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(now on Crunchyroll)
based if true
Why not just play the game?
Because the game doesn't have
You can't stuff yourself with snacks while playing action game.
Yes you can.
Unless it's some casual asscreed shit that you can play with one hand, you'll get killed right?
There's a lot of cutscenes and stuff where you can eat, drink and go take a shid to make space.
I don't play games to watch cut-scenes >.>
But you watch shows to eat food, curious.
>using crunchyroll
Why are you normies like this?
Because playing the game is basically the same experience but for $60. 90% of the game is cutscenes and pushing A to advance dialogue.
>Because playing the game is basically the same experience but for $60. 90% of the game is cutscenes and pushing A to advance dialogue.
Unless you start doing side-missions and then you realize they can open even without progressing the story for a while (like I have side-missions on lvl35, while the main story is still on level 15).
You fucking morons, complaining /m/ shit is so sparse and then complaining about the dumbest shit like the game having a large plot.
You can watch the anime and then you get to skip all the cutscenes in the game and get straight to grinding
So why was the entire Wired portion of the story so rushed?
It was the portion of the story made after the game failed twice and with no accompanying anime multimedia project. I haven' gotten there though, so no idea how bad it gets.
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Another dead lv5 franchise
Because apparently it's not over. They said in interviews that the game will be getting story updates.
It eventually does.
Have any links to those interviews? I trust you anon, would just like to educate myself.
in any order
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>game already has long cutscenes without breaks so wonder why there's a warning this time
>start cutscene
>the game plays anime episode 28 in its entirety
>they just included a whole episode of the anime instead of remaking it as game cutscenes
I'm baffled.
2nd season?
it was during F2P era, when sequel was scrapped in favor of trying luck with F2P approach
prolly tight funds
Here ya go anon.
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>queen before she went genocidal
Oh no, shes hot.
Its hilarious considering how that episode and the chapter for that was delayed.
With how often GameRant copies random articles in forums, and how even that article tries to refer to Overwatch's PVP guidelines as an example of Level-5's strategies for the game, I wouldn't trust it. The only bit of info they got from a sit-down interview with the CEO is there may be some possibilities in the future to do something?
>in post-game
>go to motherboard
>realize there's a R2 prompt next to Yamato's portrait
>press R2
>there's a whole second motherboard for Arshem
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watch megaton musashi
or play
both are nice
>best mecha game in ages
>/m/ isn't playing it
Are you all posers or what?
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they are clearly missing out
>just finished the story
What the fuck happened at the end? Nothing was explained
You see, evolution.
Hate any and all games with Diablo loot out sheer instinct.
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Any other missions give upgrade discounts?
You can just play on the 1st two difficulty and ignore the loot autism
/m/ doesn't like super robot. Bunch of gundam normies in here.
hit player rank 70 how the FUCK do I get stronger
Well I pirated it and beat it got to lvl 72. Wanted to support the devs so paid 70 bucks and the save won't carry over. Sorry had to refund.
Dead game I guess
>only game i played for the last 2 weeks
>71 hrs
>finally unlocked megaton II and the maximus blaze T armor and finishes premium pass
Okay i legit have to take a break.
Fuck, I was planning on doing the same thing.
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same but I'm slow as fuck and only in middle of 2nd season
Good game, probably first time I'm this obsessed in decade
Looks like a show for primary school kids. Is it worth it?
You seem to be around same age, give it a shot
I know I haven't gotten very far but the cutscene to gameplay ratio is awful. Is it going to be like this the whole game?
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I wish I could be playing more. Luckily finals week ends today, so I'll have the summer to enjoy this one.
Around chapter 10 or 11 a bunch of side-missions open at once that go beyond your current story missions.
I guess chapter 21 was when the devs know their time was up. Plot went override and all the subplot threads got wrapped. Then the whole ass anime ep cutscene
Grieffas and the queen got done dirty.
Im going to stop for a month since im going to burn out if i join another fucking roulette and its gaufia armored farm. 71 hrs of this game for 2 weeks is already a megaton.
it's better to take it in reasonable pace honestly
otherwise it is definitely easy to burn out
yea, I feel some burn out too, mostly due trying to keep up with coop with people who have way more energy than me
Can someone give me pointers? I'm overwhelmed with mods, set bonus, and how many weapons you can bring into a stage. I genuinely don't know what to do with the customization system, just got done with the tutorial btw.
you don't need to bother with that stuff until end game of high difficulties
just press "recommended" and don't worry about it
Okay, if you say so.
Pretty surprising considering LBX was pretty much plug and play
well don't forget that this game is 3 games together, with first one going thru development hell
and especially considering f2p period too, which generally devolves games into number crunching and minmaxing
balance is screwed in the end, since they put everything they could into the game instead of making one singular title as with LBX.

Of course nothing of that excuses game for being overwhelming with mechanics which may not be someone's cup of tea.
Sadly the further you go the more mechanics there is, so just try to figure them out at your own pace.

If to back to points - 6 weapons you can bring is due of enemies can have variety of weaknesses. When you attack enemy with right weapon you can see change of damage number colors and green arrow near down where weapon is.
That's why you can set recommended weapons from mission select.
Set bonus I personally didn't look into. Mods I just go with auto select for now too, since you can focus them on specific attribute (melee/ranged) etc.
Game auto setups are really god send with this amount of numbers, so in that case it is still "plug and play" but not the great variant of it.
I've already watched.
>episode 3 still not out on Crunchyroll
>sudden rape scene
Wtf? They really threw everything at the wall like >>22621129 said
>yea, I feel some burn out too, mostly due trying to keep up with coop with people who have way more energy than me
One thing I wish they have is power scaling if youre too high so it would cause you to even out. I coop a ton and i feel bad whenever I coop with lower powered players. Sure I can change my gear but i like the weapon models im using and it would be annoying to dedicate a rogue for each range.
Apparently more content is coming
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you can do it bros
how do you input a rush attack properly on controller? trying to do the lance rush attack into hold button for multiple pokes but I cant see to get it to work, only randomly
Does the Megaton Musashi X part of the story starts right after the city launches as a floating ship? If that's the case I can see how the original game underperformed. That seems way too short and there isn't any kind of story resolution.
What the hell is this?
You can change who you're playing as mid-mission. Press up or down when you're on the weapon select menu.
text tells you to change to other unit
Seems like it, tho I'd say to be disappointed in game being short people must play it at first, I feel like it didn't even reach that threshold.
I think our general impression of playing Wired is scewed since it's easy to make missions take no time since balance is borked.
Oh. I ended up just shooting the boss to death.
I think X was always planned to happen to continue the story judging by the anime being planned for 2 cour. They just shift gear from a DLC expansion to f2p.
Ending the original game on a cliffhanger is just shitty though, like copying Asura Wrath. Just another bad Lv5 move.
Man, post anime story was rushed as fuck
few missions and cutscenes and that's it
You can really feel that money gone dry
Sucks a little bit, it had chance to be as elaborate as 1st or 2nd season. Or at least a movie
yeah it really feels like they condensed all the plot of another 10-12 chapters into 3. Was kind of bummed because up until that point it had been a pretty good ride.
They did they'd be updating it over time too. Whether or not that actually happens in the first place or if it gets an English release either is going to be the question.

I still remember them fucking over White Knight 2 and leaving the Avatar Story JP Only DLC despite it being necessary for some of the plot to make sense since its all about your created character.
>They did say they'd be updating it over time too.
Fixed that and found the link where its mentioned too.

>Just as the game received support in Japan for years, Megaton Musashi W: Wired will also get similar support.

> According to Hino, Level-5 has plans to "continue the game and the story as well." He mentions there are a few possibilities and what those are remains to be seen, though it will likely be more than bug fixes and customer support. This new content could add more general content to the game and new additions to the story, but another possible avenue, depending on Level-5 plans, is more collaborations.
>Man, post anime story was rushed as fuck
Season 2 felt rushed as fuck in general but I didnt expect the W part to fucking go from 200mph to 1000.
The plot in the last chapter barely even wraps anything up, feels like they definitely are going to make another dlc... though with how rushed the wired content felt I'm not sure it'll be much of anything better.
Why is it impossible to find colosseum matches? I have to imagine there's some kind of strict ping limit because I find it unbelievable that across the entire world and consoles and PC there are not 6 people willing to play at once.
Have you tried switching crossplay on/off? I heard that setting was acting strangely somewhere
genuinely no one bought this game because level 5 decided to not advertise at all
the peak on steam didn't even hit 800 players
I guess even level 5 can't print money enough to make new mecha franchise as they'd want
yea, but updating will prolly be about Eve and such, not about first from zero to climax story in few stages we got with 5 year after time skip before credits
2nd season felt generally okay honestly, maybe it's due me talking to every npc ever
It's really too bad how rushed the pacing is towards the end, because it was pretty kino before that. Felt like reading a manga that is about to be axed.
Everything pre-sanctuary is fine, if a bit slow-paced IMO. Condensing the whole sanctuary finale into 1 chapter is certainly a choice though. They went full wrap-it-up mode.
For comparison, the whole sanctuary finale was like a third of the anime's season 2.
The settings option to enable cross-play is mistakenly labeled "Same Platform Matching Only", so if you turn it off, you're actually turning off cross-play. The toggle that appears when starting a multiplayer match is labeled correctly though.
>Crunchyroll now forgot to release episode 4 this week
RIP again
New update with lots of fixes.
>Adjusted the Rail Shooter's hit count so that it would be less affected by FPS settings.
Can they nerf megaton 2 or something, this shit is too hard
Should have gotten the Jap to carry you
Joke aside, once multiplayer dies, shit is gonna be inaccessible though
You would have to grind pretty long on megaton 1 for legendary +20 or better to power through solo
Or just abuse burning build.
Is it nerfed? Rail Shooter felt like the only way to solo progress the early stages of Megaton 2
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>Fixed an issue whereby deploying on a mission with certain parts equipped caused the game to end while loading, or prevented the player from progressing.
DAMNIT! I reset the game just a couple days ago because I thought the data were corrupted.
all the legendaries i got... sob!
I can pretty much solo all of them except the ones that drop relic rarity parts. I can't even beat that shit with a party, the fucking beetle is impossible holy shit.
Does story mode get harder and/or does the combat system expand at all? I'm just mashing square most of the time.
Story mode is baby mode until you get to the start of X's story and get to select the difficulty.
Combat expands a bit beyond mashing one button.
After you advance past chapter 11 I think you get the ability to raise difficulty level even for the first playthrough of story stages. You get the ability to raise diffculty levels of other mission earlier than that.
So they might have more plot, but they don't know, and might just stick in robots from other series for one story mission here or there? That'll be years from now even if they start today.
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You'll eventually get to a point where you'll wish it was easier
Yeah megaton 2 is ass, honestly. I really don't like how limited loot is by the end either, I hope they update the game to have more options in that regard at least, it feels like shit when a game all about customizing throws out most of your options at end game.
I'm getting disconnected in multiplayer constantly. Anyone else?
are they gonna add Gundam to the game or just the litterally who super robots?
Is it worth grinding out the Conquest Mode when I unlock it? The adapters seem like ass, I keep getting absurdly niche set skills on mine.
It's weird how there are so few megaton 2 missions. You also need to unlock them by raising your megaton rank. After megaton rank 18 they expect you to go all the way up to 25 with no new missions which is an absurd grind.
I can’t see them adding Gundam, but fingers crossed for Big O, Godmars, or Shin Getter/Mazinger.
why can I never play online with anyone
are most people at end game?
I'm at chapter 6
Yeah you're not going to find many people who want to run chapter 6 stuff. You unlock dreadnought missions at chapter 10 which are like raids.
>literally who super robots
How is the game? I'm thinking of getting it but not sure if its worth the price. I dont like farming materials.
Story is nonsense fun. You can burn like 20+ hr on that.
It's a loot treadmill game like monster hunter though so farming is like the main thing to do.
Got the game directly from Level 5 due to raffle, I love this game man, it's making me feel bad for nor keeping at it with AC6
Is this a Cruchyroll produced series like High Guardian Spice?
Not at all, it aired during 2020 but now CR got rights to stream it.
It’s pretty fun, story is a bit predictable in places but not awful. Gameplay is damn good although the modding system is a bit much.
I'm at Chapter 21 in the game and getting a huuuuge feeling the story won't actually finish and there's no further updates planned despite being structured like a Live Service game. Am I right?
Hard to say. Level 5 is focused on promoting the new Inazuma Eleven right now so it'll probably be a while before we get more content. I'm not confident they'll finish the story, but I'm sure we'll at least get more non-story content.
>full iconics rank 80+10 musa-o, arthur riser, and armored gaudia with decent rolls and full motherboards and pilot abilities
>750k~ power
what the hell am I supposed to do for power at this point, just grind ranks?
At rank 70 you unlock megaton 2 difficulty which introduces 3 rarities above iconic.
>There finally came a day when 4chan is shilling for Crunchyroll
and I can't even come close to clearing them because I don't deal any damage.
Get your shit to overlimit 30 and join co-op lobbies. They made the first megaton 2 stages way too hard for some reason
drop a torrent faggot
Cringe or based, call it
I finally finished the story, and it really is a wild ride. So, what are the chances of there being anymore substantial updates, or is Level5 just going to drop this for more Inazuma and Yokai Watch?
Don't tell me that /m/ is now full of streamfags? This is all a ruse, right?
Do I need to watch the show before playing, or does it not matter?
You get the full story while playing. I loved the show, and I'm glad I watched it since I'm not much of a gamer, but I'll get the game when it's on sale.
>Kanzaki gets mind wiped and becomes completely irrelevant
What a waste.
The point isn't really that you can watch it on a streaming site, but that there's now official subs.
They have said that there's probably going to be story updates and possibly more collabs. The survey also mentioned DLC.
Has anyone beat the gigaton mission yet?
3D CGI shit
Just finished the game at rank 47. What should i do now? Dreadnaughts, Conquest or just farm the highest level stuff i can access?
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dreads and/or conquest, yeah. Use those X Zenon and Delta suits they gave you too, they're way overtuned.
Where do you get the Iconic sets?
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the last few dreadnoughts
to specify, all of the megaton difficulty dreadnoughts will drop iconics, the ones pictured are just for the time-skip sets.
I am kind of conflicted. On one hand there aren't many players at my level so i can't see doing this on my own, on the other hand i really feel bad getting carried by others.
Megaton 1 missions are soloable, you'll just have to grinding your way up to the harder ones. Megaton 2 missions are total bullshit and don't feel bad about getting carries.
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Use the hydro bazooka
I cleared it on the next attempt. Gaudia's tank cannon is fuckign stronk.
I stopped playing for a while but the last few days I played were people doing nothing but farming the mission for it.
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Maybe I'll try it since it drops from this mission, but I cleared 150k under par so I'd say that's worth something.
It's weird they're releasing the anime subs weekly. I wonder if many people are watching them instead of the fansubs.

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