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Did TTGL successfully invoke the spirit of Getter Robo?
Good question: I think so
>the spirit of Getter Robo
That being what, exactly?
I doubt any of you newfaggots could put in words what Getter means to you personally and overall as an /m/ work, you just repeat memes and point out references in other shit.
He's probably referring to it's hot blooded ness.
I miss the days when /m/ was a constant battleground between Getterfags and TTGLfags
When was this? And why? Both are great but I'll assume getter robo is most likely the superior work overall. But I enjoy both.
>When was this?
2007-2010 abouts
>And why?
Because meme posting seasonal fags were always a thing and were always a cancer and regardless of how good something may or may not be it can be annoying to talk about when when we have 12000 threads and shit posts all saying either nothing or the same nothing.
It's different even if hot blooded. But it's still really cool.
Getter is more manly though
Instead we have at least seven generals, which often have the old thread on the board for an average of about 1 whole-ass page of permanent repetitive topics of people talking about the same shit for years.
>regardless of how good something may or may not be it can be annoying to talk about when when we have 12000 threads and shit posts all saying either nothing or the same nothing.
This is how this shit board treats Gundam yet no-one has a problem with it.

If you think the generals are the problem with /m/ then you're a fucking retard.
Well those generals are at least serving as containment boards. You want to get rid of them? Then you can suddenly say hello to 50 pages a day of people asking WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE SYMPHOGEAR BUTT!! role play.
You wouldn't get anything like as much of that nonsense without a constant general thread to encourage it because you have to absolutely keep it alive because the posters have defined themselves by it.
>Did TTGL successfully invoke the spirit of Getter Robo?
Only if you are an OVAFag, because manga getter (the superior story) has a completely different point and message to the point they are not even comparable
>the superior story
lmao what story. it's just a pile of shit
Anon?....hurry up & put this little low t bitch fag:>>22632701
in his place. He can't get away with it.
No, like everything else trigger has done it's a poor mans version of a pre existing series because they can't come up with anything original without ripping something else off shamelessly.
Right around the time moot embedded Libera me from Hell on /b/.
I don't. I like being able to talk about this show without someone jumping up my ass and telling me to read some manga I've already read. You don't have to shit on one thing I like to hype up another thing I like.
Message? What message? Serious question
Bros I get it

Getter Rays is USA
Humans are Japan
Everyone else are Japan's enemies

Getter Robo is Japan's nationalistic cargo cult series
I'm not sure invoking the spirit is the right way to put it. Rather, I feel like TTGL sets out to be an answer to Getter. Getter raises questions about the dangers of infinite growth and whether humans are capable of harnessing it, while TTGL responds that humans would be able to harness the growth and stop it from becoming out of control and destructive.
That's a pretty based way to look at the two. I guess that's a duology. I think ideon & eva have a similar relationship too.
Ideon is about communication with others end in pointless violence & conflict so we must reach enlightenment.
Eva should be about communication is worth it, so connect with people. At least it should be, but instead it shoots itself in the foot.
You need to be 18+ to post here.
Ideon is about how miscommunication and misunderstanding led to the demise of two races, not le communication is bad
Yeah, that sounds about right. More accurate too.
It was late, on meds, and had an esl moment previous. I apologize.
No, it utterly and completely failed at it. But it also gave up on that concept not even halfway through the show to do whatever they wanted, so it doesn't matter. Basically >>22632770
Near the end, I believe so. It starts to really feel inspired by the conflicts introduced in the Shin Getter and Getter Ark anime.
But a good chunk of the first half feels pretty unrelated.
Wasn't Getter energy and Spiral energy very similar?
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This might be the first post in the countless Getter/Gurren threads to make an interesting comparison.
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of course. Look who wrote it. Really dub question.
ooo no
Its when you see a hole and have to thrust into it
Not really. Getter Rays are an ominous force that aren't malicious towards humanity but beckon it toward infinitely expanding its technology, war potential, and territory, ultimately becoming the race of war mongers and conquerors seen in Getter Arc. The Getter Robo that starts as a tool of liberation from the conquest of the Dino Empire evolves into the Getter Emperor which is the ultimate tool for conquest. The oppressed becomes the oppressor as their amass more power and lose their way.
Spiral Energy is based on this concept in that it is also an infinite energy source that can enable the unlimited growth of humanity, but with the very optimistic assertion that the heroes of Gurren Lagan and and their descendants will never misuse it. It feels like pretty unfounded optimism considering how little time the series spends on elaborating on the previous civilizations that used spiral energy.
I think the Shin Getter Robo OVA ultimately got this part of the original manga right. When the invaders reveal the truth behind Getter Rays to the new Getter Team, Kei declares that humanity will abandon Getter Rays. The series ends with her standing inside the wreckage of Shin Getter Dragon, and I believe the implication is that humanity will someday transcend the need for unlimited energy and infinite power.
GL goes beyond just "invoking" the spirit of getter and inherits all of its DNA plus every other mecha show made before it. Towards the end Simon mentions that it's sad to see people die but it's only natural in order to let the children of the future flourish and I feel that was directed towards Getter and Ishikawa in general, he might be dead and Getter may never see a proper continuation but from his legacy sprout so many seeds honoring him and doing their own thing. It seems silly to compare GL to Getter trying to discern which outdid which or as if GL somehow copied Getter, when it's obvious to anyone that has read and watched both works with a curious eye that Getter and other shows are huge inspirations.
How many times does Kamina and Simon scream "GATTAI!!!"? The show is incredibly self aware but in a respectful manner owning every single thing that's cool about the genre and using it to tell a story rather than mock another one, because it's done by seasoned veterans of both the industry and the genre, so to me it seems rather silly to look at it with disdain and being unable to talk about it earnestly here. I've seen normalfags cry after Kittan dies and I don't think that's a bad thing, even if they then go ahead and call the genre childish or boring or whatever, they are just uncultured beastmen but that doesn't negate the value the show holds for my hobby.
Fucking coward. You're never gonna answer the fucking question, Huh? Imao.
What fucking question? Not once in that is there anything approaching an interrogative.
I want to watch Getter, should I just watch all of the shows in release order? What do you think of 70s Getter?
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Read the manga before watching any Getter anime
Toei getter is a lot of fun, but it's not something you want to binge because the MOTW format will drain you down.
You can start with any show or manga of your choosing, this isn't a race to the finish so you should only focus on enjoying it.
He's probably talking about you saying "Based."
"Based" is not a universal 4chan saying. In fact throughout much of this site, it's considered bad form. If you want to use it, stick to the newfag traps like /v/ and /pol/.
>Completely ignores subtitled radio drama prequel to Armageddon.
I will now remind anon of censorship.
Too bad this not in english in anyform
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anon i...
My version had her tits in full display, you didn't play the game or you are a chink idk what's worse.
I always forget that Gainax did the Medaka anime.
Very strange decision. Never would've guessed against to adapt it too. Glad they did at least.

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