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Who the fuck decided what considered a Gundam MK?
Who the fuck cares? It's not real.
Grow up, manchild.
>Stop trying to have discussions! I want board dead!

Maybe you should listen to your own advice.
>becomes more ungundamlike as time passes
titan sucks
>Gundam Mk IV
>Suddenly Xenogears like
peaked so hard at mk2
God I hate the fucking "NOOOOOOO" type of posting so much.
Same reason why anything that's not a RX-78 gets a Gundam moniker, those that made em wanted to call it that
God I hate the fucking "NOOOOOOO" type of posting so much.
Wanna fight about it?
Better question, why Titans based Mk-IV on AEUG's Mk-III and not on one of their own or one of EFF ones?
I mean Anaheim stole tech from the MK-II, not too surprising they would do the same.
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Yeah, but Titans sure love their Gaplant derived transformables.
It's not that each subsequent mark of Gundam is based on the earlier one, but more like it was a race to (re)claim the famous title of Gundam for themselves and claim to be the new successor to the title. There are literally multiple Gundam Mark III types that are different in design and model number and origin.


That said, while the Zeeks kinda have some pride about their machines, all of the factions around that time were NOT hesitant about stealing tech from other groups to see what it could do and whether they can copy it, reuse it, and/or do it better. Stuff as basic as Galbaldy and advanced as Gundam Mark V got passed around and copied and experimented on between factions multiple times.
>Zeeks kinda have some pride about their machines
How the fuck you're posting this with a picture of Doven Wolf? (Bawoo and Schuzrum Dias go there too, as well as Marasai and Hizack)
Mk-IV is explicitly based on the Anaheim Mk-III
He was referring to the part about how:
>Gundam Mark V got passed around and copied and experimented on between factions multiple times
Why dont you ask Bandai directly you fucking retard
Fujita's MK-III is in the official Z-MSV, the othter Mk-III are less official and only shows up in Model Graphix
>Gundam Mortal Kombat
Weird combination, but I would be down for that. The roster could be better though. Something like Shining finger would make for a good fatality.
I did, they told me to go fuck myself and to go buy more real grades
What the fuck?
>Don't listen to him. Just buy Gunpla
>ZERO Mk-IV kits
A crime
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Wait for the next build series to feature a custom one. Bandai will then release a p-bandai of the original as a HG two years later.
Or they just won't bother with that, like with the sakibure.
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The Silver Bullet should have been the Gundam MK-VI
Mk-V is literally just a Doven Wolf paint job. Anaheim has fallen.
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They don't make sense at all really. A mark is used to denote an alternate or additional configuration of an existing design. For example you adopt "Tank 10" and decide later that the turret sucks at fighting other tanks, and you want one that can mount a bigger gun, so you approve "Tank 10 mark 2" with a different turret mount and bigger gun, but otherwise the machine is the same and if "Tank 10" still fills a useful niche like infantry support both Tank 10 and 10 mark 2 stay in production. The Gundam MKII should really just be called the Gundam II, since the mkII is significantly different from the 78-2, no core block, new backpack, movable frame system etc. Its more than a superficial change its a completely separate machine.

If we're committed to the bit the Alex or G-Unit series of suits should have gotten Mark designations since they're all just the RX-78-2 with additional equipment or alterations to the base model, but still are then original Gundam under all the changes.
A prime example of flanderization.
No it isn't.
Shit doesnt even have chest vents shut up
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You will have your anicent SD kit and you will like it
Why is 3 so lean?
I think someone mixed up the zeta with Mk.II while naming it. Or they wanted a design for Mk.III but didn't have one so they chose whatever they had from unused art.
MK-V came first you fucktard.
If by fallen you mean that they stole yet another Titans design, you'd be right, but they were never above this.
Anon all the TDT did was slap extra shit onto existing MSs like 98% of the time. And the 2% of MSs they did make were completely btfo by a single anaheim suit. you're basically comparing the US army r&d unit to fucking lockheed martin
Maybe there's rights issues like with Sentinel
Sinanju Stein would have been developed into a Mk-VI if it was never stolen by the Sleeves
Is it true the Gundam MK II is called the "Steel Bullet" in the Zeta novelisation
Nah, Gundam in general is called 鋼弾 in Taiwan, which literally translates to "Steel Bullet" in English.
What do the headphones on Mark the Fourth do?
>Anon all the TDT did was slap extra shit onto existing MSs like 98% of the time.
What existing MSs were Baund Doc, Asshimar, Gaplant and Psyco Gundam were based on again?
>And the 2% of MSs they did make were completely btfo by a single anaheim suit
Ah, yes, they sure shown what a combination of technology they stole from Zeeks and Titans could do in a hands of a very autistic, I mean, powerful newtype child that took part in designing the suit himself.
>implying milfags wrote this show
The British uses Mark designation more liberally. The US also uses Mark number for a variety of ordinance that are very different from each other.
I thought the US uses E for "experimental" alternate configs, and A for "approved" configs? Outside of the Navy i didn't think they used Mark designations.
I can't get over how ugly the Mk4 is
Anything after MKIII is ugly
Didn't it appear in the Werewolf manga? Getting that version is viable enough
>Maybe there's rights issues like with Sentinel
the rights issues with Sentinel are with pretty much everything except the mechanical designs, Bandai has full ownership of those and has no issues making merchandise of them or using them in games, it's using Sentinel's story or characters that where the ownership issues exist
It's just obscure, I don't think any other G-gen original has a normal kit either.
Me. I told them what's the Mk3, 4 and 5.
Those progressively freakier Gundam designs?
All me.
Remember that one from Soldiers: Heroes of World War II as you can get it for the Allies campaign but rarely ever see that variant.
Katoki and M-G own the design for the S2 (The Skinny S)
US actually uses X to denote experiments nowadays
XM5, XM2010 ect.
Thank you anon, when can we expect the mk6?
He meant for different marks of experimental setups. The X- prefix at the front of the model number would mean the thing itself is being considered for adoption into US military service, but -A and -E suffixes are used to denote different *versions* of an existing weapon/machine/thing in military use.

E.g., the M1 Abrams tank was known as the XM815 and XM1 when it was being prototyped in the 1970s. However, there are different variant versions of the M1 Abrams today. For example, Abrams tanks that have been upgraded have the -A suffix, such as M1A2 SEP. Then there are experimental upgrades for the M1 Abrams that are still being tested and not formally adopted for service yet, like M1E3, which I guess will be renamed as M1A3 if it were to be accepted for official use.

The irony is almost palpable.
ma'am this is the mecha board
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The Gundam Mk-V is so damn cool. I can understand people having an issue with it not looking like the standard Gundam mold, but that's a big part of why I like it so much. All the designs in Sentinel have that cool unique vibe.
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t.anaheim bootlicker
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>RX-78 called "The White Devil"
>Gundams become more abominable with each passing generation
It fits
II is fine when it's not in the Titans colors and I can kinda give IV a pass despite being ugly as shit since it at least looks like a Gundam from the Universal Century, but III and V do not belong at all.
III looks kind of Zetaish if you squint and paint it white and blue
Sinanju Stein with a V-fin
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Mk. III was developed by Anaheim Electronics, both Mk. IV and Mk. V was developed by the Augusta Lab, hence the different designs.
I think you are lost, go here:
This is the mature adult board you are looking for and belong.
Now go get your Pride-Prolapse faggot, and don't forget to brag about it and post pics on Twitter/X.
What a waste of numbers...
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V is definitely looks like it belongs. It's just the head.
I myself prefer the variant that was made later for Amuro.
it was a deal between Anaheim and the Sleeves
Honestly this has been bandai with pretty much everything gundam in the west
That's because it's a Psycho Gundam derivative, that's according to the MG manual.
It looks derived from the Psycho Mk-II rather than the Psycho Mk-I which was a party-sized RX-78
Yeah, kind of.
It's more apparent with it's successor unit Doven Wolf though.

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