?
I will drink it. It's just a drink, what's the worst that can happen?
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oh, you know...nothing much
Why would she do something like that?
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This image has been doctored, Renko would NEVER pass up a good chance at pregnancy!
She was just too shy to ask you out
Renko and Maribel would be such cool (autistic) friends to have
>he doesn't know
For some reason I always thought her name was Ranko not Renko, dispite seeing her name again and again and again.

Even now, dispite knowing how her name is really spelled, I can't help but think that her name is still Ranko at first before correcting myself.
They both look similar, they both wear the same hat, they both have an interest in esotericism, they are both named after flowers. They must be directly related.
>Renko or Maribel would be such a cool (lovely) girlfriend to have
I agree!
I don't know why but I find the idea of Renko wanting to be a mother to be extremely cute.
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Well, Renko is cute for various reasons, and girly girls that want to have families are also very cute, so combining the two together logically makes a cuteness overdrive
>did Sumi get laid
sumi strikes me as the 'mellowed out in college' type
plus college is where the traits that get you bullied in school flip, so she'd suddenly be interesting to everyone for having cool occult interests.
>just bought a drink for you
What drink?
The Hoari Elixir, now drink it or you are a nihilist coward
Sumireko absolutely ends up with the one guy who is autistic enough to go "but the French and Americans seriously studied the existence of UFOs" during a lecture on what constitutes science and what does not.
We need to find Sumireko a boyfriend or else Renko will no longer exist
Sumireko would tell you how the UFO phenomena started in 1947 with the Kenneth Arnold sighting, but if you told her the roots went back earlier to the airship sightings of 1980's and how Charles Fort already put forward the extraterrestrial hypothesis in his writings, she'd want you.
Wait... wait, no. Please tell me that that's not true.
I have a copy of his Book of the Damned on my shelf. How do I get out of this? The last thing I need is a horned-up college-aged Sumireko bursting through my window at three in the morning
What if I told her that much of the UFO lore bears striking similarities to fairy encounters from european mythology?
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renko chan is so lucky
She'd rapidly approaching your location. It's too late.

You're pretty much talking dirty to her then.
if you don't want a cute college girl who shares your interests to break through your window at 2:30 in the morning (she sped up) then too bad, because Yukari needs you to fuck Renko so she can eventually get her autistic physicist heterosexual life partner
>this looks like a child with crayola drew her eyes
fuck, I meant Sumireko...
damn college girls screwing up my train of thought
>break through your window at 2:30 in the morning
Like grand grand grandma like grand grand grand daughter...
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>You're pretty much talking dirty to her then.
You mean to tell me the more autistic I act the more she's into it?
Dear god, someone call the coast guard because there's about to be a tsunami.
You joke about it, but there's an anon out there who's about to receive a break in entry from the time traveling physicist because of some posts he made
It's his fault. If he didn't want this to happen, he shouldn't have been so lucky.
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If Renko time travels into my room tonight I can guarantee we will have back-breaking bed-creaking mind-numbing sloppy-kissing tit-grabbing guaranteed-pregnancy sexxo until the sun comes up.
And that's a promise!
Still leaves Merry open, not sure how do get her attention though. Unless she likes 2010s/20s indie games, I'm as boring as boring gets.
I'd be wonder why the fuck there is a what seems to be random japanese college girl in the middle of bum fuck nowhere Kosovo
The world works in mysterious ways
You know, I actually knew a guy that cross-dressed as Renko.
If the last Yanhu thread taught me something, it's probably her stalking you across spacetime
Renko will never live down that thread
What's the 'ko thread doing on page 9?
It has been engraved into /jp/ anons mind, there is no escaping it now
Ask her if she's ever heard of Dr. Latency's work, and what her opinion on the subject matter is. Then we can segue into the mystery reports of all those Jizou statues across Tokyo getting kicked over.
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Because Renkoanon has mysteriously disappeared from his bed this morning and has yet to be located.
>Then we can segue into the mystery reports of all those Jizou statues across Tokyo getting kicked over.
Renko's autistic rage is scary!
I guarantee you that if I start talking about the complete history of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book series, every girl’s panties within 100 miles would be absolutely bone dry, Renko included. Any exception to that is a girl I’m willing to snag up as a wife immediately lmao.
I actually dated an autistic woman who liked to infodump her hyperfixation on TMNT at me, so you never know.
No because family names are patrilineal.
She could have married and reproduced with her relative.
The Usami girls wear the pants in any relationship. If you date Renko, she'll insist on being the husband in the relation, and you the wife. No, it doesn't really make sense, but that doesn't matter. Your children and you will bear the Usami family name.
Damn. Where are those kinds of girls when I need them?
Also, you didn’t wife the poor girl up Anon?? I’m disappointed in you! Though if she was as annoying as I can be sometimes, I’d understand why you wouldn’t lol.
Would Sumireko be a weirdo brocon rapist or would her brother be trying his best to straighten her out including sex to build confidence?
Sumireko is 100% the kind of girl who picked up an incest fetish from the internet and touches her brother in the bad touch zone.
Will we ever see him again?
>it doesn't really make sense
What, of course it makes perfect sense! Just look t her! Besides, I'm pretty sure most /jp/sies would take the opportunity to became naturalized Japanese if given the chance, and picking your loving wife's surname only means coming up with a new first name.
'ko can refer to like half of the characters
Lefcadio Hearn also took his wife's surname, maybe Sumireko married a foreigner of a man of a lower social status.
Renko is THE 'ko well... the second 'ko, technically
One day, he is going to appear again, say Renko is a nice girl and he had nothing to fear, then suspiciously disappear, never to be seen again.
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Good question, all I can say is that it happened again.
I might set up an alarm every 6 hours to check on the 'ko thread
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I'm sorry, I had to go to sleep, please don't grab me and take me back to the futu
Renkoanon dissapeared again, now he's Usami anon.
Good night, Renko
Thank her and ask why she did that, like any normal person would?
because of autistic trust issues, thinking that she might have ulterior motives:
awkwardly ask her why she bought me a drink

Me too
Ich lieb' ein Mädchen, ich weiß nicht warum..
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I am getting there.
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Just realised Renko doesn't have a song like how Maribel has Mary the Magician. What an injustice.
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Love this cute little autist
Renko the (W)rathful Statue Kicker?
I bet that would sound great.
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Renko bros... is this true? Does Renko's fat go to the wrong place?
Maribel might have huge tits but Renko has a huge heart and that's what matters.
Also a great mind. Renko is a smart schizophrenic, which contrasts well with Maribel, a magical schizophrenic.
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I don't know why, but her palm looks like it would be very soft and warm
I don't think I'd even be mad
She does this if you say that jizo statues are pretty cool and should be protected from damage
She's a frail girl, probably in her early 20s, I don't think it would even hurt that much.
Nah Renko has that kinda autistic strength to her. If you've ever dealt with an autistic person you'll know some can be way stronger than they look and specifically have really tight grips. That's Renko
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I want to get squeezed by Renko...
Renko gets scarier and scarier the more I think about her.
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Weird way to spell cute, but okay
Merry would be even scarier if she wasn't so mellow.
Two things can be true at once
It's less scary and more autism anon. Renko is less the yandere who stands outside your house at night holding a knife and smiling creepily, and more the girl who breaks inside your house and punches you while you're sleeping because she thinks you're ignoring her texts (you weren't, you were asleep and your phone was dead anyways, and when she realizes that she apologizes, but only after she's punched you.) And while she's there in your house she'll decide to tell you about the latest hyperfixation she's had.

Honestly, if you want to avoid any future misunderstandings like that it's probably best to just go ahead and move into Renko and Maribel's apartment.
Don't they live in separate houses?
Have you seen the state of the Japanese economy? Besides, they're best friends, it's only natural. What would be so bad sharing an apartment with your girlfriend and your girlfriend's best friend anyways?
Renko breaks into Maribel's house in TJD so I assume they live in different houses.
No, it's the same house. However, when Renko couldn't find Maribel, she decided to stop searching "their" house by instead searching "Maribel's" house to find her. It's a metaphysics thing, you need a degree to fully grasp it.
>There were no signs that the electricity or water had been used, and it seemed like she had been gone for a while.

bros is renko not using the electricity or water?????? is she not bathing??????????
She takes dust baths. It upsets her sensory sensitivity less than water
It wouldn't be out of character for her to be a total luddite
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Both of these options are extremely cute
I think I sense a trend here...
What part of "autistic" is so difficult to understand anon? She kicks Jizo statues, of course she's crazy.
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This goes for the CDs as a whole.Neither Renko nor Maribel ever use a phone, Renko writes down her thesis which in her time must be like using a typewriter today and they talk a lot about cultural collapse.
In fact, the only CDs where "Japan has fallen" isn't a theme are these two whimsical fellas:
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Thanks for the info anon, I thought the only difference was the stock
Never underestimate the power of Serbophobia
What the fuck is a "Hoari" Elixir anon?????
Drink it and find out.
Ok where can I get a good set of locking shoulders and a good set of pin gauges. I have a lot of lowers and uppers that need to be finished. All types, l1a1s, stg 58s, hbar, para etc inch metricetc.
How much do you think Renko drinks?
Probably not that much, she's a relatively young woman after all. It's unladylike to drink excessively.

Ask /k/ ig you're willing to deal with their specific brand of autism, I like looking at the working bits not which 3rd parties make what.
>It's unladylike to drink excessively.
Renko always struck me as a bit tomboyish.
we know she doesn't have much experience with drinking from Old Adam, and whatever experience she did have was with new style alcohol that doesn't get you horribly drunk and isn't bad for you like old style alcohol
This makes the original premise of the thread a lot funnier. That drink is probably not even spiced, it's just normal distilled alcohol but she thinks it will give you a coma.
>"Hahaha, I just gave you a REGULAR MARTINI, made from REAL gin and vermouth!"
>"What do you mean you liked it"
>"W- another??? Are you sure????? You aren't an Oni in disguise are you, as much of a contradiction as that is?"
These men of the past and their strange drinking habits have to be investigated by the sealing club
there could be a story here about a bartender from the past winding up in merry and renko's time and taking them on adventures to find real ingredients for making cocktails since a lot of them are probably extinct or unknown by their time
And the CD would be called "Strange Moonshiners or Future Times" or something like that and it ends with Renko getting a coma after sipping whisky.
Shouldn't it be something more traditionally light for the joke? I remember when I had whiskey and it was rough on me, it's pretty strong stuff
I was thinking about that, but her getting a coma from a beer seemed a bit absurd and I couldn't think of anything between a beer and hard liquor.
Beer is pretty strong too, I've been knocked out by it too so I think it should be fine
renko had a stronger tolerance than merry did, since she was all ready to go to mt miwa after old adam while merry was still too hungover to do anything, so it'd probably be merry going into a coma while renko just gets hideously drunk
This is very disappointing on Merry's part, since she is half irish and half balkan you would think she had the stronger liver.
Wine, sake, fortified wine have a pretty decent kick, can go up to 40 proof.
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Good Renko morning.
Wouldn't either of them owning a phone make Renko's abilities obsolete?
a little bit, but Renko's a living GPS and can determine both time and location from looking at the sky, so she's probably more reliable especially if they go somewhere with no signal
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Renko's abilities also work on photos and in the Netherworld and in retrospective 53 minutes she senses space-time warping under mt. Fuji. Her powers are more useful than they seem.
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I love these pictures of Renko and Merry on trains. I know they are referencing r53m but they also fit well thematically. Merry and Renko are very mercurial characters.
throw it on the ground
This is what happens when you leave the research before the trip to Maribel
Well, unfortunately she didn't seem to get the reference Anon. Not everybody is a fan of SNL unfortunately, and she's giving you a stare of death.
You came in it didn't you.
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I wish Renko came in my drinks
I love autist so much.
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Renko is kind of arrogant...
She's not arrogant, it's just autistic banter.
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She is, but she also has a weird autistic charisma so she can pull it off
How did she get up there?
I love Renko.
I always forget that Maribel and Renko appeared so early in the series.
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>forgetting about Konngara, Noroiko, Kotohime, Rikako, Ruukoto, Hakariko, and Yumeko
Two of those would be Ko', not 'ko, and one is a 'ko'
you are correct on the others though
I obviously meant the second 'ko in the windows series. But even then, only Rikako and Yumeko have a name that ends with that character.
You'd still be wrong though since DiPP came out between EoSD and PCB and EoSD only has a Ko' so Renko is the first
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Are you sure she's the first?
DiPP didn't have Renko in it?
Technically you could argue that Jacketko and Sle- LABELko would bump the 'Ko into 4th place even after windows
Yes. At the time of DiPP's release the only thin PCB was a really early trial version with only three stages available. So the tree ghost didn't exist yet
DiPP doesn't have Merry and Renko, they only appeared in GFC
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Fuck, guess I should re-read the CD's...
Yuyuko already has a nickname, she can let Renko have this one
Those were given retroactively, that doesn't count
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Once again mogged by Yuyuko. What a fate.
Assuming Maribel becomes Yukari, what happens to Renko?
I become her wife.
>Down all the available alcohol and you'll know what you must do next Anon.
Spend the rest of the night hovering over a toilet throwing up your guts because your dumbass decided to drink yourself sick? Great plan.
Bars have food so if your gonna drink more than a single glass then please eat something, your body will thank you in the morning when you wake up without a hangover or at the very least a minor hangover.

I dunno man I don't get people who drink till their shitfaced, I've never done this because only dumb asses do so and I'm by no means a fucking genius myself mind you. Granted I don't drink alcohol a whole lot to begin with, usually just for occasions and holidays but still getting shitfaced is just needlessly retarded and borderline liver abuse.

Just have fun and bee you're self.
Talk about whatever and don't be to shy. Also only make it a one night stand thing because the majority of woman and men for that matter who unironically look for romantic partners at bars are usually gonna be batshit insane and the unstable type, they might not show you their crazy side right away but oh boy you'll know they're fucking loony when the slip up and slowly cease trying to hide the fact.
Renko is not batshit insane and the unstable type and she's going to kick you hard for saying that
Probably my extensive emergency medicine anecdotes. The human body is a wonderous and disgusting meat machine and in my line of work I can't help but eventually find all of its terrible malfunctions hilarious whether by misfortune, poor choices, or natural aging.

Or if she's into that sad gross-out shit I can just start spouting 40k lore. Stuff is pure uncut female repellent.
What you have to understand is that Renko is not like the other girls.
I never refuse a drink but I don't want to look poor. I drink it and buy her one too.
Her plan backfired horribly
My favorite theory is that she goes to the past with Maribel, becomes Chang'e and gets arrested by the moonies and that's why Yukari hates the lunar capital.
I meant in general, of course there's exceptions to that rule like all things hence why I said 'the majority', that still leaves a minority of non crazies.. Anyone can cherry pick anon.
So you're saying Renko would marry somebody else?
Who knows? Maybe one of the anons in this very thread will have the honour of killing Junko's kids.
I better learn archery
This is why I love Retrospective, smug Renko is a thing to behold.
This does imply Renko created moon rabbits, which I don't know how to feel about.
But it does work very well, it shows why Gensokyo and the Lunar Capital are connected and I can see Renko wanting to live on the moon and drinking the Horai Elixir. It also made me think of an awesome way the series could end.
There has to be a better way of getting a replacement crazy blonde.
Wouldn't this make her mad? Renko's power works with JST, which is based on UTC.
Here's my headcanon:

Renko goes to the past with Maribel, decides she's going to join Maribel despite not transforming into a youkai like her, and vows to help Maribel fulfill her dream. Maribel Hearn adopts the new name Yukari Yakumo, while Renko replaces at least her surname, becoming the first Hakurei (spelt with characters that mean "esteemed companion"; Merry's idea).

Renko Hakurei works as an agent ostensibly for the betterment of humans surviving against all the evil youkai, but is really conversing with her old friend Yukari and having her punish uppity youkai. Renko presents herself as a shrine maiden, and is happy to get away from modern life and settle down in the past, even if she does feel a little guilty for the deceit.

Renko's firstborn daughter adopts her shrine maiden duties, and due to both Hakurei Jr and the wider human population believing that the job includes youkai extermination, the youkai are genuinely affected by the junior shrine maiden's earnest attempts at youkai extermination. Renko teaches her daughter about some balance stuff that mostly amounts to not exterminating youkai willy-nilly.

As the generations go by, all the Hakurei descendants inherit Renko's shrine maiden job, as well as some degree of Renko's time- and location-finding ability, with Reimu's float ability being an unconscious manifestation of an ability to find the path of least resistance, like following a GPS route. Yukari, despite the long time since being with Renko, still sees small flickers of her esteemed companion Renko in all of the Hakureis, including Reimu, not that she'd ever explain why she takes such an interest in the Hakureis beyond the importance of the Hakurei Shine Maiden as a job description. It's too embarrassing.
>as well as some degree of Renko's time- and location-finding ability
Oh, that's pretty clever.
Did chang'e even create the moon rabbits, she'd just their master isn't she.
I'm pretty sure they're youkai since Reisen2 shapeshifts in SSiB to look more like an earth rabbit,
They might just be born from the myth of rabbits living on the moon.
It is a bit of a stretch, but no one has as much control over a species as her, and youkai live specifically on fear so I don't think they are youkai.
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Drinking tea with the 'ko.
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they both prefer coffe, but make tea to prank eachother
That tea looks like coffee, it must be the strongest black tea anyone has ever made
One of them made tea as a joke, the other one thought she actually preferred it, and now they both make tea because they think the other likes it even though they both prefer coffee.
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Drinking beer with the 'ko!
Why are there so many drawings of the 'ko wearing a reverse bunnysuit
I want to see Renko in a game.
I want to see Renko in my room.
I don't know, I think it's a meme like the Sailor Moon pose, given that there's a tag for it on Pixiv: "Renko works at a suspicious part-time job recommended to her by a friend".

Marry babysitting Renko's descendents is cute, but it begs the questing, why didn't she also try to make Renko immortal?
Maybe Renko just didn't want to be immortal
Who says she didn't?
Renko seemed pretty excited about becoming immortal in Magical Astronomy.
Then where is she?
My honest opinion? Renko is Gensokyo.
I haven't really thought about it.

Whether she remained human until her natural death, or she spent some time immortal until she got bored and chose to die, or she just faked her death and officially died as the Hakurei Shrine Maiden while she secretly adopted an identity as a youkai which she lives as to this very day; Renko Hakurei no longer exists.

If she died, then it was surely a sad moment for Yukaribel, but it was a peaceful end to a dear friend. Who knows, maybe that's why Yukari is so shit at communicating with others? She's (consciously or not) trying to distance herself from others, especially from humans like the Hakurei Shrine Maidens, so she doesn't have to watch those poor mortals age and die.
What if Renko is both Chang'e and Reimu's ancestor? Maybe she had kids and then got arrested on the moon.
Imagine if in the last game Reimu and Yukari break into the Lunar Capital to free her and Reimu meets her grand grand grand grandma.
Time travel really does fuck everything up
True, but that Pandora's box has already been open for a while.
Yet Merry and her Gensokyo dreams still don't make sense at all.
Maybe the real Gensokyo was the friends we made along the way
I am not the kind of person this happens to.
Haha, lol
Things that'll never happen for $300, Alex
Mary the Magician isn't officially Merry's theme or anything, you can just choose a song that sound particularly Renko-like to you and that could be Renko's song.
Your pessimism won't spare you from getting date raped by the 'ko
Nice way of combining the two theories, but I don't think the series will ever end.
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Celestial Wizardry ~ Magical Astronomy always struck me as Renko-like.
Don't give me hope, anon. You don't know how much I want that to be real...
Why isn't she wearing her tie?
It's a casual event.
It's also a causal event, but you'll find out why later
Sounds great, can't wait to find out
I always thought renko = iku
it's more like a dishonor as you're going to be a target for the rest of your life
Well, that won't be very long.
I'll do it.
>Jizou statues across Tokyo getting kicked over.
This implies she moved back with her parents.
Kyoto didn't have enough Jizo statues, she hat to expand her operation.
For me, Greenwich in the Sky is the Renko song
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This girl invites you to go kick Jizo statues with her. How do you respond?
Eagerly dash out and kick Narumi right in the clam (hard as I can) and run off (giggling).Next target: Eiki.
Isn't it illegal?
Only if you get caught
Don't worry, Renko has a lot of experience with this kind of stuff, you won't get caught.
What does "a lot of experience" mean? How much has Renko run from the police?
She has done it at least once before
I think your actions might have some unforeseen consequences.
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>Renko has a lot of experience with this kind of stuff
It's Renkover...
She can't be trusted to not take criminal action even if it doesn't benefit her in any other way than satisfying her desire for blood...
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At first, it was just a way to manage her autistic rage. "It's no big deal", "I could just put it back the way it was later" she told herslef, but it was too late, she had tasted blood, now there was no going back.
Since then, whenever she saw a Jizo statue she felt an uncontrollable anger. "It's no big deal, I can control myself" she tought. Soon enough, all of Kyoto knew about her, no statue was left unturned. Every day people would put them back up and every night she would kick them again.
"Why do you keep doing this?", Merry asked. "I am here, there is no portal to open". But it was too late, the thrill had gotten to her.
One night, she had a dream of a hidden world, in a different dimension. And when the people of that world died, they were judged by... BY A JIZO STATUE!?
She woke up un a sweat. "Pack your bags, Merry. We have an adventure to go on."
What a maniac
She is not a maniac, and if you say that one more time she'll have a polite conversation with you in which she explains her actions in a civilized manner and then kick you in the ribs.
Renko scares me...
Renko is a Serbophobe?

I'm sorry Kaguya but Renko is my favourite 2hu now
Found this on the front page of danbooru
Is this the real reason Yukari doesn't like Eiki?
God forbid a girl has a hobby...
Might also be the reason why Renko didn't become immortal in the end.
Can't be so. Renko's kick is at least strong enough to defeat a yama
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Don't be doubtful, she's a strong girl
Why do you thinj she tries to pick up guys in bars?
Mom! Come on, you're embarassing me!
>What will you do?
Tell the bartender that she's making me feel uncomfortable and could she please stop.
How would this make you feel uncomfortable?

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