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All /jp/ related original content in this thread, art, music, videos, games
Open commissions
yukkuries playing chess
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Holy cute!
If lewd, Nitori eating cucumbers.
If cute, Reimu asking for donations.
Alice butt
I was asking for the artist of this thread to open their commissions not that I’m the one opening mine
Now you fucked up, you must start drawing.
Oh geez, uh I need to find a dedicated site for that, I was just wanting to do requests so I can just draw for people without the noose of time and money threatening me for not outputting art in time or of a certain quality. Sorry for the in progress color pic.
Pixiv and skeb
Weren't those two having it out with american/uk credit card companies?
Ok finished that
Damn, I wish I had the motivation to draw but work keeps killing me at the end of the week.
There is always 3D for that, Blender or MMD if you are extremely lazy.
I'm not really super into 3D rigging, but I do know how to play with dolls in Koikatsu. Not enough to feel like doing it, however.
Your artstyle looks gross
I did.
Just in case, I'm using my vote to cancel this dude's request.
Thank you for your feedback, I will continue to practice
NTA but while I think the general composition of some of your stuff looks fine, I think the shading/color really makes it look very stiff, like blow-up dolls. Hard to give very specific advise, but making stuff less "shiny" and shadows sharper would probably be helpful.
It all comes down to your coloring really, especifically the way you use light; it makes it seem like the characters are oily/dolls made out of plastic.
You should also try practicing lips more, bad lips can make or break an entire face, if youre not sure it looks good, dont use them.
What do you want to commission then?
I have been skimping on shading because I worry about too much contrast interfering with the tone of the body language and just go with a "soft" light to keep it easy, as if they were modeling for a gravure shoot. I should see about some darker shadows, but I just don't want them to hide details I otherwise wanted to show.
Yeah I want to get better at lips, I have to practice it to get there, even if it produces duds.
Not either of those anons but you are taking this really well.
The artist I took inspiration from when it comes to drawing lips was Ayami Kojima, if you are interested.
>I worry about too much contrast interfering with the tone of the body language
That doesnt have to be the case, it all comes down to execution.
You learn to take good and bad criticism. I came back from /vm/ after doing one request for them and was met with the usual "ur art is shit" remarks, so I thank them the same way. At least /jp/ is more often constructive.
Yeah, I need some better inspiration sources. I worry about putting lines to define the lips since it looks like I gave them a fat lip. Maybe I will do as the other anon said and just make them look more faint, so they don't as clownish, and try other methods.
drawing up seija and satori
My advice to you would be to just not color... At all. Because first, before wasting all this time coloring, you really need to learn to actually draw. I would also like to see you continuing to practice on paper; though I do understand traditional art is not as popular, I think you would improve faster by doing a paper sketch then working on digital lineart later if you must digitize it. It would be a way to fix your common mistakes. And also, one nitpick from me would be work on not giving everyone horrible sameface/same expression syndrome. Also going to have to agree with other anon on the lips, you have to learn to draw basics more consistently first before drawing something more advanced like detailed lips.
Finished and tired
>just not color
I haven't practiced color in a long time and doing this is my only way to practice.
>I would also like to see you practice on paper
I want to go back, but I have a bunch of people following me now, who kinda are in the camp of wanting digital color only. I can go back, but honestly I think I should for /jp/ since you guys give that more attention.
>horrible sameface/expression
thats my greatest fear come to light. I want to start sketching again, I'm really not a master of this and I won't get better without practicing hand drawing.
I need to do more figure and gesture drawings that helped me in the past.
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>horrible sameface/expression
>thats my greatest fear come to light

lmao, 2hus canonically all have the exact same face because ZUN! is a hack, so of all the problems that should be the least of your worries. one tip that helped me a lot was to draw the characters nude and bald first and tweak their basic characteristics until you can tell them apart.
ZUN's faces are actually cute though and not ugly. If you want to do sameface then at least make their faces cute.
I may try that then, I did something kinda similar last year I think
Idk I would feel bad about putting a cute face on a sexy body... actually I should try that but off hand
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you must continue the Houraisan bloodline
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it feels so incomplete without the other two... fuck.
Not a fan of the instruments ZUN has been using in the last decade so I'm remaking some of the tracks myself starting with Reimu's theme from UDoALG. Mixing is a little dodgy but I'm ordering some new headphones so it should get better.

Cute. I like how expressive she is and the background is pretty.
great picture, though
though merlin is the only one who canonically does solo performances, there's a lyrica fan club in the village that want her to do solo performances, so this isn't too implausible
nice and sex
Add armpit hair and i'm gonna start cumming uncontrollably.
I think it feels incomplete because um... Her face isn't colored in...?
I never thought making a comic would be so much more difficult than making standalone drawings. I still have nothing to show for it. It makes me sad. I'm sorry.
Kagu bra...
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Cute cute cute Lyrica deserves much more love
Yes, it really is much harder isn't it? Sometimes it feels like pulling teeth. I'm currently on page 29 of mine but taking a short break. I relax by drawing simpler stuff, like pinups, or doing silly redraws. Just take things one panel at a time, if you're stuck on anything it's fine to leave it and move on to another part. You can do this anon!
What makes comics so difficult?
Request for a loli with big nip, I will draw
Big boobs too?
No, I am in the mood for flats
Very cool.
we should play Kutulu again
I'm up.
I honestly like Magma more with all the layers options and shit
So a loli with pepperoni nipples?
Some drawings from the SDM.

Forgive me for koakuma...
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kokoro sketch
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unre1uested redline but i have seen your drawings and i must ask do you stylize the pelvis this small? imo the proportions of the pelvis should be close to the ribcage it looks sexier.
the arm is not attached properly
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I'll be honest I don't use construction much except for specific things which I know I have trouble with, but it was a mistake on my part.

>do you stylize the pelvis this small?
It wasn't something that crossed my mind while drawing it, actually I don't think have I ever worried too much about this before, so it's nice to know, the perspective kind of tricked me I guess. The references I got for the pose also had a noticeable bigger pelvis than the ribcage so I just fucked up in the observation of the figure. Also the arm was kind of improvised so thanks for that too

Thanks a lot for the redline though. I really appreciate it. The previous attempt had a sort of uncanny-ness to it and I think it does look better now. I'll make a mental notice to be careful about this in the future.
I'm down
Someone should make a room, I don't know how
Keiki transferring patterns to her ceramics using her gigantic saggers like so:
Very nice and sexy kokoro, can't wait for the colored version~
I like leaf.
Transparent version without background: https://files.catbox.moe/3rxm12.png
Sketch: https://files.catbox.moe/ni568f.png
Construction is lame and unfun! Booooo!
So cute. Your art is improving so much before my eyes, I just love seeing your improvement. I didn't get to comment on it but your Yuyuko was so impressive, I think it is by far the best drawing I've seen from you. Please don't ever stop drawing.
(wip, nsfw, outline) https://files.catbox.moe/gfroa2.png
(wip, nsfw, sketch) https://files.catbox.moe/dhb8lp.png
Also, I didn't realized ZUN changed Suika's hair a bit until I referenced it.
Erm... I'm sorry, but these are terrible. Why are suikas arms such drastically different sizes? You should really work on basics before trying to draw degen porn.
It doesn't matter, I'll just finish this drawing.
Just realized I'm drawing self-insert fanfiction. Great sadness. It cannot be posted anywhere.
Touhou fans want to see cute girls, not an angry man who occasionally shares intimate moments with a Touhou character.
I am not trying to say you are completely wrong, the error you point out is correct, but not drawing while learning to draw is the same as studying without work experience.
These are decent and you call them terrible? lmao good job scaring away all the low skill drawfags that might have been lurking.
Depends, is the man faceless?
I think the Suika one looks good, the only thing I dont like are the nipples, too big.
Not faceless. With an edgy personality.
Ah, that's going to be super tough. Really tough. And I assume it's not r-18?
Otherwise it's not a true wish fulfillment
Then it's still salvageable.
Thanks a lot for your kind words Anons. I got tons of good advice between here and /ic/. I'll try to finish it during the week, ill do my best make you proud.

I don't think this is completely BAD advice since you did point out his most ergregious mistake, but I agree with the anon here >>46894161, you need to draw to learn to draw. Telling him to not draw until he gets good is terrible advice. I have some years of drawing under my belt and still get some stuff really wrong here and there(including arm length lol). It never ends. The human body is a hard thing and anime art, hentai, cartoons are just interpretations of it. You need mileage. I don't remember who said it but they said you have 10000 bad drawings in your mind and the only way to get to the good ones is by drawing them.

Not him but by deleting his face?
Who cares? If you're that much of a baby then don't post. If all you want is positive attention then I don't want that kind of drawfag here anyway regardless of skill level.
I just think it's a bit egregious to say "lol I want to draw big loli nipples" but you don't even know how to draw arms or any other basics. Like yeah, obviously any drawing is good and it counts as practice but perhaps it would be best to focus on some figure drawing for a while before trying to go straight into pornography composition.
Damn, I love the way you draw those nips. They look nice and suckable.
When did these threads get filled with crabby /ic/ anons?
What? Youd rather have it filled with /v/fags?
Preferably neither..
I don't mind criticism because I'm not a pussy, but bet they discouraged a lot of beginner draw anons from posting.
Well too bad, you get both.
Just saying these threads have changed a lot over the years I guess, to echo the sentiments of >>46895419 I've always liked seeing peoples' beginner doodles, it's good to offer advice but telling anons they just flat-out shouldn't draw feels antithetrical to these casual OC threads.
Filled? It's just one anon being an ass.
Personally I don't like giving harsh criticism out of nowhere because not everyone draws to be the absolute best they can. For some people it's just a therapeutic activity, or they have reached a level they are comfortable with and just want to draw what they like stress-free. I want to draw my possible best, so when I get told I did something wrong, I'm glad because their criticism, as harsh as it may be, improves my art.
If they ask for it I can be harsh, or for some people that I notice are on the grind, but not unprompted. I feel that's just rude, "All OC welcome"
As in, if you want to keep on the face it's fine, it's still something you made so you get to decide. Some R-18 works keeps the face on after all.
>these are terrible
What? Did you forget your glasses, anon?
>degen porn.
Big nipples are degen?
Trying to make their faces cute please bare with me
I said earlier that I'm used to criticism, but thats from years of having to deal it out to others as a side job. I learned what makes good constructive criticism and bad criticism, and how it can impact some artists ability and willingness to continue drawing. Sometimes you need to sugar coat it, sometimes you need to snap them back to reality. I myself already took another introspection and saw plenty of gaps in what I am drawing and thinking of what I need to make sure I focus on next time.
Do I need an account for this? For some odd reason when I try to continue without an account, they asked for a nickname that seems to be used each time I typed one.
For first time that you use the app. No
For a second time. Yes
How did they used to be? I have been visiting this board recently.
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>Construction is lame and unfun! Booooo!
i never mentioned construction tho, that redline was just to show the pelvis and forms, i personally think construction is a begginer trap, i don't use it, i sketch and refine it til is the final lineart, this is easy once you know anatomy tho.
more like SEX
I just use a burner yopmail
Sounds pretty good but the ZUNpets at the end get a bit too shrill imo.
Like that dreamlike look.
Koa looks pretty deranged, but yeah sometimes faces come out weird, Patchy has a nice smug aura but her eyes feel like they don't properly align with the rest of the face.
Looks a bit as if you were used to draw small all the time and are struggling a bit, I like the sketchy coloring and shadows tho.
Why aren't people using more space?
What if someone else needs the space?
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>construction is a beginner trap
how do I avoid using it then? my drawings look bad if I don't use construction
learn anatomy and eventually you don't need construction to know what goes where
Practice gesture, much more fun
And you get more gains
It's useful to see if you are not fucking up anything. I redline my own drawings too as I draw them to see if I'm not fucking up length of limbs, breaking her spine or such. I also draw "intuitively" so to speak, slowly carving a sketch until it becomes almost lineart, but it's good to check things here and there so you don't make big mistakes that you won't be able to fix later. I think knowing construction will make your drawings better overall, even if you don't start your drawings with a naked mannequin, the things you learn let you see your own mistakes better
I know this is a dumb question but I'm ESL and very new at drawing, what exactly is the difference between these?
basically look up anatomy books and draw from references more often? bruteforce until you "get it"
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You know each muscle of the body, and you know where each one belongs, you focus on details
Like anatomy, but simplified, focused on getting a pose right objectively
Focused more on getting the flow of a pose right, instead of a rigid walkthrough like above
Normally when you are drawing you go from gesture, construction then anatomy
pic related
Thank you anon
I'm the anon who suggested gesture as the thing that it should be practiced more
A good drawing starts from the very beginning, even something as simple as this can look good, you can get more drawings done by purely focusing on gesture when drawings, which creates better habits
That's my advice, everyone is different
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I like how I said I'd post more and then didn't make a single drawing for a whole month. Just made this quick Saku to get me back into it
there's still space left
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time to call it quits, it's been wip for too long...
thanks for the idea, it didn't occur to me because of the distracting white border beyond the visible image cock-blocking my imagination.
very nice anon
This is so cute and good I love it
I am lazy too but honestly you have to force yourself a bit to get up and draw. It's like going to the gym. Between that and doing nothing, it feels better to do something and add some progress. Your style is very unique too so I hope you are able to get back into a good rhythm.

Impressive coloring Anon. Amazing job
amazingly detailed, good job anon
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Still open
I'm done here, let's have this again.
Thank you for the feedback. I'll pay more attention to constructing the face next time.
/v/ sure is talented, now let's see the drawings by /jp/

but that's also /jp/, they're our personal drawsluts too just by touhou association, you know.
They are trans job merchants, Chiyari as a creator which is a more powerful alchemist, and Nitori as a Whitesmith which is a more powerful blacksmith
if i see merchants that look like that, i expect them to be selling sexual favors
Did you freehand that font?
nice tits
My contribution, sorry it looks scuffed, I just freehanded it
Late night mages
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Darn baggypants
Translate it finno-ugrics
Pretty close to "darn baggypants". Sorry, I usually post translated versions, but sometimes the meaning gets lost in translation.
Which part is darn?
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Not really a darn, but mokomakin (sounds kinda like Mokou, hah!) is a slightly pejorative word for "that". Anyway, I'll keep it in engrish from now on.
Don't worry about it, cute art too.
Can't you? Sure purityfags are the most miserable and annoying thing on /jp/, but do you really fear their retaliation or something?
Fuck off retards with your attempts to mangle others' creative expressions
You're right, it's cool, they can become one of those artists with hundreds of uploads that all look the same and all still look like shit with zero improvement over years. Because all art is so valid and equally valuable and yassssss queen slayyyyy go ahead and draw whatever you want yassss! Everyone will worship you as the next drawGOD who picks up a pen and shits something out!
I just asked a question, it was not an attempt at making him not draw what he wants. If he prefers to appeal to the masses, since he was worried about that in the first place, it's a step he can take to make it more "palatable" for the average autist that would get angry at something like that. That being said I don't think it's a valid reason to start insulting people, but I also dislike the mountains of porn with generic, bald, faceless men, it's lame.

This has nothing to do with anything here. First anon drew his self insert OC fucking the 2hus but realizes people will most likely not like that. Some anons suggested erasing the faces, then this other dude I'm replying to became angry, implying we are twisting the first Anon's creativity, which is undeserved but understandable.
Here comes you. Being a sarcastic retard and implying he will have no progress over the years despite the discussion having nothing to do with his art's quality. Then you start having a schizo meltdown about "drawGODS". Go back to /v/.
don't reply to trolls
To all the anons who only post their art here, is there a genuine reason preventing you from creating an account somewhere else or is it something as stupid as mine that I cannot come up with a name? I have wanted to create a Twitter account for months but my stupid brain can't come up with a name :c
It doesn't really need to be that complicated
mine is so lame but it's short and practical
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I think about it for a time and then realize i don't really care much about what random strangers think of my current bare bone doodles so any social media seems too much hassle for the effort. When i get good enough to make actual scenery and fully painted pieces i would probably make an account somewhere as an excuse to upload on a booru so i can contribute from the hundreds of hours spent lurking through the touhou tags.

Names don't really matter much, most artists online probably design their name to be either short and snappy enough for someone to google or a jumble of numbers and letters to completely isolate their online identity from their real life. People don't really expect you to have some deep meaning behind your handle and if you look at people you follow, you can see names can be as unrelated as you want to what you post.
what if i draw something that isnt 2hu
Poor Reisen-tan just doesn't understand...
Transparent version: https://files.catbox.moe/xx4f7v.png
Sketch: https://files.catbox.moe/antzf0.png
but is it /jp/?
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Tay Inaba's next in queue
can't think of a proper reason for her to do this pose, it's gonna end up awkward on its own...
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Well done! Went straight to my touhou reaction folder.

That sounds cool. Theres a chapter in my manga in progress where Patchouli finds my horrible Touhou fanfiction book. It's a silly isekai story about me as a sinsack. I fall in love with Reimu, but she doesn't seem to like me that much.
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Sukkumb to Yachie.
This is a great Suku-design. I like it.
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Finished. Didn't even know it was Kokoro day today but it ended up fitting.
Teach me how to color like you.
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I decided to remaster this drawing
I liked the way it turned out
Can you make her smile wider?
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like this?
Love the eyes and eyelashes.
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I was curious how it would look, smile in your original remaster is cuter
nice render
The little faces on her wrist cuffs' buttons is a really cool touch.
Do you take commissions
Very charismatic.
These are both very good, we are blessed to have such great artists among us.
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well I feel a little inadequate posting this after that fantastic kokoro up above but here's my mediocre kokoro day offering
It's shit. Good job!
I ask thee, wise drawfags of the thread, how stupid is it to start drawing digitally with a mouse? And if it is ass backward, what's the most affordable/budget tablet that isn't trash? I've been wanting to make my dumb stories and ideas physical for a while now and decide now is better than never
>how stupid is it to start drawing digitally with a mouse?
If you care about your health? Very, however, the best drawfag I know is a mouse main, so its not impossible, its just risky and very tedious.
>what's the most affordable/budget tablet that isn't trash?
An X pen.
She's rather tall, but I really like how you drew her hair curly.
Is there a tutorial or something you followed to level up your coloring so much?
I started with this one, dirty cheap, small and portable, eventually I got something bigger but it's a good starting point
forgot pic
Thanks a lot Anons! Makes me glad to see it had a good reception.

Nope, sorry.

Anon please do not feel inadequate. I find your Kokoro super lovely and super cute and made with respect the character, meanwhile mine is a titty picture made with impure thoughts. I really mean this. Your art is CUTE.

Hard question because my process is really messy and unnatural. Tons of use of layers, modes and shit. I'm currently in the process of streamlining and making it more natural it so it stops being so painful and tedious to color something. You could find way way better instructors out there.

This guy is the GOAT regarding coloring tutorials in general

I also use what I learned from these a lot regarding anime
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqqdH-UVOjI This video has helped me a lot for hair. I have always struggled with it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFQhhySjLwg Less of an art teacher and more of a "watch how I draw" youtuber. I find her faces and hair extremely appealing, super clean workflow,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9c2O_6UoUg Really clean workflow and beautiful shading. Really helped me to think of the pic as a whole instead of parts done individually that then don't mesh well.

Find artists you like, take a hard, long study to see what they do, and try to apply it to yours. Lastly. I started oil painting classes IRL and I like to think it has really helped me develop more patience and more of an eye for colors. Like how tutorials I had watched over the years suddenly made sense and had the drive and patience to go through them.
Well I like this one a lot too, good pose and you got a nice, subtle technique
So, i want to both make regular art and also make degenerate fetish art. How can i change up my artstyle enough? Have any of you drawanons done this too?
Almost impossible.
just b yerself dude
Be a real man and post all in one account. Know no fear.
Be like this artist https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/763827 and post your cutesy and wholesome SoL drawings alongside your degenerate porn.
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Just keep your SFW works in one account and your NSFW in another. And be honest, don't try to trick people. It won't work. Humans are made to recognize patterns and will recognize the similarities in the works

That being said, my irl art looks like pic related, and no one irl would suspect I draw anime girls in skimpy outfits digitally in my free time.
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I literally have been doing both, I will draw some nice and normal stuff then I switch over to some hyper fetish shit since I get off to it too. Just do whatever you feel like.
I look like this and said this
In my case, I state my account is 18+, while also directly specifying the kind of art I am willing to draw and post, so that anyone subbing me has agreed to my terms and conditions.
Draw more like this, please. Big boobs are your strength.
They are my weakness. I asked ranea argeant if I could draw her avatar, so I will draw her medium sized, then her gigantic size that she achieved on that syphus video
Its easy, have 2 accounts, give no fucks.
Nue or Tenshi?
Tenko with huge boobs and pubic hair peek.
>Have any of you drawanons done this too?
I post both in my account and I don't care
Nue crying.
Tenshi BSDM.
Lovey-dovex sex with Nue, please
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Anon that asked here. Don't wanna waste more posts of the thread so Nue won, since I don't know any 2hu named "Chiko".
Give me a week to bake the drawing. Will draw Tenshi later.
>I don't know any 2hu names 'chiko'
>When the Hinanawis became celestials, their daughter Chiko Hinanawi followed them and became a celestial as well, even though she was a young girl.
>Chiko renamed herself Tenshi when she moved to heaven. She was not satisfied with how she was treated there, and often looked down on Gensokyo with jealousy toward the humans and youkai living on the ground.
Love the legs and shoes.
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Heres a comm that I did recently
Damn I got schooled on 2hu lore. I kneel. I'll draw her too then, but not on the same pic since I don't think they ever interact and it wouldn't make much sense. Still, consider this a win.

Now to comment some anons pics I haven't commented on yet:
Man this background is super impressive. And when you flip the pic you can really notice the details of the houses and the forest. I have nothing bad to say. It's super cool and creative. I kneel.

The pose is quite interesting. Maybe you could make it work by her trying to grab Reisen's ears or something.

Cute not-Reisen! Her ears look really fluffy.

Your art is really clean and expressive as always. I really like the things you draw

I feel her face could be a bit more expressive but I like it. Nice bloomers peek.

Based suku enjoyer.

Your art is always a treat to see. I think from your recent pics I liked Flan the most. As a lurker, it has been inspiring seeing your progress over the years.

Your use of colors in general is always vibrant and nice to the eyes. Big fan of your art in general.

I see you are trying new things regarding shading and highlights. I notice and wish you good luck.
Her left arm seems a bit too small to me, and I would play more with different lineweights.

Is this supposed to be a pic of her waking up and holding my hand? Her expression is quite cute. Although her hand seems a bit too small considering the perspective, I would work on trying to make the lineart cleaner.
This is really amazing art.
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https://x.com/trix56876201/status/1795514019245183374 broke my pen drawing her...
yeah the shading is what I want to focus more on. I noticed that too, but its kinda late to fix it, maybe I can go back and fix some of these older drawings I know I left gaps in. I kinda need to test my tools more and see if there is tools that can do that weighted thing.
Return of the Obra Dinn!

Still feel like im "getting back into drawing", so it isn't really how i want it to be...

I agree, although I've also found I have slow and fast periods and I've decided to make peace with that, otherwise thank you very much for the kind words ^^
No, I wish, qwq. It is "Deutsche Zierschrift" or "DS Zierschrift", not sure what the right name is.
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did some new lineart
Hottest character to date.
Did a traditional drawing for the first time in years
I got a sketchbook, I may open a request thread for /jp/ like I did a few months ago
Cue Nueners
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Finally finished this yukkie.
Currently working a short Enoko/Marisa/Zanmu comic slowly working through the stumps, no idea when I'll get it done though.

That background is really great, and the whole piece is a really nice SSX3/Riders feel amazing stuff
I used to use a hand-me-down Wacom S but it gave me bad wrist pain, disappeared when I switched to a medium sized Huion tablet but that was 6-ish years ago
Steve Huston's beginner figure course. I go through that shit almost every year to try and smush that gold into my brain. Drawing only started to make sense after I drew along to it for the first time
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>drawing digitally with a mouse

You kidding me? As a teen I was broke as hell. So when I started out doing digital art all I had was a Laptop & mouse with GIMP on it. Before that it was MS Paint.
I used GIMP with a mouse for 5 years. The pen and anchor tool carried me all the way.

>old cirno pic for example

For advice, it maybe a personal preference thing, but use a screen tablet.
I've been using a "used" screen tablet for years now.
You can normally find some used screen tablets for sale online E-bay/ Craig's list /facebook. If you intend to go far with your drawn content it will save you the head ache of getting use to a screen less one. The regular screen less ones drove me insane due to the lack of connectivity.
Would love to see progress sketches.
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I drew Yamame with her CDS look and I've already noticed that I got the placement of the buttons and the centre of the vest horribly wrong
Wife material
made the thread >>46965920, ignoring any /v/hu tier requests
I wish my pen wasn't broken or I would join
>/v/hu tier requests
such as?
The demoman/urumi one is sounding fairly /v/hu to me
man I prefer magma after all
the controls in this app feel weird
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Back to drawing.
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Tewi I made yesterday with a very special guest
What class did cirno fail?
Forklift certification
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It's 5 pages, no idea when I'll get it done 'cuz I'm getting swamped by irl stuff.
Also I've literally never drawn a wolf in my life, ever. I'm only JUST realizing that.
Nice to see you again. What is Keiki cooking?
A very nice Tei and Steie...
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Today's drawings.
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Koishi bump!
That Hecatia is too flat.
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I drew a bit more recently so I guess I'll post the sketches since the thread is a little dead. Here's Larva.
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And whale.
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Undersea obscure dork.
Fantastic stuff, i've been meaning to draw big larva myself.
Super cute bunny.
Looks great, especially animal form.
Cute wicked hypocrite.
Nice, but she would look better and more natural while airborne.
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Wish I could pick the shades better, might have to eventually bite the bullet and learn some actual color theory

This is very nice

>it will save you the head ache of getting use to a screen less one
I actually got used to it really quickly, only after 1-2 simple drawings maybe. I never did any traditional art beforehand, which might be why.
Funny thing is when I did do actual traditional art I found my digital skills still carried over really well, but I've heard lots of stuff of people suffering when going in the other direction.
So maybe it's good to start with digital art in general? Well, at least for me and my sample size of 1, it was.

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