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Welcome to the My Massive Pony thread!
You don't mind if I sit here do you? Edition

Writers, artists, and critiques are always welcome, so long as it pertains to the main idea of the thread which is size difference.
Check out our slowly growing ponepaste: https://ponepaste.org/3112

Previous thread: >>40739527
I don't think even the chair is ready for what's to come
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Imagine being trapped in there
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Tell me about your most recent /mmp/ dream, anon.
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Hey,(You), reading this post!

How about writing some green?

Here's some inspiration >>40951166
Big filly deals with bullies
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Last thread falling off was Spike’s fault.
Imagine being navigator on the bridge of USS Celestia.
I had a dream hat /mmp/ was dying. Thankfully I have my nightmare vision goggles.
Big fillies *are* the bullies, anon. That's why we love them.
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Her tiny butt excites me so.
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I prefer her sister's weapon of ass destruction.
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Browsing through my old stuff these days. As always, my doodles are lacking technically speaking, but some have a nice energy to them

This one is from March 2018
Nice pic. Got something more recent?
Big bullies can't have small bullies on their turf. Gotta get 'em outta there.
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October 2019
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July 2018
last one for tonight. This one was finished for december 2020
I really like this one, and yea it's always interesting to look at old works and how much we improved

Also not enough chars, so little short green on next post
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>"Cmon lass, what's got you down?"
>You look down at your co-worker, wondering if you should open up to him
>Well, you two always been bread and butter at every job, so why not
>You take a deep breath, wondering how to explain the situation
"Well, I been dating a mare, she's quite hard to miss, but..."
>"But what? If she's that pretty you should consider yourself lucky!"
"I mean I do, I really do! Catching her eye for little old me somehow..."
>"Then what's the issue old man?"
"Well, there's a pony custom..."
"You know, you love your mare as much as you can lift her and all..."
>"Of course! Dem earth ponies are really bullshitting all of us with their genes though"
>You go to reply but he quickly butts in
>"But I s'pose it sure shows with the size of their families, I mean a dozen foals is kids play for most o' them"
>With the extra tid bit you decide to go silent, contrasting his mirthful giggling
>Ponies really took that seriously, didn't they?
>"Anon? You went pale for a moment. Cmon buddy, talk to me"
>You gulp down and take a breather, trying to not let the worry get to yourself
>"Anon?" - a melodic, sing song voice called from outside, calling you with the strength of rolling winds
>"Huh? Who's that?"
>"Anoon, where are you?"
>Talk about timing...
>With a sigh, you went to the window to open it up
>Despite being on the 8th floor, you were met with the sight of her colorful tights, just below her cutie mark
>You heard the surprised clop of rushed hooves from inside, your co-worker certainly not expecting such vista
>Meanwhile you watched as her plot swung towards the building, stopping just short of hitting it
>You don't think the building would have won the duel against her softness...
>Still, despite your coworker shakyness, you reached out to pet the large mass
>Instantly the house sized hoof down below lifted up, the entire leg tensing while reacting to your touch
"I'm here love, I'll be out in a bit. You came early"
>The huge limb relaxed, a sigh coming from above as she walked backwards
>Afterall, it's not like there was space for her to turn around
>"You know I hate when you do that..."
"And you promised to not buttcheck any buildings if you happen to brush or feel something..."
>Her scrunching face came in view as her forelegs finally passed by
>Quickly switching into the most beautiful smile as both of you meet eyes
>"I just couldn't wait for your surprise. Also, I been meaning to ask you something for a while too..."
"It's fine, just give me 10 minutes"
>"For you? I'm going nowhere. Take as long as you wish, love."
>She made a kissu face before going back to looking around
>Likely trying to find a spot to sit down
>With the cue, you closed the window again
>Only to look back at your co-worker stark and shocked face
>He just pointed at the window, then you, then looked at the window again
"Soo, yea. About that lifting as high as your love for your marefriend..."
Nice mares.
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The green with Twilight will always be my favorite.
I've just added it to ponepaste for old time's sake
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Big Rarara wearing lipstick and smooch me like pic related.
Tell me about a mare that needs growing. What is this mare doing right now?

Didn't someone else write a green that continued the Twilight cyoa premise up to the wedding
I'm pretty sure somebody did. I haven't saved it, though. So unless this writefriend is still around, it will need a bit of desu archeology to unearth

Absolute chad
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>"Don't you think this mark is missing a little something?"
>Rarity stares right through you with some kind of smug lust
>"Something... you-shaped, perhaps?"
I used to be a Daisy kind of guy, and largely still am, but one day, I woke up with a massive boner for Peach that never went away.
I love the idea she's kind of perverted.
>Kind of
I mean the quiet ones are the worst, so she can't beat Fluttershy, but inside that proper mare looks I'm sure she keeps quite the ideas for under the blankets. Plus the ogling others under the excuse of being a fashionists
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What should I do if my waifu is too big to visit my city?
Yes please!
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Enjoy the chaos.
>Monsterfilly cutely pronks up to the picnic table where you lounge, shaking the Earth like a tyrannosaurus
>says she made you a drawing, and of course, you agree to look
>green magic lifts the theater-sized sheet of paper for you to see, and
>its a crudely drawn, happy Sweetie Belle, and a decidedly less happy looking green stick figure, in a familiar tie
>said stick figure is trapped in the stomach region of a rudimentary digestive tract, drawn from end-to-end along Sweetie's form
>the paper lowers, and behind it Sweetie is looking back, her starry wingding eyes far cuter than they should be, considering what may be your current mortal peril
But Anon, there will be so many full-road-wide hoof craters in the neighboorhood, not to say the buildings she ends up brushing past, even if accidentally
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Well, yes, is that not why we invited her over?
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I need to see this either expanded into a story or drawn
It's a shitty prompt that makes no sense for a filly, so I'm good without
Really curious on how growth or the general story would've played out if we ever chosen this story.
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Do you ever start a drawing and never finish it because once you've drawn the mare the rest isn't very interesting?

Also I feel like I messed up the perspective here, and I don't have the courage to try and fix it rather than making something else. Also, this is the most recent drawing I've made, and thus the state of the art of my drawing skills. I guess I haven't been drawing much these past few years, nor did I try to study to make my art any more advanced than flat colours. I guess it's logical that I stagnated
I know this feel.
Nothing wrong with drawing another picture that catches your interest more, or even starting over and doing another take of that one. Maybe try a composition that yields fewer background elements to deal with so it's less of a hurdle? Like a lower angle with the tree in the foreground or something.
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Stolen from the Rarity general.
>PG 10
>The very last thread on the board
Emergency bump, no massive mares pictures on hand though
>ywn be used as an insole for Princess Luna

Why can't we get taken from our world to theirs?
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Watch where you're flying
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Would blow my little load under there
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>last worked on this over two years ago
I wish I could be more interested in art in general.
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Dammit, I missed the 5th! I know I usually connect these with semi-continuous posts, but I thought I'd do something different this time. Rather than the usual, I figure I'd instead offer this tiny(hue) wip snapshot of a potential minigame I'm planning on adding into a larger project. I'm slowly piecing together a very, very modest (small) adventure game in Godot. Not sure if it'll play more like King's Quest, or a point and click adventure (where you have icons for looking, speaking, etc). I was thinking both, but truth be told, I haven't worked on the UI yet, so it's all up in the air. At the moment, I'm just assembling a system that'll let me add new areas without much trouble. Working on a save system that'll save item and world states is next. Then text parsing, but I don't think that'll be too bad. The art, though, that's gonna be tough. I haven't drawn in a long time and it shows painfully plainly. The overworld graphics will probably be pixelated and MS-DOS inspired (read: shoddy and stolen), but the minigames/game-over events might look more like pic related. I'm also still mulling over how to incorporate those scenes into the game. In a lot of the old Point-n-Click games, you typically just died outright if you made a mistake, usually in a humorous way. So in this case, maybe you climb Flutterbutt's chair, and have a limited amount of time to jump off before the animation triggers and you're sent back to the reload screen. But I also like the Little Snatcher style minigames, where it's more of an endurance test and you have a health bar and have to survive the event by dodging or reducing damage. I'll have to think about it some more.

I'd like to have a super basic demo out s̶o̶o̶n̶ before next year. I'm hoping by or around May. The demo would only have 2-3 rooms in it, and only a couple scenes. But again, ideally the project is set up so adding additional "dungeons" is easy, and the hardest part about adding more content is simply making the art for it. Christ I don't think I've drawn since last year's post. I should also start practicing drawing fundamentals again. Guess we'll see how things play out.
This fetish has a lot of vore overlap
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>tfw no giant mare to sleep on
The best version of vore requires this fetish
That blush, she's actually gushing having little anon there
He lives, I thought Canadash had finally rolled over during sleep
If there was some give in the ass crack line to indicate heft during the movement that'd make it even better, but nice to see ya around, good luck in the project

Talking about projects, anyone know of HGRobo's? did he release a last one or just abandoned?

It has a lot of overlap with many many things, afterall it's just pony, but made extra big/small
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>tfw no Strawberry pone to be a bitch to Appletini, eat her, and then remark that she, like her apples, didn't even taste good
I feel like I've seen this pairing tossed around some, not much content as of yet, though

Any bigpone game would be fun. The one thing about Little Snatchers is that it's struggle mechanic sometimes lacks any feedback at all. You can blow through all your stamina and not be sure it even did anything in the short term. However, it has one of the best gts vore scenes I've seen in a user-made game. I legit cannot hear Mozart's Rondo Alla Turca without getting a fucking boner anymore.
Most people are into shrinking, vore, feet, ect. There are very few true macrophiles.
I wish some large mare would overlap me
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Quality rarara, I love angle shots like those, fish eye view and such
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Worms eyes view, not fish eyes view. Like >image
That's a fat dude in a fursuit, though
You are nearly flattened by a Metal Gear sized scooter during a distracted Scootaloo and Apple Bloom's lovers quarrel. While you're dazed they surround you to look, and it turns to Bloom and Scoots daring each other to eat the weird green bug. Apple Bloom doesn't have the guts, and Scootaloo is too chicken, and as they go back and forth, daring each other, and teasing each other for not being able to do the thing they themselves can't, Sweetie Belle interjects saying she'll do it. Her big starry eyes don't look like a hesitant filly about to do a gross-out dare either—she wants to do it.

Feels like a more reasonable prompt
Yea that one is more fitting, but making a drawing and just wanting to eat after showing it like the other one feels purely for fetish sake, therefore goes nowhere and it's trash
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Your milk has arrived, Anon
Sorry, we didn't have a small enough package available for you, so feel free to come up and take as much as you need.
To be fair, most scenarios have varying degrees of contrivance for fetish's sake
Then make it believable, closer to how the character would act, not just "because" and completely ooc
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>make my fiction believable
i like this, a lone huge dessert queen.
keep it up!
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It is with great happiness and some aprehension that I can anounce that Growing Village will return next saturday after a 6 months hiatus
Run under and look up
asking again

That was me. I still have it on my GDrive. I can put it on ponepaste or something if people care, I guess? Looking back, it doesn't really capture the same spirit as the first green.
A ponepaste would be appreaciated, friend
Didn't saw the first post, dunno if only show mares, but first idea that came to mind was Littlepip, finding if her partial alicorn regen works like actual alicorns and getting bigger the more radiation she gets.
No longer will she be a midget mare, but at what cost...
>I feel like I've seen this pairing tossed around some, not much content as of yet, though
Maybe a lot works against it. Their interaction was in 2017, whereas Flutterbat and AJ was in late 2013. The 2013 pairing may have had the benefit of more drawfags. Additionally some might find Fluttershy transforming into some ravenous beast more interesting than some background pony they never before cared about whose essence is "apples suck". Having another pairing might have been excessive for some, as Limestone and AJ was one to work with too, but also received little attention. Speaking for myself, the problem is Applejack. She's a pleasant character, but as for lewd content I find her to be the least interesting of the mane six, whether she's on the receiving end or not. Thinking about that pony being trapped in some stomach with mushy strawberries is kinda unf though as I think about it.
Can we talk about the size difference between Meegan and the ponies in this scene?
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It was a bold way to write Applejack out of the show, but I liked the setup of showing Strawberry's eligibility for the Element of Honesty, speaking plainly the way she did about her thoughts on apples. It makes sense that after their spat, Strawberry couldnt resist when she came across Appletini, and the explosion of Strawberry lewds sure were nice as she settled in among the rest as the newest replacement member of the M6. Plus we didn't lose Ashleigh entirely, since she still voiced Rainbow and the odd Nurse Redheart.
Here you are, then. For better or worse.
>For better or worse.
I choose better!

Thank you my man. I liked that green
“Watch out… I’m setting it off!”
As Calamity then pushes the button, there’s a deafening blast not far from him, but the boulder he and Velvet Remedy stand behind protects them for the damage. Once the dust settles, the two ponies can assess that the controlled explosion managed to breach an entry into the underground complex they were looking for.

It’s been three days that Littlepip had been missing. She had supposedly found some old world remains with fancy electronics to salvage in the wasteland, but her daytrip had since turned into a several days ordeal, and now a rescue mission. When the two ponies came looking for their friend, the traces Calamity found and the information he could gather hinted that the little unicorn might have fallen in an abandoned subterranean lab. Worse, the radiation levels were worryingly high inside there, and they had to gather protective gear and a healthy amount of Radaway to have any chance to help their friend.
Hopefully it isn’t too late…

The two wasteland adventurers quickly delve into the complex. The worn-out paint and rusted metal underneath isn’t very welcoming, but at least there wasn’t any hint of hostile creatures inside here. Another good surprise, is that they find out the radiation level inside is weaker that they expected. Strangely enough, the readings even seem to go down the deeper inside they get.

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With all her connections, I hope she brings her friends
God I love that picture so much. Fapped to it a couple times.

Spoiler: TKDJ
Hey! It isn't lunch time yet, 404 mare!
'Member Gene Quest?

I tried to somewhat put it in a paste. I've copied all the epilogues of each relationship, and I've linked the threads for the whole story Gene Quest was through 2020 to 2021

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Yes, but not only that, but I hoped it'd continue someday...
It was clear you didn't wanted to, but one can dream
Next thing is Growing Village, I might regret this but imma say there's a chance finishing Gene Quest is next
Haven't forgotten. Thanks for putting the epilogues in a convenient paste. No idea why tracking traits and passing them along several generations to create big mares with qualities we want is so engaging, but it works well. It's a similar feeling to practicing eugenics in a CK game.
Looking forward to both. Don't stress, or have too much regret, if plans change.
>adds in asses
I'd love to have my face against that ass
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Well, if you love it so much, maybe she should go visit (You)
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Though, as long you stay in the middle it should be fine
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Most of the stuff I did during this break was organizing old stuff and browse through old ideas. I currently have the text and pictures ready should I decide to start a new iteration for GeneQuest

Pictured : drawing of a mare prospect for next iteration that came out so poorly I stashed the whole cyoa away in 2021 and the new better version
Rarity using wicked magic to re-outgrow Sweetie Belle after her puberty and lauching a sisterly grow-off for the next few weeks
Mrs. Harshwinny confiscating half your hight after an unprofessionnal display, and might do it again if you don't show any progress
A bare body being unable to contain the extent of her snowpity, effects are exponential as she keeps growing more and more
Cool to hear that the next generation is ready whenever you are. Besides the feeling of hesitation of which mare to best to choose, the only other thing I hope for with the quest is more text or influence of physical traits of big mares affecting society. A blurb of mares of having large flanks teats, flanks, or needing glasses doesn't seem too impactful with only having one line to describe the change overall. Might be different with the dexterous trait but the other traits also gaining more would be nice, like fashion changing the accustom to new proportions or stallions gaining a taste for the physical changes.
>came out so poorly I stashed the whole cyoa away in 2021 and the new better version
Can't see anything too wrong. Then again, maybe the description is what was deemed bad enough to set down the quest.

Since you essentially organized your thoughts, notes, and plans on GeneQuest quite recently, would you be willing to answer some questions about previous scenarios and mares with it fresh on your mind? That is, unless knowing now would spoil the future scenarios of the cyoa.
>would you be willing to answer some questions about previous scenarios and mares with it fresh on your mind?
Why not? ask away
“Calamity, look!”
Moving his flashlight, the stallion sees was Remedy was pointing at.

A broken air grid on the ground in a nearby room. The hole above big enough for a pony to go through, and a very long way up that ends with a dot of sunlight from the outside.
“You think Littlepip fell through here?”
“Mmh…” Remedy nods. “And I think that wasn’t a pleasant fall at all…”
Looking down on the ground where the mare has her hoof, Calamity sees the dark spots and trails on the metal ground. Dry blood.
“Shit…” The stallion curses in his mouth, kneeling closer to get a proper look. Somepony, possibly their friend, was hurt and bleeding here. From the traces, the victim then dragged themselves against the wall, and … well, there’s no more blood coming from here, but scraps of clothes that Calamity and Remedy recognize.

“She must have used her grab to bandage herself.” Calamity thinks out loud. “Hopefully that means she patched herself up and went somewhere safe…”
“I hope so too…”

The two ponies perk up. Coming from bellow, and muffled by the distance and walls, it’s still their friend’s voice they hear.
“Littlepip!?” Calamity calls. “Is it you? Are you okay?”
“Calamity!” Littlepip replies, sounding very glad. “Oh goodness, I ready needed you right now! Hold on, I’ll climb upstairs.”
“O-okay. We’re right under the vent!” Calamity replies, while he starts to hear the sounds of hooves on metal first going away under him. Littlepip must have been wandering through that complex a lot to be so carefree, but hearing the voice of the mare was a big relief for him and Velvet Remedy. Soon enough, the familiar magic light of his friend and the sounds of her hooves get closer until the giddily smiling mare appears from behind the corner of a nearby hallway.

“Littlepip! You-.” Calamity’s smile freezes as he faces the chest of Littlepip, whose horn is inches away from touching the ceiling.
“Calamity, Velvet Remedy!” The big Littlepip exclaims in from of her two shocked friend. “You can’t imagine how glad I am to see you!”
“Littlepip…?” Velvet Remedy blurts, confused at the new size of her friend and how oblivious she seems about it. “What happened to you? A-are you alright?”

“Yes, of course!” Littlepip nods. “But more importantly, Calamity! Please tell me you have some lockpicking tools. I broke mine and I need some. Badly!”
“Why, yeah, but, uh…” The stallion blurts, absently giving a glance at this saddlebag before looking at the big surprise in front of him again.
“Cool!” Littlepip reacts as though her friend had just said yes. “I hope you don’t mind but I’m borrowing those.”
In only two steps, the big unicorn gets her head at the level of Calamity’s. While she uses her magic to eagerly search his bag for the tool kit, Calamity can’t help but to be startled by the mare’s sheer size. Littlepip’s head is twice as big as his, and she must bee more massive than even Steelhooves, and yet, she moves as swifty as always, and in that case with and absent-minded confidence that seems worryingly familiar.

“Got it!” Littlepip smiles to herself, the tools hoovering in front of her massive grin. “Thanks for the save, Calamity! I gotta go!”
And without another word, the unicorn starts to happily trot away, leaving her friends behind and heading toward the darkness of the lower levels of the complex.

“Something’s wrong with Littlepip.” Calamity states as he finally comes out of his daze.
“Yeah, very wrong.” Velvet Remedy nods. “We have to catch up with her!”

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Neat, can't wait to see how the two will act with her apparent new case of "mint-als"-like addiction
Guess the most obvious one to get out of the way was what the deal was with Amarylis? What was the trigger for the game over, and how would have the quest ended? Would be interesting to hear how she essentially stopped the entire clan's plans.

What would've happened if we failed to woo a big mare to such a huge degree that they cut us off? Do we essentially get forced back to pick a different mare pick form the original three or four?
Any particular hidden challenges of wooing any of the previous mares of note that would be interesting to hear?
What does fertility magic do on a mechanical level? Guessing fertility only affects number of foals and how much the ratio of races is affected, or is there more that we don't know?

Might come up with more later.
>Guess the most obvious one to get out of the way was what the deal was with Amarylis? What was the trigger for the game over, and how would have the quest ended?
During intercouse, she would have gotten very worked up and start growing indefinety, up to world-ending sizes unless calmed down somehow

>What would've happened if we failed to woo a big mare to such a huge degree that they cut us off? Do we essentially get forced back to pick a different mare pick form the original three or four?
Any particular hidden challenges of wooing any of the previous mares of note that would be interesting to hear?
For these, I think it's better I don't tell you.

What does fertility magic do on a mechanical level? Guessing fertility only affects number of foals and how much the ratio of races is affected, or is there more that we don't know?
Number of offspring and then weight on race ratio and ratio of overall growth of mares. At the beginning, the formula for the average height of mares was somthing like

average mare size of previous generation +((bachelorette - average mare size of previous generation) * 0.4)

after picking Calm Bed, it turned to

average mare size of previous generation +((bachelorette - average mare size of previous generation) * 0.6)

Also the size of the bachelorettes was always somewhere arunf twice the average mare sizee of the generation unless thy had a perticular size quirk
Damn, I don't know how to write

>What does fertility magic do on a mechanical level? Guessing fertility only affects number of foals and how much the ratio of races is affected, or is there more that we don't know?
Number of offspring and then weight on race ratio and overall growth of mares. At the beginning, the formula for the average height of mares was somthing like

average mare size of previous generation +((bachelorette height - average mare height of previous generation) * 0.4)

after picking Calm Bed, it turned to

average mare size of previous generation +((bachelorette height - average mare height of previous generation) * 0.6)

Also the size of the bachelorettes was always somewhere around twice the average mare size of the curent generation unless they had a perticular size quirk
>For these, I think it's better I don't tell you.
Curious. Is it because that would spoil the possible future?

Does our clan's reputation or motives have any effect on the mares we romance? Part of our motivation is to get with them due to their sheer size, but it doesn't seem like they ever find out about our motives for passing on bigness. Or is it because our clan is just that good at hiding secrets from those mares and the public?

Not anything related to do with GeneQuest (quite an old question in fact), but it still occasionally bugs me whenever the chance to ask questions come up. What would Warsong's reaction be to killing actual ponies. Sheer circumstances and convincing never led to that, but always wondered her reaction to killing those who were following their duty when she never really seemed evil.
>Curious. Is it because that would spoil the possible future?
Possibly, yeah. I'd rather suppress temptation to metagme the quest when I can, and I think this could be one of those cases.

>Does our clan's reputation or motives have any effect on the mares we romance? Part of our motivation is to get with them due to their sheer size, but it doesn't seem like they ever find out about our motives for passing on bigness. Or is it because our clan is just that good at hiding secrets from those mares and the public?
For the sake of this story, the clan is perfectly able to hide its existance to the public and thus to the mare the heir romances and they never find out. The clan is just that good

>What would Warsong's reaction be to killing actual ponies.
She would have strongly dissagreed on killing harmless or even substantially weaker opponents or bystanders, and could have rebelled and challenged the chief if it became an habit. However, she would have been absolutely thrilled by the prospect of an honest fight to the death with a worthy opponent, but beause she was that big already there was little chance for that to happen againt another pony.
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>"Now you see me"
>"Now you don't"
Just wait until it's her turn to find you
What was Smile the Slime end game on the RPG and on the mini science quest?
Could one ever lood the slime mare?
Will we see her again?
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Was meant to reply to >>40988386
>What was Smile the Slime end game on the RPG
Total internet overtake and then bleeding into reality as a voracious cloud of nanites

>and on the mini science quest?
Up to debate, most likedly assimilation of a number of things and evenually settling down

>Could one ever lood the slime mare?
Yes, very much. Several at a time should

>Will we see her again?
Not planned for the time being
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Twilight is sad because she can't find her tiny friend. Do you see him?
think he might be in the filename there, bud
That's one very kissable Twilight
Plot^:) twist: She knows exactly where he is and is passively ignoring his pleas for mercy.
After enoying the boost of confidence from growing as tall as princess Celestia, the new ruler of Equestria magically treats herself to another romp of this.
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Growing Village returns

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a bump of shame
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Rainbow saw a street magician do this trick where she did this with a pony/ human and then pulled them out from behind someone's ear.
She thought, I could do that easy, and wanted to show she could.
Now she just has to figure out how to get them behind someone ear
Save the world; headpat your monsterfillies.
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Me stuck to her hoof
>Alloy drawing big pones in current year
Huh. Nice to see new stuff from him.
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A rare giant Ponk appears.
After browsing this fetish, I have come to the conclussion that macro is the worst fetish imaginable. Not because it is singly the worst, but because its an umbrella fetish for all the actual disgusting shit. burps, farts, scat, anal/pussy/vore, piss, feet(hooves), crushing, snuff. It's actually fucking incredible.
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Did all the good kike shill get drafted and blown up by Hamas? Get out of here with that weaksauce until you learn some better trolling techniques.
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>tfw I'll never get to pamper and worship Rarara's hooves
but anon, everything I said was true.
Who forgot to invite her for the party?!
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Anon, she is the party. She makes sure everyone is having a smashing time.
You're all NPCs in the simulation. I don't think any real pieces of shit would still be doing something evil.
There’s nothing there. I don’t know what to write!
>ywn read greens about macro milfs
why live?
>Twilight Velvet
For being in denial about her sudden growth spurts every few minutes.
>Cookie Crumble
For being the thickest and horniest amarezon of the neighbourhood that visits you every day to offer home-baked treats.
>Pear Butter
For being worshipped and hugged as a loving and motherly harvest goddess.
>Cloudy Quartz
For prowling the land as an unwavering 10-mile-tall titaness.
>Windy Whistle
For unvoluntary outshining her daughter in a threesome by growing bigger and more stacked during the act.
>Posey Shy
For fearfully but gently taking care of a shrunk to 1-inch you
>Stellar Flare
For having growth spurts on her climaxes leading her to go on a sex-crazed rampage
>Mrs. Cake
For slowly growing bigger and more voluptuous with each pregnancy
>Spoiled Rich
For absorbing your size through a series of disdainful blowjobs

Did I forget any milf?
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Made to be pampered (by me)
There will never be enough giant Rarity.
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Just Cadance and (maybe?) Harshwhinny

Lawd, that Mrs. Cake prompt. All my yes.The Twilight Velvet prompt is hot, too.
They're all pretty hot, though I like the idea of Fluttershy becoming a giantess and slowly losing control of her inhibitions. Maybe she can lose them with the help of Stellar Flare.

I am pretty sure Klamnie has written material described by the Cake prompt.
Page 10 Bump, and question: how many characters in FiM has had at least one spoken line, but no macro fanart?
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Giant Fluttershy caving in to her own greed/hedonism is peak
Some giant Sweetie Belle.

Agreed. Rarity as well.

I would argue Pinkie, too, if she's just so wrapped up in her own pleasure and excitement. She is hedonism horse, after all.
>tfw no art of Hayseed Turniptruck subjugating Equestria
For growing city-sized each Heart & Hooves day and playing matchmaker the little ponies down bellow
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Tol princess
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Unf, literally the only thing I like about giant pony are the potential for full body sucking the cum straight out of me. Reminds me of one really good green with Pinkie and anon.
I want to be inside Rainbow Dash
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>"Why are you running from my party cave Anon?"
>"The party has just started, you'll know when it ends when inside the fun hole"
She'd love being worshiped like that
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Unf, this picture.
W- what's the fun hole?
ngl were the horseshoe on the other hoof, I would gladly suck on a tiny mare like a lollipop. Where's Clay Pacts when you need her?
Careful with her, she'd try to go down the back
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I wish to be in those nylons
It's not surprising. People who want to be eaten see a girl big enough to eat them and just put 2 and 2 together.
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>tfw no pone god
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>ywn be squished between Sequoia and Nim's asses
>Suri Polomare needed to take out a local competitor
>Has them kidnapped and thrown into a weird sex trafficking ring where ponies are shrunken and given size fetish related cutiemarks
>Competitor was stuck with a buttplug cutiemark
>Suri was about to just throw them away and let them die but Coco Pommel finds them while taking the trash out
Can you post the green anon?
>she sucks too hard and all your organs zoom out your asshole chasing after your cum
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Greatest suck of your life

Page 10 Bump? and I believe that the character Zipporwhill had some art from AlloyRabbit but only the eqeustria girls version of her character.
Page 9
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bump because sexy
Not being on page 10 challenge
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>Uh oh, Ultramare is not happy with you.
What did you do this time, Anon?
>You're tired of seeing hoof marks on the street everywhere
>In fact, you dropped an entire car inside of it once
>And getting out of it sure was an ordeal
>Walking back home, tired of staring at the holes, you notice the blue suit
>With her standing still, it's easy for you to catch up to her
>You think about walking under, but if she starts walking while you're still making your way past her...
>Around the block it is, yep, not taking any chances
>Although, you do wonder...
>You make the turn to come back to the road where she is, right in front of her
>Yet her gaze is way above you, way, way above you
>So you need to throw a few stray rocks at her
>The pelting is but a mild annoyance, if even that, as her massive head looms down to stare at you
>You do a double take, wondering if you should even spea-
>"What do you want?"
>Okay, that answers that, as her no nonsense question shakes you from your stupor
"So, how much do you weight?"
>She raised up at once, the eye twitch being answer enough for what to do next...
Add that one line in the end for better flow and fit better to the image itself I guess
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Got evil moon horse on the brain.
>Raises her hoof above you
Heh, nice
Horspital ending is always a great one.
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Clothing riding while dating is underrated
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I'd like to be in that position but with Rarara or Flutters please.
I secretly tried to stare at her ass.
I have a pressing need for giant, horny, rampaging royal sister alicorns.
Sold Chinese plushie bootlegs of her with built pockets for flesh lights.
Playtime for the princesses
Sorry Mario, you're in another princess
More crotchboobs.
Full body soul suck out of the dick
Found it. Not a green like I remembered but still hot as fuck.

Me in the middle of them
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Right size, wrong universe...
>Even as a giant, her hills and no different than flat ground
>Even massive, you can still fully hug the entirety of her non-existant boob
>Even when larger than life, Fluttershy breasts far outsizes her own
Poor Dashie
The bigpone tank in your party won't stop eating your PC and claiming they needed the heal boost for the fight. They play dumb when you point out you're the literal healer, and would heal exponentially more alive
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>"Huh? What's a PC?"
>"Anyway, I need a boost. Cmere."
Post the sequel where she says she's gonna kick his fucking ass
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I love this giant neat like you wouldn't believe
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Me too, tfw I'll never have this ;-;
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or this
So many abandoned macro pony stories and accounts.

At least some anons liked my greens. It was worth the time.
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Big sun horse
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And giant moon horse, too.
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Should I redraw Preesoul's stuff with EQG?
Is the macro fetish just dying in general?
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Considering it was dubbed the fetish of the year last year, I doubt it

Feels like it's just hyper ass, with tiny stuff as extra.
The Luna one is kinda ok I guess, I like the overall idea
wew, great and powerful cave splunking
Bet Twilight lied that she needed to go deep in her cor eto fast the speel tu turn filly back into a human
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>When the keyboard keys fails and you don't even notice it until someone points it out
>Bet Twilight lied that she needed to go deep in there to turn filly back into a human
There was something else there, but even I don't remember, that's enough I guess

Also could go with Twilight needing to save Anon after Anonfilly shoved him in there, Anon being as big as one of Twilight hooves.
Beware the longnecks, they prey on men
>>When the keyboard keys fails and you don't even notice it until someone points it out
What do you mean a bigpone with a comparatively tiny keyboard didn't post that?
>There was something else there, but even I don't remember, that's enough I guess
I think I could make out "cunt" from the original post, but I'm not sure
Ah, I got it
>Bet Twilight lied that she needed to go deep in her core to cast the spell to turn filly back into a human
I see, guess I kinda sorta got it right then
>>Bet Twilight lied that she needed to go deep in her core to cast the spell to turn filly back into a human
And then Twilight will keep on making excuses as to why she "needs more time" in there until filly catches on sooner or later
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>a giant Fluttershy appears
>your house disappears
Funny how that works out.
>Get shoved naked inside bigmare’s vagina
>Cum your brains out
>She gets preggo
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Why not be both, Rarity?
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now eat him
Heat season with large mares sounds like extreme dangerous fun times
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I just want my beautiful and terrifying equine sun goddess.
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Dead general is dead
I need to be there.
And also feet
It sucks because I love macro but hate vore and feet, and looking for macro art inevitably gives me a lot of vore/feet results
>tfw based feet enjoyer
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What about hoofa?
Also add "-anthro" to your searches, problem solved for most
Massaging huge hooves
wow almost got crushed under 404-mare butt haha
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"Haha, what do you think you're doing trying to wriggle out of there? Even if you managed to get out, I could just use magic to put you back in, so stop squirming and just accept this." The gargantuan pony tilts back her head, slurping up the screaming tiny, and gulping him down her throat into the acidic pool of her stomach. "Mmm.. you were delicious, I'll give you that. Now then.. I wonder if there are any other of you little guys around here…"
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What horrible things would happen if you encountered your alternate universe self from the big mare dimension?
Explain more; am I just me in this dimension or am I a big mare or what?
You're a big mare in this dimension
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>I couldn't help but to notice you're producing a lot of 'bump posts' lately
>How about pointing those to this box instead of just throwing them away?
>Here we'll make good use of those!

>Check out again in a week or so you can see our progress!
But what if the bump box is rigged by ponies bumping excessively on purpose? I want my bumps to matter!
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What are the benefits of the bump box?
Come on this mare just asked you nicely for bumps. Do you need any more reason than this?

I just hope she hasen't given you a reason to never post anything else than bumps in this thread
The archive will be checked for deleted bumps for information
That's ridiculous, you can't put bumps in a box.
What's wrong with giving bumps to corporation, anon? It makes complete sense to put them all in a box! Also...
Growing village will come back on Saturday,
Why have all the macrophiles abandoned pony? Has any other fetish just vanished from pony like this?
/mmp/ was mostly centered around the art. The artists left and the thread lost it's way.
Strange waifu thread took Orchid from us, so there is no reason to be here anymore and yet here I am
Guys, don't you see? she'll feed all of those (You)'s to summon the (You) demon! Remember her?
She was already larger than the talleat mountain in hell. Don't fall for it, she'll doom us all if she brings her here!

And this is not a bump, it kinda is, but don't put it into the box you evil horse you
Ha! That demon? Even if she did have access to these highly secure bumps, there's no way she's be able to bring down any of us with that power! Just to prove how confident I am with that notion...
Animator who does a lot of horse stuff gets his hands on a pony mare model.
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We back
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"Sorry! I'll pay you another one later! 'Can't be late to present our awesome results to the board!"

The bump box is still open
Bumps for the bump goddess
If you leave a noticeable bump she's not big enough
The sun horse is big.
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Celestia's face when the tiny green bug annoys her protege to death and then challenges her to a duel.
What happened to this general?
Bump based corporate overtake
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It should be put out of its misery, if fags can't make anything themselves after autistically screeching so much.
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At least try posting something Anons
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>tfw no jealous Bonnie to eat me, with her marefriend's consent after she admits it to her
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>“As you can see, positioning ourselves on bumps has been a very rewarding move. While bumps have much less value to exploit than images, greentext or even shitposts, they’re the only type of posts that haven’t been declining these pasts years. Our marketing campaign even increased the raw bump production by about 150% these lasts weeks!”
>“This is a great success for our company, and while we can expect a light reflux after our opening weeks, the bumps are here to stay!”
Twilight lifting the top bun off her burger and telling you to hop in.
I say we invest more in bumps
I want a big mare to bump me
Bedtime bump.
Can someone explain the appeal of big mares? What is exactly about massive mares that activates your neurons?
Your pick among other stuff between
>Mare but more mare per mare
>Big mare body while remaining easthically proportionate
>Supercharged domination kinks of all kinds
>Imagine the HUGS
>Big mare is a force of nature that the whole world has no choice but to revolve around
>Wake up
>Walk outside (not dressed)
>Big shadow around you
>Big fuzzy wall ahead
"Oh hey, it's Applejack," you say to the kilometre-wide orange leg before your house.
>The titanic form before you shifts, and you crane your neck back so you're looking straight up.
>Applejack's face, shadowed by the sun and surrounded by clouds, gazes down at you.
>She opens her mouth.
>You hear her say "DAG--" before your eardrums rupture and existence goes silent.
>A headache like nothing you've ever known obliterates any sense of time and place, and you collapse to the floor, unconscious.
>The world around you goes to hell as Applejack's 4000-decibel "DAG NABBIT" flattens buildings and kills everything in a two-mile radius.
>Fucking big mares
Pretty good but no sex, so, 10/10 it's shit
t. ign
why does the big mare say dag nabbit?
Anon got off lucky with just a 2 mile blast radius considering 4000 decibels is wandering into planet busting territory.
Her face was still really far in the air
Giant Pinkie and Giant Twi. What are they doing?
Twilight trying to stop pinkie from licking the buildings,it's scaring the residents
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Her hunger is insatiable.
Someone stop her!
How much big would a cute mare big if a big mare could be big?
(Or; pick your favourite pony, and let’s say due to some Ponyville-threatening entity relied on this pony being grown bigger to thwart them. The pony beats down the threat, saves the days, but can’t be shrunk in full, so they’re forced to keep some size, so how big would your picked preferred pony not mind being? How would they react? And, since I know you degenerates well enough, would they abuse their size? Canon personalities preferred but not a requirement.)
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The only thing better than a brat is a huge brat
>tfw no giant Empress to ruin my entire city and tease me about it
I want some giant flurry in my life.
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