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There's just something about Dilanza that tickle my 'tism.
>Another retarded transformer fag thread
Post 3 faggot
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>super prototype/ace custom gets a mass production offshoot
I love this trope
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Best one
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near-protag power in a mass production suit? yes, i'll take 100
Gundam X
Gundam F91
Gundam V2

based gelgoog bro
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I'm a simple man.
Turtles & Fattys (votoms)
There's a mass production version of optimus prime? why?

Didn't Optimus Prime (and hid girlfriend) have entirely different designs before robot god reached down and redesigned them?
«Reproducing not only Prime's appearance but his energy-absorbing black body coating, the twenty-one Eldedroids are essentially mindless units controlled by an outside consciousness. The majority of them are under the command of Flip Sides, but at least one has been programmed with its own artificial intelligence, based on the brain patterns of Daniel Witwicky.»
V2 ≠ MP
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There was another V2 Gundam that appeared in one of Crossbone Ghost and Project Exodus manga
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Rick dom 2 (desaturated magenta)
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for me, its the blue spiders
You know what
Fuck you, anon, you can't tell me what to post, so here's my favorite, unique, one-of-a-kind, super hero robot that's the strongest in the world and fights for JUSTICE
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context for my next pic
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show your post-op surgery scars
I've never had surgery. I do have a scar on my leg from a minor bike accident, though.
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What the fuck is IDW?
IDW is the comic company that held the Transformers license for 18 years. They recently lost it, and Skybound has it now. The IDW comics were of varying quality throughout its years, but were mostly good.
Many people like >>22398041 got their booty blasted when IDW decided to make a handful of the Transformer cast, which is significantly skewed towards being male, gay.
There's male and female transformers right? Which is fine, if they are going to have male at all instead of being sexless/genderless robots then they can also have females.

But do the two actually fuck like fleshbags.
>But do the two actually fuck like fleshbags.
Like nearly everything about Transformers, it depends on which universe you're looking at. Generally for the franchise, there's no sexes or fucking, just gender and romance. IDW is included in this. Population replenishment methods vary depending on the universe, from "just build a new guy", to liquid metal budding, to robo-divine life infusion, and more. Some universes even have multiple methods.

There are two notable instances of actual sexuality being implied:
- In the Beast Wars cartoon, Rattrap makes several comments implying robo-sex exists, including references to titty bars, accusing his teammate of going off to fuck an enemy, and many euphemisms about his dick.
- In the Victory manga, the Predacons are revealed to have children. Like, little baby Transformers they made.

One thing IDW did explore was the problems of a dwindling population and how to get around it. One Decepticon mad scientist with a long-standing fascination of robo-organic synergy once tried a plan of shoving a Transformer's true form, their energy soul balls, into organic bodies to let them fuck and make babies. Then he would extract the newborn's soul balls and place them in "proper" metal bodies. The mad scientist only managed to create one hybrid before he was stopped, so the plan failed. You need two to tango.
>the Predacons are revealed to have children
whoops, Decepticons*
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>gay transformers
they don't have any dick or asshole
>anon forgets romance exists
it's not mentioned that there are only 2 V2s.
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Life, uh, finds a way
That whole comic was a goddamn trip
You should check out the GoBots comic by the same guy, It's equally wild. Including (actual spoiler): that the whole Transformers Multiverse was created by the GoBots, and that the multiversal concept of Starscream was born from the fusion of Leader-1 (body) and Cy-Kil (colors and evilness)
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Pretty much all of the Titanfall 1 visual aesthetic
>Many people like >>22398041 # got their booty blasted when IDW decided to make a handful of the Transformer cast, which is significantly skewed towards being male, gay.
amazing job conveniently forgetting Anode exists
I like Anode. It's fun to watch a shit disturber.
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I fucking love late UC grunts, they're perfect.
I like Titanfall as a whole
VOTOMS but Chirico moves around like a Tribes shooter is something I didn't know I needed
3 V2s appeared so far
>Victory Gundam
>Victory Side Story Manga
>Crossbone Ghost
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Why is the Gelgoog so underrated?

I kind of like the crab suit from Avatar way of water
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Showed up too late to get any spotlight.
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I'm confused. This is autistic and self-referential enough to come out of my own fanfic, but I have no memory of writing it.
it's from JG1, hence the extreme autism and self-referentialness
JG1 best continuity
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not a real favorite but the head design is cool and Kiss Players makes the obnoxious parts of the TF fanbase seethe super hard so I like it
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i love this thicc fuccer
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Patrician taste
The main antagonist uses it for longer than he uses the Zeong.
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I wonder why Bandai neglected the Nero so hard aside from give it some Ka Signature figures.
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I'm a sucker for Zaku II's. They're iconic.
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Gotta love the VOTOMs
The bugu is fucking stupid, so is all the zeon aces having bugus in their custom paintjobs
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And which one killed the Gundam?
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I've always wanted to see a Virgo with a cockpit for some reason, like a test model for the concept compared to only MD or something.

Technically you could just say get in either the Vayeate or Mercurius but I mean speficially the final product of the Virgo.
It wouldn't be impossible to have a manned version that would work in combat.
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based GM enjoyer
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>*casually outperforms the GM II in your path*
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do failed mass produced prototypes count?
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Titanfall 2 was cool but I miss a bit the gritty look Titanfall 1 had with the design and the universe.
Apex legends is actual trash
I prefer the Bugu 2 (late type)
The early type wasn't mass produced.
these scenes were always so visually stimulating to me. I always wondered what the process was behind building/growing(?) an Evangelion unit was like. Is it born in a womb like a human? and then the process of fitting the armor/restraints on it on more of the technical side.
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>these scenes were always so visually stimulating to me
honestly i agree,something about these just speaks to me
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The Eva graveyard is one of the spookiest parts of the entire show despite being such a brief scene
And I'm also now obligated to mention the similarly strange imagery that was only shown in exactly one version of Episode 23
I wish we saw more of the Unit 01 contact experiment in the show. Shinji having repressed memories of his mother’s death is pretty crazy thing to go partially unexplored. And this image explains why Lilith has no legs and it’s not even in most versions of the show!
Salaryman wage slave just got just laid off here.

Children is when you like prototype.
Edgy teenager is when you like Mass production.
Boomer is when you realize you need your own prototype for all this bullshit.
lmao only people getting booty blasted are gays
It's even better when a pool's full and Rei goes for a swim; wonder if that particular pool has the infant skeletons from the failed Reis. I'm starting to think the girl(s) had issues.
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Mass-Production Type Archeological Assault Robot (Replica) Acrobunch
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I'm a big fan. I imported the toy a while ago, it's one of the better alternator designs as well.
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Argevollen had such nice designs ACROSS THE BOARD: Both sides had them both, nice basic designs and elite designs for the late-war grunt mechas.
Technically not a grunt, but the BASHO in AC6 just looks like something the protagonist would kill hundreds of
Easily my favorite frame, even if it's not optimal
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>Mass Produced
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>Mass Produced
That's kind of a question though. OP did not specifed mass-produced, he asked for non-unique/grunt mechas but that, depending on the series, can also apply not only to the Elites forces given slightly better units than the standard soldiers.

Then that can go to the extreme Elites like pic related were The Bang Dolls, while not a unique type of mecha in their series, are only estimated to be around 5 or 7 units max in an elite order of knights in the hundreds of members while the standard knight of the realm order below them are in the thousands of knights.
How in the fuck is a run of 7 units supposed to be "grunt" level equipment? Besides that, in what fucking world does "elite" and "grunt" overlap?

The whole fucking point of the word "grunt" is that it has to do with low ranking soldiers and low level workers.
>How in the fuck is a run of 7 units supposed to be "grunt" level equipment?
That's what is called an Extreme.
>The whole fucking point of the word "grunt" is that it has to do with low ranking soldiers and low level workers.
Again. Some series treat anything not the heroes as such. Pic related.

One of my favorite grunt mechas is the Alseides from The Vision of Escaflowne. This is given (at least for most of the war) to soldiers and more elite units and was quite a versatile Guymelef: Besides the expected close quarters that were expected from all the mechas in it's series, the Alseides can clloak, fly and attack at range with it's default equipment. And, of course, the desing itself rocks.
The serpents were really cool, too bad Endless Waltz was a mess in terms of writing.
At least the protagonists were shown to suffer from trying to do the whole 'nonlethal disable attacks' on other mechs fighting them showing what a stupid idea it is. then Heero comes in not giving a fuck and blows away a bunch of them shooting through the shelter doors with his buster rifle
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Mass production working as a team is just cooler for a military setting than unique mechs taking all the spotlight.
If you really want to stand out you can just have some little customisation (probably done in the field due to the rigours of conflict) that lets you pick a particular machine out specifically at a glance without them being loaded with snowflake bullshit.

Different models working together in a combined-arms style on the battlefield with their different specializations fitting certain roles and covering each other is a good addition to the 'grunt/team' flavour.
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Thse look very cool even if the series is not nice to them or their pilots.
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Zaku but alternative universe
Don't they more resemble angular less-blocky Leos?
They even come in the green and blue of the different types of Leos.
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Yes but graze have zaku number and weapons.
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While the sentiment behind this post is good Ork technology is arguably all artisanal, no one Killa Kan or Deff Dread or Mega-Dread or G/Morkanaut is going to truly be the same as any other.
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The only mass produced MS is ofcourse the Barzam. Love this fucker like you wouldn't belive.
Pick me girls of favorite mecha.
These GMs RULE
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>pick me girls
no such thing
and dont you dare disrespect mass production mecha
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i just think its neat
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I love this thing because it looks like a BRICK. That's it.
Same, I only swap the head when I use it. Here's "SLAVSHIT", my main mech: https://i.imgur.com/MgeuGO1.jpeg
I take it you're a SOLARWIND/SUNSHINE fan as well?
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The true hallmark of a mass-production model is versatility, IMO.
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I hate the angel wings of the Endless Waltz version of WZ so much.
It got even worse when the manga inflicted that cancer on the perfect design that is the Tallgeese (along with vomiting pointless splotches of yellow across it)
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This is the exact type of gloomy visuals and atmosphere modern anime have lost IMO.
They remind me of Guyhawk, just slightly less gay but still good.
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What is this from?
Gundam Build Fighters
That had mooks?
Videogames have AI enemies
Titans should have used GM-styled suits, makes no sense they were piloting literal Zakus before moving onto various monster zeon-looking assholes (except for cheap marketing purposes so they 'idioit viewers' would 'know' who the bad guys are)
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The rest of the zeon aces had Zaku I's. Ramba Ral was the only one with a Bugu.
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the GM is a high-performance suit; the federation probably wanted to cut costs. they likely captured a lot of near-intact zeon mobile suit factories by the end, and the zaku is a cheap, well-made design. given the gm had more powerful sensors, it's likely the mono-eye used much less power, which is useful when hunting zeeks for long periods of time.
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Wait whut. How big is the F91?
40 images left.
Taurus my beloved.
Unfortunately, you will not get that many

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Mass produced Zeta Gundam
It runs fast, it hits, and it looks killer
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His only flaw is that he's too perfect
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The hood classic. I can blow away hordes of them at a time, but seeing one always puts a smile on my face. Absolutely kino design.
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>planedudes in high heels
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My boy the J-Saviour is my favorite
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For some reason, this gif goes really well with the Tick opening theme.
Based and Zakupilled
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20 images to go.
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Is it really "wank" if we're just sharing our favorite MP units? It's not like we're bringing up "grunts beating special units" we're just showing our favorites
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bump :)
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Checked for the anon of true taste, sniper jims of all gens are peak aesthetic, tied with the Spartan for me. Reasonable long rifles give any suit a decent boost lookswise desu.
Ok, okokok. If the Empire is supposed to be the nazis, then why were the federation the ones with a new der mobile suit panzer model each time they made a new one?
Ive always been a big fan of the milsurp look of the zaku attaku
I like their skirts. Very centurion.
Why would you post that trash
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Zeonic front made me love the Dom

gotta go fast zooooooooom
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Really, any Jegan. The design is so simple and elegant, and it’s stupid modular thanks to its long service life. The lack of front skirts and back skirts was a benefit that Anaheim removed for some reason with the Heavygun and other successors to the Jegan.
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I like this guy
Why is he a football player?
what else would a robot that's just a giant gun be if not American?
Based taste. This needs an HGAW.
Earth Alliance MS in general is top-notch. Too bad most of the the writers (i think) have a bias against them
By the time of Destiny the EA largely exist as third party punching bags for both ZAFT and Orb/Kira to style on.
Yeah i think the writers kinda have pro coordinator bias.Well some people said that Seed is a show about coordinator just like X-Men is about mutants.Somehow still make me sad about the naturals tho
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One image left.
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The final i/m/age at long last.

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