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Do you think it's possible to make a successful modern Votoms AU show that heavily rehashes elements from the original?
If the CGI doesn't look like bad PS2 graphics and the story's right, maybe.
He’s only a teenager you sick fuck
Not in Japan's current political climate, no.
I'm wondering if anyone can even make another show like Votoms to begin with. The last Votoms ova was from 2010 and it was, in a thematic sense, far removed from the rest of the series and leaned on typical mecha tropes.
I'd rather not have Votoms SEED but something close to it would be nice.
>Votoms SEED
>one of the gay twins is now a big titty waifu
>unfortunately still has the same awful face for bonerkill
He's 18.
God, I hate everything about this. Good animation but childish power fantasy crap
>we want the code geass audience
Just don't watch new anime.
It may be targeted at kids, but the show itself is nothing short of mean-spirited. Come to think of it, that's an awful combination.
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Depends on what they would rehash. Otherwise ideally I wouldn't want anything rehashed.
>tfw learned about Pailsen Files novel version of Zaki

I think we dodged a big bullet with the anime.
>He really thinks an eighteen-year old is a teenager.

Wait, there's a Pailsen Files novel? Is it being fan translated?
no lol
"Oh, Pailsen, tomorrow is Chirico's birthday! You see at midnight... he becomes sexy."
Only thing I'd want is the pacing of the first arc to be better. I was almost turned away until the Space Vietnam arc.
Pailsen's ideal Chirico is small and toasty.
Yeah Votoms should only be for men who want to torture Chirico. No women allowed.
Yes, no, and the twist they throw in is that Zaki's a woman in disguise
they just need to make a blue knight berserga anime using the novels as reference
I mean, have to seen the profits from that franchise? I would want it too.
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It's kinda wild how with all the spinoffs and OVAs, the OG anime is still the best thing about VOTOMS. Honestly, I think that if they were to do a modern VOTOMS thing it should just be a new character rather than dragging Chirico through the mud some more and likely making him even more of a super special donut like the OVAs did.

Show me proof in the form of covers and ISBN numbers or you're lying. Not discrediting you. This is 4chan, so beware of claimimg you have information from a source here.
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I dont WANT AU's I want more Astragius Galaxy!
I KNEW he was FTM! I need pussyboy art of him pronto
First viewing is thinking Kummen is the best arc
Subsequent viewings is realizing that Uoodo is
ISBN-10 4894257572
ISBN-13 978-4894257573
It's written by Souji Yoshikawa,who scripted the OVA, but who knows if Takahashi were to agree about Zaki or not. Yoshikawa says things changed during production and to treat the novel as a parallel story. No pictures unfortunately.

Thank you. Again, I apologe for threatening to call you a liar.
It wasn't just Zaki, I think the ones who read the novel mentioned that it had some big deviations from the second half of OVA. Also novel Zaki wasn't just a woman in disguise, it was a woman in disguise with male personality installed during Pailsen's brainwashing. Strangely, the whole thing explains why Zaki's death scene has a different vibe from the rest of Berkhoff's Squad. It might have been written with a female character in mind.
The only vibe I got from Zaki's death was being kind of ridiculously sudden as if he realized he was the last prequel character and needed to off himself to maintain continuity.
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As someone who's only seen the anime and has been putting off the OVAs, are they worth watching?
Watch everything up to Palisen files
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Why would you want to? The show was just fine the first time around, but even then it's been so long that it would be silly to do anything but a straight remake.
There needs to be more Zaki surprise vajayjay lewd art then.
I doubt it's possible when they are too scared to do 0079 remake. And Votoms is much lower on their priority list.
>trying to do a slow burn jazzy noir sci-fi action mecha anime in 202X
no thanks
Do you have a screenshot of the caveman quent guy staring at Chirco while he sleeps?

That's the benefit of doing a VOTOMS AU: it doesn't need to replicate the tone of the original.
>votoms without votoms
no thanks
It's better to be something like Wing/SEED to UC Gundam rather than what we got with Votoms Finder.

If Cosmic Era Gundam can copy Universal Century designs (Zaku II into ZAKU Warrior), a VOTOMS AU can simply recycle the Scopedog, Fatty, and other ATs without reusing the Astragius Galaxy.
They will have to. I'm pretty sure it would be impossible to sell kits without reusing them as a basis at this point.
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I actually enjoyed Case Irvine.

Same as it's simply something that can occur in the same continuity as all Chirico-centered works and Mellowlink, albeit in a separate part of the Astragius Galaxy.
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I still just want a story from the Balarant perspective.
What would VOTOMS AU even be about? Set in modern day?
Votoms high school AU with Chirico
Rehash of Votoms for the modern audience. Brand new setting and cast but 80% of ideas are rehashed from the original, 15% of things unique to the new series and 5% of something else. Obligatory twists on some story elements that were in OG Votoms.
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Ueda has some good votoms art.
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Votoms is fine as it is as a complete story (with a lot of weird side stories). People figured out it was easier to take inspiration from it and make stuff like Front Mission. I also wonder if Takahashi and/or Takara have more control over Votoms that we realize.
Unlikely that Takara really has that much control, Bandai owns Sunrise outright, make Votoms model kits and it's been featured in SRW. They don't have an exclusive license over the series anymore.
That reminds me, does it mean that Chirico getting a nendoroid is still possible since Bandai doesn't completely own it?
james coburn
Does the rivalry between Chirico and Ypsilon feel weird because the rival character is not cooler the MC? Or is it because their connection to Fyana is more prominent than their rivalry?
They should've stop fighting and 3p
It's very one sided the whole time through, Chirico doesn't seem to think much of Ypsilon. Meanwhile Ypsilon gets this massive inferiority complex because he's a perfect soldier but he can't beat Chirico.
It's mostly just there. They barely fight and it feels like the whole rivalry exists because it has to. The LRS tried to justify it, but that was after the show.
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I want 2 cours of Chirico suffering on the PTSD ship!
There’s rumors Ypsilon was added for the girls but little did they know ladies are more into seeing Chirico getting tortured. Yyhk
Did Ypsilon and Chirico ever team up? I can't remember. If they didn't they should have.

When they were trapped in rubble early into their final battle at Sunsa. After they got out, they picked up where the left off.
They're unnecessary more than anything else. If you want more VOTOMS then they're fine, they just successively diminish the TV series. I wouldn't consider a single one of them not worth one viewing, but I didn't enjoy any of them more than the original show.

Last Red shoulder's the best of the bunch and even that retcons in Ypsilon. Shining Heresy and anything chronologically after that just exists to make Chirico miserable. If you haven't seen Mellowlink yet I'd watch that first, it has the least to do with the TV show and some of the best production values.
It's more like Chirico always supposed to have a rival (like the one in Kyoujin no Hoshi) but his design wasn't something that was set in stone.
I fucking love the post-war noir vibes of Uoodo, it's such a fun arc. Space Cambodia gave me what the show was actually sold to me as, but Uoodo has so much going on it's always fun to revisit.
The 80s OVAs are great, I don't know what this board has against them. Some fantastic animation in them.
The OVAs all the way to Pailsen Files are all 10/10 but I have to admit that they somewhat diminish the TV series' story despite being highly entertaining. The Last Red Shoulder is probably the best in terms of fitting in with the TV series and even that one sort of mucks the narrative up a bit.
Big Battle's okay, it just feels like a stretched out TV episode to me. Roots of Ambition is just more retcons explaining stuff that was already retconed by LRS, and at least that felt self-contained. Pailsen Files exists to further explain stuff that was introduced in those OVAs, and all those retcons make the actual Overman reveal less impressive. Not sure why Chirico's in denial about being a PS in the TV series when his Red Shoulder buddies held a gun to his head and were physically unable to kill him, or why he's surprised when he makes contact with Wiseman when he's already been on a planet just like it with the Berkhoff squad.
I forgot about Big Battle. That's definitely the best OVA in terms of fitting in with the TV series. Fun but slightly forgettable.
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Shining Heresy is peak VOTOMS
See, I don't even class Palisen Files as the same as an OVA because it's basically so far removed from the original series just by being from 2007. I don't know why people really jump to watch things made 20 years later and expect it to be consistent.
Shining Heresy came out in the 90s and that was closer to the 2000s OVAs. Plus there was enough stuff like video games and print media that filled those 20 years.
There's being consistent and then there's completely rewriting massive parts of the established story. Come on don't be so disingenuous.
What are you expecting from something written so far apart? Gundam OVAs were made 10 years after 0079 and make all the same mistakes.
>Gundam OVAs were made 10 years after 0079 and make all the same mistakes
? Did they really?
Yeah, as good as 0080 is it kicks off the theme of 'another experimental Gundam that doesn't make it to the battlefield', followed by what 0083 and 08th MS Team does with the technology.
>What? Do you really expect them to not completely invalidate obvious major plot points from the original story? I mean 10 whole years!
Bro it's ridiculous. Like why even have such a dumb conversation.

That is not even remotely the same. What happened in the Votoms OVAs would be like if there was a prequel OVA to the OYW were Amuro had already found out he was a newtype. Jfc get a grip.
Thank you for confirming his BS on that one.
Why don't you do it directly you little bitch?
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I think telling stories from other parts of the Astragius Galaxy would be great.
I had the Idea of a Great Escape inspired story that revolves around Gilgamesh POWs secretly repairing and upgrading an old AT for a breakout.
Too lazy, sorry anon. No hard feelings.

In relation to an argument I had over a VOTOMS remake, that's one thing that can justify it: reconciling it with Roots of Treachery and Pailsen Files. The remake simply just has to rewrite A LOT of Chirico's lines.
Literally just make VOTOMS but Girls Und Panzer. Imagine a squadron of loosely defined country originated votoms battling a tournament with a lot of tactics, manuevers, and deception. I started seeing votoms and 08 hoping it would get really technical, alas its just aesthetic, a coat of paint, battles are rarely thought out and planned. I wanna see REAL skirmishes
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>Fatty adventures
hell yes
I want a prequel set when the OG overmen were taking over the Galaxy and created Wiseman.
Yeah, but for most of that time Ypsilon is "incomplete" though. The first time they fight in the Last Red Shoulder OVA he wasn't even supposed to yet.
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